
发布时间:2019-07-06 09:47:31   来源:文档文库   

Module 1 Life in the Future




(2019·广州调研测试)Petrol and diesel cars may still dominate our roadsbut their days are numbered. A recent university study found that current electric cars could be used for 87 per cent of daily car journeys in the US. That figure could rise to 98 per cent by 2020.

One hurdle to the widespread adoption of electric cars has been range anxiety—drivers’ concerns about running out of juice on a journey. While petrol stations are conveniently located across national road systemsthe necessary network of electric charging stations is still being developed. That saidcharging points are becoming increasingly common throughout the US.A.

Attitudes towards electric vehicles have changed quite considerably over the last few years. Not that long agoelectric cars were met with distrustand their large price tags drove customers away. Thanks to improvements in battery capacityrecharging timesperformance and pricethe current generation of electric cars is starting to persuade critics. Plug­in cars will soon give internal combustion engine models a run for their money.

As well as advancements on the roadelectric vehicles are taking to the seas and skies. Electric boats are among the oldest methods of electric travelhaving enjoyed several decades of popularity from the late 19th to the early 20th century before petrol­powered outboard motors took over. Nowthe global drive for renewable energy sources is bringing electric boats back. Steps towards electric air travel are also being madewith Airbus and NASA among the organizations developing and testing battery powered planes. The experiments could soon make commercial electric flight a reality.

Electric vehicles do not produce any emissions. Were the US. to act on the studys findings and replace 87 per cent of its cars with electric vehiclesit would reduce the national demand for petrol by 61 per cent. Howeverbecause of the production processes and the generation of electricity required to charge these vehiclesthey cannot claim to be completely emission­free. That saidas many countries continue to increase their use of renewable energy sourceselectric vehicles will become even cleaner.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了汽油车和柴油车将逐步被电动汽车代替以及电动交通工具在未来的发展。

1Which is the best title for this passage?

AMy Dream Car

BHistory of Electric Cars

CProblems with Petrol Cars

DDriving into the Future

D 解析:标题归纳题。通读全文可知本文主要介绍了汽油车和柴油车将逐步被电动汽车代替以及电动交通工具在未来的发展。D驶向未来形象地概括了文章的主旨故选D项。

2As used in Paragraph 2the underlined word hurdle means

Aaim          Bbarrier

Cconsequence Dstep

B 解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“drivers’ concerns about running out of juice on a journey”可知司机担心在路上没电的问题。因此这是电动汽车普及的一个障碍故选B项。

3In the pastwhy did many people refuse to buy the electric cars?

AThey were not good value.

BThey were very poorly made.

CThey were not widely promoted.

DThey couldnt travel at a high speed.

A 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Not that long agoelectric cars were met with distrustand their large price tags drove customers away.”可知人们是被当时这种电动汽车的价格吓跑的;根据该段中的“Thanks to...to persuade critics.”可知随着电池容量、可充电次数的增加、汽车性能的改善和价格的优化这一代电动汽车已经开始吸引消费者购买了。这说明以前的电动汽车在各方面还不够完善人们认为不值那个价钱。故选A项。

4What is the function of Paragraph 4?

ATo introduce the history of electric travel.

BTo explain why the world needs more electric cars.

CTo show why more people have interest in electric cars.

DTo describe different ways electric vehicles can be used.

D 解析:段落大意题。根据第四段中的“electric vehicles are taking to the seas and skies”可知除了在公路上其他地方也可以使用电动交通工具。故选D项。


(2019·洛阳尖子生联考)I love to read before I go to sleep. It usually makes me feel calm. But a big part of this depends on what I read. I love to read The Broons and Oor Wullie. Very often Im smiling before I go to sleep.

I decide to write about this in a blog because I find that so many of us go to sleep with stress. Before we go to sleep, we may run over the day in our minds, and worry about tomorrow. We also may watch the news on TV, read the news on our smart phones or tablets, or even answer work emails. But the news is rarely proclaiming(宣告) all the good that’s happening in the world and work emails make us feel that we’re still at work. All these things may leave us a stressful sleep.

The Broons and Oor Wullie is not the only thing I ever read at night. I sometimes read novels but, with the odd exception, I mostly avoid anything that is too mentally taxing or stimulating late at night unless it’s something that inspires me or is clearly helpful in my life.

And even if I do read something mentally stimulating, when I feel myself getting tired I lay that book down and pick up a trusty old The Broons and Oor Wullie for the last 10 or 15 minutes. Doing this makes my mind quiet and helps ensure I get a peaceful nights sleep. Reading about Wullie or Maw and Paw Broon is like a comfort blanket for me.

