
发布时间:2020-04-07 12:00:42   来源:文档文库   




    Cathy Martin is a hurricane hunter with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). For six months each year, she is part of a team that collects ________ she describes as "vital data, to save life and property."

When winds pick up, ________(spin) toward the Caribbean and U. S. coastline, Martin and ________(she) flight team spring into action.

    They use instruments called dropsondes, which ________(set) free from a tube at the back of the plane. As a dropsonde makes its 10,000-foot landing into the sea, it sends out information about air temperature, pressure, humidity, and the speed and ________(direct) of the wind.

    On an eight-hour flight, Martin's team ________(typical) drops 15 to 20 dropsondes while flying from one side of the storm ________ the other, trying to cover as much ground as possible. They head for the center (or eye) of the storm, ________ there's no wind, and also search for the strongest winds, to help people on the coast prepare for what's coming. Sometimes, they will use an unmanned aircraft ________ (gather) data closer to the ocean's surface.

    Though these flights can be long,________(tire) and often last several days in a row, Martin likes her job and wishes she could fly every day.

【答案】 whatspinningherare setdirectiontypicallytowhereto gathertiring

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Cathy Martin 以及她的团队是如何收集数据预测飓风的。



3)考查代词。修饰名词flight team使用形容词性物主代词,故填her

4)考查时态语态。句意:他们使用一种叫做下投式探空仪的仪器,这种仪器从飞机后部的管子中释放出来。主语是dropsondes与谓语动词构成被动关系,结合上下文使用一般现在时,主语为复数名词,故填are set

5)考查名词。句意:当探空仪降落在10000英尺的海面上时,它会发出有关空气温度、压力、湿度以及风速和风向的信息。根据上文名词并列结构the speed and可知,应填名词,故填direction




9)考查非谓语动词。句意:有时,他们会使用无人驾驶飞机收集更接近海洋表面的数据。本句为不定式to do作目的状语,故填to gather




    The Mid-Autumn Day is a very important traditional festival in China. It takes its name from the fact that it ________(celebrate) in the middle of the autumn season. The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the ________ (eight) lunar month. The day is known as the Moon Festival, as at that time of the year the moon is at its roundest and ________(bright). It is an evening celebration in ________ families gather together and eat moon cakes. Besides, ________(make) the house more beautiful, people will hang red lanterns in front of it. On that day, people look back on the past and look forward to the future together. Children will play with their own ________(toy) and enjoy themselves.

    The Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations date back ________ more than 2,000 years. The word "Mid-Autumn" first ________(appear) in the famous ancient book Zhou Li. However, it was not until the early Tang Dynasty that people celebrated the day as a traditional festival. It became an ________(official) established festival during the Song Dynasty, and has become as popular as the Spring Festival since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Celebrations have continued ever since and more customs for ________(mark) this occasion have been formed.

【答案】 is celebratedeighthbrightestwhichto maketoystoappearedofficiallymarking


1)考查时态语态。句意:它的名字来源于它是在秋季中期举行的庆祝活动。本句中主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,且描述客观事实应用一般现在时。主语为it,谓语动词用第三人称单数。故填is celebrated


3)考查形容词。句意:这一天被称为中秋节,因为在一年的这个时候,月亮是最圆最亮的。根据上文roundest and可知应填形容词最高级,表示最亮的,故填brightest

4)考查定语从句。句意:这是一个晚上的庆祝活动,家人聚在一起吃月饼。本句为介词+关系代词结构定语从句修饰先行词an evening celebration,且做介词in的宾语,指活动应用关系代词which。故填which

5)考查非谓语动词。句意:此外,为了使房子更漂亮,人们会在房子前面挂红灯笼。本句中make做非谓语动词,表目的应用不定式。故填to make


7)考查介词。句意:中秋节的庆祝活动可以追溯到2000多年前。date back to固定短语,追溯到,故填to






    A teahouse is a special house which primarily serves tea and other light refreshments(茶点). Its function varies widely________(depend)on the culture. In China, a teahouse is a place ________people gather to enjoy tea, chat and socialize. It ________(consider) as a symbol of Chinese tea culture and people's leisure lives.

