广州地区沪教牛津版九年级上册 9AUnit 4 Problems and advice单词、短语、语法解析

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Unit 4 Problems and advice



Unit4 知识考点


1.online adj. 在线的反义词off-line

You can chat to other people who are online.你可以和在线的其他人聊天。

2.diet n. 规定饮食

be) on a diet 节食

拓展:go on a diet节食,减肥 on a diet遵守饮食特别规定的

on diet节食;减肥 well-balanced diet均衡饮食

diet food减肥食物;规定的食物 light diet易消化的饮食;清淡饮食

3.regret v. 懊悔同义词 be sorry for

regret doing sth后悔做某事

regret (that)+从句

I now regret leaving school so young.我后悔年纪轻轻就辍学了。

He was beginning to regret that he'd come alone.他开始后悔一个人回来。

4.though conj. 虽然, 尽管 同义词 although

though 可放在句首或句中,不能与but 连用

Though she's almost 40, she still plans to compete.即使她已经40岁了,她仍然打算参赛。

5.ashamed adj. 惭愧;羞愧

feel ashamed of/at...感到羞愧 be ashamed to do sth对做某事感到羞愧

ashamed that+从句

I felt ashamed of the things I'd said to him.我对自己跟他所说的话感到羞愧。

I'm ashamed to admit it.承认这件事让我感到惭愧。

I'm ashamed that I haven't replied to your letter yet.至今我都还没回信给你,我对此感到愧疚。

6.hate v. 厌恶;憎恶 同义词dislike 反义词love

7.advantage n. 优势 反义词disadvantage

8.mad adj. 很生气;气愤

especially angry

drive sb. mad 让某人受不了

mad at sb对某人生气 mad about sth对某事生气

We get mad at each other sometimes.我们有时候迁怒对方。

There's no need to get mad about it!没必要对这种事情生气。

Look at this mess! Mum will go mad!看看到处一团乱,我妈会生气的!

Her behaviour drives me mad.她的行为使我发怒。

9.mess n. 杂乱;不整洁 messy adj. 杂乱的;不整洁的

make a mess 搞得一塌糊涂

10.annoying adj. 使恼怒的;使生气的

annoyed adj. 恼怒的, 气恼的(指人) annoy v. 使生气, 惹恼(指物)


-ed结尾的形容人 -ing 结尾形容物

interest -interesting(令人感兴趣的)-interested(感兴趣的)




11.careless adj. 粗心造成的反义词careful

12.fail v. 不及格;失败 反义词 succeed

failure n. 失败 success

fail to do sth

13.request n. 要求;请求 V. 要求;请求

14.none pron. 没有一个;毫无

She waited for a reply, but none came.她等待回复,然而一个回复都没有。

Even an old car is better than none.旧车总比没车好。

None of my friends phone me any more.我的朋友没打过电话给我了。

none/no one区别:

none:一般用来回答how many +n,

how much +n 及含any+n引起的疑问句

no one:回答who,及含anyone,anybody引起的疑问句

none of one's business 与某人无关

15.polite adj. 有礼貌的反义词impolite/rude

politely adv. politeness n.

16.exam n. 考试 同义词examination / test

pass/fail an exam考试考砸了

17.laugh at 嘲笑;讥笑 同义词 make fun of

18.out of place格格不入

I felt out of place at the birthday party.我发现我在生日聚会不合群。

19.hear from 收到某人的信件 同义词 get/receive a letter from


1.We saw a lady lying in the street

see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事

see sb. do sth 看到某人做过(经常做)某事

I saw the little girl crying in the park.我看见那个小女孩在公园哭泣。

The old man saw the man play with the cat.那个老爷爷看见那个男人和猫玩。


2.Though I wanted to help her, my friends told me not to.虽然我想帮她,但是我的朋友告诉我不要这样做。

"虽然......但是.... "要么用though(虽然)要么用but (但是),不能同时使用。类似的有because,so.

tell sb to do sth 让某人做某事 tell sb not to do sth 让某人不做某事

Though....,my friends told me not to. to省略了help her.to不能省略。

3.It was awful of them to laugh at her,and I regret not saying anything.他们那样嘲笑她实在是太可恶了,我后悔没有反驳他们。

It is +adj+of sb + to do sth.=sb. is adj. to do sth.

It was awful of them to laugh at her=They were awful to laugh at her.

4.regret doing sth. 后悔/内疚做过某事


《广州地区沪教牛津版九年级上册 9AUnit 4 Problems and advice单词、短语、语法解析.doc》
