
发布时间:2013-03-15 09:49:45   来源:文档文库   

quote [] [kwəut] [] [kwot] vt.& vi. 引述,引用 vt. 报价; 引述 vi. 引用 n. 引用; 报价; 引号 复数: quotes 过去式: quoted 过去分词: quoted 现在分词: quoting第三人称单

1.VERB 引述;引用If you quote someone as saying something, you repeat what they have written or said.

He quoted Mr Polay as saying that peace negotiations were already underway... 他引用波利先生的话,说和谈已在进行之中。

She was quoted in the Express by an unnamed source as saying: 'I won't bail out those two silly girls.'... 一位匿名的作者在《快报》中引用了她的话说:我不会保释那两个傻丫头的

She quoted a great line from a book by Romain Gary... 她引用了罗曼·加里的一本书中的名句。

Yesterday the Belgian newspaper Le Soir quoted a professor who said he witnessed the killings... 昨天比利时《晚报》援引了一名自称目击了谋杀经过的教授的话。

I gave the letter to our local press and they quoted from it. 我把信交给了我们当地的媒体,他们引用了其中的一部分内容。

2.N-COUNT 引文;引语;语录A quote from a book, poem, play, or speech is a passage or phrase from it.

The article starts with a quote from an unnamed member of the Cabinet. 文章的开头引用了一位未透露姓名的内阁成员说过的话。

3.VERB 援引,引用(法律条款、事实等)If you quote something such as a law or a fact, you state it because it supports what you are saying.

Mr Meacher quoted statistics saying that the standard of living of the poorest people had fallen. 米彻先生援引统计数据来说明最贫困人口的生活水平下降了。

4.VERB ();()If someone quotes a price for doing something, they say how much money they would charge you for a service they are offering or for a job that you want them to do.

A travel agent quoted her £160 for a flight from Bristol to Palma... 一位旅行社职员给她开出的从布里斯托尔至帕尔马的机票报价是160英镑。

He quoted a price for the repairs. 他给出了维修费用的报价。

5.N-COUNT 报价;开价A quote for a piece of work is the price that someone says they will charge you to do the work.

Always get a written quote for any repairs needed. 每次进行修理都索要一份书面的报价单。

6.V-PASSIVE 的牌价;报价If a company's shares, a substance, or a currency is quoted at a particular price, that is its current market price.

In early trading in Hong Kong yesterday, gold was quoted at $368.20 an ounce... 在香港昨天早些时候的交易中,黄金的牌价为每盎司368.20美元。

Heron is a private company and is not quoted on the Stock Market. 赫伦公司是一家私营公司,没有在股票交易市场挂牌。

7.N-PLURAL quotation markQuotesare the same as quotation marks .

The word 'remembered' is in quotes. remembered 一词用引号括了起来。

8.CONVENTION 原话是;这是的原话You can say 'quote' to show that you are about to quote someone's words.

He predicts they will have, quote, 'an awful lot of explaining to do'. 他预计他们需要大费周章地解释一番,这是他的原话。

双语例句1. This is the best price I can quote you. 这是我给你开出的最有利的价钱了。

2. The actor, striking an attitude, began to quote Shakespeare. 这位演员装腔作势地开始引用莎士比亚的原文。

3. The poem is too long to quote in its entirety. 这首诗太长,没法全文引用。

4. Can you quote me an example of what you mean? 你能否给我举个例子来说明你的意思?

5. I got a number of suppliers to quote me their best prices. 我有一些供应商给我开出最优惠价。


vt. 提供,给予; 提出,提议; 出价,开价; 表示愿意 vi. 提议; 企图,想要; 供奉 n. 提议; 出价,开价; 试图; 求婚 复数: offers过去式: offered过去分词: offered现在分词: offering第三人称单数: offers派生词:offerer

1.VERB 提供;给予If you offer something to someone, you ask them if they would like to have it or use it.

He has offered seats at the conference table to the Russian leader and the president of Kazakhstan... 他已邀请俄罗斯领导人和哈萨克斯坦总统参加会谈。

The number of companies offering them work increased... 来越多的公司向他们提供工作机会。

Rhys offered him an apple... 里斯给他一个苹果。

Western governments have offered aid. 西方政府提供了援助。

2.VERB (主动)表示愿意(做某事);提议If you offer to do something, you say that you are willing to do it.

Peter offered to teach them water-skiing... 彼得主动提出教他们滑水。

'Can I get you a drink,' she offered. 想要喝点什么吗,她提议道。

3.N-COUNT 提供(物);给予(物);提议An offer is something that someone says they will give you or do for you.

The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position... 提议与莫斯科举行会谈标志着西方立场的重大转变。

'I ought to reconsider her offer to move in,' he mused... 我该重新考虑她让我搬去和她一起住的提议,他思忖着。

He had refused several excellent job offers. 他已经拒绝了好几个绝佳的工作机会。

4.VERB 提供(信息、建议等);作出(表扬)If you offer someone information, advice, or praise, you give it to them, usually because you feel that they need it or deserve it.