    Chinese teahouses enjoy a long-standing history. They developed from tea ________(stand) in the Western JIN Dynasty, took shape in the Tang Dynasty, developed ________(gradual) in the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and became booming in modern times.

    In the Song Dynasty, teahouses spread all over the cities and villages, at a rate comparable with that of restaurants. The owners preferred to decorate their teahouses ________paintings of celebrities or rare and precious plants ________(attract) customers. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the number of teahouses went beyond that of restaurants, gaining much ________ (wide) popularity and becoming more famous. Later, the acculturation(文化植入)of western culture forced traditional Chinese teahouses to take on________ new look.

    Since reform and opening-up, with the rapid development of the economy and evident improvement of people's living standards, teahouses________(flower) in China.

【答案】 dependingwhereis consideredstandsgraduallywithto attractwiderahave flowered /have been flowering


1)考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知此处应填非谓语动词作状语, Its functiondepend的逻辑主语,它们之间是主动关系,故用现在分词,填depending

2)考查定语从句。分析句子可知此处是定语从句关系词,指物的先行词place在从句___2___people gather to enjoy tea中充当地点状语,故填关系副词where,因此填where

3)考查时态语态。分析句子可知此处是谓语动词,根据前文的is判断为一般现在时,主语itconsider”考虑之间是被动关系,故应用被动语态be done, 主语是第三人称单数,填is considered




7)考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知此处应填非谓语动词,再结合句意用名人的画或珍贵的植物装饰他们的茶楼来吸引顾客,此处表目的,故用不定式,故填to attract



10)考查时态。分析句子可知此处是主句谓语动词,根据上文的since判断此处用现在完成时或现在完成进行时,主语teahouses是复数,故填have flowered/have been flowering



    Since ________ first fully artificial plastic was invented in 1907, humans ________(find) innumerable uses for the material. It has found ________(it) way into our tools, our clothes and even our bodies. In a new study in ________(environment) science and technology, researchers estimate the average American eats more than 50,000 pieces of microplastic particles, ________(small) than 5 millimeters in length every year and breathes in another 50,000. Although the health ________(effect) of consuming these tiny bits of plastic are unclear, researchers stress the real volume that people are ________(casual) swallowing is alarming. The largest contributor came ________ drinking bottled water, in ________ the bottle itself added more than 32 times more plastic to a diet ________(compare) with tap water, The Guardian reports.

【答案】 thehave founditsenvironmentalsmallereffectscasuallyfromwhichcompared



2)考查时态。句意:人类已经发现了这种材料的无数用途。since引导的时间从句要用一般过去时,主句要用现在完成时。分析句子成分可知,主语是humans,故谓语动词为have found。故填have found


4)考查形容词。句意:在环境科学与技术的一项新研究中。此处要用形容词修饰名词science and technology(科学与技术)。故填environmental


6)考查名词。句意:尽管食用这些小塑料碎片对健康的影响尚不清楚。根据the health是主语的一部分,可知此处用名词作主语,且谓语动词是are,故用可数名词复数,填effects

7)考查副词。句意:但研究人员强调,人们随意吞下的塑料碎片的实际数量令人担忧。此处要用副词修饰动词swallowing 。故填casually

8)考查介词。句意:最大促成物来自饮用瓶装水。come from,固定短语,来自。故填from

9)考查定语从句。句意:瓶装水在日常饮食中添加的塑料量是自来水的32倍多。分析句子成分可知,先行词为drinking bottled water,指物,且作in的宾语,故此处填which。故填which

10)考查非谓语动词。句意:瓶装水在日常饮食中添加的塑料量是自来水的32倍多。分析句子可知,the bottle itselfcompare在逻辑上是被动关系。故填compared



    The more advanced technology becomes, the more it seems to have control over our lives. We shop, work, play, search for information and seek ________ (chat) with each other online. Yet people are not arguing about this astonishing condition. It ________ (believe) that people have readily embraced technology, seeking only the benefits but ________ (ignore) its drawbacks.

