陕西省澄城县寺前中学2017-2018学年高三上学期周考英语统练试题(9.19) Word版无答案

发布时间:2018-08-26 22:17:23   来源:文档文库   



班级:_____________ 姓名:______________

一、阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(ABCD)中, 选出可以填在空白最新试卷十年寒窗苦,踏上高考路,心态放平和,信心要十足,面对考试卷,下笔如有神,短信送祝福,愿你能高中,马到功自成,金榜定题名。

处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I got a guitar for my birthday, and since then I have been struggling. It’s kind of sad. To be honest, it is 1 how many problems are caused by such little things in the life of a teenager .It has awakened another side of myself 2 me. And it couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

I’m a senior, I’m going to 3 soon and I know what college I’m going to. And now I have to deal with this little voice in my head constantly 4 me that I’m going to be a rock star, not a scientist.

A few weeks ago I was given the 5 simple task of writing a short story. I sat down to 6 a beautiful work of fiction that would 7 my teacher and classmates. To be honest, this is an area I generally feel very 8 in. I really enjoy it and such writing tasks used to take the ___9___ amount of time.

So I was 10 to write my story, and across the room lay my beautiful birthday present. Once upon a time, I wrote. Then I stopped, 11 in my chair, and stared for a moment at the 12 . Its dark red paint was 13 and I could see my reflection in its perfect surface. And then my reflection started dancing and singing. I wasn’t 14 , but it sure was. I’d follow its 15 . So I seized my guitar and plucked (拨动) a string. I sat rocking with my guitar until late 16 the night. I was sure I was preparing for the 17 much more efficiently now that I wasn’t spending time writing stories.

Needless to say, no story was written, and many 18 arose in my mind. Since then, I have constantly asked, Am I 19 for not wanting to do my work anymore? More importantly, 20 , I’ve learned I really am going to be a rock star.

1Ainteresting Bexciting Cdisappointing Dsurprising

2Awithin Bwith Cbefore Dbeyond

3Awork Bwrite Cgraduate Dretire

4Ateaching Badvising Creminding Dfooling

5Aactually Bseemingly Cobviously Dpartly

6Aplan Bcreate Ccarry Dcontinue

7Afrustrate Bamuse Castonish Dadmire

8Ahappy Brich Cfortunate Dstrong

9Aleast Bmost Clargest Dbest

10Atrying Bhelping Crefusing Dlearning

11Aseated Bedited Cturned Ddigested

12Apaper Binstrument Cfloor Ddesk

13Arunning Bshining Cdeepening Dfading

14Aplaying Bdreaming Cmoving Drepeating

15Alead Bmusic Cspeed Drule

16Aof Bat Cfor Dinto

17Auniversity Blife Cfuture Dexam

18Adoubts Bfears Cdiscussions Dproblems

19Acurious Bclever Cnormal Dalone

20Atherefore Bthough Cotherwise Deven


When her five daughters were young, Helene An always told them that there was strength in unity (团结). To show this, she held up one chopstick, representing one person. Then she easily broke it into two pieces. Next, she tied several chopsticks together, representing a family. She showed the girls it was hard to break the tied chopsticks. This lesson about family unity stayed with the daughters as they grew up.

Helene An and her family own a large restaurant business in California. However, when Helene and her husband Danny left their home in Vietnam in 1975, they didn't have much money. They moved their family to San Francisco. There they joined Danny's mother, Diana, who owned a small Italian sandwich shop. Soon afterwards, Helene and Diana changed the sandwich shop into a small Vietnamese restaurant. The five daughters helped in the restaurant when they were young. However, Helene did not want her daughters to always work in the family business because she thought it was too hard.

Eventually the girls all graduated from college and went away to work for themselves, but one by one, the daughters returned to work in the family business. They opened new restaurants in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Even though family members sometimes disagreed with each other, they worked together to make the business successful. Daughter Elisabeth explains, "Our mother taught us that to succeed we must have unity, and to have unity we must have peace. Without the strength of the family, there is no business."

Their expanding business became a large corporation in 1996, with three generations of Ans working together. Now the Ans' corporation makes more than $20 million each year. Although they began with a small restaurant, they had big dreams, and they worked together. Now they are a big success.

21. Helene tied several chopsticks together to show ______.

A. the strength of family unity B. the difficulty of growing up

C. the advantage of chopsticks D. the best way of giving a lesson

22. We can I earn from Paragraph 2 that the An family ______.

A. started a business in 1975 B. left Vietnam without much money

C. bought a restaurant in San Francisco

D. opened a sandwich shop in Los Angeles

23. What can we infer about the An daughters?

A. They did not finish their college education.

B. They could not bear to work in the family business.

C. They were influenced by what Helene taught them.

D. They were troubled by disagreement among family members.

24. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. How to Run a Corporation B. Strength Comes from Peace

C. How to Achieve a Big Dream D. Family Unity Builds Success



You often find somebody who works around you complaining all the time, don’t you 25About 70% of Americans say being around nonstop complainers sometimes has a bad influence on them. Luckily, here are 4 tips to help form positive patterns.

1. Self-awareness

When a negative thought pops into your mind, immediately correct it. Instead of telling yourself That’s a nice shirt, but I can’t afford it, change the message to That will look great with my black pants when I can afford it. 26

Of course, everyone complains sometimes. But the less frequently you complain, the better you will feel.

2. Distance yourself

27 Excuse yourself and go somewhere quiet, somewhere outdoors in the fresh air. Think of something pleasant before returning. You have to take this seriously because negative people can and will pull you into the quicksand(困境).

3. Don’t try to change complainers

If you find yourself trapped in a group of complainers in a meeting or at a social event, simply choose silence. Let their words bounce off you while you think of something else. Attempting to stop the complaining can make you a target. 28 If someone says, I hate Mondays, weekends are too short, try to think, I’m glad I rested up over the weekend, so I’m ready to make some improvement on that big project.


When someone is shouting at you angrily, throw the responsibility back at them by asking, So what do you intend to do about it In most cases, complainers don’t really want a solution. They just want to speak them out. If you make them aware that they themselves have to find the solutions, they will leave you alone and find someone else to complain to. If so, you will be happy.

A. Find solutions B. Change responsibility

C. You have got a lot of company.

D. By doing this, it will lead to positive behaviors.

E. But you can redirect the discussion in your own mind.

F. Whenever possible, escape from negative conversations.

G. You will never know what they are going to talk about.


It's been a month since I came to this new school and I really want share with you some of the problems I have been experiencing.

As I tell you last time, I made three new friend here. We hang out together during lunch and after school. We've been spending a lot of time sing in karaoke bars. It's been three Saturdays now and it really costs me many. And I started to see this as a time—wasting activity! In fact ,I don’t like to go anymore, so I’m afraid I’ll lose their friendship. How do you think I should do? If you are me ,would you talk to him?

Please help with me and give me some advice.



《陕西省澄城县寺前中学2017-2018学年高三上学期周考英语统练试题(9.19) Word版无答案.doc》
