
发布时间:2018-07-01 18:51:09   来源:文档文库   



  TPO30-2 The Pace of Evolutionary Change

  Paragraph 1:

  A heated debate has enlivened recent studies of evolution. Darwin' s original thesis, and the viewpoint supported by evolutionary gradualists, is that species change continuously but slowly and in small increments. Such changes are all but invisible over the short time scale of modern observations, and, it is argued, they are usually obscured by innumerable gaps in the imperfect fossil record. Gradualism, with its stress on the slow pace of change, is a comforting position, repeated over and over again in generations of textbooks. By the early twentieth century, the question about the rate of evolution had been answered in favor of gradualism to most biologists' satisfaction.

  2. According to paragraph 1, all of the following are true EXCEPT

  O Darwin saw evolutionary change as happening slowly and gradually

  O Gaps in the fossil record were used to explain why it is difficult to see continuous

  small changes in the evolution of species

  O Darwin’s evolutionary thesis was rejected because small changes could not be observed in the evolutionary record

  O By the early twentieth century, most biologists believed that gradualism explained evolutionary change

  解析:A答案对应第一段第二句, B对应第一段第三句,D对应一段最后一句。C与原文冲突,原文一直在说darwin理论被人们广泛接受。


  Paragraph 4:

  The evolution of North American horse, which was once presented as a classic textbook example of gradual evolution, is now providing equally compelling evidence for punctuated equilibrium. A convincing 50-million-year sequence of modern horse ancestors --- each slightly larger, with more complex teeth, a longer face, and a more prominent central toe ---seemed to provide strong support for Darwin' s contention that species evolve gradually. But close examination of those fossil deposits now reveals a somewhat different story. Horses evolved in discrete steps, each of which persisted almost unchanged for millions of years and was eventually replaced by a distinctive newer model. The four-toed Eohippus preceded the three-toed Miohippus, for example, but North American fossil evidence suggests a jerky, uneven transition between the two. If evolution had been a continuous, gradual process, one might expect that almost every fossil specimen would be slightly different from every year.

  7. Paragraph 4 mentions that North American horses have changed in all the following ways EXCEPT in

  O the number of toes they have

  O the length of their face

  O their overall size

  O the number of years they live


  【4】北美马的进化曾经被用作经典的教科书案例来证明渐变进化论,现在却为断点平衡学提供了同样有说服力的证据。一个有说服力的5千万年的马祖先的进化模型----每一代都稍稍大一点,有更复杂的牙齿,更长的脸,和中间更突出的脚趾----这一切都看似强有力的支持了达尔文的论点,物种是逐步地进化的。但是,对这些化石更严谨的验证现在揭示了一个不太一样的故事。马是在不连续的步骤中进化的,其中每个进化步骤中间都有上百万年时间保持不变,在最后被一个不同的更新的模型取代。比如四只脚趾的Eohippus 在三只脚趾的moihippus之前,但北美化石证据表明在这之间有一个不平稳的,不均衡的转换过程。如果进化一直都是连续,渐进的过程,人们应该预期到的是每年的化石样本都会存在细微的差别。