    It does not matter whether your home is in a ________ (noise) downtown or in the remote countryside. If you have a screen ________ it can pick up a signal, your mind is still in the same placeless place. This place is the zone ________ your mind will go when you stare at a screen, and it feels like your mind stops thinking.

    Recent developments in technology also led to a decline in normal social behaviors. In past ages, you could walk around town for a whole day without seeing all the people you know. Now, everyone you know is ________ arm's reach, taking that certain psychological feeling out of seeing people. You can see them every second of every day, and hear nearly every single thought of theirs just as they hear ________ (you).

    In ________ (conclude), modern technology can be a double-edged sword. They do have their advantages, but they can change our lives ________ (complete).

【答案】 to chatis believedignoringnoisyandwherewithinyoursconclusioncompletely


1)考查非谓语动词。句意:我们在网上购物、工作、娱乐、搜索信息和聊天。语seek to do sth.固定短语,试图做,设法做某事,故填to chat

2)考查时态语态。句意:人们相信,人们已经欣然接受了技术,只追求它 好处而忽略了它的缺点。It is believed that…固定句式,人们相信……”,故填is believed

3)考查非谓语动词。句意:人们相信,人们已经欣然接受了技术,只追求它 好处而忽略了它的缺点。本空与上文”seeking only the benefits“构成并列非谓语结构,故填ignoring




7)考查介词。句意:现在,你认识的每个人都在你的触手可及的范围内,把那种特定的心理感受带离与人交往。within arm's reach固定短语,伸手可及的范围内,故填within


9)考查名词。句意:总之,现代技术是一把双刃剑。in conclusion固定短语,总之,故填conclusion




    Ever wondered how many calories are in the human body? Or ever wondered why old people have ________ (big) ears than they used to? The winners of Ig Nobel Prizes (搞笑诺贝尔奖) have got the answers.

    He Ig Nobel Prizes, founded in 1991, are to honor achievements ________ first make people laugh, and then make them think, The ceremony ________ (take) place at Harvard University every year. Winners' acceptance ________(speech) are limited to 60 seconds, ________ (strict) policed by an eight-year-old girl.

    The honored research might seem ridiculous ________ first sight, but that doesn't mean it lacks scientific value. For example, the research in 2006 on why dry spaghetti tends to break into more than two pieces was important ________ (discover) failure in bridge spans (跨度) or human bones And a follow-up paper ________ (publish) by MIT physicists several years later. But people are more likely to read about ________ (break) spaghetti than to read an academic paper. Even when there is no immediate usefulness, ________ is still good to encourage people to observe and think.

【答案】 biggerthat/ whichtakesspeechesstrictlyatto discoverwas publishedbreakingit


1)考查形容词。句意:或者想知道为什么老年人的耳朵比以前大? 根据句意和than可知这里要用形容词的比较级,故填bigger


3)考查主谓一致和时态。分析可知take在句中做谓语。这里介绍的是一般事实,要用一般现在时。主语the ceremony为单数,谓语动词也要用单数,故填takes



6)考查介词。句意:乍一看,这项久享盛名的研究似乎很荒谬,但这并不意味着它缺乏科学价值。at first sight固定短语,"乍一看;一看到.......",故填at

7)考查非谓语动词。这里使用了sth/sb+be+adj+to do的结构,故填to discover

8)考查语态时态。本句的事情已经发生,事情发生在过去要用一般过去时。谓语动词publish和主语a follow-up paper是被动关系,要用被动语态。a follow-up paper是单数,谓语动词也要用单数。故填was published


10)考查代词。句意:即使没有立竿见影的效果,鼓励人们去观察和思考也是好的。根据句意,分析可知在主句中,to encourage people to observe and think是真正的主语,要用it做形式主语,故填it


7After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

    We want our children to succeed in school and, perhaps even more importantly, in life. But the paradox(悖论) is that our children can only truly succeed ________ they first learn how to fail. Consider the finding that world-class figure skaters fall over more often in practice than low-level figure skaters. Why are the really good skaters falling over the most?

