
发布时间:2020-04-13 11:07:08   来源:文档文库   




    Some international languages are widely used formany purposes. Some minority languages will die out and some nations tend tokeep minority languages. I reckon that most common used internationallanguages ease our life quality and communication with different nationalities.On the other hand, we need to help improve minority languages.

    There are many languages in the entire world buttwo or three minority languages die out each year. Some countries try to savedying languages. For instance, Australian Government created a project to savethe language and culture of Maori who are Australian aborigines. And there areother projects to keep minority languages such as American Indian language.

    However, the worldwide job market usuallyrequires candidates who can speak English or other international languages.People who cannot speak lingua franca (共通语) could hardly be promotedat work. For example, some companies need an employee who can deal with foreigncompanies. So most people tend to learn at least one international languagethat helps them to find a better job.

    Therefore, world needs one common lingua francathat should be spoken in any country. Consequently, one common language shouldbe a required subject in every school. So anyone speaking one common languagecan travel without worries to any point of the world and trade their products. Peoplewill not be forced to learn many languages.

    In conclusion, we should help minority nationsto keep their languages for the cultural diversity. To ease the worldwidecommunication among nations, we should create a common language and providecourses of it. As a result, no one will face a language issue.

1What does the underlined word “reckon” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Deny.                                 B. Fear.                                 C. Ignore.                                 D. Think.

2What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A. Not all minority languages are useful.          B. Some minority languages have died out.

C. Maori is attractive to Australian tourists.      D. American Indian language is well preserved.

3Why do most people study more international languages?

A. It benefits their journey.                                   B. They can earn more money.

C. It does good to find a good job.                     D. They are eager to get promoted.

4How can we stay away from language problems?

A. By learning a common language.                   B. By wiping out minority languages.

C. By studying more languages at college.        D. By communicating more with foreigners.






1)考查词义猜测。根据第一段中的“Some minority languages will die out and some nations tend to keep minority languages. ”一些少数民族语言消亡,一些国家倾向于保持少数民族语言。”I reckon that most common used international languages ease our life quality and communication with different nationalities.”我认为最常用的国际语言缓解我们的生活质量和与不同民族的沟通。由上下文联系推知划线词的意思是想,认为。故选D

2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“There are many languages in the entire world but two or three minority languages die out each year.”可知一些少数民族的语言已经灭绝。故选B

3)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“So most people tend to learn at least one international language that helps them to find a better job.”多数人学习更多的国际语言是为了找到一份好工作。故选C

4)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“To ease the worldwide communication among nations, we should create a common language and provide courses of it. As a result, no one will face a language issue.”可知通过学习一种共同的语言来解决语言问题。故选A



    LEGO began as one man's small business. But today, it is the second largest toy company in the world. The LEGO company sells small, brightly colored plastic bricks (积木). People can buy LEGO bricks in over 90 countries.

    Ole Kirk Kristiansen from Denmark began his own business in 1932. He made products (产品) from wood including colorful wooden toys. Kristiansen's young son, Godtfred, worked with him. Their business helped them make a lot of money.

    By 1934, the Kristiansens named their company LEGO, which came from two Danish words, "leg" and "godt", meaning "play well". The LEGO company grew slowly. But it continued to create excellent wooden toys.

    By 1947, the LEGO company began using a new material (材料) to make their toys — plastic. One of the toys they sold was called the Automatic Binding Brick. A person could put the bricks together to build something. But the bricks did not hold together easily. Still, they were a popular toy.

    A few years later, in 1954, Godtfred Kirk Kristiansen had a big idea. He wanted all of the LEGO bricks to fit together. Finally, four years later, in 1958, the LEGO company found their answer. They invented the first modern style LEGO brick, which was similar to the Automatic Binding Brick but each piece would fit with any other piece.

    Since that time, any toy that the LEGO company created would fit with any other toy they created. Today, LEGO is not only the second largest toy maker in the world, but also making its products a great way for children to learn creative building skills.

1When the LEGO company was set up, it ________.

A.had a rapid growth

B.failed to attract children

C.invited children to work with it

D.was small but successful

2What do we know about the Automatic Binding Brick?

