
发布时间:2019-03-04 17:28:09   来源:文档文库   


Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes

听说课 Section A (1a-2c)

Learning Goals

Talk about the rules that teenagers should do and shouldn’t do and express one’s o pinion. We can use The Passive Voice (should be allowed) and these pattens: Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to work at night. He doesn’t seem to have many friends. --I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends. --I disagree.They talk instead of doing homework. --I don’t think students should be allowed to drive. --I agree.They aren't serious enough at that age. Learn to express what rules that we should obey and what rules are unfair to students . Get the students to learn to think over the rules.目标引领,用一段话表述了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标。

Teaching steps (教学步骤)

Preview: 本课重点用should be allowed to do something 谈论一下青少年应该干什么不应该干什么,培养青少年自我判定是非的能力。作为学生什么该做、什么不该做,要做到心中有数,同时针对一些社会的不良现象,也应该有极强的判定力和正义感。

1、Look at p18-19, put the following into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.

1. 被允许去作 2.与朋友们一起出去

3.一份兼职工作 4.打他们的耳洞

5.选他们自己的衣服 6.驾驶执照

7.太野性的 8.足够严肃 9.理发

10.难看的耳环 11.替代 12.在周末工作

13. ......一起度过 14.看起来很酷

15. 16岁的少年

二:Look at P18-19, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.




4. 15岁的少年不应该被允许打耳孔。




Step 1Warming up and leading in热身导入

1. Presentation

T : Hello, everyone. I’m so happy because the International Day is coming, we’ll have 7 days off. I can do lots of things I like to do at home. I can watch TV. I can surf the internet. I can dance with the music and so on. What about you? Can you tell me what you can do and you can’t do at home, OK? (Ss discuss in groups.)

T: Tom, can you play soccer after school?

S: No. I can’t. I have to do my homework first..

T: I see.(Write play soccer under can't do on the blackboard.) John, do your parents let you surf the Internet?

J: Yes. They think it is helpful to my study.

T: I see.(Write surf the Internet under can do on the blackboard)


Ask some more questions and add more examples to both columns.

Ensure that blackboard ends up like this.

can do can’t do

surf the Internet play soccer

Now write on the blackboard the headlines is allowed to and isn’t allowed to instead of can do and can’t do. The blackboard looks like this :

is allowed to isn’t allowed to

surf the Internet play soccer

....... .......

Say, John can surf the Internet at home. He is allowed to surf the Internet.(Write the sentence on the blackboard)John can't play soccer after school. He isn't allowed to play soccer.(Write the sentence on the blackboard ) Ask students to repeat each sentence.


2.practice Repeat this drill with all items on the lists


As teenagers, we have lots of school rules to obey.

(Show the picture for the students to say out the school rules. Then change them into the sentence form be allowed to do sth.

(进一步训练should be allowed 句型。达到学以致用的目的。)

T: There are some rules in 1a, do you agree or disagree? Let’s come to 1a.

(Ss do it in pairs and then report to the class.)

T: Look at the pictures below. Who are they ? Read the sentences carefully and guess what they are talking about. Let’s come to 1b.

He just got his driver’s license. She chooses clothes herself. She got her ears pierced.


Step 2: Listening for the general idea听取大意

Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.

1. The main idea of the conversation is to talk about   .

A. school rules B. family rules

C. ask for permission D. choose clothes

2. How many things did he talk about? .

A . one B. two C . three D. four

Step 3: Listening for the specific ideas听取细节

Listen again and circle T or F.

1.Anna can go to the mall with John.

2.Anna wants to get her ears pierced.

3.Anna is allowed to choose her own clothes.

Listen and repeat

P129 Section A, 1b. Listen to the tape and repeat.

Step 4Post-listening activities

1. Listening for the specific ideas:

They are talk about three things in the conversation.

1. John just got his .

2. I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. They are not enough.

3. Gaby’s getting her ears .

4.It’s fun to . Is it OK if we take the bus.

5.I think teenagers should be allowed to their own clothes.

2. Pairwork

Look at the statements in 1a and make conversations. Use the phrases in the box below.

A: I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. B: I agree. They aren’t serious enough.

Step 5: Presentation

T: Make a list of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do. Discuss your list with your partner. You can discuss like this:

A: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to wear earings?

B: Yes. It looks beautiful.

A: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to have mobile phones?

B: No, I don’t think so. Perhaps students pay more attention to their studies.

T: Let’s listen to the others’ opinion about this subject. Let’s come to 2a.

(talk about the picture and read through 2a.)

Step 6: Listening for the general idea

Listen to the tape, check what Kathy thinks and circle Agree, Disagree, or Doesn’t know to show what Molly thinks.

