魅力海丝行,我是海丝小导游 晋江草庵景点中英解说词

发布时间:2020-07-23 00:56:59   来源:文档文库   

An Introduction to Cao’an Temple


Cao’an Temple is a key relic site under state protection and was listed in the fourth batch of national key cultural relics protection sites in 1996. It is the best preserved Manichean relic in China and has the only remaining stone statue of the Prophet Mani in the world.


Manichaeism was founded by Prophet Mani in Persia (Iran & Iran in present day) around the 3rd Century. Combined with teachings from other religions, such as Buddhism, Christianity and Zoroastrianism, it thus formed its own theory of “two substances and three time phases”. Two opposite substances means light vs dark, good vs evil, and spiritual world vs material world; while three time phases refer to Past, Present and Future. Thanks to Persia’s geological location and trade activities, Manichaeism was quickly spread to Europe, Asia and Africa and soon became a global religion. Around the 6th to 7th Century, Manichaeism was introduced to China. With its doctrine being “uphold brightness and fight against darkness”, Manichaeism was also called as Ming Jiao in Chinese. Its followers were taught to change the presence status by persistent fighting. Hence it had been well embraced by the poor but rejected by the ruling class, and forced to operate secretly due to the suppression. Manichaeism was introduced to Jinjiang via the Maritime Silk Road in the 9th Century when Jinjiang was having prosperous trading with overseas. A temple was then built with grass straws and known as Cao’an Temple or Grass Temple after its building material. By AD 1339 the temple was rebuilt near the cliff with stone structures.


This is the site where black glazed bowls from Song Dynasty were discovered. In 1979 a complete piece of black glazed bowl and much debris was founded in this well. The bowl is engraved with “Ming Jiao Hui” characters and now well kept in Jinjiang Museum. The study on the bowl shows that it was made in Cizao Kiln in Jinjiang. The mass production of such bowls suggests Mingjiao was a well-organized group with many members and activities.


In 1991 an investigation team on Maritime Silk Road from the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) visited Cao’an Temple. They saw this perfectly preserved Mani Buddha stone statue and referred it to the most magnificent and significant discovery in Manichaeism history. The team visited Cao’an Temple again in 1997.


This is the only Mani Buddha stone statue in the world, the picture of which was adopted as an emblem by the International Manichaeism Institute in August 1978. It was made in AD1339 by Manichean followers. The 1.68 meter shrine houses the stone statute with a height of 1.52 meters and a width of 0.83 meter. The Mani Buddha wears a baggy cloth and keeps long hair, sits on a lotus and with both palms facing upward. These are signs of influence from Taoism and Buddhism in China. The statute was wonderfully carved based on the natural color of the granite stone, rendering a vivid image, such as light blue face, grey clothes and pink hands. On the background of statue, red colors line indicates rays of lights with a symbol of the god of brightness, making the Mani Buddha vivid and mysterious. Master Hongyi, a famous artist, educator, thinker and innovator in China, had been to Cao’an three times in his later years and left many typical calligraphy works in the temple.

劝念 清净光明 大力智慧 无上至真 摩尼光佛是摩尼教的教义(咒语),于明正统十年1445年)雕刻。摩尼教传入中国后跟中国历史发展紧紧联系在一起,北宋的方腊农民起义是靠摩尼教发动;明太祖朱元璋他也靠明教发动起义夺取政权,并把字定为国号,后来又怕别人也利用明教发动起义,威胁他的政权,便以明教教名上逼大明国号的理由,下令封杀明教,从此明教便一蹶不振,草庵能得以保存,也许是地处偏僻的原因。

A stone carved in 1445 AD of Ming Dynasty, with teaching and praise of Mani, says “Admonition, Peace and Brightness, Strength and Wisdom, Supreme truth, Mani Buddha.” Manichaeism played an important part in the history of Ming Dynasty, and helped the founder Zhu Yuanzhang to win the war and build a Dynasty which shared the same name of Ming. However Manichaeism was suppressed as a potential rival to the emperor. This temple was persevered thanks to its remote location.

草庵(2002)被列为海上丝绸之路:泉州史迹申报世界遗产的考察点。阿拉伯联盟驻华使节团、伊朗文化交流团先后到草庵考察。(2002—2003年)联合国遗址理事会前总干事亨利博士和联合国遗址总协调员尤嘎博士也莅临草庵考察,对草庵的历史价值给予高度的评价。(200411月),著名武侠大师也到草庵参观,并欣然题词熊熊尊火 光明之神

Cao’an Temple was listed as an important site in the application of world heritage “Maritime Silk Road: Quanzhou History” in year 2002. Delegates from League of Arab States and culture exchange group from Iran visited Cao’an Temple. Dr. Henry, the former Secretary General of International Council on Monuments and SitesICOMOSand Dr. Jukka, the chief coordinator, visited Cao’an Temple and spoke highly of its historical value. Mr. Jinyong, a famous martial arts novelist, also visited the temple and left an inscription of “Burning Fire, God of Light”.


《魅力海丝行,我是海丝小导游 晋江草庵景点中英解说词.doc》
