2019版高考英语提分单元加餐练全国通用版(全解析):单元加餐练3-1 Word版含解析

发布时间:2019-04-16 10:38:05   来源:文档文库   



“God, give us thankful hearts for these and for all our many blessings.” That was the __1__my father, an East Texas farmer, said over every meal.

Pa passed away long ago, but I try to __2__his example every day. The year we spent Thanksgiving at our home on Lake Tawakoni was such a __3__ . I was preparing a dinner party for the day. I opened the oven, put in our huge __4__and tried to turn on the old oven. It took just a few minutes for me to __5__that the heating had failed. I only had a few hours __6__family members and special friends were going to arrive with side dishes, so I called my neighbor Lois and explained my problem.

Lois just __7__and said, “Honey, you bring that turkey to my house. We'll have it cooked in no time.”

With a sigh of __8__ , I put the roasting pan into the car and __9__ across the road. Lois babysat the big bird while I returned to the lake house and __10__a festive table. While the turkey was cooked in her oven, I gave special __11__to kind neighbors. Our family arrived. We __12__ before our meal, stood in a __13__and prayed. Some people mentioned things for which they were __14__thankful and others stood in __15__ silence. The tissue box made its way around the circle as some of us began to __16__ —a sign of joy rather than sorrow.

When the last of the food was __17__off the table, I took a deep breath. A Thanksgiving prayer is easy for me when things are going well, but sometimes it __18__ extra courage to give thanks when I am sad or when something unforeseen __19__my plans—even a broken oven.

Then I stopped to __20__Pa and the many times I heard him say, “God, give us thankful hearts for these and for all our many blessings.” I want that to be my prayer, too.


1A.complaint Bwish

Cprayer Ddream

答案:C 根据最后一段中的I want that to be my prayer, too.可知,此处指那是父亲的祷告词。故选C

2A.follow Bcopy

Cset Dcontain

答案:A 句意:父亲去世多年,可我每天都努力以他为榜样。follow one's example为固定短语,意为仿效某人,以某人为榜样,符合语境。故选A

3A.dinner Bparty

Cprocess Dtime

答案:D 句意:我们在Lake Tawakoni的家中欢度感恩节的那年就是这样的时刻。time意为(以某种方式经历的)时刻,符合语境。故选D

4A.meal Bturkey

Croast Dbeef

答案:B 由第三段中的you bring that turkey to my house可知,此处应填turkey。故选B

5A.realize Bpredict

Cadmit Dassume

答案:A 句意:短短几分钟后我意识到这次加热失败了。realize意为意识到,认识到,符合语境。故选A

6A.until Bbefore

Csince Dafter

答案:B 句意:在家人和重要的朋友们带着配菜到来之前,我只有几个小时的时间可以准备……before意为……之前,符合语境。故选B

7A.laughed Byelled

Cscreamed Dnodded

答案:A 句意:Lois只是笑了笑,说:亲爱的,把你的火鸡带到我家来吧。我们会很快给你做好。根据语境可知,laugh 符合语境。故选A

8A.belief Bsurprise

Crelief Ddoubt

答案:C 句意:我如释重负地叹了口气,把烤盘放进车里,开车穿过马路。relief意为宽慰;解脱。问题得到解决,自然会感到宽慰。故选C

9A.walked Bmoved

Ctoured Ddrove

答案:D 由空格前的the car可知,drive意为开车,驾驶,符合语境。故选D

10A.painted Bbought

Cprepared Dborrowed

答案:C 此处指准备了一张过节用的桌子。prepare意为准备,符合语境。故选C

11A.tasks Bdishes

Cprizes Dthanks

答案:D 邻居家帮烤火鸡,应该向她表示感谢。thanks表示感谢,符合语境。故选D

12A.paused Bdiscussed

Chesitated Dquarreled

答案:A 此处指饭前停下来做祷告。pause意为暂停,停顿,符合语境。故选A

13A.line Bcircle

Crow Droom

答案:B 根据下文中的the circle可知,此处指我们站着围成一圈开始做祷告。circle意为,符合语境。故选B

14A.hardly Bseriously

Cparticularly Dcasually

答案:C 此处指一些人提起了他们特别感激的事物。particularly意为尤其,特别,符合语境,表示程度,修饰形容词thankful。故选C

15A.joyful Bcareful

Crespectful Dsorrowful

答案:C 由常识可知,祷告的时候要恭敬、虔诚。respectful意为有礼貌的,恭敬的,符合语境。故选C

16A.cry Bsmile

Ccheer Dsing

答案:A 结合该句中的The tissue box made its way around the circle可知,此处表示有人开始哭。cry意为哭,哭泣,符合语境。故选A

