
发布时间:2013-06-21 23:02:13   来源:文档文库   


有一份试卷是出课本的原文,主要是1245910单元的10个短对话,两篇长对话,homework部分的task1task2,其他部分不需要看。保守起见,剩下的3678单元也要听一遍,因为上学期就考了没上过的单元。另一份试卷则是老师发的十份模拟题中出,老师已经给我们上了text 1345,剩下的单元我也拿不到试卷,只能听而没有答案可看,但考的可能性也挺大。主要是看SectionA部分(8个短对话、两篇长对话),passge 部分太难,有时间的话可以听下。 最后有一篇是要听写7个单词,课本和模拟题上的都是难度太大,考的可能性很小,基本是从课外出题。至于选的是哪份,老师给的话是:“听天由命吧!”

2、作文,准备好两篇, 15 100-120


(根据读写课本的第五单元section B的内容

第一段写几句概括性的话,说明处理好宿舍关系的重要性,不超过30字。然后可以选择以下观点中的两三个来展开:1、学会沟通communication 告诉别人自己的想法,调节自己的情绪,缓解心理压力。主动沟通,存在的问题才能得到解决,容易消除误解,也更好地了解彼此。2help each 学会相互帮助,当室友不开心时,主动安慰他;有困难时,伸出援助之手。3understand 学会理解 不要以自我为中心,要懂得换位思考,多为他人考虑,反思自己,从自身找原因。 4)、学会欣赏和赞美 appreciate and praise 每个人都渴望得到别人的赞美,当你赞美别人后,被赞美的人会感到快乐,活跃了宿舍气氛。5、学会宽容tolerance forgiveness 每个人都有不同的生活方式,难免会产生矛盾,要有一颗阔达的心,不斤斤计较。6学会独立independent 自己能做的事情就自己完成,不麻烦室友。

2、情商EQ比智商IQ更重要! 就此展开你的论述,说明为何情商更重要。

注意,命题就是情商比智商更重要,所以就不要写自己认为智商更重要了,understand!!!! 根据第10单元sectionA的内容)

观点举例:所谓情商.就是指一个人的沟通交际技能.与人共事的能力.在竞争激烈的现代社会中.仅凭一己之力打天下,很难获得成功.情商高.善于交友的人,事业成功的几率非常高 广为接受的概念是一个人的成功遵守20/80原则,即20%取决于智商,80%有其他因素决定,其中重要的是情商。情商主要反映一个人感受、理解、运用、表达、控制和调节自己情感的能力,以及处理自己与他人之间的情感关系的能力。


Emotional quotient (EQ)\ intelligence quotient(IQ)

EQ is more important than IQ

EQ is refers to a person to the environment, personal or emotional control ability and the operation ability for team relationship. For example EQ is mainly reflected a person feeling, understanding, using, expression, control and adjust their emotions and ability to deal with their relationships with others. High EQ is good at communicating with others and learn to deal with own bad mood. High IQ is not the only factor in the success.

In the competitive modern society. Only on their own farmland, it is hard to succeed. EQ is the life ability, it can not only make IQ effect, it also affect an individual health, happiness and success of important factor. Increasing studies have shown that IQ plays only 20% part in one’s success while EQ takes the 80% part.

One who has acquired higher EQ will be more successful.

3、阅读理解 三篇 30分左右 全部从课外出

4、完形填空 10 说是考课外 保守起见 还是看看课本1245910的吧

五、1510(选词填空) 10-15 同上,保守起见 还是看看课本1245910

六、单选题 30 15 就从我下面整理的出。已得到老师官方认证。

9-10- unit 1

hundreds of workers sat idle(空闲的)on the factory floor waiting for the assembly line start again.

1、To some of our .....so we were looking at the students’reasoning as to how they got it and if they could justify..辩护 the answer they had.

2、Consumers expect to find brand available at a discount忽视 and are unpleasantly surprised to find a higher price.

3、The European union is make up of 27 nations with distinct独特的 cultural,linguistic and economic roots.

4、Police found minute极小的 traces of blood on the car seats.

5、Despite his promise to eliminate cronyism ,he was openly accused控告of giving government.......