Id suggest you find light­hearted reading as a comfort blanket at bedtime, especially if you find yourself stressed or depressed a lot of the time, or if you find difficulty winding at the end of a day. It is the thing that can gently turn your attention towards lightness and ease.

If your material makes you laugh, then you may feel even better. Several studies show that laughter boosts happy chemicals in the brain and strengthens the immune system. Laughter is good for the heart, and it is most definitely good for mental health. It even helps us improve our relationships.

And if you do happen to pick up a copy of The Broons and Oor Wullie, I hope you find it just as entertaining as I do.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过叙述自己睡前的一些阅读习惯告诉人们如何减少睡前的压力以及睡前保持好心情的重要性。

5What can we learn about The Broons and Oor Wullie?

AIt makes people run over the past days.

BIt is the best book to be read before people sleep.

CIt is extremely popular with young people.

DIt makes people feel relaxed and happy.

D 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I love to read The Broons and Oor Wullie. Very often Im smiling before I go to sleep.”可知The Broons and Oor Wullie这本书会使人们感到放松和快乐。

6What can we know from the text?

AThe Broons and Oor Wullie is the authors favorite book.

BA comfortable blanket makes people go to sleep easily.

CThe author sometimes reads something about inspirations.

DReading something stimulating at night helps get a peaceful sleep.

C 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句中的“I mostly avoid anything that is too mentally taxing or stimulating late at night unless it’s something that inspires me or is clearly helpful in my life”可推知作者有时候会阅读一些鼓舞人心的书。

7What is Paragraph 6 mainly about?

AWhat material brings us laughter.

BHow laughter affects our health.

CWhat benefits laughter brings to us.

DWhy laughter is good for us.

C 解析:段落大意题。根据第六段第一句“If your material makes you laugh, then you may feel even better.”及该段的描述可知该段的主题是笑带给我们的好处。

8Whats the main purpose of the text?

ATo show the importance of reading before sleeping.

BTo prove the importance of a good mood before sleeping.

CTo tell us how to make ourselves stay relaxed before sleeping.

DTo explain how to choose a book worthy to be read before sleeping.

B 解析:写作意图题。根据第一段中的“I love to read before I go to sleep. It usually makes me feel calm.”及第四段第二句“Doing this makes my mind quiet and helps ensure I get a peaceful night’s sleep.”可知作者写这篇文章的目的是证明睡前有一个好心情的重要性。


(2018·广州调研)Grady threw down his backpack and slammed the car door shut.

This is going to be a really 1 week,” he said unhappily to no one 2 He looked around the campground. Hundreds of blue­green fir treessome as tall as church towers 3 the mountainsidegiving it the appearance of a lush green carpet. The sun would be setting soon. ThenGrady thoughtmaybe the 4 wouldn’t feel so bad. Even up here in the 5 the hot stickiness of July clung to him.

Grady hated campingbut it was something his family 6 every summer. His father liked cooking over an open firetelling stories about how to 7 things like bear attacks and swarms of bees. His mother and younger brother Jared liked to hike and take 8 of animals. Jared had a collection of bug pictures that he’d 9 to the walls in his half of their room. Grady thought they were just scary and considered them proof that Jared was a 10 kid.

They set up camp—two 11 one for his parents and one for himself and Jared. While everyone else started 12 dinnerGradylooking for some place to cool downset off for the nearby streamwhich was deep enough to 13 in.

As he 14 the streamsomething caught his eye. There was a(n) 15 black bear cub—no more than two feet tall with a lovely face. It was playing 16 at the water’s edge 17 its surroundings. Grady moved closer to get a 18 look.Then Grady heard a sound behind him.He 19 his father saying that bear cubs would never be 20 Then he turned around and saw the cub’s mother moving swiftly towards him...

【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述的是Grady和家人一起露营由于天气太热Grady独自一人去找小溪乘凉却遇到了黑熊的故事。

1A.long Binteresting

Cpeaceful Drisky

A 解析:根据空后的“unhappily”可知此处应用long表示这一周会很漫长。long“漫长的interesting“有趣的peaceful“和平的平静的risky“危险的冒险的

2A.in advance Bin brief

Cin particular Din silence

C 解析:他不高兴地自言自语道:这将是很漫长的一周。”Grady并没有特别地对某个人说因此C项符合语境。in silence“安静地无声地

3A.blocked Bcovered

Creflected Dscarred

B 解析:数以百计的蓝绿色冷杉树有些像教堂塔一样高覆盖着山坡使山坡呈现出一个郁郁葱葱的像绿色地毯的外观。从下文的“carpet”可知数以百计的冷杉树覆盖着山坡。block“阻止阻塞cover“覆盖reflect“反射映出scar“结疤……留下伤痕