A.It was liked by few people.

B.It was the best of its kind.

C.It was a building toy.

D.It was made of wood.

3The first modern style LEGO brick________.

A.fit together perfectly

B.was created by Godtfred and his father

C.was invented in the early 1950s

D.differed greatly from the Automatic Binding Brick

4What's the best title for the text?

A.LEGO: Educational Toys

B.LEGO: Play Well

C.Toy Companies: From Small to Big

D.Toy Companies: Never Too Late to Create

【答案】 1D





1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“LEGO began as one man's small business”;以及第二段中的“Their business helped them make a lot of money,可知,高公司在创立初期虽然规模不大但盈利很多。因此可知公司规模虽小但很成功,故选D

2)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“A person could put the bricks together to build something.”可知,Automatic Binding Brick是一种拼装积木,可以使用积木组装玩具,故选C

3)考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的"the first modern style LEGO brick ... each piece would fit with any other piece”可知,现代的乐高积木可以彼此完全贴合,从而组装成一个整体。故选A

4)考查主旨大意。根据第三段“By 1934, the Kristiansens named their company LEGO, which came from two Danish words, ‘leg’ and ‘godt’ meaning ‘play well’. The LEGO company grew slowly. But it continued to create excellent wooden toys. ”可知,文章介绍了知名积木玩具乐高的发展情况, LEGO在丹麦语中意为"玩得好,这是公司制作玩具的宗旨所在, 因此B项作标题概括了文章主旨也表达了乐高的宗旨,故选B



    It is quite reasonable to blame traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life, but manners on the road are becoming horrible. Everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind the wheel. It is all right to have a tiger in a cage, but to have one in the driver's seat is another matter.

    Road politeness is not only good manners, but a good sense. It takes the most cool-headed drivers great patience to give up the desire to beat back when forced to face rude driving. On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards reducing the possibility of quarrelling and fighting. A friendly nod or a wave of thanks in answer to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of good will and becomes so necessary in modern traffic conditions. But such behavior of politeness is by no means enough. Many drivers nowadays don't even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.

    However, misplaced politeness can also be dangerous. A typical example is the driver who waves a child crossing the street at a wrong place into the path of oncoming cars that may not be able to stop in time. The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they want to.

    An experienced driver, whose manners are faultless, told me it would help if drivers learnt to correctly join in a traffic stream without causing total blockages that give rise to unpleasant feelings. Unfortunately, modern drivers can't even learn to drive, let alone master the roadmanship (公路驾车技能). Years ago, experts warned us that the fast increase of the car ownership would demand more give-and-take from all road users. It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart.

1The most suitable title for this passage would be __________.

A.Traffic Jams.

B.Good Manners.

C.Road Politeness.

D.Modern Drivers.

2Troubles on the road are often caused by __________.

A.traffic jams

B.the behavior of the drivers

C.the great speed of modern life

D.terrible road conditions

3According to the writer, a good driver should __________.

A.encourage children to cross the road whenever they want to

B.beat back when forced to face rude driving

C.be able to recognize politeness when he sees it

D.join in a traffic stream quickly however other people feel

4t is not always right for drivers to __________.

A.master the roadmanship

B.neglect politeness when they see it

C.give a friendly nod in answer to an act of politeness

D.encourage old ladies to cross the road whenever and wherever they want to

【答案】 1C





1)考查主旨大意。根据第二段中的“Road politeness is not only good manners, but a good sense. ”;以及第三段中的“However, misplaced politeness can also be dangerous”可知,文章从正反两面讲述了司机在道路上行驶的时候所应该注意的礼貌问题,而且作者在最后一段介绍了一位有经验的司机对此的看法,由此判断这篇文章最合适的标题是道路礼仪。故选C

2)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“...but manners on the road are becoming horrible. Everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind the wheel”;以及第二段中的“... but good sense too. It takes the most cool-headed drivers great patience to give up the desire to beat back when forced to face rude driving.”可知,但是在路上的举止却越来越糟糕。每个人都知道,最善良的人在驾驶时也会变成凶猛的老虎。即使是头脑最冷静的司机,在被迫面对粗鲁的驾驶行为时,也需要极大的耐心来放弃反击的欲望。所以马路上的麻烦很多都是由人的行为引起的,故选B

