
发布时间:2020-04-10 08:53:59   来源:文档文库   




    It was a cold and rainy day. I had no 1  to drive up the winding mountain road to my daughter Carolyn's house. But she 2  I come to see something at the top of the mountain.

    3 as I was, I made the two-hour journey 4  the fog that hung like veils (面纱). By the time I saw how 5 it was near the summit, I had gone too far away. Nothing could be worth this, I 6  as I drove slowly along the dangerous highway.

    "I'll stay for lunch, but I'm heading back as soon as the fog 7 ." I announced. "But I want you to drive me to the garage to pick 8  my car." Carolyn said. "How far is it?" I asked. She replied:" About three minutes and I'll drive you there."

    After ten minutes on the mountain road, I looked at her 9 . "I thought you said three minutes." She smiled. " This is a detour (绕行路线)." Turning down a narrow track, we parked the car and got out. We walked a long path that was thick with pine trees. Gradually the peace and silence of the place began to fill my mind. Then we turned a corner and stopped. I was 10 .

    From the top of the mountain to the folds and valleys 11  several acres of daffodils (水仙花) rich in a variety of colors. It looked as if God had painted something gorgeous in front of us. Many questions 12  my mind. Who created such beauty? Why? How? As we approached the home that stood in the centre of the property, we saw a 13  that read: " Answers to the Questions I know you are asking." The first answer was: "One Woman-Two Hands, Two Feet, and Very Little Brain." The second was: " One at a Time." The third: "Started in 1958."

    As we drove home, I was so 14  by what we had seen. I could 15 speak. "She changed the world." I finally said, "one bulb (水仙球茎) at a time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, and she 16 at it.

    The 17  of it would not let me go. I said:" Imagine if I'd had a 18  and worked on it, just a little bit every day, what might I have 19 ? Carolyn looked at me sideways, smiling. " 20  tomorrow," she said. "Better yet, start today."

1. A. ambition

B. desire

C. challenge

D. way

2. A. invited

B. wished

C. insisted

D. hoped

3. A. Cautious

B. Surprised

C. Eager

D. Unwilling

4. A. through

B. over

C. across

D. beyond

5. A. fresh

B. bright

C. thick

D. cloudy

6. A. doubted

B. declared

C. hesitated

D. thought

7. A. lifts

B. cleans

C. raises

D. sinks

8. A. out

B. up

C. off

D. on

9. A. eagerly

B. desperately

C. anxiously

D. calmly

10. A. shocked

B. amazed

C. amused

D. concerned

11. A. contained

B. lay

C. presented

D. located

12. A. filled

B. disturbed

C. occurred

D. confused

13. A. signal

B. symbol

C. note

D. sign

14. A. encouraged

B. inspired

C. moved

D. thrilled

15. A. hardly

B. rarely

C. simply

D. totally

16. A. brought

B. continued

C. made

D. kept

17. A. wonder

B. doubt

C. mystery

D. idea

18. A. view

B. vision

C. sight

D. scene

19. A. predicted

B. expected

C. accomplished

D. explored

20. A. Behave

B. Take

C. Set

D. Start

【答案】 1B;(2C;(3D;(4A;(5C;(6D;(7A;(8B;(9C;(10B;(11B;(12A;(13D;(14C;(15A;(16D;(17A;(18B;(19C;(20D


1)考查名词。A. ambition “雄心B. desire“欲望C. challenge“挑战D. way“道路。根据语境可知,天气很冷,有雾,需要开车走两个小时的弯曲的山路,因此作者应该是不愿意去女儿家,故选B

2)考查动词。A. invited“邀请B. wished “希望C. insisted“坚持D. hoped“希望。根据上文可知,作者不愿意去女儿那儿,因此,此处是指女儿坚持让她去,故选C

3)考查形容词。A. Cautious“谨慎的B. Surprised“吃惊的C. Eager“渴望的D. Unwilling“不情愿的。根据上文可知,此处要表达尽管不情愿,我还是冒着面纱般的雾走了两个小时的山路,故选D

4)考查介词。A. through“(空间)穿过B. over“越过C. across“(表面)穿过D. beyond“超过。此处是指作者从雾中穿过,through,overacross都有穿过的意思,over是指从上方过去,across是指从面上穿过,跨过,through是指从空间穿过,故选A

5)考查形容词。A. fresh“新鲜的B. bright“明亮的C. thick“浓的D. cloudy“多云的。根据上文语境可知,此处是指雾非常的浓,故选C

6)考查动词。A. doubted “怀疑B. declared“声明C. hesitated“犹豫D. thought“认为。根据上文可知,作者的女儿坚持让作者上山,作者不太愿意,天气也不好,因此,此处是指作者上山时认为此行一点都不值得,故选D

7)考查动词。A. lifts “消散,升起B. cleans“打扫C. raises“ 举起D. sinks“下沉。根据上文可知,作者本不太想来,当时雾很大,由此可知,作者对女儿说吃过午饭雾散了就回去,故选A

8)考查动词短语。句意:但是我想让你开车送我去车库取我的车。A.pick out“挑出B.pick up“开车接某人C.pick off“摘掉D.pick on“挑选。根据句意可知,此处要用pick up开车接人,故选B

9)考查副词。A. eagerly“渴望地B. desperately“绝望地C. anxiously“焦急地D. calmly“镇定地。作者的女儿说只有三分钟的路程,结果走了十分钟的山路还没有到,因此作者是感到焦急,故选C

10)考查形容词。A. shocked“震惊 ” B. amazed“惊奇的C. amused “有趣的D. concerned“关心的。根据下文作者看到满山的水仙花可知,此处是指作者感到非常惊奇,故选B

11)考查动词。句意:从山顶到山谷铺满了几英亩的富含多种颜色的水仙花。A. contained “包括B. lay“位于,C. presented “展示D. located“位于。根据句意可知,此处是指水仙花铺满了山谷,故选B

12)考查动词。A. filled“装满B. disturbed“打扰C. occurred“发生D. confused“困惑。根据下文可知,此处是指我脑子里装满了问题,故选A

13)考查名词。A. signal“信号B. symbol“象征C. note“笔记D. sign“指示牌。根据下文提到"上面写着……"可知,此处是指指示牌,故选D

14)考查动词。A. encouraged“鼓励B. inspired“激励C. moved“感动D. thrilled“激动。根据上文“Who created such beauty? Why? How? As we approached the home that stood in the centre of the property, we saw a     that read: "Answers to the Questions I know you are asking." The first answer was: "One Woman-Two Hands, Two Feet, and Very Little Brain." The second was: "One at a Time." The third: "Started in 1958."以及下文"She changed the world." I finally said, "one bulb (水仙球茎) at a time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, and she    at it.”可知,作者应该是被种花的人感动,1958年开始,一个女人开始种植水仙花,终于让几英亩的土地上长满了美丽的水仙花,故选C

15)考查副词。A. hardly“几乎不B. rarely“罕见地C. simply“简单地D. totally“完全地。根据上文可知,此处是指景色美的让我几乎说不出话来,故选A

16)考查动词。A. brought “带来B. continued“继续C. made“D. kept“保持,坚持。根据上文可知,她坚持下去了,一次一个水仙球茎,从四十年前开始。故选D

17)考查名词。句意:这个惊奇让我不能忘怀。A. wonder“惊奇B. doubt“怀疑C. mystery“神秘D. idea“主意。根据语境可知,作者对满山谷的水仙花感到非常惊奇,故选A

18)考查名词。A. view“风景B. vision“愿景C. sight“视野D. scene “场景。根据上文可知,此处要表达如果我有一个愿景并一天天坚持下去,我将会完成什么。故选B

19)考查动词。A. predicted“预测B. expected“期望C. accomplished“完成D. explored“探索。根据上文可知,如果我每日都坚持一点一点的做下去可知,此处是问"我会完成什么呢?",故选C

20)考查动词。A. Behave“表现B. Take“C. Set“树立D. Start“开始。根据下文Carolyn说最好从今天开始可知,此处是作者说从明天开始,故选D



    Flying on a plane for the first time can be frightening. It can be extra 1  for children who have autism (自闭症). When Linda Diaz was 2  a vacation to Disney World four years ago, she wanted to make flying a 3  experience for her son, Andy, who has autism.

    She called Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport (MSP) to see what could be done. 4 , the airport didn't have programs to help Andy. So Diaz 5  the family's flights and 6  drove 1, 500 miles to Orlando, Florida.

    Soon after that drive to Disney World, a program started at MSP. It is to help make flying 7  for kids like Andy. The program is called Navigating MSP. It holds 8  every month for anyone who has 9  about flying. The program is not 10  for people with autism. Airline workers help 11  get used to the airport and planes. It helps them to be less frightened of flying. When they 12  fly, they are not as worried.

    When Andy was 13 years old, his first 13  ride was planned. He went through a practice with his family. George Callow, an officer at the airport, helped the family through the safety checks. Callow said the visiting families got on a plane, 14  it was not going anywhere. It was just for them to 15 .

    After the last family arrived, the pilot greeted the families over the speaker, "Welcome aboard our flight to 16 ." After greeting the pilot and flight attendants, passengers went to their 17 . But Andy had other plans. Frightened by his new surroundings, he ran down the aisle (走廊) of the plane, 18  a way out. Volunteers suggested that Andy might be most 19  in the front row. They were 20 . Once seated, Andy was quiet and kissed his mother on the face. He felt better about flying now.