4A.dust Bcampground

Cheat Dsun

C 解析:根据上文中的“The sun would be setting soon.”及下文中的“the hot stickiness of July clung to him”可知Grady认为太阳下山后就不会那么热了。故Cheat“高温符合语境。dust“尘土campground“野营地

5A.mountain Briver

Csky Dtower

A 解析:即使在山上7月的炎热依旧如影随形。根据上文中的“mountainside”可知作者的野营地在山上。故选A项。

6A.believed in Binsisted on

Ccame across Dlived through

B 解析:Grady讨厌野营但是这是他家人每年夏天坚持的事情。根据空前的转折词but可知Grady的家人和他的想法相反。believe in“相信insist on“坚持come across“偶遇live through“经历过。故选B项。

7A.encourage Bexplore

Crecognize Dsurvive

D 解析:他的父亲喜欢在户外的火上做饭讲关于如何在类似熊和蜜蜂的攻击下生存下来的故事。根据空后的“bear attacks and swarms of bees”可知这些故事是关于如何在类似熊和蜜蜂攻击下生存的。survive“幸存生还符合语境。encourage“鼓励explore“探索recognize“认识认出

8A.care Bcontrol

Cpictures Dexamples

C 解析:根据后一句中的“Jared had a collection of bug pictures”可知本空指给动物拍照。take pictures of...“拍……的照片为固定搭配。

9A.guided Bpinned

Ctaken Dthrown

B 解析:根据空后的“to the walls”可知这些照片是被钉在墙上的。guide“指导引导pin(用钉等)钉住take“携带throw“扔

10A.sensitive Bsmart

Ctough Dstrange

D 解析:根据语境可知Grady认为这些(虫子的照片)非常吓人并且把它们当作证明Jared是一个奇怪的孩子的证据。sensitive“敏感的smart“聪明的tough“坚强的strange“奇怪的

11A.beds Brooms

Ctents Dplates

C 解析:根据空前的“camp”可知此处是搭起两个帐篷。bed“床room“房间tent“帐篷plate“盘子。故选C项。

12A.altering Bhunting

Cordering Dpreparing

D 解析:根据空后的“dinner”及常识可知此处表示准备晚餐。alter“改变hunt“打猎order“点菜prepare“准备

13A.dig Bswim

Chide Dsink

B 解析:当其他人都在开始准备晚餐的时候Grady想要寻找清凉的地方于是动身去附近的小溪。这条小溪足够深可以在里面游泳。根据本句中的“looking for some place to cool down”可知Grady想在小溪里游泳凉快一下。dig“挖swim“游泳hide“躲藏sink“沉没

14A.crossed Bimagined

Cleft Dneared

D 解析:根据上文中的“set off for the nearby stream”可知Grady朝小溪走去因此此处表示离小溪越来越近。near“靠近(某地方)”符合语境。

15A.adorable Baggressive

Cinjured Dlarge

A 解析:根据空后的“no more than two feet tall with a lovely face”可知小黑熊很可爱。adorable“可爱的aggressive“侵略性的好斗的injured“受伤的。故选A项。

16A.cautiously Bjoyfully

Cforcefully Dnervously

B 解析:小黑熊在水边快乐地玩耍忽视了它周围的环境。cautiously“小心地谨慎地joyfully“高兴地forcefully“强有力地nervously“紧张地。故选B项。

17A.attacking Bdestroying

Chating Dignoring

D 解析:参见上题解析。attack“攻击进攻destroy“破坏hate“讨厌ignore“忽视不顾

18A.better Bbrighter

Cfixed Dlasting

A 解析:Grady走近了一点想看得更清楚一些。get a better look“看得更清楚

19A.found Blearned

Cremembered Dmisunderstood

C 解析:这时Grady听到后面传来一阵声音Grady记起父亲说过熊的幼仔不会单独出行的。find“发现learn“学会了解到remember“记得misunderstand“误解

20A.alone Bawake

Ccute Dscared

A 解析:根据空后的“Then he turned around and saw the cub’s mother moving swiftly towards him...”可知小黑熊的妈妈正朝Grady迅速地走来。因此此处表示熊的幼仔从来不会单独出行的。alone“独自的awake“醒着的cute“漂亮的聪明的scared“恐惧的惊恐的