3)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“Many drivers nowadays don't even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.“可知,现在的很多司机看起来不知道什么才是道路礼节。所以判断出根据作者的说法,一个好的司机应该知道什么是道路礼节,故选C

4)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“misplaced politeness can also be dangerous”;以及“The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they want to可知,不恰当的礼貌可能是危险的,同样的道理适用于鼓励老妇人随时随地过马路。所以司机鼓励老妇人随时随地过马路并不总是正确的。故选D



    Americans gave nearly $300 billion away last year. Do you know the reason? Beyond the noble goals of helping others, it is that giving will make them happier.

    It is a fact that givers are happier people than non-givers. According to the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey, a survey of 30,000 American households, people who give money to charity are 43% more likely than non-givers to say they are "very happy" about their lives. Similarly, volunteers are 42% more likely to be very happy then non-volunteers.

    The happiness difference between givers and non-givers is not due to differences in their personal characteristics, such as income or religion. Imagine two people who are identical in terms of income and faith, as well as age, education, politics, sex, and family circumstances, but one donates money and volunteers, while the other does not. The giver will be, on average, over 40 percentage points more likely to be very happy than the non-givers.

    A number of studies have researched exactly why charity leads to happiness. The surprising conclusion is that giving affects our brain chemistry. For example, people who give often report feelings of euphoria, which psychologists have referred to as the "Helper's High". They believe that charitable activity produces a very mild version of the sensations people get from drugs like morphine and heroin.

    Of course, not only does giving increase our happiness, but also our happiness increases the possibility that we will give. Everyone prefers to give more when they are happy. Researchers have investigated this by conducting experiments in which people are asked about their happiness before and after they participate in a charitable activity, such as volunteering to help children or serving meals to the poor. The result is clear that giving has a strong, positive causal impact on our happiness, so does happiness on giving

1According to Paragraph 2. We can learn that         .

A. only those people who gave money to charity will be happy

B. more givers say they feel having happy lives than non-givers

C. those who donate money are happier than those who volunteer

D. 42% of the volunteers say they are as happy as the non-volunteers

2What causes the happiness difference?

A. Income.                           B. Faith.                           C. Education.                           D. Donation.

3If a person feels happy, he may         .

A. ask for more donations                                   B. stop charitable activity

C. be likely to give more.                                     D. cook food for the poor

【答案】 1B




1)考查细节理解。根据 第二段中的“people who give money to charity are 43% more likely than non-givers to say they are ‘very happy’ about their lives.”可知给予者比得到帮助者更快乐。故选B


3)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“not only does giving increase our happiness, but also our happiness increases the possibility that we will give.”一个人越快乐就越愿意去捐赠,去帮助别人。故选C



    A name is more than just a word. It carries the weight of a person's whole identity. A name can represent a person's ethnicity (种族身份) and culture, or show respect for their ancestral roots. A self-given name may represent a person's beliefs or chosen identity.

    Everyone has the right to have their name pronounced correctly. It is a sign of respect for a person's individuality. "A person's name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language," Dale Carnegie writes in his book How to Win Friends and Influence People. Behind each name is a story, and when a name is anglicized (英语化), mispronounced, or ignored, that story is dismissed.

    A name mispronounced for a long time can negatively impact a person's attitude toward their own identity. It can create feelings of shame or embarrassment because they are made to feel like a burden. In the long term, this might cause someone to distance themselves from their roots. They may begin shying away from their native language, culture, and family for the sake of fitting in.

    In order to avoid this, many international students living in the U.S. choose English names. People shouldn't have to ignore their identities for the sake of someone else's convenience.

    Everyone makes mistakes, and not everyone can get a name right on the first try. Mispronouncing a name repeatedly, however, shows a lack of effort. It is not okay to be comfortable with mispronouncing names, and being unfamiliar with a language is no excuse.

