
发布时间:2014-02-28 22:12:52   来源:文档文库   






Not only does Running Red Light disturb traffic order, but also it became one of the causes of traffic accidents. According to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 62,387 people died in 210,812 road traffic accidents in 2011, with 237,421 injured, whose deaths top the list of deaths from non-natural causes in China.

Beijing traffic chiefs have vowed to crack down on jaywalkers who go against traffic lights after making sure there are no cars coming. From this week, people who do not wait for the "green man" signal to cross at intersections will receive on-the-spot fines of 10 yuan. The traffic management bureau said it will not only focus on punishment but also upgrade road safety facilities, such as arranging traffic lights more scientifically, and building overpasses.

People talked about widespread violation of traffic laws and raised concerns about pedestrians disregarding traffic lights, which will be a continuous action to improve road safety, making pedestrians follow the traffic laws.





情绪问题(如过度焦虑、自卑等):占总数的11.6% 其中, 女生比例较高;

行为问题(如撒谎、偷窃等):占总数的8.8% 其中, 男生比例较高。






Our project group made a survey on the mental problems among the students in our school recently. We handed out questionnaires to all the 3558 students and collected 3531 valid ones.

According to the survey, 16.4% of the boys and 11.4% of the girls suffer from mental problems. 11.6% of all the students surveyed have emotional problems like feeling anxious and lacking confidence, and among the students with this problem, girls are in the majority. 8.8% of all the students have abnormal behaviors like telling lies and stealing things and boys are more likely to have this problem.

Various factors may account for this phenomenon. For one thing, some parents can’t build a harmonious family. Some have tight control of their children and punish them too often. For another, many students are under heavy pressure from study and unable to get along well with people around.

In my view, parents should give their children enough freedom and space and often communicate with them. Besides, schools are expected to establish campus counseling centers to offer timely help. Last but not the least, students had better keep optimistic and develop more hobbies.

3. 有关雾天气的英语作文

天气成为健康杀手Exposure to smog is severe hazard


  Air quality in the capital has deteriorated because of the heavy fog. Experts are worried about the particulate matter in the air, which is in higher concentrations in North China because the heavy fog may lead to various diseases including lung infections and cancer. Even if China can manage to keep the country’s smoking rate flat, the lung cancer rate is expected to keep rising for 20 or 30 years and worsening air pollution could be the major culprit.

   Zhong Nanshan, a respiratory expert and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering said that without intervention, PM2.5, a major cause of choking smog, would replace smoking tobacco as the top risk factor for lung cancer.

   The disastrous effects of smog are nothing new, for in the winter of 1952, dense smog in London caused mainly by heavy coal combustion killed about 12,000 people in the city. That incident prompted the British government to move to clean up the air, and the effort paid off, for today, PM10 concentrations read at the significantly lower level of around 30 micrograms per cubic meter in the city.

4. 有关中央电视台采访你幸福吗

你幸福吗?Are you happy?


  When facing a TV field interview on are you happy?, those people, wearing decent or fashionable clothes and carrying expensive bags, stunned and hesitated to response, with their puzzled eyes wide open. On the contrary, the beggar in rags confidently answered “I’m very happy”, grinning from ear to ear and contenting himself with appetizing smell of a fried chicken leg in his bowl.

  In a comparative way, the pictures vividly present us a philosophy: wealth isnt in proportion to happiness. Happiness is nothing but subjective perception. It doesnt mean that the wealthier you are, the happier you are. Just as depicted in the pictures, those possessing more property than the beggar still couldnt feel that they live happy lives. On the other hand, if approached inappropriately, more wealth may cause huge disasters. To a great extent, some officiallings(官二代) or second rich generations go astray or commit crimes mostly because of abusing huge fortunes inherited from their prestigious parents.

    Happiness is everyones pursuit but it is not directly proportional to wealth. Wealth shouldnt be treated as the best measure of happiness. Only by cherishing what you own now and persisting in achieving what you desire will you experience the real happiness.




    参考词汇:流动性 mobility 福利welfare

One possible version:

  In my opinion, we shall not leave our parents alone for one cause or another. As internationalization and increased mobility of society require the young to be always on the way of seeking educational or occupational success, the majority of the young men have little time to visit their parents and take care of them while most seniors are willing to live with their children.

  As is well-known, though our country's economy rises rapidly, social welfare system for the senior is still under construction. Therefore, it's not proper for the young to take the Western approach of a welfare society where the government lakes care of all the elderly.

In conclusion, even if the social welfare's system can support all senior citizens, the love that only a family member can give cannot be replaced.

6. 莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖


  Several months ago, good news swept on China that Mo Yan won the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature. After this big event, Mo Yan, the first Chinese resident to win the prize, has been the crispy fried chicken among China. Gaomi County in Shandong Province becomes a tourist attraction because of his popularity.

  For his award, Chinese media overwhelming report this exciting news. People are rushing to the bookstores to buy his famous book and some are even out of stock. Generally speaking, his award means a lot to China, especially Chinese literature.