17A.knocked Bdropped

Ckicked Dswept

答案:D 句意:当最后一点食物从餐桌上清走之后,我深吸了口气。sweep意为清理,清除,符合语境。故选D

18A.needs Btakes

Cwants Dloses

答案:B 由语境可知,此处指有时候心存感激需要额外的勇气。It takes sth. to do sth.为固定句型,表示做某事需要花费/投入……”。故选B

19A.monitors Bruins

Cadjusts to Dkeeps to

答案:B 句意:……可当我伤心难过或者被意外之事打乱计划的时候——哪怕是烤箱坏了,心存感激也需要鼓起额外的勇气。ruin意为破坏,打乱,符合语境。故选B

20A.call up Bturn to

Cbring back Dreflect on

答案:D 句意:随后我停下来去回忆父亲以及我多次听见他念叨他的那句祷告词的情景……reflect on意为仔细想,回忆,符合语境。故选D



The history of Teachers' Day traces back to the Han Dynasty (202 BC­220 AD). According to the record, during the Han and Jin dynasties, on August 27 each year, the birthday of Confucius, the emperor would go to the Confucius' temple and pay tribute (敬意) to the ancient philosopher followed by court officials, and would also invite royal teachers to the imperial court for a banquet. On this day, teachers around the nation enjoyed a day's vacation and were given dried meat as gifts.

The capital, all states and counties would also hold ceremonies to worship Confucius. Excellent performing teachers would be chosen from academies and learning institutions nationwide, reporting to the royal court and given 500 liang () silver coins as awards.

Until the Qing Dynasty, the ceremony, on August 27, was of a larger scale. The teachers' salaries in schools and academies around the nation were raised, and well­performing teachers would be awarded official titles or promoted to higher positions.

Normally, an ancient teacher's income included salary, accommodation and festival gifts. There was no fixed tuition fee. Generally the parents paid teachers according to their household income. Both money and basic foodstuff could be paid in exchange for tuition.

In private schools, teachers always received money or gifts from the host family at certain festivals or at the beginning and end of each semester.

The festivals in which teachers received gifts varied from region to region, while the most valued ones were the Duanwu, Mid­Autumn and Chinese New Year festivals, as well as Confucius' birthday and the private tutor's birthday.

Among all the gift­giving festivals, the first meeting gift was a must. When students met their private tutors for the first time, they had to kneel down to Confucius' spirit tablet and then to their private tutors, before presenting a “gift”


1The passage mainly talks about ________ .

Athe teachers in ancient China

Bthe Teachers' Day in ancient China

Cthe teachers' high positions in ancient China

Dthe teachers' salaries in ancient China

答案:B 主旨大意题。根据全文大意可知,本文主要讲了中国教师节的历史,包括其由来、礼仪等。所以选B

2How long has the Teachers' Day been in China?

A1,500­2,500 years. B2,000­3,000 years.

C3,000­4,000 years. D4,000­5,000 years.

答案:A 推理判断题。根据第一段的第一句The history of Teachers' Day traces back to the Han Dynasty (202 BC­220 AD)可知,应选A

3What is the special gift for the teachers on the Teachers' Day during the Han and Jin dynasties?

AA higher position.

BA day free.

C500 liang silver coins.

DDays' vacation.

答案:B 细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句On this day, teachers around the nation enjoyed a day's vacation and were given dried meat as gifts.可知,在汉朝和晋朝教师节这一天,全国的教师都可以休假一天,并且得到干肉作为礼物。

4What's the main idea of the last four paragraphs?

AWhere teachers could get gifts in ancient China.

BWhy teachers got gifts in ancient China.

CHow teachers were presented with gifts in ancient China.

DWhen teachers received gifts in ancient China.

答案:C 段落大意题。文章后四段主要介绍了教师接收学生礼物的情况,即在哪些时间和场合收礼。AD两项都只提到一方面,应排除。B项文章未提及。


The people of Austria call their country Osterreich, which can be translated as “eastern realm”. The origin of the name goes back to the 10th century, when Austria was an eastern border area of the Holy Roman Empire. From this early beginning, Austria itself grew into a great empire. During the 16th century, its emperor was the ruler of about ten countries. Today Austria is a small but rich nation in Central Europe.

Religious holidays and other festivals are joyful occasions in Austria. In some religions, for example, there is an exciting festival for scaring away the winter. Weddings are very special occasions in the villages. These are days of much singing and dancing. One of the most exciting dances to watch is the Schuhplattler that in this dance the men slap their bodies while the girls twirl (旋转) around them in their bright dresses. They dance to the music of the zither or the violin. The musicians play faster and faster toward the end of the dance until the dancers are out of breath.

