
发布时间:2016-09-06 16:25:09   来源:文档文库   


1. n__ __se               2. d__ct__r        3. dr_v__ __        4. d_ck            5. h_ _se            

6.br_ _ kf  st      7.r__ce    8.p__l__c __m__n     9.n__ __dles       10.d__mpl__ng 
1. 起床  ______       2. 吃午饭    ________            
3.做游戏  _____        4.去睡觉  _________               
   1. A. banana   B. cook   C. farmer   D. teacher  
   2. A. pig      B. worker  C. cow    D. hen   
   3. A. breakfast  B. lunch  C. ship     D.supper  
   4. A. meat     B.chicken  C.vegetable D. fish    
   5. A. games    B. morning C. afternoon D.evening 
1.do(单三)_____          2.have(单三)  ____         3.class(复数)  _______            
4.sheep(复数)   ______           5.do(否定缩写)       ________   
6. doesn’t(完全形式)______          7. work(名词)      _______  
8.drive(名词)   ________         9. cow(复数)     _____ 10.watch(单三)      ______     
V. 选择。(1*20=20   X k B 1 . c o m
     1. I want_____a cook.           A. be        B. to be        C. is         

   2. What ____ your mother?       A. be        B. about       C. do          

   3. What _____your grandpa and grandma?  They_____farmers.       
         A. are  are   B .  is  is       C. are   is  
   4. What do you do _____ the farm?      A. in    B. under     C. on       

     5. There ______a cat and two dogs in the room.  A. be   B. to be      C. is        

     6. What’s     lunch?           A. on        B. in           C. for        

   7. Tom ______a dog.      A. don’t have  B. doesn’t have  C. don’t has   

)8.They __cows. A. don’t have any B. doesn’t have some C. don’t has any                

   9. Tom__up at six in the morning.    A. get    B. to get     C. gets        

   10.I go to bed ____ night    home.   A. at  at     B. at  in    C. in  in
 1. What is your father?                      A. They have some toys in the box.    
2. Who is that man?                         B. My father is a teacher.    
3. When do you get up?                     C. We have meat for lunch.    
4. What do you have in the box?        E. I get up at six in the morning.    
5. What do you have for lunch?           F. He is my brother.
 (   )1. 如果想问Tom的哥哥是干什么工作的,你可以问:        
  A. What is your brother? 
 B. What do your brother?  
 C. What does your brother?    
 (   ) 2. 想知道Lisa的箱子里有什么东西?你可以问:           
A. What does Lisa have in the box?  
 B. What’s in the box?        
  C. What do Lisa have in the box?    
 (   )3. 妈妈正在做晚饭,你想问妈妈晚饭吃什么,你可以问:    
 A. What’s for breakfast? 
 B. What’s for lunch?
 C. What’s for supper?   
 (   )4. 你想知道Lisa的爷爷晚上一般几点睡觉?你可以问: 
 A. What does your grandpa go to bed? 
 B. What’s your grandpa? 
C. When does your grandpa go to bed?   
  (   )5. 妈妈想问你上午上几节课,你可以问: 
 A. How many subjects do you have?
 B. What subjects do you like? 
C. What subjects do you have? 
 VIII. 改错。(5*2=10   
   1. She are a farmer.                             
   2. Tom have a egg for lunch.(                           