  The Nobel Prize for literature is a dream of Chinese literary field and all Chinese people. However, as a large cultural country that owns countless classic works, China had no winner of the Nobel Prize for literature which had become a great pity. Therefore, this prize finishes a pile wish of Chinese people. In addition, although we have a great number of great works, very few people can read a book carefully and tranquilly in the impetuous society. I think this exciting news will inspire people’s enthusiasm towards literature, which is a great motivation to the development of literature. This is what we are happy to see.

7. 韩国神曲《江南style

《江南style》是韩国音乐人PSY的一首K-Pop单曲。这首歌曲作为PSY第六张录音室专辑《PSY 6 PART1》的主打歌于20127月发布,首次进入韩国国家公认音乐排行榜“Gaon Chart”就登上榜首。20121221UTC1550左右,《江南style》成为互联网历史上第一个点击量超过10亿次的视频。截至2013311日,这支音乐录像带在YouTube网站的点击量为14.06亿次,超越贾斯汀·比伯的单曲《Baby》成为该网站历史上观看次数最多的视频;20129月,这支音乐录像带还打破吉尼斯世界纪录,成为YouTube历史上最受人“喜欢”的视频。

  Kangnam Style has been a big hit on the popularity list for a while now and though many don't realise nor consider the reason why it is so, here I will express my interpretation of it's success in our current society.

  Kangnam Style has been appealing and rocking in the popular band because it is a music video that somehow combined the western and Asian music together which would entertain most people and spread far and wide. The fact that the format itself, is a k-pop version meant that it will be in the Asian society however the song sang in the video, is slightly deviated to the western type pop which then means once the westerners have gotten use to it they will be welcomed. These along with the humourous and hyperbolic moves in the video greatly enhanced its ratings and acceptance in the community that entertain adults and children.

  One problem it has is that the language cannot be understood throughout the world though this problem exists anyhow, but perhaps this is covered by it's strong point on everything else. Personally I think it has been a huge success in the music and fashion world considering how long it went from a mere Korean song to worldwide knowledge. May the composer fly far and wide in the world and have a wonderful future.

8. 高速公路“免费” Free passage

节假日高速免费政策是指重大节假日免收小型客车通行费。 2012912日,河北省、湖南省、内蒙古、四川省等多个省份免费细则相继披露。各地方出台细则基本以交通部201295日下发的紧急通知为蓝本,在通行时间、通行方式和通行范围等方面与交通部要求大体一致。按交通部文件,2012年中秋节和国庆节连休,小客车免费通行时间统一为2012930日零点到10724时。2013年春节期间全国收费公路免收小型客车通行费的时间统一确定为29日零点起,至21524点结束。

  Chinese authorities have adopted a new regulation that passenger cars with seven seats or less as well as motorcycles will get a free pass through toll roads, bridges and tunnels during Spring Festival, Tomb-Sweeping Day, Labor Day and National Day. Car rental agencies in China have seen a surge in business, with more people planning to hit the road during the upcoming National Day holiday, the first time when the nation's roads become toll-free. The traffic is expected to be heaviest on the first and the last day of the holiday, when an estimated 86 million passengers could use the roads. There is a rising concern that too many private automobiles will cause traffic jams and endanger safety. Traffic authorities are making contingency plans which can improve traffic efficiency to deal with the traffic jam.

9. H7N9型禽流感是一种新型禽流感,于20133月底在上海和安徽两地率先发现。H7N9型禽流感是全球首次发现的新亚型流感病毒,尚未纳入我国法定报告传染病监测报告系统,并且至20134月初尚未有疫苗推出。被该病毒感染均在早期出现发热等症状,至20134月尚未证实此类病毒是否具有人传染人的特性。20134月经调查,H7N9禽流感病毒基因来自于东亚地区野鸟和中国上海、浙江、江苏鸡群的基因重配。截至20135116时,全国已确诊127人,26人死亡,26人痊愈,其余99人正在各定点医疗单位接受救治。病例分布于北京、上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、山东、河南、台湾、福建等地。

Two men in Shanghai have been confirmed dead from H7N9 infection, while a woman in Anhui province is in critical condition from the virus, the National Health and Family Planning Commission said on Sunday. This is the first time a human infection from H7N9 has been detected. Little research has been done on this relatively unknown bird flu, and there are no vaccines against the virus. The reported deaths were of an 87-year-old man who was found ill on Feb 19 and died on March 4, and a 27-year-old man who was found ill on Feb 27 and died on March 10. The third person, a 35-year-old woman from Chuzhou, Anhui province, is in intensive care in Nanjing, Jiangsu province. It remains unknown how the three became infected, and experts said there are no signs that they contracted the disease from each other. There are also no signs of anyone in close contact with them being infected, according to the commission.