6、But i would like to accept his kind offer if he did not object反对 to my sharing the sees with my friend.........

7、The population from the factories continues to contaminate污染 the river and also poses health......

8、We believe it’s possible to sustain维持 growth through the use of different kinds of....

9、The people loved her so much that they nicknamed her Evita , and long after her death,many Argentines continue to worship 敬重her.

1、the president defended the government policy, accusing the media of misinforming the people.

2、The less you spend, the less you’ll owe ,and the less likely you’ll end up bankrupt.

3、Darby was looking for a way to improve the image of the company when he come upon the idea of inviting students from the .....

4、As fan as i can remember ,this was their mother at her worst :her voice was strident ,and she was ready to be angry at anyone.

5、If you don’t take care of your body now ,you’ll pay for it dearly when you’re older.

6、If they failed to complete the project on schedule ,they would run a risk of being dismissed.

7、In our university ,students are also encouraged to make sure of the use of the arts center and to participate in music and drama

8、In many cases ,optional subjects other than science are available ,such as business studies.

9、The young artist’s parents objected to his giving up his day job for fear that he might fail in his quest for fame.

10、Some people think that most pills offer either no real improvement or ,at best only moderate improvement.

Unit 2 pa 35

1、she was very polite and ,like the rest of her people ,never laughed if an outsider said something coarse粗鲁的.

2、I still have bitter feelings for Robert . What can i say? He completely betrayed 背叛my trust.

3、Apart from the incident 事件in las vegas ,our vacation was completely trouble free

4、In 1968,the Oscar ceremony was postponed推迟 for two days ,following the assassination of Martin Luther king.

5、Now that we have approval we may execute实施 the scheme as previously

6、Many of the papers focus their attention on the controversy surrounding包围 statements reportedly ......

7、As all the performers were either related to or known to the audience ,each act was greeted with loud and equal applause.鼓掌

8、The man’s story was so extraordinary 不寻常的that i didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

9、The first mobile phones were heavy and clumsy笨拙的 to use ,but nowadays..

10、His latest book animal liberation ,sparked触发 a nationwide debate on.....

1、charlie chaplin was born in a poor area of south London ,but in 1913 he left Britain for good.

2、He revolted against all kinds of human discrimination and sought

3、The interview was really stressful .they were trying to trip me up all the was through.

4、Recent studies have found that certain smells can bring about extreme psychological changes.

5、I couldn’t remember a fairy story to tell the children ,so I made up one as i went along.

6、I think that the decision was not appropriate to a degree concerning.....

7、They’ll have to cut the film down it’s far too long.

8、They used to live in a big house with lots of servants ,but they’ve come down in the world since then.

9、Because of the popularity of the region,it is advisable to book hotels or campsites in advance.

10、There were moments when i wondered :did she do this on purpose ,or was it all just a game.

Unit 4 pa 87

1、The local government has given priority to the construction of infrastructure so as to attract more foreign investment投资

2、He placed his house at my disposal处理 during my holidays.

3、The writer has condensed压缩 a great deal of material into just over 100pages and........

4、An absence of strategic策略上的 vision and insufficient customer focus were two other.......

5、The san Francisco-based company said the contract is expected to generate revenue收益 of 250 million in the first

6、We had only two weeks to tour Malaysia ,which was hardly enough to scratch the scratch the surface.

7、Monopolies in industries like railways and various utilities公共事业 need breaking up

8、To head off competition,the telecommunication companies .have invested投资/ heavily in high.......

9、Bt’s prices for national and international calls are now among the lowest in the world ,although local call prices are nowhere near the cheapest.

10、Manufacturers currently are working to establish industry standards for digital transmission传送 and reception of the signals.


1Now people can transmit传送 information much more quickly than ever before.

2、every effort has been made to insure 确保that all information was correct at ........

3、A crucial关键的 part of germany’s success is their system of finding and looking after ..........

4、When carrying out such exercises.....and they receive constant feedback反馈 about their progres.s

5、I start my day by reading correspondence记者、通信员 and writing replies.

6、In this....professor smith had specialized专供in international politics with an........