    The reason is actually quite simple. Top skaters are constantly challenging themselves in practice. ________ (stretch) their limitations, they keep trying their best. They fall over so often, but it is precisely why they learn so fast. Lower-level skaters have a quite different approach. They are always attempting jumps they can already do very easily, ________ (remain) within their comfort zone. This is why they don't fall over. In a superficial sense, they look successful, because they are always on their feet. Never ________ (fail) in practice prevents them from making progress.

    ________ is true of skating is also true of life. James Dyson worked through 5,126 prototypes (原型) for his newest vacuum before coming up with the design ________ made his fortune. These failures were essential to the pathway of learning. As Dyson put ________: "You can't develop new technology unless you test new ideas and learn when things go wrong. Failure is essential to invention."

    In healthcare, however, things are very different. Clinicians don't like to admit to failure, partly because they have strongegos (自我) —particularly the senior doctors—and partly because they fear litigation (诉讼). The consequence is that ________ learning from failure, healthcare often covers up failure. The direct consequence is that the same mistakes ________ (repeat). According to the Journal of Patient Safety, 400,000 people die every year in American hospitals alone due to preventable error. ________ healthcare learns to respond positively to failure, things will not improve.

【答案】 if / whenTo stretchremainingfailingWhatwhich / thatitinstead ofare repeatedUntil / Unless


1)考查状语从句。句意:但矛盾的是,我们的孩子只有先学会如何失败,才能真正成功。根据句意可知此处既可以用if引导条件状语从句,表示"如果……",也可用when引导时间状语从句,表示"……的时候",故填if / when

2)考查非谓语动词。句意:为了突破自己的局限,他们一直在努力。根据句意可知此处表示目的,应该用不定式做目的状语,故填To stretch




6)考查定语从句。句意:詹姆斯·戴森为最新款的吸尘器设计了5126个原型,然后才想出了这个让他大赚一笔的设计。此处为定语从句,先行词为design,指物,关系词在从句中做主语,故填which / that

7)考查代词。句意:正如戴森所说的:除非你测试新想法,并在事情出错时学习,否则你不会开发出新技术,失败是发明的基础。as someone puts it固定句式。"正如某人所说"表示。put it"表达......"故填it

8)考查介词短语。句意:结果是,医疗保健往往掩盖失败,而不是从失败中吸取教训。根据句意可知此处表示"而不是",故填instead of

9)考查时态语态。句意:其直接后果是一再地犯同样的错误。陈述的是客观事实,mistakes repeat之间是被动关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态,故填are repeated

10)考查连词。句意:除非医疗保健学会积极面对失败,否则情况不会好转(直到医疗保健学会积极面对失败,情况才会好转)。根据句意可知此处表示"除非""直到",故填Until / Unless



    Chopsticks, or kuaizi in Chinese, ________ (be) a pair of small equal- length sticks, usually made of wood, ________( use) for eating Asian food It is believed the first chopsticks ________ (develop) over 5,000 years ago in China. The ________(early) evidence of a pair of chopsticks made out of bronze was excavated (出土) from the Ruins of Yin near Anyang, Henan provincedating back to roughly 1,200 BC.

    Chopsticks play, ________important role in Chinese food culture. Chinese chopsticks are usually 9 to 10 inches long and rectangular with a blunt (钝的) end. They are round on the eating end ________symbolizes heaven, and the other end is square which symbolizes earth. This is because________(maintain) an adequate food supply is the greatest concern between heaven and earth.

    There is an old Chinese custom making chopsticks part of a girl's dowry, since the ________(pronounce) of kuaizi is similar to the words for "quick" and "son".