1. A. brave

B. hard

C. harmful

D. clever

2. A. planning

B. spending

C. booking

D. enjoying

3. A. long

B. common

C. good

D. personal

4. A. Moreover

B. Therefore

C. However

D. Then

5. A. canceled

B. remembered

C. prepared

D. missed

6. A. once

B. again

C. still

D. instead

7. A. quieter

B. easier

C. faster

D. shorter

8. A. games

B. classes

C. speeches

D. practices

9. A. stories

B. questions

C. worries

D. suggestions

10. A. even

B. just

C. always

D. yet

11. A. visitors

B. patients

C. children

D. foreigners

12. A. usually

B. immediately

C. occasionally

D. really

13. A. plane

B. train

C. bus

D. taxi

14. A. unless

B. but

C. so

D. if

15. A. hide

B. relax

C. pay

D. see

16. A. nowhere

B. somewhere

C. anywhere

D. everywhere

17. A. offices

B. friends

C. seats

D. families

18. A. pointing to

B. looking for

C. thinking about

D. dreaming of

19. A. certain

B. acceptable

C. comfortable

D. special

20. A. important

B. lucky

C. hopeful

D. right

【答案】 1B;(2A;(3C;(4C;(5A;(6D;(7B;(8D;(9C;(10B;(11A;(12D;(13A;(14B;(15D;(16A;(17C;(18B;(19C;(20D


1)考查形容词。Abrave“勇敢的Bhard“艰难的,坚硬的Charmful“有害的Dclever “聪明的。根据上文中的"Flying on a plane for the first time can be frightening"及本句中的"children who have autism"可知,对于有自闭症的儿童来说,首次乘机出行尤为艰难。故选B

2)考查动词。Aplanning“计划Bspending“花费Cbooking“预定Denjoying“享受,喜欢 根据"She called Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport (MSP) to see what could be done"可知,Linda Diaz四年前打算坐飞机去迪斯尼世界旅行,她想让自己罹患自闭症的儿子Andy有一次良好的飞行体验。故选A

3)考查形容词。Along“长的Bcommon“共同的Cgood“好的Dpersonal “个人的。根据"She called Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport (MSP) to see what could be done"可知,Linda Diaz四年前打算坐飞机去迪斯尼世界旅行,她想让自己罹患自闭症的儿子Andy有一次良好的飞行体验。故选C

4)考查副词。AMoreover“而且BTherefore“因此CHowever“然而DThen “然后。根据语境可知,设空所在句与上一句之间是转折关系,故选C

5)考查动词。Acanceled“取消Bremembered“记住,记起Cprepared“准备Dmissed “错过,想念。根据上文中的"the airport didn't have programs to help Andy"可知,明尼阿波利斯圣保罗国际机场没有相关项目能帮助Andy,因此Diaz取消了一家人的航班,改作驱车1500英里前去奥兰多。故选A

6)考查副词。Aonce“从前,曾经Bagain“再,又Cstill“仍然,一直Dinstead “代替。根据上文中的"the airport didn't have programs to help Andy"可知,明尼阿波利斯圣保罗国际机场没有相关项目能帮助Andy,因此Diaz取消了一家人的航班,改作驱车1500英里前去奥兰多。故选D

7)考查形容词,Aquieter“更安静的Beasier“更容易的Cfaster“更快的Dshorter“更短的,更矮的 根据下文中的"It helps them to be less frightened of flying"可知,该项目旨在帮助像Andy一样的孩子们,使他们的乘机出行变得更容易一些。故选B

8)考查名词。Agames“游戏,比赛Bclasses“班,课Cspeeches“演讲Dpractices “练习,时间。根据"He went through a practice with his family"提示了,故选D

9)考查名词。Astories“故事Bquestions“问题Cworries“担心Dsuggestions “建议。本空是对下文"they are not as worried"中的worried的同根词复现。故选C

10)考查副词。Aeven“甚至Bjust“刚刚,只Calways“总是Dyet “但是。根据上文中的anyone可知,这一项目并非只针对自闭症患者。故选B

11)考查名词。Avisitors“游客,来宾Bpatients“病人Cchildren“孩子Dforeigners“外国人 本空对下文"passengers went to their"中的passengers的同义词复现,故选A

12)考查副词。Ausually“通常Bimmediately“立刻,马上Coccasionally“偶尔Dreally “确实。根据上文中的"Airline workers...get used to the airport and planes"可知,航空公司的工作人员帮助有飞行焦虑的人熟悉机场和飞机,当这些人实际乘机旅行时,就没有先前那么焦虑了。故选D.

13)考查名词。Aplane“飞机Btrain“火车Cbus“公共汽车Dtaxi “出租车Andy的首次乘飞机旅行已经安排就绪。故选A

14)考查连词。根据上文中的"He went through a practice with his family"可知,进行参观体验的各个家庭上了一架飞机,但是该飞机哪儿也不去,他们只是进行观摩来了。故选B

15)考查动词。Ahide“躲藏Brelax“放松Cpay“支付Dsee“看见 根据上文中的"He went through a practice with his family"可知,进行参观体验的各个家庭上了一架飞机,但是该飞机哪儿也不去,他们只是进行观摩来了。故选D

16)考查副词。根据上文中"it was not going anywhere"可知,这趟航班无处可去。故选A

17)考查名词。Aoffices“办公室Bfriends“朋友Cseats“座位Dfamilies “家庭。下文中的"Once seated"提示了本空,故选C

18)考查动词短语。Apointing to“指向Blooking for“寻找Cthinking about“考虑Ddreaming of “梦想。根据上文"Frightened by his new surroundings"可知,Andy对新环境感到不适,在飞机走廊里跑来跑去,试图寻找出口。故选B

19)考查形容词。Acertain“某种,确信的Bacceptable“可以接受的Ccomfortable“舒服的Dspecial “特殊的 根据下文"Andy was quiet and kissed his mother on the face. He felt better about flying now"可知,有志愿者建议,头排座椅可能对Andy来说是最舒服的,事实证明,志愿者们是对的。故选C

20)考查形容词。Aimportant“重要的Blucky“幸运的Chopeful“充满希望的Dright“正确的 根据下文"Andy was quiet and kissed his mother on the face. He felt better about flying now"可知,有志愿者建议,头排座椅可能对Andy来说是最舒服的,事实证明,志愿者们是对的。故选D



    A minister(牧师)was on a long flight. The first 1  of approaching problem came when the sign on the airplane 2  on: Fasten Your Seat Belts.

    As the minister looked 3  the aircraft, it became obvious that many of the passengers became 4 . Later, a voice over the intercom(内部通话系统) said "We are so sorry that we are unable to 5  the meal at this time. The currents are ahead of us." And then the storm broke. Lightning lit up the darkening skies, and 6  moments the great plane was tossed(使动来动去) around.

    The minister recalled, "As I looked around the plane, I could see the nearly all the 7  were scared. Then I suddenly saw a little girl. Obviously, the storm 8  nothing to her. She was reading a book on her seat and everything within her small world was 9 . Sometimes she closed her eyes, then she would read again. Sometimes she straightened her legs, but worry and 10  were not in her world."

    The minister could 11  believe his eyes. It was not surprising, 12 , that when the plane finally reached its destination and all the passengers were hurrying to 13 the plane, the minister came up to the girl whom he had 14  for such a long time. Having talked about the storm, he asked why she had not been afraid.

    The child replied, "That was because my 15  was the pilot, and he would take me home."

    There are many kinds of 16  that frightened us. Physical, mental, financial, domestic, and many other storms can easily and quickly 17  our sky and throw our plane into apparently uncontrollable movement. We have all known such times, and let us be honest and accept, it is much 18  to be at rest when our feet are on the ground than 19  we are being tossed about a darkened shy.

    Let us remember: Our father is the 20 . He is in control and taking us home. Don't worry.

1. A. suffering

B. effort

C. warning

D. chance

2. A. flashed

B. tried

C. took

D. put

3. A. over

B. around

C. into

D. at

4. A. worried

B. relaxed

C. annoyed

D. inspired

5. A. buy

B. cook

C. complete

D. serve

6. A. of

B. within

C. with

D. after

7. A. passengers

B. pilots

C. officials

D. crew

8. A. presented

B. brought

C. meant

D. created

9. A. likely

B. friendly

C. deadly

D. orderly

10. A. fear

B. knowledge

C. stress

D. expectation

11. A. suddenly

B. gradually

C. hardly

D. willingly

12. A. however

B. therefore

C. otherwise

D. instead

13. A. drive off

B. pull over

C. land on

D. get off

14. A. watched

B. attended

C. remarked

D. complained

15. A. uncle

B. dad

C. brother

D. cousin

16. A. accident

B. quarrel

C. storm

D. anger

17. A. destroy

B. cover

C. darken

D. break

18. A. easier

B. softer

C. ruder

D. tougher

19. A. until

B. when

C. unless

D. if

20. A. student

B. driver

C. minister

D. engineer

【答案】 1C;(2A;(3B;(4A;(5D;(6B;(7A;(8C;(9D;(10A;(11C;(12B;(13D;(14A;(15B;(16C;(17C;(18A;(19B;(20B


1)考查名词。 A. suffering “遭受 B. effort “努力 C. warning “警告 D. chance“ 机会。根据下文的“of approaching problem came when the sign on the airplane   2   on: Fasten Your Seat Belts.”可知牧师在长途飞行途中听到了一个警告。故选C

2)考查动词。A. flashed “闪过 B. tried “尝试 C. took “带走D. put “放置。根据“when the sign on the airplane”可知当时飞机上的警报灯闪烁。故选A

3)考查介词。A. over “之上 B. around“ 周围 C. into “内部 D. at “。根据下文“As I looked around the plane, I could see the nearly all the   7   were scared.”可知牧师是四下看时发现大家听到警报。故选B

4)考查形容词。A. worried “担心的 B. relaxed “放松的 C. annoyed“ 烦恼的 D. inspired“激励的。根据下文“As I looked around the plane, I could see the nearly all the   7   were scared.”可知听到警告后,大家都很担心。故选A