10. 异地高考New policies to ensure offsite college entrance exams


   The "offsite college entrance examination" has become a popular term in China over recent years. It means that children of migrant workers can enjoy the same rights as their urban peers in sitting college entrance exams locally. We know that China's hukou, the nation's household registration system, confine children of migrant workers to take the college entrance exams. With the increasing number of migrant workers, it’s very inconvenient for their children to go back their hometown to take the exams. So some cities make plans to deal with it. For example, Beijing allow migrant workers' children to attend local vocational schools in 2013 and allow them to be matriculated by colleges after graduating from the vocational programs. Shanghai will allow migrant children in the city to enter local senior high schools, vocational schools and sit college entrance exams locally starting in 2014. Guangdong Province will allow children of migrant workers to take college entrance exams in 2016. Migrant workers, whose children could benefit from the new plans of the abovementioned three regions, must have residential permits, stable jobs and incomes, and meet other local requirements, according to the plans.

11. Dear Editor',





  I'm a senior high school student named Li Hua. Now many students have iPads and think it's a fashion to use them. U sing an iPad, we can listen to music, download a lot of learning materials and read them on the screen. Apparently, it's helpful to our study, especially to our English listening.

  Some students, however, bring their iPads to the classroom and listen to music without earphones, which makes the teacher and other students greatly annoyed. Some of them even waste predous time in class playing video games.

  In my opinion, as students, we should make good use of iPads to help achieve academic success.The classroom is a place for students to study, and therefore concentration is awfully needed for us to learn our lessons. Furthermore, the school should make a rule to guide the students to use iPads in a proper way.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

12. 你准备写一份倡议书,鼓励同学们积极参与“光盘行动”(clear your plate.
















Please join in “Clear your plate” campaign.

  Now, some of us students like buying a lot of snacks. They eat a lot even if they were not hungry. If they dont like the food, or they cant eat up the food, they will throw it away.

  It is really a bad thing. We have wasted lot of food. And at the same time, it is bad for the students health.

  So boys and girls, lets change our habit. When we have dinners in restaurants, dont order too much food. And try to eat up all the food we ordered. If we cant eat up all of them, just pack them and bring them back home to eat. Please give up the snacks between meals. Encourage your classmates and parents to join us. If you find somebody is throwing away food, just stop them.

  Come on, dear friends. Lets start with ourselves.

13. 你是英语俱乐部的成员,参加俱乐部组织的英语学习经验交流,介绍自己最喜欢的英语读物。



名称《21世纪学生英文报》“高中版”(21st Century Teens Senior Edition






包容八大版块section,包括Frontpage, Our World, Campus Trends等;涉及时事新闻、文化、社会生活、娱乐、体育等等

Founded in October, 2001, 21st Century Teens Senior Edition is an English language weekly designed for senior high school students in China. To meet the needs of senior high school students to learn English and improve their ability in using the language, the Weekly provides up-to-date news at home and abroad, which is suitable for their reading level. It contains eight sections, such as Frontpage, Our World, Campus Trends, covering culture, social life, sports, entertainment, etc. Its website http://www.i21st.cn/ is available now. 21st Century Teens Senior Edition is indeed an excellent English newspaper, from which I have benefited a lot.

14. 微博是一个新兴的网络工具,越来越受到年轻人的喜爱。请以 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Micro-blog为题,结合一下的汉语提示写一篇不少于120词的文章谈谈你对微博的看法。




The advantages and disadvantages of Micro Blog

In recent years, an information platform is popular among lots of people. It is called Micro Blog that is different from traditional blog. There are some advantages and disadvantages of micro blog.

Differing from traditional blog, micro blog’s content is typically smaller in both actual and aggregate file size. In terms of that, the users are not required as strictly as traditional blogs. Therefore, more people can use the micro blog. Moreover, there are more ways to write blogs. You can instantly update your personal information by phone, website and other ways. It’s more convenience than traditional blogs. Another advantage is that you can make friends and share your information by micro blog. Micro blog can save your records and sustain interpersonal relationship.

While micro blog has many advantages, there are some disadvantages. First, the transmission is unlimited. On account that the number of words is limited to a few hundred words, the information is difficult to transmit. Second, it will bring some troubles. With the increase of the number of fans, many people will increasingly care about their own popularity and more and more junk information. They are very bad effects.

As far as I’m concerned, micro blog should be used well and play a good role to build the bridge of communication.

15. 假设你是李华,你所就读的高中今年迎来建校九十周年校庆。请你以“打造和谐校园”为主题,根据以下提示向全校同学发出倡议。

1. 学习意识;

2. 尊师重道;

3. 校园环境;

4. 课外活动。

Dear fellow students,

The 90th anniversary of our school is on the way. I propose students in our school should do something meaningful to celebrate.

Making every effort to work hard is encouraged. The atmosphere in class is vital to our school. We are to be the pride of our school in the future. Meanwhile, we’ll never forget our teacher. But for their efforts and devotion, we wouldn’t make it. Also, were expected to call on others to keep the surroundings clean on campus. We’re supposed to change the habit of littering wherever we go. After-class activities make our school life colorful. Our school clubs can also have a chance to make our school famous for its cultural environment.

To make our school better, we students ought to do our best to devote ourselves to the development of our school.

Li Hua


