
发布时间:2020-11-30   来源:文档文库   
Secti on A Fin la nd Norther n Lights The Northern Lights, also known as Aurora Orealis北极光or the Dawn of the North , never fail to take your breath Theay. aurora borealis is one of the most sublime 超群的and magnificent natural phenomena on Earth. Before scientists cracked 侦破the mystery of the auroras, men were drawn 吸弓丨and fascinated 地吸引住by these dancing and magical lights that were often found in mythology神话and lege nds. In Roma n Mythology, it is said that the Aurora is the deityof the dawn. In North America, the Inuits 爱斯基摩人have many lege nds that expla in them as spirits of the dead. They believed that the lights are the esse nces精华of deer, salmon鮭鱼,seals and other animals that they hunted. Aristotle 里斯多德thought it was glowing air gushing 喷出from cracks in the sky. The appearanee of the red aurora in medieval 中世纪的 times was feared as a bad ome n 前兆or a sig n of God's an ger. They believed the manifestation 显现of the aurora indicated famine or war. Charles Hall 查尔斯•霍尔,a 19th-century polar explorer, exclaimed: "Who but God can conceive 想出such infinite无穷的 sce nes of glory?" Oddly eno ugh, the Maori 毛利人thought that the displays were just reflections of a campfire 营火or torches.
Regardless whether you believe the scie ntific facts or the lege nds behind its existenee, you ' II still be caVfetedy these super natural display of lights, and there are coun tless desti nati ons where you can see the majestic phe nomenon. Fin la nd (芬兰)for example, should be a represe ntative. Many visitors to Fi nla nd come with hopes of see ing the Finland Norther n Lights. The best place to see the Norther n Lights in Fi nla nd is in the no rther n Lapland regi on
,which is almost en tirely located within the realm 区域of the Arctic Circle 北极圈.During the dark win ter mon ths here, whe n the sun rarely peaks使达U最高峰its head over the horizon, you can expect to see the Finland Norther n Lights with regularity, and other peak 峰值 seas ons in clude February through March and September through October. The time betwee n 6 p.m. and 1 a.m. is the most intense period of the day. The highest probability within this timespan (时间间隔)to see the Finland Norther n Lights is betwee n 9 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., though they are certainly not restricted to this time frame. If you have never see n the Norther n Lights wherever they com mon ly occur in the world, then you will be amazed the first time when you lay eyes on them. The Norther n Lights are similar to a sun set in the sky at ni ght, but appear occasi on ally in arcs(弧光)or spirals(螺旋形物)usually followi ng the earth's magnetic (磁性的)field. They are most often light green in color but often have a
hint of pink. Swirling 涡旋形的shades of blue, gree n, and pink are most com mon whe n it comes to the Fi nland Northern Lights. Strong eruptions also have violet 紫罗兰色的and white colours. Red no rther n lights are rare, but can sometimes be observed on lower latitudes纬度. The Finland Aurora Borealis, while best see n in Lapla nd, can also be witnessed as far south as the capital city of Helsinki 赫尔辛基from time to time, though on average, there are only some twenty days out of the year whe n view ing them is possible in most souther n parts of the country. Part of the reason why it can be difficult to see the Northern Lights of Fin la nd in Helsi nki is because of the fact that it is hard to escape to dimly lit areas. The relative lack of city lights is just one of the reas ons why the Lapla nd regi on sees some 200 ni ghtly occurre nces every year, and one must also consider the region ' s northern location. The lower reaches区域of the Arctic Circle are ideal for view ing the Norther n Lights across the pla net, which is why Can ada and Alaska are good destinations in the Western Hemisphere半球. For those who are won deri ng what causes the Norther n Lights in Finland, solar flares耀斑are largely responsible. These flares effectively cause solar winds and solar storms, which create lingering 移的atmospheric particles or matter. The Aurora Borealis is just caused by these charged

particles粒子ejected喷出from the sun. When these particles reach the earth, they collide 碰撞with gas atoms in the earth's atmosphere causing them to energise 释放出能量 which results in a spectacular multi-coloured light show. As such 因此, scie ntists can often accurately predict whe n the best times are for view ing the Norther n Lights in Finland by keep ing an eye out for 留心 solar flares. 757 words
New Words aurora [?:'r?:r?] n.曙光[C];极光[C];【罗神】大写:)奥罗拉即曙 光女神
sublime [s?'bla?m] a.雄伟的;卓越的;壮丽的;超群的 crack [kr?k] v.敲破;破解 draw v.吸引注意等 fasc inate v.强烈地吸引住 mythology [mi' ?l?d?i] n.神话 deity ['di:iti] n.
essence ['esns] n.精髓,精华 salmon ['s?m ?n] n.鮭,大麻哈鱼 gush [g?? v.涌出,喷出
medieval [medi'i:v ?l] a.中世纪的,中古(时代)的原始的 omen [' ?um?n] n.前兆,预兆,兆头