5)考查动词。A. buy “购买 B. cook“煮饭 C. complete “完成 D. serve“ 服务。空姐在广播现在不能给乘客提供饮食,不再提供饮料是因为飞机也许会失控。故选D

6)考查介词。A. of“...… B. within“...... C. with “ D. after“.... 之后。很快飞机就在雷鸣闪电中摇摆。within moments“不一会儿。故选B

7)考查名词。A. passengers “乘客 B. pilots“ 飞行员 C. officials “官方人员 D. crew “成员。牧师四周看了看发现大多数乘客都很惊恐。故选A

8)考查动词。A. presented “给予 B. brought “带来 C. meant “意味着 D. created “创造。根据“She was reading a book on her seat and everything within her small world”可知牧师发现有一个小女孩在很镇定的看书,暴风雨对于小女孩来说没有什么,那名小女孩很镇静。故选C

9)考查形容词。A. likely “可能的 B. friendly “友好的 C. deadly “致死的 D. orderly “有秩序的。暴风雨没有影响小女孩,在她的世界一切秩序井然。故选D

10)考查名词。A. fear “害怕 B. knowledge“ 知识 C. stress “强调 D. expectation “期待。根据“Sometimes she closed her eyes, then she would read again. Sometimes she straightened her legs,”可知但是她的世界没有担忧和恐惧。故选A

11)考查副词。A. suddenly “突然 B. gradually “逐渐 C. hardly “几乎不 D. willingly“ 乐意。牧师对小女孩的行为感到吃惊,才出现下文他走到小女孩身边询问。他几乎不相信自己的眼睛。故选C

12)考查副词。A. however“ 然而 B. therefore “因此 C. otherwise“ 否则 D. instead “相反。根据“when the plane finally reached its destination and all the passengers were hurrying”可知因此飞机着陆时,吓坏的乘客赶紧下飞机。故选B

13)考查动词短语。A. drive off  “开车走 B. pull over “停车 C. land on “着陆 D. get off “下车,下飞机。根据“when the plane finally reached its destination and all the passengers were hurrying”可知飞机着陆时,吓坏的乘客赶紧下飞机。故选D

14)考查动词。A. watched “观看 B. attended “参加 C. remarked “评论 D. complained “抱怨。根据“She was reading a book on her seat”牧师走向那个看书的镇定的女孩。故选A

15)考查名词。A. uncle “叔叔B. dad “父亲 C. brother “兄弟 D. cousin“ 堂兄。根据下文的“Our father is the   20  . He is in control and taking us home.”可知小女孩说飞行员是她爸爸。故选B

16)考查名词。A. accident“事故 B. quarrel “争吵 C. storm “暴风雨 D. anger“怒火。根据下文“many other storms can easily and quickly   17   our sky”可知作者感悟人生有很多暴风雨会吓坏我们。故选C

17)考查动词。A. destroy“破坏 B. cover“覆盖 C. darken“ 使黑暗 D. break“ 打破。根据“and throw our plane into apparently uncontrollable movement. ”以及“being tossed about a darkened sky.”可知暴风雨会让我们的天空乌云密布。故选C

18)考查形容词。A. easier“ 更容易的 B. softer “更软的 C. ruder “更粗鲁的 D. tougher “更艰难的。我们都知道生活不是一帆风顺的,当我们的脚在地上时,比当我们被抛掷在黑暗的天空时,保持平静要容易得多。故选A

19)考查连词。A. until  “直到 B. when “...... C. unless“ 除非 D. if “如果。根据“when our feet are on the ground”可知这是在对比两个时候。当我们的脚在地上时,比当我们被抛掷在黑暗的天空时,保持平静要容易得多。故选B

20)考查名词。A. student “学生 B. driver “司机 C. minister“ 牧师 D. engineer“ 工程师。我们的父亲是会带我们安全回家的司机。故选B



    I never thought I would be a "runner". I was the girl who 1 slowest in the PE class. A few years ago, I was walking with a group of 2 in the Race(比赛) for the Cure, a 5km race designed to 3 money for the fight against breast cancer(), 4 one lady caught my 5 .

    She was one of the weakest-looking women I've ever seen. She must have been close to seventy years old, 6 a T-shirt with the word "Survivor". She was so small that it seemed as if she could even be 7 by a strong wind. But, she was running. And she was 8 me and my group of friends. She ran slowly, but 9 - as if each step pushed her cancer further into her past. Right at that moment, I 10 that in the next Race for the Cure, I'd be running along with her.

    A week later, I found myself in the 11 , running on the treadmill(跑步机). Three minutes after I started, my face was bright red. I felt like my lungs were going to burst. I 12 slow down to a walk. I thought of the 13 at the race. I kept it up. I was able to go a little 14 each time. Three and a half minutes. Four minutes. Five.

    A year later, I was 15 at the Race for the Cure, but this time, I 16 with the runners. When the race started, the other runners passed me by. I ran forward. I 17 if I'd be able to do it. But then, I remembered the 18 woman. I ran as fast as I could until I finally crossed that finish line. I had just 19 my first race! I looked down at my legs, amazed. They had done something I'd never thought 20 . I have never felt stronger than at that moment. And I knew that I wanted to do it again.

1. A. talked

B. walked

C. ran

D. swam

2. A. friends

B. teachers

C. students

D. patients

3. A. save

B. use

C. make

D. raise

4. A. while

B. when

C. until

D. before

5. A. breath

B. hand

C. arm

D. eye

6. A. wearing

B. holding

C. pulling

D. waving

7. A. put on

B. turned over

C. leave for

D. turn on

8. A. passing

B. watching

C. seeing

D. calling

9. A. happily

B. determinedly

C. excitedly

D. angrily

10. A. agreed

B. learned

C. decided

D. explained

11. A. shop

B. street

C. park

D. gym

12. A. had to

B. preferred   to

C. got to

D. liked to

13. A. prize

B. survivor

C. plan

D. woman

14. A. earlier

B. longer

C. harder

D. farther

15. A. even

B. again

C. ever

D. still

16. A. watched

B. traveled

C. stood

D. waited

17. A. wanted

B. waited

C. wished

D. wondered

18. A. kind

B. brave

C. generous

D. honest

19. A. finished

B. won

C. entered

D. missed

20. A. good

B. right

C. possible

D. necessary

【答案】 1C;(2A;(3D;(4B;(5D;(6A;(7B;(8A;(9B;(10C;(11D;(12A;(13D;(14B;(15B;(16C;(17D;(18B;(19A;(20C


1)考查动词。A talked“谈论B walked“散步C ran“D swam“游泳。我是体育课上跑得最慢的女孩。故选C

2)考查名词。A friends“朋友B teachers“教师C students“学生D patients“病人。根据下文的“my group of friends”可知,几年前我和一群朋友散步。故选A

3 考查动词。A save“挽救B use“使用C make“制造D raise“提升,募捐。为抗击乳腺癌募捐钱而设计的5公里跑步比赛。故选D

4)考查连词。A while“……期间B when“……时候C until“直到……为止D before“……以前。正和一群朋友跑步,这时候一个女士引起了我的注意.be doing sth…when…固定句式,"正在做某事,这时候……",故选B

5)考查名词。 A breath“呼吸B hand“C arm“胳膊D eye“catch one's eye固定短语,引起某人注意,故选D

6 考查动词。A wearing“穿,戴B holding“握住C pulling“D waving“挥动。她一定有七十岁了,她穿着一件写着SurvivorT恤衫。故选A

7 考查动词短语。A put on“穿上B turned over“翻转C leave for “动身去D turn on“打开。她是如此的瘦小,好像要被强风吹翻。故选B

8 考查动词。A passing“经过B watching“观看Cseeing“看见D calling“叫喊。她正从我和我的朋友身边经过,故选A

9)考查副词。A happily“高兴地B determinedly“决然地C excitedly“感到兴奋地D angrily“生气地。她跑得非常慢,但是非常坚决果断,故选B

10)考查动词。A agreed“同意B learned“学习C decided“决定D explained“解释。在那一刻我决定,下次跑步活动我要跟着她跑。故选C

11)考查名词。A shop“商店B street“街道C park“公园D gym“体育馆,健身房。一周后,我在健身房的跑步机上跑步,故选D

12)考查动词短语。A had to“不得不B preferred to“更喜欢C got to“到达D liked to“喜欢。我感觉我的肺要爆炸了,所以我不得不放慢速度,故选A

13)考查名词。A prize“奖品B survivor“幸存者C plan“计划D woman“女性,妇女。我想起了比赛中的那位女士,故选D

14)考查形容词。A earlier“更早的B longer“更长的C harder“更难的D farther“更远的。我坚持,每次我能跑的更长。根据下文“Three and a half minutes Four minutes Five可知,这里是指时间长短,故选B

15)考查副词。A even“甚至B again“又,再C ever“曾经D still”仍然。一年后我又参加跑步活动。故选B

16)考查动词。A.watched”观察B.traveled”旅行C.stood”站立D.waited”等待 但是这次作者和选手们站在一起,故选C

17 考查动词。A.wanted”想要B.waited”等待C.wished”希望D.wondered”想知道 作者想知道自己是否能做到,故选D

18 考查形容词。A.kind”善良的,和蔼的B.brave”勇敢的C.generous”大方的D.honest ”诚实的。作者有想起了那位勇敢的女士,故选B

19)考查动词。A finished”完成B won”赢得C entered”进入D missed”想念,错过。我完成了我的第一次跑.故选A

20 考查形容词。A good”好的B right”正确的C possible”可能的D necessary”必需的。它们(指我的两条腿)做了我从来没想过可能的事情.故选C



    It's a Friday morning in Boston, which 1 Dr. Jim O'Connell is making his rounds. He might be more 2 inside an exam room, but that's not where his patients are. Dr. Jim O'Connell is one of a handful of physicians making house calls to the 3 in the city.