Chopsticks are ________(frequent) used in daily life. They have become more than a kind of tableware and have established a set of etiquette (礼仪) and customs ________their own.

【答案】 areusedwere developedearliestanthatwhichmaintainingpronunciationfrequentlyof




3)考查时态语态。分析句子结构可知,此处是主语从句的谓语动词,根据over 5,000 years ago判断为一般过去时,主语chopsticksdevelop之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,主语chopsticks是复数,故填were developed


5)考查冠词。play a role in固定短语,……中起作用,又important是元音音素开头,故填an

6)考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处是限定性定语从句关系词,先行词they(指物)在从句__6___symbolizes heaven中充当主语,故用关系代词,填that/which



9)考查副词,此处应填副词修饰动词are used,故填frequently

10)考查介词。of one's own固定短语,某人自己的,故填of



    China's Liangzhu Archaeological Site ________(declare) on the list of World Heritage sites on Saturday by UNESCO's World Heritage Committee during its 43rd session in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

    The site, ________is located in Yuhang District in Hangzhou City in China's eastern Zhejiang Province, showcases the civilization of prehistoric rice agriculture between 3,300 B.C. ________ 2,300 B.C. The ruins of ancient Liangzhu city were discovered in 2007, and then large dam sites ________(surround) the Liangzhu ancient city were unearthed continuously after 2009. It was ________ (official) submitted lo UNESCO in 2019, hoping to win ________ (recognize) as a World Cultural Heritage Site. The site ________ (include) archaeological remains and unearthed cultural relics of the Liangzhu Ancient City as well as a wetland that covers ________ area of 908. 89 hectares in a plain river network. It is also found that the Liangzhu ancestors started to use characters about 5 ,000 years ago, 1 ,000 years ________ (early) than previously thought, according to Colin Renfrew, a retired professor of archaeology at the University of Cambridge.

    The World Heritage Committee added Liangzhu to the UNESCO list ________(encourage) better protection of the site, considered to be of "outstanding universal value" to humanity.

【答案】 was declaredwhichandsurroundingofficiallyrecognitionincludesanearlierto encourage


1)考查时态语态。本句中主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,且根据时间状语on Saturday可知为一般过去时,主语为Liangzhu Archaeological Site,谓语动词用单数形式。故填was declared



4)考查非谓语动词。句意:2007年发现良渚古城遗址,2009年以后,围绕良渚古城的大型水坝遗址陆续出土。分析句子结构可知surround在句中做非谓语动词,与逻辑主语dam sites构成主动关系,故用现在分词。故填surrounding




8)考查冠词。area为可数名词,此处表示泛指应用不定冠词,且area为元音音素开头的单词。cover an area of“占地.....面积,故填an

9)考查形容词。根据下文“than previously thought”可知应用形容词比较级,故填earlier

10)考查非谓语动词。句中已有谓语动词added,分析句子结构可知encourage在句中做非谓语动词,且作目的状语故用不定式。故填to encourage




    Whether you are someone who smiles a lot ________ not, there is always room for improvement. Research ________ (show) that when someone smiles, a number of feel-good neurotransmitters are released(释放)in the body and these are linked with lower heart rate, lower blood pressure, better sleep and ________ (little) stress. It would appear that ________ physical act of smiling makes our brain think we are happy — even if we are not and just like that, it brings about a physiological response that makes ________ (we) feel better and more relaxed.

    I think we have experienced how infectious a smile can be and we ________ (attract) by the energy of shiny happy people laughing. So while I appreciate there is not always something to smile about, I think that being able to smile at ourselves is a quality worth ________ (develop). Even an internal smile or a case of faking it until you make it is most ________ (definite) a good investment to develop a sense of ________ (satisfy) from within.

    My new thing for the next month or so is to try and smile more often. Why don't you try that too and let me know ________ you get on?