Step 7: Listening for the specific ideas

Listen carefully and fill in the blanks:

Read after the tape the listening tapescripts to see if you have any question? Then make conversations using the information.

Step 8Post-listening activities

Read the tapescripts and then fill in the blanks without books: Molly says that Larry is working late tonight, but Kathy thinks Larry shouldn’t be ______ to work late. Molly ________ with Kathy, She thinks teenagers never gets _____. Then Kathy thinks Larry shouldn’t work every night. This makes Molly agree. They think he needs time ____ homework, Also they think Larry’s hair should _____ because it doesn’t look ____. Kathy thinks Larry shouldn’t wear that ___ earring, but Molly thinks she ______ like it.

Step9. Inquiry into knowledge by translation


Students shouldn’t be allowed to sleep in class.

Students shouldn’t be allowed to make noises in class.

Students should be allowed to speak English loudly.

Students shouldn’t be allowed to be late for school.

结论:以上句型为: 叫做含有情态动词的被动语态。被动语态结构为:


例如:The house is cleaned every day.


例如:He was taught a lesson yesterday.

二:agree with, agree toagree on都表示“同意”,但用法不同。

agree with表示“同意”,后面接表示人的名词或代词,也可以接表示“意见,看法”的名词。

We all agree with him.

Do you agree with my ideas?

agree to表示“同意”,后面接表示“计划,建议,安排”等的名词,接动词原形时构成动词不定式结构。

He agreed to our plan at last.

They agreed to come on Monday.

agree on表示“(两人以上)就…… 取得一致意见,在……方面意见一致”,其主语多为复数形式,宾语是表示事、计划等的名词,而不是表示人的名词或代词,它可以与agree in doing sth.替换。

They agreed on the plan. =They agreed in doing the plan.

特别提示agree with也可以表示“某人适应(食物、气候等)”。

The weather doesn’t agree with me.

三:get ones ears pierced get+名词/代词+动词的过去分词”,意为 例如: Go and get your hair cut.

Can you get your work finished in time?

Step10 The end-of- class test当堂检测


1. His temperature s to be all right.

2. He is s because he often does foolish things like this.

3. I think teenagers should be allowed to their c own clothes.

4. You've driven too fast. Please show me your l .

5. We call the persons who are between 13 and 19 t .

二: 翻译下列句子,用上所给单词。

1. 青少年应该被允许选择自己的衣服。(allow)

2.我认为16岁的少年不应该被允许驾驶。我同意。在那个年龄他们不够严肃。( don’t ... serious)

3.我认为学生应该被允许和朋友一起做作业。我不同意。他们谈话而不是做作业。(instead of )

4. 15岁的少年不应该被允许打耳孔。(get)




三: 翻译下面的句子

SectionA 1b














凯西: 我知道,莫莉我认为不应该允许16岁的青少年在夜晚工作。 年轻人需要睡眠。


凯西: 也许吧。但拉里不应该每晚都工作


凯西: 你知道,莫莉,他应该理发了。


凯西: 是的。它看起来不干净。而且我认为他应该停止戴那个傻乎乎的耳环。


凯西: 你知道我担心什么----拉里好像没什么朋友。


凯西: 我同意,莫莉。他需要花时间和朋友们在一起。


凯西: 或许吧。


一:1 be allowed to do 2 go out with their friends 3 a part-time job

4 get their ears pierced 5 choose their own clothes 6 driver’s license

7 too wild 8 serious enough 9 cut one’s hair 10 silly earring

11. instead of 12. work on weekends 13 spend time with

14. looks cool 15 sixteen-year-olds

二:1.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes..

2. I don’t think sixteen-years-olds should be allowed to drive.

I agree.They aren't serious enough at that age.

3. I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.

I disagree. They talked instead of doing homework

4. Fifteen-year-olds should not be allowed to get their ears pierced.

5. He should stop wearing that silly earings.

6. He doesn’t seem to have many friends.

7. He needs time to spend with friends.

Step 2: Listening for the general idea: C C

Step 3: Listening for the specific ideas: T F T

Step 4Post-listening activities

driver’s licenceserouspiercedwatch choose

Step 7: Listening for the specific ideas

workeveryhairwearingto have

Step 8Post-listening activities

allowed, disagrees, tired, to do, be cut, clean, silly, kind of

Step9. Inquiry into knowledge by translation

一:(主语+情态动词+ be +V过去分词)(be +动词的过去分词)(am/is/ are +动词的过去分词)(was/were +动词的过去分词)

二:我们都同意他的意见。 你同意我的观点吗? 最后他同意了我们的计划。他们同意星期一来。他们对这个计划意见一致。




Step10 The end-of- class test当堂检测

seems, silly, choose, license, teenagers