    More than 550, 000 Americans are homeless, and many have health problems but no 4 to cure. O'Connell and his team are doing something about it. On a daily routine, they 5 about 700 regular patients. "I feel like I'm a country doctor in the middle of the city." he said.

    O'Connell began to do this 33 years 6 , when he was at Harvard Medical School and was 7 to be a one-year position as the founding physician of a new health-care program for Boston's homeless. That turned into a 33-year 8 at the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, one of the country's largest of its kind. O'Connell 9 about everything, from stitches (缝补)for an arm to surgery for the soul. If patients can't be treated on the street, he finds them a treatment bed at the respite facility(休息治疗区), a place for patients 10 are too sick to be on the streets 11 not ill enough for a hospital stay.

    " 12 I had been taught to do—go fast, be efficient—was 13 when you take care of homeless people." When you see somebody outside, you get them a cup of coffee and sit with them. Sometimes it 14 six months or a year of offering a sandwich or a cup of coffee before someone would start to talk to me. But 15 they engage(参与), they'll come to you any time because of 16 you. When asked about how his life might have 17 , if he had become a highly paid physician, O'Connell said, "I 18 think about it anymore."

    Some things are far more valuable than money. Just ask Dr. Jim O'Connell who 19  everything from patients who have nothing 20 to give.

1. A. prefers

B. means

C. says

D. explains

2. A. comfortable

B. imaginative

C. cooperative

D. difficult

3. A. rich

B. homeless

C. intelligent

D. disabled

4. A. time

B. system

C. life

D. money

5. A. invite

B. count

C. guess

D. treat

6. A. early

B. later

C. ago

D. after

7. A. appointed

B. fascinated

C. followed

D. accepted

8. A. career

B. task

C. choice

D. hobby

9. A. confuses

B. doubts

C. concerns

D. dreams

10. A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. when

11. A. but

B. and

C. so

D. for

12. A. Somebody

B. Everything

C. Somewhere

D. Nobody

13. A. possible

B. impossible

C. small

D. big

14. A. took

B. spent

C. cost

D. paid

15. A. still

B. just

C. even

D. once

16. A. promoting

B. refusing

C. trusting

D. seeing

17. A. carried out

B. come up

C. turned out

D. taken up

18. A. always

B. seldom

C. often

D. never

19. A. puts

B. sets

C. believes

D. gets

20. A. mental

B. material

C. physical

D. positive


【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,Jim O'Connell 医生本来可以成为肿瘤科医生,但是他放弃了这一高收入的职业,多年如一日地为城市中无家可归的人出诊。


2)考查形容词。句意:在检查室里,他可能更舒服,但是他的病人不在那里。A. comfortable “舒服的B. imaginative “富于想象力的 C. cooperative “合作的D. difficult “困难的。故选A

3)考查形容词。A. rich “富有的B. homeless “无家可归的C. intelligent“智能的D. disabled “残疾的。下文提到超过55万美国人是无家可归者,而且很多人有健康问题。故选B

4)考查名词。A. time “时间B. system“体系C. life“生命D. money“金钱。根据上文很多无家可归的美国人都有健康问题但是没有...去治疗。结合生活常识此处应该是没有金钱去看病。故选D

5)考查动词。A. invite“邀请B. count“ .....算入,重要C. guess “猜测D. treat “对待,治疗they代指吉姆奥康奈尔的医疗团队,以及后面的patients,故句子应该翻译为他们治疗了大约700名常规病人。故选D

6)考查副词。A. early “早的B. late“迟的C. ago“以前D. after“之后。根据句意吉姆奥康奈尔在33年前就开始这样做。故选C

7)考查动词。A. appoint “任命B. fascinate“入迷C. follow“跟随D. accept“接受。根据下文新的医疗保健项目的创始医师,是一个职位,根据句意应该为被任命为新的医疗保健项目的创始医师。故选A

8)考查名词。A. career“职业B. task“任务C. choice“选择D. hobby“爱好。这个项目后来成了他33年来一直从事的职业,故选A

9)考查动词。A.confuses“迷惑B.doubts“怀疑C.concerns“关心 D.dreams“梦想。根据下文从胳膊的缝合到心脏的外科手术,可知吉姆奥康奈尔关心所有的事情。故选C


11)考查连词。A. but“但是,表转折;B. and“,表并列;C. so“所以,表因果    D. for“因为,表原因。上文提到这些病人生病住在大街上。以及下文生病的程度不足以住院。两者之间是转折关系。故选A

12)考查代词。A. somebody“某人B. everything“每件事”; C. somewhere“在某处D. nobody“没有人。根据下文“go fast, be efficient”为主人公被教的具体的事情。故选B

13)考查形容词。A. possible“可能的B. impossible“不可能的C. small“小的 D. big“大的。上文提到做事情要快速,有效和下文照顾无家可归的病人时相冲突。故该句应该翻译为:当你照顾无家可归的病人时,做事要更快更高效是不可能的。故选B

14)考查动词短语。A.took常用于句型:“It takes sb...to do sth”B.spent主语是人;常用句型:“sb spend...in doing/on sth”;C. cost主语是物;常用句型:sth cost sb sth; D.paid主语是人,常和介词for搭配。故选A

15)考查副词。句意:但是一旦他们参与进来,他们就会随时来找你。A. still “仍然B. just “仅仅,只是 C. even “甚至D. once“ 一旦。这是once引导的条件状语从句。故选D

16)考查动词。A.promoting“促进,推进”; B.refusing“拒绝C.trusting“信任D.seeing“。根据上文他们随时都会来找你,结合选项,可知是因为他们信任你。故选C

17)考查动词短语。句意:当被问到如果他成为一名高薪的医生,他的生活最后会是什么样子。A.carried out“实施,贯彻B.come up“上来C.turned out“关掉,结果是”; D.taken up“占用,开始从事。故选C

18)考查副词。A. always “常常,总是B. seldom“很少C. often“经常D. never“绝不。根据下文有些事情要比金钱更有价值。可知以吉姆奥康奈尔的精神境界,他绝不会去考虑一旦变成高薪的的医生,生活会变成什么样子这件事。故选D

19)考查动词。句意:吉姆奥康奈尔医生从病人那里得到了一切。A.puts“ B.sets“设置”; C.believes“相信D.gets“得到。故选D

20)考查形容词。A. mental“精神的B. material“物质的C. physical“身体的,物理的D. positive“积极的。根据上文有些事情要比金钱更有价值可知,吉姆奥康奈尔医生没有从病人哪里得到任何物质方面的东西。故选B



    A married lady was expecting a birthday gift from her husband. For many months she had admired a beautiful diamond ring. Knowing her husband could 1 it, she told him that it was all she wanted as a birthday gift.

    As her birthday approached, this lady awaited 2 that her husband had bought the diamond ring.

    Finally, on the morning of her birthday, her husband told her how 3 he was to have such a good wife, and how much he loved her. He 4 her a beautifully wrapped present. As she opened it, 5 , she only found a Bible. She 6 her voice to her husband and said, “Only a Bible?” She was so 7 that she left him.

    Many years later, the lady 8 in a more beautiful house. Realizing her husband was very old, she thought perhaps she should go to visit him. But before she 9 , she received a letter telling her that he had passed away and given all of his 10 to her. She needed to come back and take care of things.

    She arrived at his house, filled with great 11 . She saw the 12 brand-new Bible, just as she had left it before. With 13 , she opened it and began to turn the pages, finding a sentence carefully 14  by her husband, “To me you are cruel, but you know how to give 15 things to your children!” As she read those words, a bag 16 from the Bible. A diamond ring and the words "I LOVE YOU" could be seen.

    If your 17 is not packaged the way you want it, it's because it is better packaged! Please, always 18 little things; they usually lead you to bigger things! The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even 19 , for they must be felt with 20 .

1. A. offer

B. afford

C. provide

D. admit

2. A. symbols

B. signals

C. sights

D. signs

3. A. generous

B. regretful

C. thankful

D. disappointed

4. A. handed

B. sent

C. introduced

D. delivered

5. A. besides

B. however

C. otherwise

D. moreover

6. A. rose

B. aroused

C. raised

D. arose

7. A. happy

B. astonished

C. admirable

D. angry

8. A. appeared

B. lived

C. worked

D. traveled

9. A. started off

B. stayed up

C. set in

D. gave up

10. A. gifts

B. goods

C. money

D. belongings

11. A. hate

B. regret

C. joy

D. love

12. A. still

B. ever

C. just

D. even

13. A. smiles

B. interest

C. doubt

D. tears

14. A. made

B. written

C. created

D. spoken

15. A. bad

B. small

C. good

D. abandoned

16. A. dropped

B. hid

C. came

D. followed

17. A. thing

B. gift

C. letter

D. book

18. A. admit

B. avoid

C. access

D. appreciate

19. A. touched

B. tasted

C. smelled

D. heard

20. A. creativity

B. mind

C. heart

D. imagination

【答案】 1B;(2D;(3C;(4A;(5B;(6C;(7D;(8B;(9A;(10D;(11B;(12A;(13D;(14B;(15C;(16A;(17B;(18D;(19A;(20C


1)考查动词。句意:得知她的丈夫可以负担起钻石戒指,她告诉丈夫她就想要钻石戒指作为生日礼物。A. offer“提供B. afford“负担得起C. provide“提供D. admit“允许进入,承认。她的丈夫可以负担一枚钻戒,她才要求这个作为她的生日礼物,故选B