7、In our university,each student has a personal tutor导师 whom they normally meet.......

8、The town is built by the side of a hill ,hence因此 the name hillside.

9、Beginning fourth grade.....spend a considerable portio一部分 of the academic.......

10、With piles of files 文件to be dealt with ,he should not have gone to the ........


1、employees at humble谦虚的 jobs have to carefully weight up the employer’s words.........

2、In paris,the Eiffel tower closed to the......made it too slippery滑的.to climb.

3、Children and ,alter........on their impulses,to tame 驯服their desires

4、Some potes and philosophers choose......they can find inspiration 灵感in it.

5、No one noticed that the little boy had crept潜伏 into the room and was ........

6、Black was wrongfully arrested and is now demanding an apology道歉 from the police

7、After months of observation观察,i personally can ........

8、Though he did not dictate口述 he went at apace slow enough for the........

9、Some people feel totally inadequate 不充分when faced with new responsibilities.

10、The philosopher is said to be a solitary 喜欢独处的man.he .......


1、the tutor simplified the instructions so that the children could.....

2、Oh no,the light have gone out......we’d better call the electrician.

3、Since the September 11 attacks......of the economic recovery within a few years

4、The sight filled her with childlike excitement.

5、His life story is recounted......of his autobiography.

6、Use a red pencil to underline all the foods or meals you think.......

7、A police helicopter had evacuated......building after a terrorist bomb exploded.....

8、Please do not overreact if your child gets into trouble at school


1、it is generally acknowledged ...... is a an extremely abstract抽象的 and theoretical science

2、All of these festivals were regarded as holy神圣的 occasions when.....

3、It was a terrible accident.Nevertheless 不过air travel is still the safest.....

4、What is perhaps of great importance....the case against all odds.可能性

5、Far from helping the situation ....are likely to complicate使复杂化 matters.

6、They enjoy each other’s company and are prepared to tolerate容忍 any inconvenience.

7、She suffers from periods of deep depression沮丧,when she locks.....

8、Both sides hope that the ....without resorting采取 to military actions

9、Susan exclaimed呼喊 in horror when a young man suddenly....

10、A person with an eating disorder杂乱 may maintain a normal weight.......


1、i’d be only delighted if governments....right’s aren’t being violated侵犯,smart said.

2、The investigation is at a delicate微妙的 stage ,so we cannot release their names.

3、The lawyer contended争论 that his client was innocent....

4、The french government has...foreign cultural invasion入侵.

5、The statistics are a clear illustration 例证of the point i am...

6、In the first several years.....revenue although attendance上座率 had been high.

7、Last year the government made a number of tax concessions 让步to ring....

8、To give euro disneyland its unique 唯一的features ,the legends....

9、Many years ago he had contemplated计划 writing a book about his.....

10、In fact,many diets today take into ..help you avoid excess过度 fats,cholesterol.....


1、computer-based communication can....will need to incorporate包含 current ceaching methods...

2、Since its release,dr goleman’s.....has triggered引起 heated debates about the importance of .....

3、Due to different life experiences ......,people’s perspectives看法 on an event may vary .......

4、Dr.Goleman believes that cultivating培养 emotional intelligence.......

5、When psychologists began to .....they used to confine it to cognitive aspects.....

6、The purchase of 500....military capacity容量 by 25%over the next five years

7、Controversial 有争议的as EQ is ,the company has attached much importance......

8、Working in a refugee ......helped to raise his political consciousness意识

9、If you were interested in EQ,i’d recommend推荐 the book emotional intelligence....

10、The state will encourages.......and promote the application应用 of science


1、the businessman made contributions to society as a whole,........

2、We know it’s easy to say.......of dieting.Keep at it and you will succeed.

3、When she was four years ......was confined to the hospital for two year......

4、A special period should be set aside solely for the purpose if carrying.....

5、Assign a different color to each different type of information......

6、We can begain to understand....when when we reflect on/upon how we have....

7、Ken sorted through the photographs ,choosing two or three.......

8、We have taken note of what you have said and will.....

9、Separate interviews with parents showed ......were supportive of teachers , with....

10、The men were caught in the act of digging up buried explosives.


