
发布时间:2015-06-02   来源:文档文库   
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are still officially considered criminals in roughly one-third of countries worldwide, and homosexuality is punishable by death in seven countries. But other places, such as northern Europe, are very accepting of homosexuality. 全球大约有1/3的国家仍将女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和变性视为犯罪行为。有7个国家允许对同性恋者判处死刑。不过在另一些地区,例如北欧,对同性恋者的接受程度却非常之高。

Unsurprisingly, a new survey shows that gay men are happiest in those welcoming locations. Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz in Germany to carry out an online survey of 115,000 gay men around the world. They combined rankings on public opinion, public behavior and life satisfaction how gay men feel about society’s view on homosexuality, how gay men feel they are treated by other people, and how satisfied gay men are with their own lives, respectively into one worldwide ranking on gay happiness. 可以料想,在那些对同性恋者接受程度高的地区,同性恋者的幸福指数也是最高的。德国的美因茨约翰尼斯·古腾堡大学大学对全球115千名同性恋者发起了一项在线调查。研究者综合考察了若干种数据,如社会舆论观点——同性恋者心中公众对待他们的舆论态度,公众行为方式——同性恋者心目中公众是如何对待他们的,以及生活满意程度——同性恋者对自己生活是否满意,然后就各种数据的总和结果进行了全球性的排比。

Iceland tops their list as the country where gay men are the happiest, followed by Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Uruguay, Canada, Israel, Netherlands, Switzerland and Luxembourg. The United States ranks 26th in the list. The 10 worst countries by this ranking are Kazakhstan, Ghana, Cameroon, Iran, Nigeria, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Ethiopia, Sudan and Uganda. 在研究者列出的排比名单上,冰岛名列榜首,成为同性恋者最幸福的国家。挪威、丹麦、瑞典、乌拉圭、加拿大、以色列、尼德兰等国家紧随其后。在同性恋者最不幸福国家的排名名单上,排在前十的国家为哈萨克斯坦、加纳、喀麦隆、伊朗、尼日利亚、伊朗、吉尔吉斯斯坦、埃塞俄比亚、苏丹和乌干达。

In the top 20 countries, 37 percent of respondents were currently in a committed relationship with another man, while 3 percent were in a relationship with a woman. In the 20 worst countries, only 22 percent were in a committed relationship with a man, and 5 percent were in a relationship with a woman.

Those in the 20 worst countries were also a lot more likely to say their parents were were not accepting of their sexual orientation. Fifty six percent of respondents in the 20 worst countries said this, compared with 20 percent in the 20 best countries. 在最不幸福的前20个国家里,有56%的同性恋者表示自己的父母不愿意接受他们的性取向,在最幸福的前20个国家里,只有20%的同性恋者表示自己的父母不接受他们的性向。可见这种情况在最不幸福的国家更为普遍。

Though many societies are growing more accepting of homosexuality, gay men in some countries report that things have gotten worse in the past few years. Uganda, Kyrgyzstan, Sudan, Nigeria and Ethiopia top this list, though Russia, Turkey and Hungary have also seen a negative trend in the index. 许多国家对于同性恋者的接受程度越来越高,尽管如此,也有一些国家的同性恋者称,近年来他们的处境更加艰难了。在乌干达、吉尔吉斯斯坦、苏丹、尼日利亚和埃塞俄比亚,上述情况最为突出,在俄罗斯、土耳其、匈牙利也存在这种同性恋接受程度下降的趋势。
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