    If you're unsure whether you're pronouncing a name correctly, just ask. Think of it as a way to expand and strengthen understanding, both personally and culturally. When meeting someone for the first time, make sure that you heard the name correctly. It doesn't take a lot to simply repeat the name back. Spell it out. Write it down. Do whatever you have to do to get the name right. Making the effort to correctly pronounce someone's name is an essential part of cultural competency (文化素养). Without this, we cannot expect to show respect and tolerance for our diverse community.

1What may a person's name tell us?

A. His cultural background.                                 B. His physical appearance.

C. His favorite sound.                                           D. His attitude to life.

2What's the long-term influence of mispronouncing ones name?

A. The feeling of shame may be caused.            B. The person may feel over-burdened.

C. The character of the person may change.      D. The person may try to hide his roots.

3What does the writer think of mispronouncing a name repeatedly?

A. It is unavoidable.                                              B. It is unacceptable.

C. It strengthens friendship.                                 D. It shows discrimination.

4What's the last paragraph mainly about?

A. How to show our respect for others.               B. How to avoid mispronouncing names.

C. How to improve our pronunciation.               D. How to live harmoniously in a community.

【答案】 1A





1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“A name can represent a person's ethnicity (种族身份) and culture, or show respect for their ancestral roots.”名字可以代表一个人的种族和文化,也可以表示对祖先的尊重。可知,一个人的名字可以告诉他的文化背景。故选A

2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“In the long term, this might cause someone to distance themselves from their roots.”从长远来看,这可能会导致一些人远离自己的根。可知,读错名字的长期影响是这个人可能会试图隐藏他的根源。故选D

3)考查推理判断。根据第五段中的“Mispronouncing a name repeatedly, however, shows a lack of effort. It is not okay to be comfortable with mispronouncing names, and being unfamiliar with a language is no excuse.”然而,反复念错一个名字,表明你缺乏努力。对名字念错感到不舒服是不好的,不熟悉一门语言也不是借口。可知,作者对一个名字反复发错音这是不可接受的。故选B

4)考查段落大意。根据第一段中的“If you're unsure whether you're pronouncing a name correctly, just ask. Think of it as a way to expand and strengthen understanding, both personally and culturally.“如果你不确定你的名字发音是否正确,直接问。把它看作是扩展和加强理解的一种方式,无论是个人的还是文化的。可知,最后一段讲述的是如何避免名字发音错误。故选B



    The best-known example of external( 外部的)influence causing language change is the "Americanization" of world culture, which has caused English words to appear in city streets all over the world. The effect is most noticeable in pop music. Foreign groups often record in English, and the words are picked up and repeated in the same language everywhere, even by children who otherwise have little or no command of the language. I once met a Brazilian child of about ten who could count 'one, two, three', but only by adding the words 'o'clock, four o'clock rock 'at the end.

    Some people are often strongly critical of the influence of English on their language --- especially when an English word replaces a traditional word. In 1977, France passed a law banning the use of English words in official situations if an equivalent( 意义相同的)French expression existed --- but the law seemed to be honored more in the breaking than in the observing. Some other countries have considered introducing a similar law despite the evidence that such laws have very little effect, and that the arrival of loan words( 外来词) can greatly enrich a language (as indeed in the case of English itself, which has a long history of welcoming foreign words).

    However, not everyone is critical. In particular, commercial firms and advertisers are well aware of the potential selling power that the use of English vocabulary can bring. In Japan, English is even used in television commercials, despite the fact that the majority of viewers would not understand exactly what was being said: the excellence implied by the mere use of English is apparently enough to command the strategy to the advertisers.

    Most of the influence of English is upon the vocabulary of foreign languages, but surveys are slowly bringing to light several cases where word order or word structure has been affected. Sentences of the type “The book sells well”, using an active construction for a passive meaning, have begun to appear in Danish (Bogen soelger godt). Several languages keep the English plural ending when they make use of a loan word, and do not translate it into the native form, e.g. drinks. There are many other such cases.

1Why could the Brazilian child speak 'one, two, three' in English?

A. Because he had seen these words everywhere in the street.

B. Because he had learnt how to tell the time in English.

C. Because he had made himself master of English.

D. Because he had heard these words in songs a lot.

2What can we infer about the law passed in France in1977?

A. It was strict.        B. It was unfair.        C. It was often ignored.        D. It was strongly opposed.

3Some Japanese commercials use English in the hope of     .