2)考查名词。句意:随着生日的临近,妻子等待着丈夫已经买了钻戒的迹象。A. symbols“符号,象征B. signals“信号,通知C. sights“风景,名胜D. signs“信号,暗号。第三段提到丈夫给妻子买了一份礼物,因此妻子在生日临近时等待着丈夫的礼物。故选D

3)考查形容词。句意:丈夫告诉妻子,对于拥有这么好的妻子他是多么的感激。A. generous“慷慨的B. regretful“后悔的C. thankful“感激的D. disappointed“失望的。根据下文“how much he loved her”,丈夫告诉妻子他多么爱她,说明丈夫对拥有这样一位妻子是很感激的,故选C

4)考查动词。句意:他递给她一个包装精美的礼物。A. handed“递给B. sent“送出,传送C. introduced“介绍,引进,提出D. delivered“递送,投递。故选A

5)考查副词。句意:然而,她却只发现了一个芭比娃娃。A. besides“此外,而且B. however“然而C. otherwise“否则,不然D. moreover“此外,而且。妻子希望能得到一枚钻戒,但却收到一个芭比娃娃,由此可判断是转折的情况,且however可放在句首、句中或句末,通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。故选B

6)考查动词。句意:她提高了声音对丈夫说道:就一个芭比娃娃?” A. rose“上升,增长B. aroused“出现,唤起C. raised“提升,增加D. arose“出现,产生arouse one's interest固定短语,引起某人的兴趣,故选C

7)考查形容词。句意:她非常生气,离开了丈夫。A. happy“高兴的B. astonished“吃惊的C. admirable“可钦佩的D. angry“生气的。妻子没有收到自己想要的礼物应该是非常生气,故选D

8)考查动词。句意:几年后,妻子住在一所更漂亮的房子里。A. appeared“出现B. lived“居住C. worked“工作D. traveled“旅行。房子是用于居住的,故选B

9)考查动词短语。句意:但在她正要出发时,她收到一封信说她的丈夫已经过世了,并将自己所有的东西都留给了妻子。A. started off“动身B. stayed up“熬夜C. set in“开始,固定D. gave up“放弃。根据“she thought perhaps she should go to visit him. But ”“She needed to come back and take care of things.”妻子意识到丈夫已经很老了,于是想要去看望一下他,而且要回去照看丈夫给她留下的东西。但就在她动身前收到了信,故选A

10)考查名词。句意:但在她正要出发时,她收到一封信说她的丈夫已经过世了,并将自己所有的东西都留给了妻子。A. gifts“礼物B. goods“商品,货品C. money“D. belongings“财产。根据下文“She needed to come back and take care of things.”可知,此处应指丈夫的遗产,故选D

11)考查名词。句意:她怀着巨大的歉意来到他的家。A. hate“仇恨,憎恨B. regret“遗憾,懊悔C. joy“欢乐D. love“。妻子当初因为没有收到想要的礼物离开了丈夫,但丈夫在死后将自己所有的财产留给了妻子,妻子知道后应该是后悔的心情,故选B

12)考查副词。句意:她看到了那本仍然崭新的圣经,就像她离开时那样。A. still“仍然,依旧B. ever“曾经,从来C. just“只是,仅仅D. even“即使。根据下文“just as she had left it before”,这本圣经就像她离开时那样,说明这本圣经还是崭新的,故选A

13)考查名词。句意:她含着眼泪打开了圣经,开始翻页,找到了丈夫精心写的句子。A. smiles“笑容B. interest“兴趣C. doubt“怀疑,疑惑D. tears“眼泪。妻子可知丈夫去世又将所有的财产留给自己,又满怀歉意,故选D

14)考查动词。句意:她含着眼泪打开了圣经,开始翻页,找到了丈夫精心写的句子。A. made“制作B. written“C. created“创造D. spoken“。丈夫给妻子的话应该是写在圣经上的,故选B

15)考查形容词。句意:你对我是很残酷,但你知道如何给孩子好东西。A. bad“坏的B. small“小的C. good“好的D. abandoned“废弃的。根据上文“To me you are cruel”丈夫说道妻子对自己很残忍,而but为转折连词,因此需选择cruel的反义词,故选C

16)考查动词。句意:她读完这些话后,一个小包从圣经上掉下来了。A. dropped“掉下B. hid“隐藏C. came“D. followed“跟随。小包要掉下来妻子才能看到里面装的钻戒。故选A

17)考查名词。句意:如果你的礼物没有按照你想要的包装,那是因为它被包装的更好。A. thing“东西B. gift“礼物C. letter“D. book“。丈夫给妻子的芭比娃娃是生日礼物,故选B

18)考查动词。句意:所以请经常欣赏身边的小事,他们通常会把你引向更大的事。A. admit“承认B. avoid“避免C. access“进入D. appreciate“欣赏,感激,感谢。怀着感恩、感激之心,才能发现更美的事情,故选D

19)考查动词。句意:世界上最美好、最美丽的东西是看不见的,因为它们必须用心去感受。A. touched“触摸B. tasted“品尝C. smelled“D. heard“听到。世界上最美好最美丽的东西是爱,而爱是触摸不到的。故选A

20)考查名词。句意:世界上最美好、最美丽的东西是看不见的,因为它们必须用心去感受。A. creativity“创造力B. mind“头脑C. heart “D. imagination“想象力。爱需要用心体会,故选C



    A big thought can be one of the 1 forces in the world. I was 2 with that idea all over again when I heard the story of Mary Crowe.

Young Mary was washing her father's overalls one day when the big thought 3 her.

    In her mind she saw herself 4 from college in cap and gown, accepting her diploma, ready to 5 a career.

    Since Mary came from a low-income family, her dream seemed out of 6 . There would never be enough money to send Mary to college. 7 , no member of her family had ever gone to college. But Mary 8 that thought. In secondary school she studied hard, and spoke 9 of her dream to teachers and friends. When her 10 day at school came, her principal (校长) called her into his office.

    "I have a(n) 11 for you," he said.

It contained a scholarship to a nearby college. The power of a thought had 12 its first dividend (红利). But the scholarship could cover only part of her college 13 . Mary took every part-time job she could find.

    Mary's dream came true when she graduated from college. Then she took a course in insurance. When she 14 herself to a local insurance company for a job, she was 15 . She applied again. The answer was no. She kept going back until the manager 16 her.

    Twenty-five years later Mary Crowe's associates in that company 17 at a special dinner in her honour, recognizing her for her outstanding achievements as an insurance saleswoman.

    "Each of us is constantly in a state of becoming," she said, giving her formula (方法) for 18 . "Through 19 and faith you can become what you think. Not that your life will be without problems, but along the way problems will be 20 . Ask and believe; dream and believe; work and believe."

1. A. safest

B. strongest

C. heaviest

D. weakest

2. A. shocked

B. familiar

C. nervous

D. impressed

3. A. seized

B. greeted

C. struck

D. beat

4. A. graduating

B. escaping

C. driving

D. judging

5. A. start

B. finish

C. abandon

D. quit

6. A. control

B. question

C. sight

D. thought

7. A. However

B. Instead

C. Therefore

D. Besides

8. A. held on to

B. took pride in

C. made up for

D. came up with

9. A. selfishly

B. freely

C. unwillingly

D. jokingly

10. A. first

B. formal

C. final

D. unique

11. A. book

B. envelope

C. souvenir

D. test

12. A. joined

B. wasted

C. consumed

D. produced

13. A. expenses

B. secrets

C. incomes

D. ambitions

14. A. limited

B. related

C. accustomed

D. presented

15. A. picked up

B. put aside

C. turned down

D. taken in

16. A. believed

B. praised

C. accepted

D. noticed

17. A. gathered

B. declared

C. resigned

D. parted

18. A. reputation

B. independence

C. responsibility

D. success

19. A. suspension

B. enthusiasm

C. politeness

D. status

20. A. corrected

B. overcome

C. forgotten

D. collected

【答案】 1B;(2D;(3C;(4A;(5A;(6C;(7D;(8A;(9B;(10C;(11B;(12D;(13A;(14D;(15C;(16C;(17A;(18D;(19B;(20B

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,来自低收入家庭的Mary Crowe凭借自己想上大学的想法,不断坚持努力,最终凭借着自己的热情和信念实现梦想,取得了成功。

1)考查形容词。句意:一个伟大的思想可以是世界上最强大的力量之一。A. safest“最安全的B. strongest“最强壮的C. heaviest“最重的D. weakest“最虚弱的。根据下文可知,作者叙述Mary Crowe通过一个想法改变了自己命运的故事,可推知作者是想说伟大的思想是世界上最强大的力量之一。故选B

2)考查形容词。句意:当我听到Mary Crowe的故事时,这个想法给我留下了深刻的印象。A. shocked“震惊的B. familiar“熟悉的C. nervous“紧张的D. impressed“印象深刻的Mary Crowe的故事让作者对伟大的思想是世界上最强大的力量之一这个想法印象深刻。故选D

3)考查动词。句意:有一天,年轻的Mary正在洗她父亲的工作服时,突然有了一个重要的想法。A. seized“抓住B. greeted“打招呼C. struck“突然想到,打击D. beat“打败。根据上文“a big thought”可知是突然有了一个重要的想法,strike此处表示突然想到,故选C

4)考查动词。句意:在她的脑海里,她看到自己从大学毕业,戴着学位帽,穿着学位服,准备开始自己的事业。A. graduating“毕业B. escaping“逃跑C. driving“驾驶D. judging“判断。根据下文“from college in cap and gown, accepting her diploma”可知是从大学毕业,故选A