manifestation [,m?nifes'tei ??n] n.显现
conceive [k?n'si:v] v. 想像;想出 infinite ['infinit] a. 无穷的,广大无边的 campfire ['k?mp,fai ?] n. 营火 ,篝火 captivate ['k?ptiveit] v. 吸住;迷惑住 realm [relm] n.区域,围 peak vt. 使达到最高峰 n. 最大量;巅值,峰值 timespan n. 间间隔 arc [ a:k] n.弧;弧光 spiral ['spair ?l] n. 螺旋形物
magnetic [m?g'netik] a. swirling [sw ?:l] v. 使打旋; 盘绕 violet ['vai?lit] a. 紫罗兰色的 latitude ['l?titju:d] n. 纬度 reach n. 区域,领域,围 hemisphere ['hemisfi ?] n. 半球 flare [fl ??] n. 太阳的 耀斑,色球爆发 lingering ['li?g?ri?] a. 逗留不去的;游移的 charge v. particle ['p a:tikl] n.颗粒,微粒;粒子
eject [i'd ?ekt] v. 喷出
collide [k?'laid] v. 车等碰撞 with 意志等冲突,抵触 with
energise['en?d?aiz] =energize (美)vt.供给...能量,使精力充沛
Useful Expressi ons take on e'breath away 屏息凝神
with regularity 经常地
be restricted to 局限于
lay eyes on 看至U, 看见
a hint of 一丁点儿
collide with 车等碰撞;意志等as such 这样;因此
keep an eye out for 留心
Proper Names Aurora Borealis 北极光
the In uit 因纽特人;爱斯基摩人
Aristotle 亚里斯多德
Charles Hall 查尔斯霍尔
Maori 毛利人;毛利语
Finland 芬兰
Lapla nd region 拉普兰地区
Arctic Circle 北极圈北纬6633分以北区域 Helsi nki 赫尔 辛基 芬兰首都
Notes 1. Aurora Borealis:北极光---"北端的光
由太阳风和地球磁场及上层大气交互作用产生。与南极光 aurora australis ,统称为极光。aurora borealis这个词是由一个法国的 科学家Pierre Gassendi命名的。
2. Aurora:古希腊曙光女神
古希腊女神奥罗拉也叫厄俄斯是曙光女神,她在将光明带 往人间的时候,爱上了忧郁的特洛伊王子梯托诺斯,并将王子带 回了奥林匹斯山。月亮女神阿尔忒弥斯帮助她将王子藏了起来, 并告诉他去宙斯的神殿祈求王子得到长寿。奥罗拉向宙斯祈求了 王子的长寿,却忘记了祈求他的永葆青春。 是王子迅速地老去,

孩子带回了人间,奥罗拉悲痛欲绝,却毫无办法。因为女神的悲 伤,世界失去了光明。最后奥罗拉被宙斯劝说,继续为人间带来 光明。 3. Borealis:是指北部地区
Borealis Australis 相对,Australis 是指南部地区。
起源:这个词是由希腊语Boreas而来就是北风的意思。在希腊语 个方向的的风都有属于自己的名字: Notus南风;Zephyrus西 风;Euro东风。
4. Finland :芬兰
芬兰位于欧洲北部,与瑞典、挪威、俄罗斯接壤,有 之称。芬兰最早的居民为拉普人,故芬兰又称拉普兰。
5. Lapland region : 拉普兰
拉普兰是芬兰最大、同时也是最北端的省份。拉普兰的旅游景点非常 有特色,且野生动物资源丰富,因此吸引了全球各地的人们前来观光。
拉普兰有着芬兰最富有盛名的国家公园, 如圣诞村。此外,它还是观 测北极光的最佳地点之一。到此一游堪称是旅游的最高境界, 终极追 求。
6. Helsinki :(芬兰首都)赫尔辛基 赫尔辛基不仅是芬兰首都,


