人教版必修二高中英语同课异构Unit 5课时提升作业(十四) Unit 5 Learning about Language

发布时间:2019-03-15 10:06:46   来源:文档文库   
温馨提示:此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。课时提升作业(十四)Unit 5Learning about LanguageⅠ. 用适当的介词+关系代词填空1. You need permission, ______ _____ you can’t take the magazines out of the reading room.2. This is the right way_____ _____ you can work out the maths problem.3. The last place_____ _____ we stayed was the English Club.4. The only thing_____ _____ I am not sure is grammar.5. The young fellow, _____ _____ my bike was repaired, is a friend of mine.6. That is the old evening dress_____ _____ she often goes to the ball.7. This is the newspaper_____ _____ I have learned the news.8. At last they found the boat_____ _____ they came to the island.9. Then came the exam_____ _____ we had well prepared.10. That is the problem_____ _____ I have spent lots of time.答案: 1. without which 2. in which 3. at which 4. about which5. by whom6. in which7. from which8. in which9. for which10. on whichⅡ. 完成句子1. I’ll never forget the day _______________________.我永远都不会忘记入党的日子。


《人教版必修二高中英语同课异构Unit 5课时提升作业(十四) Unit 5 Learning about Language.doc》