A favorite holiday throughout Austria is St Nicholas Day. This is the day when Saint Nicholas visits Austrian children. The night before, the children always remember to leave their shoes where Nicholas will find them. In the morning the good children find beautiful presents in their shoes, but the bad children find only pieces of mud, which means nothing to them. Krampus, a black­faced monster who is half human and often half horse, is supposed to accompany Saint Nicholas on his travels. Bad children are especially afraid of Krampus. It is said that he carries a broom to hit very bad boys and girls.

In Austria, there are three music festivals each year that attract thousands of music lovers from all over the world. Tickets to operas, concerts, and plays in Austria are often sold out weeks in advance. Even rehearsals (排练) are usually well attended by students. When the old Vienna State Opera was bombed during World War thousands of desperately poor Austrians contributed small amounts of money to repair the building.


5Austria was named Osterreich according to its ________ .

Atradition Blocation

Cpopulation Dexpansion

答案:B 推理判断题。根据第一段中的The origin of the name goes back to the 10th century, when Austria was an eastern border area of the Holy Roman Empire.可知,由于奥地利的地理位置——神圣罗马帝国的东部边界,奥地利人称自己的国家为Osterreich,意为东部王国

6We know from the text that the Schuhplattler is performed ________ .

Aby both men and women

Balong with religious music

Cat the beginning of the winter

Dby dancers playing instruments

答案:A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的Schuhplattler that in this dance the men slap ... while the girls twirl (旋转) ...可知,该舞蹈由男人和女人共同表演完成。故选A

7What will happen to the kids on St Nicholas Day?

AKids always hide their shoes.

BKids should behave themselves.

CNicholas only gives beautiful gifts to good kids.

DNicholas plays hide­and­seek with the kids.

答案:C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的In the morning the good children find beautiful presents in their shoes, but the bad children find only pieces of mud, which means nothing to them.可知,只有好孩子才会收到Nicholas送的漂亮的礼物,而坏孩子只能够得到泥。故选C

8What does the last paragraph mainly show?

AAustrians' love of music.

BThe attractiveness of music.

CThe influence of music on Austrians.

DThree world­famous music festivals.

答案:A 段落大意题。根据最后一段内容可知,奥地利每年都举办三个音乐节,歌剧、音乐会和戏剧的门票非常紧俏,奥地利人民即使生活穷困也要节衣缩食去重建剧院,这些都反映出了奥地利人民对音乐的热爱。故选A


Apologizing can be harder than realizing you've acted poor. To truly apologize to a friend, you had to be sincere and let your friend to know how much he means to you. This may be easy said than done. But if you swallow your pride and show some sincere regret, they will have a true apology ready. Besides, sending gifts can be good choice for you to make. And if you do this kind of thing instead of talk to your friend face to face, you're just hiding behind gifts. After all, gifts cannot say word like “I'm sorry”. So it is of great important to apologize in person.


Apologizing can be harder than realizing you've acted. To truly apologize to a friend, you to be sincere and let your friend know how much he means to you. This may be said than done. But if you swallow your pride and show some sincere regret, will have a true apology ready. Besides, sending gifts can be good choice for you to make. if you do this kind of thing instead of to your friend face to face, you're just hiding behind gifts. After all, gifts cannot say like “I'm sorry”. So it is of great to apologize in person.

1poorpoorly 考查副词。句意:向朋友道歉比意识到自己的行为有多糟糕更难。应用副词修饰动词,故将poor改为poorlypoorly 糟糕地,差强人意

2hadhave 考查动词的时态。本文的基本时态是一般现在时,且此处说明的是一般的事理,亦应用一般现在时,故将had改为have

3.去掉know前的to 考查非谓语动词。let sb. do sth.是固定用法,意为让某人做某事。故to多余。

4easyeasier 考查形容词的比较级。根据句中的than可知,此处应用比较级形式easier

5theyyou 考查代词。此处指你将准备好一个真正的道歉。故将they改为you

6good前加a 考查冠词。句意:送礼物也是你能做的一个不错的选择。choice 选择是可数名词。其前无限定词修饰,且此处表示泛指,故应用不定冠词a

7AndBut 考查连词。由前面的a good choice和后面的you're just hiding behind gifts可知,前后句之间是转折关系,而不是顺承关系,故应用转折连词But

8talktalking 考查非谓语动词。instead of 而不是of是介词,其后应用名词、代词或者动名词作宾语。故将talk改为talking

9wordwords 考查名词的单复数。句意:毕竟,礼物不能说像我很抱歉这样的话。word话语讲时是可数名词,其前无限定词修饰,应用复数形式。

10importantimportance 考查名词。句意:因此亲自去道歉很重要。be of+名词=be+名词相应的形容词形式。故将important改为importance


《2019版高考英语提分单元加餐练全国通用版(全解析):单元加餐练3-1 Word版含解析.doc》