A. following the American trend                         B. becoming world-famous

C. enriching Japanese                                          D. increasing sales

4The last paragraph is mainly developed by     .

A. providing examples                                         B. making comparisons

C. explaining grammar rules                               D. analyzing language change

5What is the authors attitude towards language change?

A. Critical.                        B. Objective.                        C. Concerned.                        D. Supportive.

【答案】 1D






1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Foreign groups often record in English ⋅⋅⋅ but only by adding the words 'o'clock, four o'clock rock at the end.”可知文中提到的这个巴西小孩可能本身不太会说英语,但是由于含有这些英语数字的歌曲不断重复播放,所以他学会了说这些数字。故选D

2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“In 1977, France passed a law banning the use of English words in official situations if an equivalent( 意义相同的)French expression existed --- but the law seemed to be honored more in the breaking than in the observing.”可知1977年,法国通过了一项法律,禁止在官方场合使用与法语表达相同的英语词汇——但这项法律似乎更多地是在打破而不是遵守。故我们可以推测这项法律经常被忽视,故选C

3)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“the potential selling power that the use of English vocabulary can bring以及the excellence implied by the mere use of English”可知,广告中使用英语能让人感觉该产品很出色,激发人们的购买欲。故选D





    Corporate culture is the values and beliefs a company develops over time. The role of corporate culture is to improve a company's mission and strategies, with long-term hopes of improvements in a company's profit. Mostly corporate culture comes from a company's top management.

    One role of corporate culture is to influence employee behavior, honesty, and compliance(服从). A company does not have to necessarily create a direct influence for these actions. A direct influence may be a set of written regulations or other policies, and while these may be in place, the corporate culture is usually more of an indirect influence.

    While many companies try to create corporate culture through the use of written policies, its role is harder to define. The human factor has an influence on how corporate culture is expressed. The way uppermanagement acts and reacts to various situations defines how lower-level employees will act, and this aspect may be more important than any written policy.

    A company's corporate culture can also extend beyond the walls of the business. Consumers who believe a company to be honest and forthright(直率)may be more loyal in their buying behavior. Employees in a company's customer service department can also exhibit positive corporate culture to outside individuals. In this case, the culture creates a link between the company's employees and its customers. How customers react may be a direct result from the company's corporate culture.

    Product quality can also be influenced by a company's corporate culture. Companies that focus only on profits may decide to avoid high-quality materials in products, but try to suggest that the products are of higher quality than they really are. This negative culture can then result in lower brand loyalty with consumers.

1What do we know about corporate culture from this passage?

A. It is a set of rules and regulations.                  B. It is the way the employees act.

C. It is the values and beliefs of a company.       D. It is the long term hope of a company.

2Which of the following is more efficient in creating corporate culture?

A. Making a set of rules and regulations.           B. Setting an example for the employees.

C. Learning the corporate culture regularly.       D. Encouraging the employees to work harder.

3What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?

A. The customer is always right.

B. Corporate culture has different functions.

C. Without corporate culture, a company will die.

D. Positive corporate culture can promote sales.

4Which word can describe the companies mentioned in the last paragraph?

A. Creative.                          B. Efficient.                          C. Dishonest.                          D. Disloyal.

【答案】 1C





1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Corporate culture is the values and beliefs a company develops over time.”可知企业文化是一个公司随着时间的推移而发展起来的价值观和信念。故选C

2)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“Mostly corporate culture comes from a company's top management.”可知企业文化大多来自公司的高层管理人员。即树立员工榜样更能有效地创造企业文化,故选B

3)考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“Employees in a company's customer service department can also exhibit positive corporate culture to outside individuals. In this case, the culture creates a link between the company's employees and its customers.”可知公司客服部门的员工也可以向外界展示积极的企业文化。在这种情况下,企业文化在员工和客户之间建立了联系,而客户的反应可能是公司企业文化的直接结果。即可知积极的企业文化可以促进销售。故选D

4)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“Companies that focus only on profits may decide to avoid high-quality materials in products, but try to suggest that the products are of higher quality than they really are.”可知那些只注重利润的公司可能会决定在产品中避免使用高质量的材料,但要尽量表明产品的质量比实际质量高。公司用低质量的产品冒充品质好的产品,这是一种不诚实的行为,故选C



    Tiny Countries You Never knew Existed

    Sao Tome and Principe

    Sao Tome and Principe off Africa's west coast is only 372 square miles, but it has Impressive, undamaged nature, rich in biodiverse species. The amazing needle-like volcanic peak Pico Cao Grande rises 1,000 feet into the air. The islands are home to only around 200,000 people today.