5)考查动词。句意:在她的脑海里,她看到自己从大学毕业,戴着学位帽,穿着学位服,准备开始自己的事业。A. start“开始B. finish“结束C. abandon“抛弃D. quit“辞职。大学毕业后应当是准备开始自己的工作和事业。故选A

6)考查名词。句意:由于Mary来自低收入家庭,她的梦想似乎遥不可及。A. control“控制B. question“问题C. sight“视力D. thought“想法。根据上文“Since Mary came from a low-income family”可知Mary的梦想似乎遥不可及,out of sight固定短语,看不见,遥不可及。故选C

7)考查副词。句意:此外,她家里没有一个人上过大学。A. However“然而B. Instead“相反C. Therefore“因此D. Besides“此外。根据上文表示除了家庭收入低,供不起她上大学之外,Mary家里没有一个人上过大学。表示此外,而且。故选D

8)考查动词短语。句意:但是Mary坚持这个想法。A. held on to“坚持B. took pride in“……为傲C. made up for“补偿D. came up with“提出。根据下文“In secondary school she studied hard”可知Mary没有并没有放弃,而是坚持了自己的想法,努力学习。故选A

9)考查副词。句意:在中学时,她努力学习,向老师和朋友畅谈自己的梦想。A. selfishly“自私地B. freely“自由地C. unwillingly“不情愿地D. jokingly“开玩笑地。根据下文“of her dream to teachers and friends”可知,Mary对自己的老师和朋友畅所欲言自己的梦想。故选B

10)考查形容词。句意:当她在学校的最后一天到来时,她的校长把她叫到办公室。A. first“最重要的B. formal“正式的C. final“最终的D. unique“独特的。根据下文可知,校长的信封里是去大学的奖学金,可推知,这是在学校的最后一天。故选C

11)考查名词。句意:我有一个信封给你,他说。A. book“书籍B. envelope“信封C. souvenir“纪念品D. test“测试。根据下文“It contained a scholarship to a nearby college.”可推知,此处是装着奖学金的信封,故选B

12)考查动词。句意:思想的力量产生了它的第一个红利。A. joined“加入B. wasted“浪费C. consumed“消耗D. produced“产生。此处将奖学金比作Mary思想产生的红利。故选D

13)考查名词。句意:但奖学金只能支付她大学费用的一部分。A. expenses“费用B. secrets“秘密C. incomes“收入D. ambitions“野心。根据下文Mary去保险公司求职可知,奖学金只能支付一部分大学的费用。故选A

14)考查动词。句意:当她到当地一家保险公司求职时,遭到了拒绝。A. limited“限制B. related“联系C. accustomed“使习惯D. presented“代表。根据下文“to a local insurance company for a job”可知,此处是去保险公司求职,present oneself to…固定短语,出席,到场。故选D

15)考查动词短语。句意:当她向当地一家保险公司求职时,遭到了拒绝。A. picked up“捡起B. put aside“暂不考虑,把.....放在一边C. turned down“拒绝,关小D. taken in“吸收。根据下文“She applied again.”可知,Mary被公司拒绝了。故选C

16)考查动词。句意:她不断地回去,直到经理接受了她。A. believed“相信B. praised“称赞C. accepted“接受D. noticed“注意到。根据下文Mary Crowe被公司表彰可知,Mary Crowe一直坚持到经理接受了她。故选C

17)考查动词。句意:25年后,Mary Crowe在那家公司的同事们聚集在一个特别的晚宴上,表彰她作为一名保险销售员所取得的杰出成就。A. gathered“聚集B. declared“宣称C. resigned“辞职D. parted“离开。根据下文“at a special dinner in her honour”可知,公司的同事们聚集在一个特别的晚宴上。故选A

18)考查名词。句意:我们每个人都在不断地成为一个人,她说,并给出了她的成功秘诀。A. reputation“名誉;B. independence“独立C. responsibility“责任D. success“成功。根据上文Mary被表彰可知,她成功了,分享了自己成功的秘诀。故选D

19)考查名词。句意:通过热情和信念,你可以成为你想成为的人。A. suspension“停职B. enthusiasm“热情C. politeness“礼貌D. status“地位。根据下文and faith可知,此处是指通过热情和信念,你可以成为想成为的人。故选B

20)考查动词。句意:并不是说你的生活没有问题,而是一路上问题会被克服。A. corrected“纠正B. overcome“克服C. forgotten“忘记D. collected“收集。根据上文“problems will be”可知,此处是指问题会被克服。故选B



    It's been a long time since I wrote a creative essay. Recently, with lots of time and lack of inspiration, I accepted a 1  to teach creative nonfiction. 2  I couldn't get myself to write my own stories. I could require that my students tell theirs.

    "You're going to be 3  a journal in this class." I said. "And I want you to tell your stories like they matter."

    "Why do they matter?" a boy named Michael asked. "I mean, who 4  about our stories?"

    No one said a wont. Perhaps they were just tired from their 5  lives. Many worked full-time while in school full-time. Most might not have the faintest 6  that their stories did matter. They didn't even know that their stories were stories — as beautiful and hard — as their own lives.

    7 , I looked at Michael. "They matter because they do." I said. "Because you're here and you can tell them. Stories allow us to make 8  of what we're 9 . When you 10  your experience into a story, it becomes yours and not just something that 11  to you."

    Michael didn't look 12  , but he didn't challenge me either.

    Later, Michael wrote about how he grew up in one of the worst neighborhoods in Boston and how his high school teacher, who saw his 13 , helped him fill out a college application.

    I 14  Michael to read his essay out loud. After he finished, the class went so 15  that we could hear the sound of each other's breath. I looked at Michael and saw a softening and 16  in his eyes.

    After a moment, I said, "That's 17  you tell your stories." That night, I picked up my journal from where it 18 , dusty and 19 . For the first time in months. I had 20  to write.

1. A. business

B. view

C. reward

D. position

2. A. Although

B. As

C. Unless

D. Before

3. A. publishing

B. keeping

C. updating

D. reading

4. A. worries

B. talks

C. reads

D. cares

5. A. beautiful

B. secret

C. busy

D. simple

6. A. dream

B. hobby

C. picture

D. idea

7. A. Happily

B. Angrily

C. Firmly

D. Sadly

8. A. meaning

B. notice

C. fun

D. use

9. A. set about

B. gone through

C. looked for

D. taken on

10. A. shape

B. take

C. break

D. treat

11. A. came

B. fell

C. worked

D. happened

12. A. moved

B. convinced

C. confused

D. embarrassed

13. A. poverty

B. fortune

C. potential

D. sorrow

14. A. asked

B. helped

C. forced

D. allowed

15. A. still

B. concerned

C. disappointed

D. excited

16. A. truth

B. doubt

C. faith

D. weakness

17. A. how

B. when

C. because

D. why

18. A. started

B. lay

C. went

D. hid

19. A. new

B. packed

C. untouched

D. torn

20. A. time

B. inspiration

C. strength

D. right

【答案】 1D;(2A;(3B;(4D;(5C;(6D;(7C;(8A;(9B;(10A;(11D;(12B;(13A;(14A;(15C;(16D;(17B;(18C;(19B;(20A


1)考查名词。句意:最近,因为有大把时间又缺乏灵感,我接受了一个教授非小说类文学作品创作的工作。A. business“生意,商务B. view“观点C. reward“回报D. position“工作。根据下文的“teach creative nonfiction”可知作者要教授课程,教书是一个工作,故选D

2)考查连词。句意:虽然我不会自己写自己的故事,但我会要求学生讲他们的故事。A. Although“尽管,虽然B. As“因为,当......的时候,正如,尽管C. Unless“除非D. Before“……之前。结合句意可知前后句为转折意义,故用althoughas作为尽管/虽然时要倒装,故选A

3)考查动词。句意:我说:你们要在这门课上记日记,我希望你们把你们的故事当成重要的事情来叙述。” A. publishing“出版B. keeping“保持,记C. updating“更新D. reading“。下文的“For the first time in months. I had ____20____ to write.也有暗示,keep a journalwrite a journal是同义词复现,故选B

4)考查动词。句意:一个叫Michael的男孩问道:它们为什么重要呢?我的意思是,谁会关心我们的故事呢?” A. worries”担心B. talks”谈论C. reads”D. cares”关心。联系上文的”Why do they matter? “推测男孩觉得他们的故事都是无人关心和在乎的小事,所以才会提出这样的疑问,故选D

5)考查形容词。句意:或许他们因为繁忙的生活感到劳累。A. beautiful ”美丽的B. secret”秘密的C. busy”繁忙的D. simple”简单的。根据下文的”Many worked full-time while in school full-time.“许多人在全日制学校上学,故选C

6)考查名词。句意:大多人可能根本不知道他们的故事真的重要。A. dream”梦想B. hobby”爱好C. picture”图片D. idea”主意,想法。根据下文的”They didn't even know that their stories were stories“可知此处用根本不知道符合语境,not have the faintest ideadidn't know是同义词复现,故选D

7)考查副词。句意:我非常坚定地看着MichaelA. Happily”高兴地B. Angrily”生气地C. Firmly”坚定地D. Sadly”悲伤地。根据下文“They matter because they do.”通过作者说话的语气,可推测作者说话时的态度很坚定,故选C

8)考查名词。句意:故事让我们所经历的事变得有意义。根据下文的”I looked at Michael and saw a softening and ____16____ in his eyes.“可知Michael读完自己的故事后变得柔和了更愿意相信了,这就是故事的意义。make meaning of固定短语,"使……有意义",故选A

9)考查动词短语。句意:故事让我们所经历的事变得有意义。A. set about”出发B. gone through ” 经历C. looked for ”寻找D. taken on”呈现,从事。根据上下文此处是指我们讲述以前经历的事情,且下文When you ____10____ your experience into a story也有暗示,experiencego through是同义词复现,故选B