【答案】 orshowslesstheusare attracteddevelopingdefinitelysatisfactionhow


1)考查连词。句意:不管你是不是经常微笑的人,总有改进的余地。whether引导的从句常可以与连词oror not直接连用,故填or


3)考查形容词。根据“lower heart rate, lower blood pressure, better sleep”可知是把微笑时和不微笑时进行了比较,与lower, better一致,故用比较级,填less



6)考查时态语态。此处指我们被闪亮快乐的人的笑声所吸引,根据句意和by可知表被动,表示客观事实用现在时,故此处用一般现在时的被动,与we一致,故填are attracted

7)考查非谓语动词。be worth doing固定短语,值得做......”worth后用动名词,故填developing


9)考查名词。a sense of+名词,固定短语,“.......的感觉,故填satisfaction




    Nezha is the subject of the latest cartoon film, which ________ (official) opened in cinemas in China on July 26. Nezha has got wonderful reviews and is rated higher than Monkey King : Hero is Back. Since July 26, the film ________ (earn) more than 140 million yuan at the box office, and the film has a score of 8. 8 ________ (point) (out of 10) on China's largest filming rating site, Douban.

    Yang Yu, ________is the director of it, made up his mind ________ (produce) a film on the theme of breaking old rules and changing fate. Yang chose Nezha as his character, the ________ (combine) of the rebellious (叛逆的)but straight youth. The film is loosely based on the Chinese novel The Investiture of the Gods. In the novel, Nezha is born during the Shang dynasty and is famous ________ fighting against the Dragon King.

    It took Yang Yu two years to polish the script, and the film was in production for three years. It is ________most complex cartoon production ever ________ (make) in China. It has more than 1 ,300 special effects shots, and it took over 20 Chinese special effects studios, ________(employ) more than 1, 600 people, to realize the film's fairy tale setting, the mysterious Dragon King's palace. One spectacular scene alone took two months to complete.

【答案】 officiallyhas earnedpointswhoto producecombinationforthemadeemploying



2)考查时态。句意:自726日以来,该片票房收入超过1.4亿元。根据上下文语境,尤其是时间状语Since July 26可知,该句用现在完成时态,故填has earned


4)考查定语从句。句意:导演杨钰下定决心拍摄一部以打破旧规则、改变命运为主题的电影。分析句子结构可知,两个逗号之间为非限制性定语从句,先行词为Yang Yu(人名),且从句缺主语。故填who

5)考查非谓语动词。句意:导演杨钰下定决心拍摄一部以打破旧规则、改变命运为主题的电影。make up one’s mind to do sth,固定短语,下定决心去做某事,故填to produce


7)考查介词。句意:小说中,哪吒生于商朝,以对抗龙王而闻名。be famous for固定短语,……闻名。故填for

8)考查形容词。句意:这是中国有史以来最复杂的动画片。根据后面的most complex可知,它是最复杂的,前面要加上定冠词,故填the

9)考查非谓语动词。句意:这是中国有史以来最复杂的动画片。句中cartoon production和动词make是被动关系,应使用过去分词表被动,作cartoon production的定语。故填made

10)考查非谓语动词。句意:电影有1300多个特效镜头,雇用1600多人,来实现影片的童话场景的布置。本句谓语动词为“hastook over”,所以空格处动词employ应使用非谓语动词形式。雇佣这个动作是由it发出的,所以使用现在分词形式。故填employing




    A program called Everlasting Classics is becoming ________ (increase) popular. The program, ________ combines Chinese traditional poetry with music, was launched by China Central Television (CCTV) in 2018.

    And it became a great hit soon after the program ________ (show) on CCTV 1. It was hosted by Sa Beining, ________ CCTV host loved by the audience, and the Appreciation Group in the group included Professor Kang Zen from Beijing Normal University, Dean of the China Conservatory of Music, Wang Liguang, the famous hostess Zeng Baoyi and the well-known singer Yu Chengqing. Together, they led the audience to interpret and appreciate many classic Chinese poems, enjoying the ________ (beautiful) that the poems brought to the audience. Moreover, the poems were adapted into songs, which were sung by famous singers, like Zhang Jie, Wang Yuan, etc, ________ (make) the program more spellbinding.