Secti on B Aurora Borealis
The aurora is a widespread curta in-like coloured glow in the upper atmosphere .In the Arctic circle, the aurora appears as a rin g-shaped glow, like a halo 晕圈,over the northern point of Scandinavia, the Siberian coast, Alaska, northern Canada, and the southern tip of Gree nland. This glow is caused by high-e nergy electr ons collid ing with oxyge n atoms and nitrogen molecules. The basic process is the same as that of a neon sign 广告霓虹灯,which invoIves a vacuum 真空and a high voltage electrical discharge 放电. The electric power is gen erated by a comb in ati on of the solar wind, a hot ionized电离gas blowing out from the sun, and the Earth's magnetic field. Scientifically, the Aurora occurs when the Earth ' s magnetic field collides with the solar wind coming from the Sun, caus ing a tran sfer of en ergy that creates the n orther n hemisphere to glow, specifically aro und the Poles. This produces more tha n 1,000 times the electrical power of the world's largest power pla nt. The eruptions are loosely tied to the solar activity cycle, which lasts about 11 years. The largest terrestrial 地球上的effects tend to

Secti on B Aurora Borealis
happen when activity is at its maximum and in the years following

maximums. However, large disturbances can happen at any part of the cycle. In addition, the occurrence of auroras still depends on the latitude of the observer. The Aurora Lights form an oval band around the magnetic poles of the earth. At a distance about 2500 km from these poles, the probability for seeing auroras is almost 100 %. The Northern Lights have several colourful variations 变差 . The combination of yellows, pinks and greens are created by oxygen molecules that are found 60 miles above the earth ' s atmosphere, whilst the blue and the combination of blue and purple is produced by nitrogen, and the rarest of all auroras, the red, is a product of high-altitude oxygen found 200 miles above Earth ' s atmosphere. One of the most wondrous 奇妙的 features of the aurora is its spectacular movement, as it swirls 弯曲盘旋 rapidly over the whole sky. This phenomenon is called the auroral substorm 磁层亚暴 . The movement is caused by changes in both the electric and magnetic fields in the space around the earth. Changes in the fields are caused by solar eruptions called solar flares. We are still far from understanding the chain of processes that lead to the auroral substorm.

The predict on of the occurre nee of auroras is difficult but we do have some success. There are two kinds of Norther n Lights prediction: statistical and real-time ones. The former is based on a large amount of observati ons of Norther n Lights at differe nt latitudes dur ing several years. From these statistics we can say what is the probability of the occurrence of Northern Lights during the course of year. According to the statistics compiled 搜集by the Finnish Meteorological 气象的Institute, four nights out of five are illuminated 照亮by Northern Lights in Northern Lapland, provid ing that the sky is free eno ugh from clouds. On the coast of the Arctic Ocea n in North Norway one can see Norther n Lights almost every night. Even in South Finland, say Helsinki, one can see them but much more seldom; in Hels inki only one ni ght out of 20. The latter predicti on is based on a space-weather mon itori ng system either by groun d-based devices or satellites watchi ng the space-weather con diti ons around the earth. Whe n the mon itori ng devices, such as magnetometers 地磁or particle detectors 检波器 in a satellite, show certain deviations from the normal situatio n, one can expect that a space weather storm is approach ing in a few hours. The skill of real-time predicti on is, unfortun ately, rather low; we cannot make

predicti ons for several days like forecasti ng no rmal weather. The reason for this shortcoming is that we do not fully un dersta nd the complicated processes, starti ng from the sun and ending in the near-space of the earth. Therefore, more space-research is n eeded for better forecasts. 662 words
New Words halo ['heil ?u] n.日月等的晕,晕圈 nitrogen ['naitr ?d??n] n. neon sign ['ni:, ?n sain] n. 广告霓虹灯 vacuum ['v?kju ?m] n.真空 voltage ['v ?ultid ?] n.电压 discharge [dis't ? ad?] v.放电 ionize ['ai ?naiz] v.使离子化 电离 terrestrial [ti'restri ?l] a.地球 variation [,v ??ri'ei ??n] n.【天文学】变差 wondrous ['w ?ndr?s] a.令人惊奇的,奇异的,奇妙的 swirl [sw ?:l] v.打转;弯曲盘旋 substorm [s?b'st?:m] n.【物理学】磁层亚暴〔地球磁层中的一种扰 乱〕
compile [k?m'pail] v.汇集,编辑搜集资料 meteorological [,mi:ti ?r?l?d?ikl] a.气象的,气象学 illuminate [i'lju:mineit] v. 照亮,照明 magnetometer [,m?gni't ?mit?] n.地磁仪 detector [di'tekt ?] n.检波器,指示器 deviation [,di:vi'ei ??n] n.偏向,偏差
Proper Names Scandinavia 1.斯堪的那维亚半岛2.北欧

Siberian 西伯利亚的来自西伯利亚的 Alaska美国阿拉斯加州 Can ada 加拿大
Greenland 格陵兰岛北美东北的一大岛名属丹麦 Norway 挪威