10)考查动词。句意:当你把你的经历塑造成了故事,它就属于你了,而不仅仅是你经历过。A. shape”塑造B. take”拿,带C. break”打破D. treat”对待,治疗,请客。根据上下文,此处是指把自己经历的事情用故事的形式讲述或者写出来,故选A

11)考查动词。句意:当你把你的经历塑造成了故事,它就属于你了,而不仅仅是你经历过。A. came”来到B. fell”落下C. worked”工作D. happened”发生。此处是指发生在我们身上的故事,something happens to sb”某人发生某事,故选D

12)考查形容词。句意:Michael看起来并没有信服我所说  ,但他不再提出异议。A. moved”感动的B. convinced”信服的C. confused”困惑的D. embarrassed”尴尬的。结合句意可知前后句为转折关系,故此处用看起来不信服符合语境,故选B

13)考查名词。句意:后来,Michael写了他如何在波士顿一个最糟糕的小区长大,以及看到他的潜力的高中老师是如何帮助他填写大学申请书。A. poverty”贫穷B. fortune”运气,财富C. potential”潜力D. sorrow”悲伤。根据下文的”helped him fill out a college application.“可知老师帮他填写大学申请书,故推测老师看出他学习的潜力,故选C

14)考查动词。句意:我要求Michael大声读出他的文章。A. asked”要求,请求B. helped”帮助C. forced”强迫D. allowed”允许。根据上下文,作者是的身份是老师,故此处用要求他大声读文章符合语境和逻辑,故选A

15)考查形容词。句意:他读完之后,全班如此的安静以至于我们能听见彼此的呼吸声。A. still”安静的B. concerned”担心的,关心的C. disappointed”失望的D. excited”兴奋的。根据下文的”we could hear the sound of each other's breath.“可知此处用安静的符合语境,故选A

16)考查名词。句意:我看着Michael,在他眼里我看到了温柔和信任。A. truth”真相B. doubt”怀疑    C. faith”信任D. weakness”虚弱。根据上文的”Michael didn't look ____12____,“可知之前Michael并不相信作者所说的,但当他读完自己的故事后他相信了,故此处用相信符合语境,故选C

17)考查表语从句。句意:片刻之后,我说:那就是你讲你自己故事的原因。” A. how”如何B. when  ”......的时候C. because”因为D. why”……的原因。分析句子可知,本句为why引导原因状语从句,作者认为这就是为什么讲故事的原因,故选D

18)考查动词。句意:那天晚上,我把日记从它所在的地方拿出来,日记很久没碰,布满灰尘。A. started”开始B. lay”位于C. went”D. hid”。由“where”可知,此处表达日记所在的地方,用“lay”符合语境和语义,故选B

19)考查形容词。句意:那天晚上,我把日记从它所在的地方拿出来,日记很久没碰,布满灰尘。A. new”新的B. packed”塞满的C. untouched”没碰过的D. torn”撕坏的。根据上文的”It's been a long time since I wrote a creative essay.“可知作者有很长一段时间没有写作,故此处用没碰过的符合语境,故选C

20)考查名词。句意:几个月来,我首次有写作的灵感。A. time”时间B. inspiration”灵感C. strength”力气D. right”权力。根据上文的”Recently, with lots of time and lack of inspiration“可知此处用灵感符合逻辑和语境,inspiration是原词复现,故选B



    A Milwaukee bus driver went above the call of duty when she stopped to save an unlikely would-be passenger: a toddler.

    Irene Ivic was driving on a freeway overpass when she 1  a barefoot toddler, Milwaukee County Transit System spokesman Matt Sliker said. The child, wearing a red onesie and a diaper, was quickly 2  to the crossroads.

    "I'm just 3  I was in the right place at the right time, "Ivic said at the awards ceremony held in her 4  on Thursday.

    Ivic stopped the bus and ran out to 5  the toddler, as seen in a video 6  by the transit system. She carried the child to the bus, 7  passengers gathered in disbelief.

    "Oh my God. Oh my God. I am  8 , "Ivic said in the video as she sat down in the driver's seat with the toddler.

    A 9  on the bus took off her winter coat and wrapped it 10  the little girl, who was 11  to the touch. The 12  were freezing that day, on December 22, according to the transit system.

    Ivic sat talking to the child, stroking her hair. The little one soon fell asleep in her 13 , as seen in the video.

    The 19-month-old had been cold and scared but was 14  unharmed, police said.

    The child went missing after officials believe her mother had a 15  health crisis, the transit system statement said. "Authorities eventually 16  the baby with its father,"Sliker said.

    This is the ninth 17  a lost or missing child has been 18  by a Milwaukee County Transit System driver in recent years, according to the statement.

    "I absolutely love kids. I used to be a 19  and I have children of my own, so I'm so happy I was able to help this sweet, 20  baby, "Ivic said.

1. A. crashed

B. spotted

C. escaped

D. guided

2. A. running

B. skipping

C. rushing

D. walking

3. A. grateful

B. surprised

C. anxious

D. excited

4. A. memory

B. honor

C. favor

D. mind

5. A. calm down

B. look into

C. pick up

D. hold back

6. A. purchased

B. borrowed

C. replayed

D. rented

7. A. where

B. when

C. why

D. how

8. A. scolding

B. yelling

C. laughing

D. shaking

9. A. policeman

B. passenger

C. passer-by

D. customer

10. A. beside

B. against

C. around

D. on

11. A. cold

B. hot

C. smooth

D. sick

12. A. feet

B. streets

C. buses

D. temperatures

13. A. seat

B. arms

C. hands

D. chest

14. A. therefore

B. especially

C. otherwise

D. meanwhile

15. A. physical

B. mental

C. slight

D. common

16. A. discovered

B. informed

C. recognized

D. reunited

17. A. time

B. chance

C. case

D. accident

18. A. reported

B. solved

C. found

D. adopted

19. A. mother

B. girl

C. parent

D. teacher

20. A. innocent

B. pretty

C. 1ucky

D. brave

【答案】 1B;(2D;(3A;(4B;(5C;(6C;(7A;(8D;(9B;(10C;(11A;(12D;(13B;(14C;(15B;(16D;(17A;(18C;(19D;(20A

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。司机Irene Ivic在使命召唤下,她停下车救下了一个不太可能的潜在的乘客:一个蹒跚学步的孩子。官方最终让孩子与父亲团聚。她很高兴能够帮助这个可爱的、无辜的婴儿。

1)考查动词。A. crashed“碰撞B. spotted“发现C. escaped“逃脱D. guided“指导Irene Ivic在高速公路立交桥开车时,她发现了一个赤脚的孩子。故选B

2)考查动词。A. running“B. skipping“跳过C. rushing“猛冲D. walking“散步。孩子,身穿红色装和尿布,很快就走到十字路口。故选D

3)考查形容词。A. grateful“感激 ” B. surprised“感到吃惊的C. anxious“焦虑的D. excited“感到兴奋的。我只是感激我在正确的时间出现在正确的地。故选A

4)考查名词。A. memory“记忆B. honor“荣誉C. favor“帮助D. mind“思想Ivic说,周四的时候为她举办颁奖仪式,所以对她来说是一件荣耀的事。故选B

5)考查动词短语。A. calm down“使冷静下来B. look into“调查C. pick up“拾起,接送,收到,偶然学到D. hold back“隐瞒,退缩Ivic停了车,跑出去接孩子。故选C

6)考查动词。A. purchased“购置B. borrowed“借入C. replayed“重放D. rented“租赁Ivic停了车,跑出去接孩子,这是视频显示的情景。故选C


8)考查动词。A. scolding“责备B. yelling“叫喊C. laughing“大笑D. shaking“摇动哦,我的上帝。哦,我的上帝。我在颤抖,在视频里Ivic带着蹒跚学步的小孩坐在司机的位置上说。故选D

9)考查名词。A. policeman“警察B. passenger“旅客C. passer-by“过路人D. customer“顾客。车上一名乘客脱下冬天的大衣,裹住小女孩,她摸起来很冷。故选B


11)考查形容词。A. cold“冷的B. hot“热的C. smooth“顺利的,光滑的D. sick“厌恶的,病态的。车上一名乘客脱下冬天的大衣,裹住小女孩,她摸起来很冷。故选A

12)考查名词。A. feet“B. streets“街道C. buses“公共汽车D. temperatures“温度。根据运输系统,1222日,那天的气温很低,天气寒冷。故选D

13)考查名词。A. seat“座位B. arms“胳膊C. hands“D. chest“胸部。小家伙很快就在怀里睡着了,正如视频上所看到的。故选B

14)考查副词。A. therefore“因此B. especially“尤其是C. otherwise“在其他方面,否则D. meanwhile“与此同时。警方说,这名19个月大的婴儿一直感到寒冷和恐惧,但除此之外没有受伤。故选C

15)考查形容词。A. physical“身体的B. mental“精神上的C. slight“轻微的D. common“共同的,常见的。在官方认为她的母亲有精神健康危机后,这个孩子失踪了。故选B

16)考查动词。A. discovered“”发现B. informed“告知C. recognized“认识D. reunited“使重聚。当局最终让孩子与父亲团聚。故选D

17)考查名词。A. time“次数B. chance“机会C. case“情况D. accident“事故。这是密尔沃基县公交系统司机近年来第九次发现失踪儿童。故选A

18)考查动词。A. reported“报道B. solved“解决C. found“发现D. adopted“采用,接受。这是密尔沃基县公交系统司机近年来第九次发现失踪儿童。故选C

19)考查名词。A. mother“母亲B. girl“女孩C. parent“父或母D. teacher“老师。我非常喜欢孩子。我曾经是一个老师,我有我自己的孩子,所以我很高兴我能够帮助这个可爱的、无辜的婴儿。故选D

20)考查形容词。A. innocent“无辜的B. pretty“可爱的C. lucky“幸运的D. brave“勇敢的。我非常喜欢孩子。我曾经是一个老师,我有我自己的孩子,所以我很高兴我能够帮助这个可爱的、无辜的婴儿。故选A



    Axel Winch was born nearly 13 weeks prematurely (早产地). He 1  2 pounds, 12 ounces and had bleeding in his brain, vision and hearing 2 . After a week in the 3  in Grand Junction, where parents Melissa and Adam Winch live, he 4  a life-threatening intestinal (肠道的) condition. Doctors 5  to airlift (空运) Axel and Melissa more than 200 miles to Children's Hospital in Aurora.

