
发布时间:2019-03-28 02:05:40   来源:文档文库   

Units 1114 听力材料




1. W: Dont forget to turn off the lights when you leave, Jim.

M: OK, Lily.

2. M: Hi, Anna. Whats school club are you in this term?

W: Im in the chess club.

3. M: Lily, what makes you angry?

W: When some people throw rubbish around, I feel very angry.

4. M: Do you have a pet?

W: Yes, I have a yellow cat with a pink nose.

5. M: Where do you have lunch on school days ? At home?

W: No, I live far from the school, so I have lunch in the school dinning hall.


W: Hey, Mike. Why dont you get on that bus. Its empty.

M: Im not going home right now. I’m going to visit my cousin from Jinan.

W: Your cousin.

M: Yes. Her family just moved here last week.

W: Which bus are you going to take?

M: The No. 61 or No. 816 bus. Her house is next to the Peoples Hospital.


W: Have you joined Dannys school culb yet?

M: Yes, I have. I really care about our planet, so I joined the earth club.

W: What do you often do?

M: We often go to the park to collect rubbish and tell people the importance of protecting the environment.

W: Sound good. How often do you meet? Every week?

M: Yes. We meet at 10:00 every Sunday morning.


M: Im hungry, Amy. Lets go to Star Restaurant. I want to eat the hamburgers.

W: Oh, no, Tony. I hate Star Restaurant.

M: Why? The food is great, isnt it?

W: The food is fine, but the pictures on the walls makes me sad. And lound music makes me nervous.

M: Emmwhere do you want to go?

W: Lets go to the Blue Legon. The soft music makes me relaxed.

M: But that music makes me sleepy.


M: How was the party last night, Anna?

W: It was perfect. Everyone had a good time.

M: Did Mary attend the party?

W: Yes. By the time I got there, she had left. I heard she sang a song.

M: She is a good singer. Its a pity you missed it. How about Daniel?

W: He didnt show until the end. He helped clean the house and left at 11:00.

M: He is always helpful. How did you go back home?

W: I planned to take a taxi, but Daniel said he could give me a lift, so I took his car.

第二节 笔录要点 根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。

Life is full of the unexpected. On January 24th,1928, Joe was going on with a fishing ship. I’ll see you in a week, he said to his wife. Joe and four other fishermen went to catch fish by boat. They met a terrible storm which lasted for about 20 days. There was no food and fresh water. They had to eat fish. When it rained, they collected the rain water to drink. In June, it never rained, and the men ran out of water. They became thin and weak, and they thought they were going to die. Luckily, a Japanese fishing boat found them on June 15th. At last, they learend that they were 4000 miles away from their country.


1-5 ABCAC 6-10BCABA 11-15 ACBAC

16 by boat 17 storm 18 collected 19 thin and weak 20 4000 miles

21-25 CCBAB 26-30 CBBCA 31-35 ABACB 36-40 ACBAB 41-45 CACBA

46-50 ABCBA 51-55 ABCBA

56 studying groups 57 happy 58 Dont allow 59 Teachers 60 are good 61 The beggars 62 15/Fifteen 63 Before the writer get into the car.

64 No, she wasnt . 65 We should do good things./We should help others.