    San Marino

    Only 23 square miles with a population of just 34,000, the little-known country of San Marino, surrounded by Italy, is the world's fifth smallest country. With the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Mount Titano, the country is said to be the oldest republic in the world.


    Dominica covers only 290 square miles, with some of the best diving in the Caribbean, including the UNESCO World Heritage Site of volcanic Morme Trois Pitons National Park. In Dominica, you'll see rainforests, waterfalls, and coastal views. The island is also home to the only remaining population of the Kalinago, who are part of the island's 74, 900 inhabitants.


    This Pacific island country 33 coral islands is 313 square-miles, but it's the only country in the world to fall into all four hemispheres (半球). The country's 109, 000 residents live in only 21 of the islands see this tropical paradise before it is no longer--rising seas are threatening to swallow the country whole.

1Which country has the smallest population?

A. Sao Tome and Principe.                 B. San Marin.                 C. Dominica.                 D. Kiribati.

2What can one see in both San Marino and Dominica?

A. Volcanoes.          B. World heritage sites.          C. Views of the Caribbean.          D. Waterfalls.

3Which is true of Kiribati?

A. It is rich in biodiverse species.                         B. It is surrounded by Italy.

C. It is home to the Kalinago.                              D. It is disappearing.

【答案】 1B




1)考查细节理解。根据 Sao Tome and Principe 部分中的“The islands are home to only around 200,000 people today”  San Marino 部分中的“Only 23 square miles with a population of just 34,000” Dominica 部分中的“who are part of the island's 74, 900 inhabitants”   Kiribati 部分中的“The country's 109.000 residents”可知这四个国家的人口。对比可知,San Marino的人口最少。故选B

2)考查细节理解。根据  San Marino 部分中的“With the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Mount Titano, the country is said to be the oldest republic in the world” Dominica 部分中的“including the UNESCO World Heritage Site of volcanic Morme Trois Pitons National Park”可知,在这两个国家都有世界文化遗址。故选B

3)考查推理判断。根据   Kiribati 部分中的“rising seas are threatening to swallow the country whole”可知,上升的海平面正在威胁着将整个国家吞没。由此可以推知,这个国家快要消失了。故选D



The Peony Culture Festival of Luoyang

    Spring is time for people to go out and see blossoming flowers. Luoyang in Henan, China is famous for peonies, the city's official flower. The city's annual Peony Culture Festival begins in early April and lasts till early May. Peonies are in full bloom during the event, which was first held in 1983.

    You can go to the Luoyang National Peony Garden. The peonies there are known for their rich colors and long florescence. Don't miss the 1,600-year-old "Peony King"!

    Chinese Language Day

    Chinese is one of the six official working languages of the United Nations. The LIN has set different days for these languages to promote their uses. It holds exhibitions, shows and other activities. In 2010, the first Chinese Language Day was held on Nov. 12. But since 2011, it has been held on April 20. The date is close to Grain Rain, one of the 24 solar terms. It means "rain of millet". People celebrate Grain Rain to remember Cangjie, a mythical character. Many people believe that Cangjie was the first person to write Chinese characters. When he did this, it rained millet and saved people from hunger.

    China Astronautics Day

    On April 24, 1970, China's first man-made Earth satellite — Dongfanghong I — went into space. It was a big step for China's space program. In 2016, the government set April 24 as China Astronautics Day. Many events are held across the country to celebrate this special day. For example, astronauts and scientists will give talks to students. Some cities will hold exhibitions about space development.

    Last year, China had big plans for its space program. On December 8, it launched its second lunar rover(月球车)as part of the Chang'e 4 space mission, which landed on the far side of the moon.