    His health remained 6  over the next few weeks as his lungs shut down. "There were many times we didn't think he was going to 7 ." Adam said. 8 , support was on the way. Melissa, 39, is a police officer. The police department in Grand Junction 9  officers in Aurora. Soon, members of the Aurora police department 10  the hospital with offers of help. One brought them banana bread. A detective gave the 11  a place to stay.

    But then things got 12  again. After weeks of caring for Axel in Aurora, the couple had to briefly return to Grand Junction on two separate 13 . First, their house had been under contract and they had to 14  in two days. The second time, Melissa's 15  had run out, so she had to return to work for a few days. They hated having to abandon their son, who had improved but was still facing 16  surgeries.

    "We were afraid he was going to die while we were gone," Adam says. Aurora police Mike set up a 17  for his officers to spend time with Axel—when his 18  couldn't he there. They 19  the parents photos of themselves asleep with Axel and updates from the nurses. After four months in the hospital, Axel was 20  enough to go home.

1. A. lost

B. measured

C. weighed

D. gained

2. A. mistakes

B. problems

C. systems

D. aids

3. A. hospital

B. family

C. prison

D. church

4. A. determined

B. changed

C. improved

D. developed

5. A. decided

B. promised

C. waited

D. hoped

6. A. stable

B. safe

C. dangerous

D. harmful

7. A. play

B. live

C. work

D. study

8. A. Gradually

B. Obviously

C. Properly

D. Fortunately

9. A. contacted

B. fired

C. praised

D. persuaded

10. A. escaped

B. left

C. flooded

D. shut

11. A. team

B. child

C. couple

D. policeman

12. A. correct

B. tough

C. normal

D. easy

13. A. areas

B. classes

C. occasions

D. groups

14. A. move out

B. break down

C. pull in

D. stay up

15. A. idea

B. luck

C. energy

D. leave

16. A. open

B. further

C. previous

D. quiet

17. A. house

B. company

C. schedule

D. library

18. A. classmates

B. friends

C. teachers

D. parents

19. A. handed

B. asked

C. texted

D. returned

20. A. strong

B. brave

C. fast

D. confident

【答案】 1C;(2B;(3A;(4D;(5A;(6C;(7B;(8D;(9A;(10C;(11C;(12B;(13C;(14A;(15D;(16B;(17C;(18D;(19C;(20A


1)考查动词。句意:他重212盎司,脑部出血,视力和听力都有问题。A. lost“丢失B. measured“测量C. weighed“……重量D. gained“获得。根据"prematurely, 2 pounds, 12 ounces"可知,早产儿的重量只有212盎司。故选C

2)考查名词。句意:他重212盎司,脑部出血,视力和听力都有问题。A. mistakes“错误B. problems“问题C. systems“系统D. aids“帮助。根据常识判断,早产儿与正常生产的婴儿相比,身体状况会差一些,身体会有诸多问题。故选B

3)考查名词。句意:在父母梅丽莎和亚当·温奇居住的当地医院——Grand Junction医院,住了一周后,他患上了一种危及生命的肠道疾病。A. hospital“医院B. family“家庭C. prison“监狱D. church“教堂。根据下文可知,医生决定将孩子转院,那么孩子一定是出生在医院,并在那里住了一周的院。故选A

4)考查动词。句意:在父母梅丽莎和亚当·温奇居住的当地医院——Grand Junction医院,住了一周后,他患上了一种危及生命的肠道疾病。住院一周后,又患上了肠道疾病。A. determined“决定B. changed“改变C. improved“提高D. developed“(开始)患。故选D

5)考查动词。句意:医生决定空运阿克塞尔和梅丽莎转院到200多英里外的奥罗拉的儿童医院。A. decided“决定B. promised“承诺C. waited“等待D. hoped“希望。根据上文"life-threatening"可知,这种肠道疾病能够危及生命,所以医生决定将空运阿克塞尔和梅丽莎转院到200多英里外的奥罗拉的儿童医院,以寻求更好的救治。故选A

6)考查形容词。句意:在接下来的几个星期里,他的健康状况仍然很危险,因为他的肺停止了呼吸。A. stable“稳定的B. safe“安全的C. dangerous“危险的D. harmful“有害的。根据"his lungs shut down."可知,他的肺停止了呼吸,所以健康状况仍然很危险。故选C

7)考查动词。句意:我们曾多次认为他不会活下来。A. play“B. live“生活C. work“工作D. study“学习。根据上文可知以,孩子是早产儿,且患有多种严重的疾病,所以父母曾多次认为他不会活下来。故选B

8)考查副词。句意:幸运地,他们得到了其他人的帮助。A. Gradually“逐渐地B. Obviously“明显地C. Properly“正确地D. Fortunately“幸运地。根据"support was on the way"可知,他们得到了其他人的帮助,这是很幸运的。故选D

9)考查动词。句意:梅丽莎,39岁,是一名警官。Grand Junction警察局联系了Aurora的警官。A. contacted“联系B. fired“解雇C. praised“赞扬D. persuaded“说服。根据下文可知,奥罗拉警察局的警员涌入向医院向他们提供帮助。所以Grand Junction警察局联系了Aurora的警察,与他们沟通了这件事情。故选A

10)考查动词。句意:不久,奥罗拉警察局的警察涌入医院向他们提供帮助。A. escaped“逃脱B. left“离开C. flooded“涌入D. shut“关闭。很多的警察都很热心,愿意帮助他们。所以flooded“涌入符合语境。故选C

11)考查名词。句意:一个侦探向这对夫妇提供了住的地方。A. team“B. child“孩子C. couple“夫妇D. policeman“警察。孩子被转移到了奥罗拉的儿童医院,父母就需要陪护和照顾孩子。所以他们身处异地,一定是没有地方住的,所以一个侦探向这对夫妇提供了住的地方。故选C

12)考查形容词。句意:但事情又变得糟糕起来。A. correct“正确的B. tough“有困难的,棘手的C. normal“正常的D. easy“容易的。根据下文可知,父母由于客观原因,不能照顾孩子。所以对他们来说,雪上加霜,事情又变得糟糕起来。故选B

13)考查名词。句意:这对夫妇在奥罗拉照顾了阿克塞尔几个星期后,因为两个不同的理由,他们不得不暂时回到Grand JunctionA. areas“地区B. classes“班级C. occasions“时机,理由D. groups“。根据下文"First…The second time"可知,两个不同的理由迫使这对夫妇不得不暂时回到Grand Junction。故选C

14)考查动词短语。句意:首先,根据合同,他们必须要在两天内搬走。A. move out“搬出B. break down“出故障C. pull in“进站停车D. stay up“熬夜。根据"under contract"可知,根据合同,他们必须要在两天内搬走。可见房子已经到期。故选A

15)考查名词。句意:梅丽莎的请假已经到期,她必须回去工作。A. idea“观点B. luck“幸运C. energy“能量D. leave“休假。根据"she had to return to work for a few days"可知,梅丽莎的请假已经到期。故选D

16)考查形容词。句意:他们不愿离开儿子,孩子的病情有所好转,但还需要进一步的手术治疗。A. open“开着的B. further“更远的,深一层的C. previous“以前的D. quiet“安静的。根据but可知,前后句意表示转折关系,说明孩子还需要进一步的手术治疗。故选B

17)考查名词。句意:当孩子的父母不在身边期间,奥罗拉警察局的麦克警员,为所有的警察安排了一个照顾孩子的时间表。A. house“房子B. company“公司C. schedule“日程安排D. library“图书馆。根据"…spend time with Axel"可知,为了照顾阿克塞尔,麦克为所有的警员安排了一个照顾孩子的时间表。故选C

18)考查名词。句意:当孩子的父母不在身边期间,排了一个照顾孩子的时间表。A. classmates“同学B. friends“朋友C. teachers“教师D. parents“父母。根据"…spend time with Axel"可知,为了照顾阿克塞尔,奥罗拉警察局的麦克警员,为所有的警员安排了一个照顾孩子的时间表。根据上文,父母回到了Grand Junction,所以没在孩子身边。故选D

19)考查动词。句意:他们把他们哄孩子睡觉的照片和从护士那里获得的关于孩子的最新信息,通过短信的形式发给了孩子的父母。A. handed“传递B. asked“C. texted“……发短信D. returned“回来。因为父母不在身边,所以警员们通过短信的形式把他们哄孩子睡觉的照片和从护士那里获得的最新的关于孩子的信息发给了孩子的父母。故选C

20)考查形容词。句意:经历了四个月的住院治疗后,阿克塞尔体弱多病的状况得到改善,足够强壮可以回家了。A. strong“强壮的B. brave“勇敢的C. fast“快的D. confident“自信的。经过治疗和警员们的细心照顾,孩子体弱多病的状况得到改善,足够强壮可以回家了。故选A