They manage a company offering advice on mergers and acquisitions... 他们经营着一家为兼并收购业务提供咨询的公司。

She offered him emotional and practical support in countless ways... 她以数不清的方式给予了他情感上和实质上的支持。

They are offered very little counselling or support. 他们没有得到多少指导或支持。

5.VERB 给予,表示(爱、友谊等)If you offer someone something such as love or friendship, you show them that you feel that way towards them.

The President has offered his sympathy to the Georgian people... 总统对格鲁吉亚人民表示了同情。

It must be better to be able to offer them love and security... 要是能给予他们关爱和安全感肯定会更好。

John's mother and sister rallied round offering comfort. 约翰的母亲和姐姐到他身边给予安慰。

6.VERB (向上帝或神)奉献(祈祷、赞美),祭献(牺牲)If people offer prayers, praise, or a sacrifice to God or a god, they speak to or give something to their god.

Church leaders offered prayers and condemned the bloodshed... 教会领袖向上帝祈祷并谴责流血事件。

He will offer the first harvest of rice to the sun goddess. 他将把收获的第一束稻子献给太阳女神。

Offer upmeans the same as offer .offer up offer

He should consider offering up a prayer to St Lambert. 他应当考虑向圣朗贝尔祷告。

7.VERB (机构等)提供,给予(服务、产品等)If an organization offers something such as a service or product, it provides it.

We have been successful because we are offering a quality service... 我们因提供的服务水准一流一直经营得很成功。

Sainsbury's is offering customers 1p for each shopping bag reused... 塞恩斯伯里超市为重复利用购物袋的顾客提供每只1便士的奖励。

Eagle Star offers a 10% discount to the over-55s. 鹰星公司给予年龄在55岁以上的顾客10%的折扣。

8.N-COUNT (商品的)特价,特惠An offer in a shop is a specially low price for a specific product or something extra that you get if you buy a certain product.

This month's offers include a shirt, trousers and bed covers... 本月的特价商品包括一款衬衫、裤子和多种床罩。

Today's special offer gives you a choice of three destinations... 今天推出的特价线路有3个目的地可供选择。

Over 40 new books are on offer at 25 per cent off their normal retail price. 超过40种新书降价25%特惠销售。

9.VERB (买方)出(价),开(价)If you offer a particular amount of money for something, you say that you will pay that much to buy it.

Whitney has offered $21.50 a share in cash for 49.5 million Prime shares... 惠特尼公司开出每股21.50美元的现金价收购4,950 万股普赖姆公司的股票。

They are offering farmers $2.15 a bushel for corn... 他们向农民出价每蒲式耳2.15美元收购玉米。

He will write Rachel a note and offer her a fair price for the land... 他将给蕾切尔写一张便条,就那块土地开出合理的价格。

It was his custom in buying real estate to offer a rather low price. 他在购买地产时习惯把价格压得很低。

10.N-COUNT (买方的)报价,开价;赔偿金An offer is the amount of money that someone says they will pay to buy something or give to someone because they have harmed them in some way.

The lawyers say no one else will make me an offer... 律师说不会再有人给我出价了。

He has dismissed an offer of compensation. 他拒绝接受赔偿金。

11.PHRASE 具有某种品质(或能力)If you have something to offer, you have a quality or ability that makes you important, attractive, or useful.

In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has to offer. 您可以在闲暇时间探索这座美妙城市的各种风情。

12.PHRASE 提供的;供使用的;待售的If there is something on offer, it is available to be used or bought.

Savings schemes are the best retail investment products on offer. 储蓄方案是现有的最佳零售投资产品。

...country cottages on offer at bargain prices.


13.PHRASE 愿意考虑买方出价;愿意接受合理报价If you are open to offers, you are willing to do something if someone will pay you an amount of money that you think is reasonable.

It seems that while the Kiwis are keen to have him, he is still open to offers. 看来尽管新西兰几维队很想与他签约,他仍然欢迎其他球队开价。

双语例句1. In the light of his remarks, we rejected her offer. 鉴于他的评语,我们拒绝了她的提议。 2. Acceptance of the offer is the first step to a merger. 对这项提议的赞同是合并的第一步。 3. His sense of decency and fair play made him refuse the offer. 他的正直感和公平竞争意识使他拒绝了这一提议。 4. This reply is a virtual acceptance of our offer. 这一回答实质上是接受了我们的建议。 5. They cannot be relied on to offer much support or advice. 不能指望他们提供很多支持和意见。

offer(报盘),也叫报价,是卖方主动向买方提供商品信息,或者是对询盘(inquire)的答复,是卖方根据买方的来信,向买方报盘,其内容可包括商品名称、规格、数量、包装条件、价格、付款方式和交货期限等。报盘有两种:虚盘(non-firm offers)和实盘(firm offers)。 虚盘(non-firm offers, 即无约束力的报盘。一般情况下,多数报盘均为虚盘,虚盘不规定报盘的有效日期,并且附有保留条件,