    In Season 1 of the program, one of the ________ (attract) songs was Butterfly Lovers (《梁祝》). An 88-year-old pianist called Wu Yili played the music with the famous violinist Lv Siqing. The melodious music moved many of the audience ________ tears. In recent years, CCTV has produced many programs ________ (spread) traditional Chinese culture, including Chinese Poetry Competition ________ Everlasting Classics. Thanks to these programs, many people set off a craze for the study of Chinese culture.

【答案】 increasinglywhichwas shownabeautymakingmost attractivetoto spreadand


1)考查副词。句意:电视节目经典咏流传正变得越来越受欢迎。此处为副词修饰形容词popular, 故填increasingly

2)考查定语从句。句意:这个结合了中国传统诗歌和音乐的节目在2018年由中国中央电视台推出。根据句意可知_____ combines Chinese traditional poetry with music,为定语从句修饰先行词the program, 从句中缺主语,并且在非限制性定语从句中不能用that,因此只能用which。故填which

3)考查时态语态。句意:在央视一台播放之后,这个节目立刻就大获成功。由after引导的时间状语从句中的主语the programshow构成动宾关系,且根据时间状语in 2018可知此处应用一般过去式的被动语态。故填was shown


5)考查名词。句意:他们领着观众解释并欣赏很多经典的中国诗歌,享受着诗歌给大家带来的美。enjoy the beauty. “欣赏......的美,此处应用名词。故填beauty。(

6)考查非谓语动词。句意:这些诗歌还被改编成歌曲,由一些著名歌手演唱,是这个节目更加令人着迷。根据句意可知_______ (make) the program more spellbinding.为结果状语,且前面主句与make构成主谓关系,因此应用现在分词。故填making

7)考查形容词。句意:在这个节目第一季中,最吸引人的是歌曲《梁祝》。结合句意可知此处考查结构:one of+最高级,意为......的之一 attractive有吸引力的。故填most attractive

8)考查介词。句意:悦耳的旋律把观众都感动哭了。move sb. to tears/be moved to tears固定短语,感动哭、被感动哭了。故填to

9)考查非谓语动词。句意:近些年来,中央电视台制作了很多节目推广中国传统文化,包括《中国诗歌大赛》和《经典咏流传》。根据句意可知此处为动词不定式作目的状语。故填to spread





    Jackie Robinson made his debut (初次露面) with the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15,1947, and broke the color barrier ________African Americans in baseball.

    "It was the most ________ (eager) expected debut in the history of the national pastime," sports author Robert wrote. "It ________(represent) both the dream and the fear of equal opportunity, ________ it would change forever the color of the game and the attitudes of Americans."

    ________quietly tolerating harsh racist treatment from baseball fans and team members________(like), Robinson rose to Rookie of the Year and proved himself to be one of the most________(talent) and fiercest players in the game. Just two years into the Major Leagues, Robinson won the National League Most Valuable Player Award. He'd go on to play in six World Series and helped give the Dodgers ________ World Series win in 1955.

    Off the field, Robinson was a forefather of the Civil Rights Movement, speaking out against ________ (race) discrimination and ________ (push) baseball to use its economic influence to fight against racialism.

【答案】 foreagerlyrepresentedandAfteraliketalentedaracialpushing














    Kiwis are endangered little birds native to New Zealand. It ________ (believe) that these small birds exist as a result of New Zealand's isolation (隔离)from the other parts of the world, forcing animals there ________ (adapt)and evolve (进化)so as to be able to survive and reproduce. The evolution is what has led to the present________(appear) of the kiwi bird.

    Kiwis are a national symbol of New Zealand, with the name kiwi ________(be) associated with many things in New Zealand including their famous rugby national team.