1When was the first Chinese Language Day held by the United Nations?

A. In 1970.                             B. In 1983.                             C. In 2010.                             D. In 2011.

2What does the introduction to "China Astronautics Day" show?

A. China sent the first man-made earth satellite.

B. China has progressed greatly in astronautics.

C. Chang'e 4 consists of two lunar rovers.

D. Chang'e 4 is another space station built by China.

3What do the festivals have in common?

A. They all take place in April at present.

B. They are celebrated nationwide.

C. All the participants are Chinese people.

D. Their dates were once changed for some reason.

【答案】 1C




1)考查细节理解。根据Chinese Language Day部分中的"In 2010, the first Chinese Language Day was held on Nov. 12. But since 2011, it has been held on April 20. In 2010, the first Chinese Language Day was held on Nov. 12. But since 2011, it has been held on April 20."可知,第一个联合国汉语日设在2010年,故选C

2)考查推理判断。根据China Astronautics Day 部分中的"On April 24, 1970, China's first man-made Earth satellite — Dongfanghong I — went into space. It was a big step for China's space program. In 2016, the government set April 24 as China Astronautics Day."可知,1970424日,中国第一颗人造地球卫星"东方红一号"进入太空。2016年,政府将424日定为中国航天日。故中国航天日的介绍说明了中国航天事业取得了巨大进步,选B




    There is more of a connection between food and culture than you may think. On an individual level, we grow up eating the food of our culture. It becomes a part of who we are. Many associate food from our childhood with warm feelings and good memories and it ties us to our families, holding a special and personal value for us. Food from our family often becomes the comfort food we seek as adults in times of frustration and stress.

    On a large scale, traditional food is an important part of culture. It also operates as an expression of culture identity. Immigrants bring it wherever they go, and it is a symbol of pride for their culture and means of coping with homesickness.

    Many immigrants open their own restaurants and serve traditional dishes. However, the food does not remain exactly the same. Some materials needed to make traditional dishes may not be readily available, so the taste and flavor can be different from what they would prepare in their home countries. Additionally, immigrants do not only sell dishes to people from the same countries as them, but to people from different countries. Therefore, they have to make small changes about the original dishes to cater to a wider range of customers. Those changes can create new flavors that still keep the cultural significance of the dishes.

    We should embrace our heritage(传统)through our culture's food but also become more informed about other cultures by trying their food. It is important to remember that each dish has a special place in the culture to which it belongs, and is special to those who prepare it. Food is a window into culture, and it should be treated as such.

1What's the function of food mentioned in the article?

A. To help motivate homesickness.                     B. To show national identity.

C. To reflect a country's history.                           D. To show a community's superiority.

2What does the underlined "it" in Paragraph2 refer to?

A. The specific traditional food.                          B. The national culture.

C. A traditional expression of food.                    D. The old-fashioned taste.

3Why do some immigrants have to change the original dishes in their restaurant?

A. To attach cultural importance to their dishes.

B. To announce the beginning of their life on foreign soil.

C. To make the dishes popular among customers.

D. To present their own food culture in a new way.

4What's the author's attitude towards different food cultures?

A. Negative.                       B. Balanced.                       C. Unfair.                       D. Unchangeable.

【答案】 1B





1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“It also operates as an expression of culture identity. Immigrants bring it wherever they go, and it is a symbol of pride for their culture and means of coping with homesickness. ”可知文中提到食物是一种文化身份的表达,故选B

2)考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的“It also operates as an expression of culture identity.”可知,此句中it代指"民族文化",句意为:移民们把它带到任何地方,它是他们的文化自豪感的象征,也是应对思乡之情的手段。故选A

3)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Additionally, immigrants do not only sell dishes to people from the same countries as them, but to people from different countries. ”可知,一些移民不得不改变他们餐馆原有的菜肴是为了迎合不同的顾客。故选C

4)考查观点态度。根据最后一段中的“We should embrace our heritage(传统)through our culture's food but also become more informed about other cultures by trying their food. ”可知,我们应该通过我们的文化食物来接受我们的文化遗产,但也应该通过品尝其他文化的食物来了解其他文化,故选B



