Spatial Correlation of the Topological Charge in Pure SU(3) Gauge Theory and in QCD

发布时间:2011-09-02 21:24:29   来源:文档文库   
a r X i v :h e p -l a t /9912053v 1 24 D e c 1999COLO-HEP-441December 1999.Spatial Correlation of the Topological Charge in Pure SU(3)Gauge Theory and in QCD Anna Hasenfratz Physics Department,University of Colorado,Boulder,CO 80309USA Abstract We study the spatial correlator of the topological charge density operator in pure SU(3)gauge theory and in two flavor QCD.We show that the data for distances up to about 1fm is consistent with a vacuum consisting of individual instantons and closely bound pairs.The percentage of paired objects is twice as large on the dynamical configurations than on the pure gauge ones,implying increased molecule formations due to fermionic interactions.


《Spatial Correlation of the Topological Charge in Pure SU(3) Gauge Theory and in QCD.doc》