    Kiwis have excellent memories and can remember something that ________(happen) as long as five years back. Even though they have feathers, their feathers look and feel ________ (much) like hair rather than feathers.

    This enables them to be able to hide in a bush and go ________ (complete) unnoticed by their natural enemies.

    Unlike most birds, the kiwi bird has a great sense of smell ________ enables them to sniff out prey (猎物)hidden in bushes and underground.

    The smallest kiwi bird has ________ height of 45 centimeters and wight of 2 kilograms while the largest kiwi can grow________ 50 centimeters tall and can weigh 3.5 kilograms.

【答案】 is believedto adaptappearancebeinghappenedmorecompletelythat/whichato


1)考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:人们认为,这些小鸟的存在是新西兰与世界其他地方隔绝的结果。此处是陈述种客观事实,故应该使用一般现在时;It is believed that... “据人们认为……”,因此填一般现在时的被动语态。故填is believed

2)考查非谓语动词。句意:迫使那里的动物适应和进化,以便能够生存和繁殖。force...to do sth.固定短语,强迫……做某事,故填to adapt


4)考查非谓语动词。句意:几维鸟是新西兰的国家象征,kiwi这个名字与新西兰的许多事物都有联系,包括新西兰著名的橄榄球队。此处是“with+名词+分词结构,由于kiwi与动词短语be associated with之间是主动关系,因此填所给词的现在分词形式。故填being




8)考查定语从句。句意:与大多数鸟类不同的是,几维鸟有很强的嗅觉,能够嗅出隐藏在灌木丛和地下的猎物。此处是一个限制性定语从句,先行词是a great sense of smell,指物,且引导词在定语从句中作主语,因此填关系代词thatwhich,引导该限制性定语从句。故填that/which

9)考查冠词。句意:最小的几维鸟身高45厘米,体重2公斤。have a height of... 固定短语,……,因此填冠词a。故填a




    If this 13-year-old American boy succeeds in his effort ________ (climb) Mount Everest, he has modest ambitions — pick a small piece of rock from the top of the world as a memento (纪念品) and wear it in a necklace.

    "I will not sell it or give it to anyone. It is something for ________ (me) to say 'this is a rock from the summit'," Jordan Romero from California, told reporters in Kathmandu. He left ________ the mountain on Sunday.

    If he ________ (succeed), Romero will become ________ youngest climber to scale the 8,850 meters Everest summit. ________ (current) a 16-year-old Nepali boy, Temba Tsheri Sherpa, holds the record of being the world's youngest climber of Mount Everest. But Romero said he was not after ________ (set) climbing records.

    Romero said Mount Qomolangma was part of his goal to climb the highest mountains on all seven ________ (continent).

    "It is just a goal," he ________ (say) confidently. "If I don't succeed I am okay. I will try again."

    Romero has already climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa and Mount McKinley in Alaska among others.

    "I know it requires a lot of ________ (patient). I will remain patient. I want to stay safe and make right choice," Romero said.

【答案】 to climbmyselfforsucceedstheCurrentlysettingcontinentssaidpatience


1)考查非谓语动词。句意:如果这个13岁的美国男孩成功攀登珠穆朗玛峰,他的雄心壮志——从世界之巅挑一块小岩石作为纪念品,然后戴在自己的脖子上。in one's effort to do sth”努力做…...“,故填to climb


3)考查介词。句意:他星期天出发上山。文章第一句提到"If this 13-year-old American boy succeeds in his effort…"如果这个小男孩成功了的话,说明男孩那时还未出发登山,leave for固定短语,出发至某处,故填for



6)考查副词。句意:目前,一名16岁的尼泊尔男孩Temba Tsheri Sherpa保持着世界最年轻的珠穆朗玛峰登山者纪录。分析句子可知,需用副词作状语修饰整个句子。故填Currently




10)考查名词。句意:我知道这需要很大的耐心。分析句子可知,a lot of后接名词,因此需将patient改为名词形式。故填patience



