
发布时间:2011-08-24 11:45:20   来源:文档文库   

干干净净逗人爱Everybody loves clean things.

我一人干就可以了It‘s enough for me to do it alone.

计算得快是个好条件It is of course an advantage to do quick calculation

苏轼是位才华横溢的文学家Su Shi is a writer with superb talent.

这种药治感冒特别灵The medicine is death on colds.

作弊不算数。Playing foul doesn’t hold your score.


Emptying one’s purse to help people in need is of course a virtue.

我们的自然科学还比较落后,要努力向国外学习。Being rather backward in natural sciencewe should make an effort to learn from foreign countries.

我的法语看报纸很吃力。I can’t read newspaper in French without difficulty

一胎生了三个女儿。hree daughters were born at one birth.

吃饭得用筷子。Chopsticks are used for meals.

对建筑师来说,将正在营业的饭店进行翻新实在是难上加难。One of the greatest challenges for an architect is a renovation of an operating hotel.

沿路都是小商店。Small shops dot the way.

活到老学到老。One should learn as long as one lives.

春到田间耕作忙。With spring looking on, everyone has been busy plowing and planting 冷静耐心地处理这个微妙的问题是明智的。It would be wise to handle this delicate problem with calmness and patience.

看到学生人数不断减少,校长心理很难受。It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 夏天很难保存食品。It is difficult to preserve food in summer 今天忽然听说学校要开一个运动会,这个消息使我很高兴。Today I was very happy to hear that our university was about to schedule sports meet. 晚上,我们从中国大使馆回旅社的时候,天已经黑了。owards evening, it was already dark when we were back to the hotel from the Chinese embassy. 我原来打算在今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟,这使我非常失望。It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to China in January.

There are many wonderful stories about the places I visited and the people I met.我去过一些地方,见过不少人,说起他们,有很多奇闻。

It is strange that he should refuse to see me.他竟然拒绝见我,真奇怪。

It is annoying that she should so easily get excited.她居然这样容易激动,真恼火。I am wondering such a man as he should have succeeded.真奇怪他这样的人竟然成功了。 Silver is known to be better than copper in conductivity.大家知道银的导电性比铜好。


He has a daughter who works in the suburb. Someone has phoned her, and she’ll come back this afternoon.


Isn’t it good for you to know the real meaning of life?


Is the shopping worthy of such a long trip?


All my classmates have read the book.


Everybody appreciated the drawing I bought

A careful inspection will show you the leaks in the roof.


This ticket will gain you admission. 你有了这张门票可以入场。

His slowness lost him the chance. 由于动作迟缓, 他失掉了机会。

A thought came into my head. 我产生了一个想法。

Reading the magazine put many new thoughts into my head.


The job killed my ten good years. 我做这工作,浪费我整整十年时光。

The medicine killed my pain. 我用了这药,疼痛消失了。

A great elation overcame them.他们欣喜若狂

Autumn finds a beautiful sunny Beijing. 秋天,北京阳光灿烂,景色优美。

History knows only two kinds of war, just and unjust. 历史上的战争,只有正义和非正义的两类。

Dusk found the child crying in the street.黄昏来临,小孩在街上啼哭

By now optimism had given way to doubt.至此,(人们)不再乐观而是疑惑重重。

Its remoteness effectively masked its activity. 它地处边陲,人们/外界不易了解其中的活动。

Some new paint will smarten up the house.)只要重新粉刷一下,房子的面貌就会焕然一新。Fear rooted him to the spot. 他惊吓得呆立不动了

Gifts and messages snowed in on her birthday.生日那天,她收到了大量的礼品和贺信。

Investigation fathered the baby on him. 调查结果证明,他就是那个婴儿的生父。

A new dignity crept into his steps. 他走起路来,不知不觉平添了几分尊严。

Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. 这位曾使世人欢笑的人自己却饱尝辛酸。

The thick carpet killed the sound of my foot steps.我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点脚步声也没有。

The execution of the prisoner preceded the president's arrival.总统尚未到达,囚犯已被处决。

The exigency of the case admitted of no alternative. 情况紧急,别无选择。

The absence of intelligence is the indication of satisfactory developments.


I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain.雨无情地下个不停,我感到惊异。

Two dials and I was able to get through the switch-board a second time.我拨了两次才再次接通了总机

The speculation is that the church is part owner of the weapon company.有人推测教会享有武器公司的部分所有权。

He was always an unwelcome intruder.他经常冒冒失失地冲进别人家里。

The smell of wild flowers came to us on the light breeze that was blowing.野花的芬芳乘着吹拂的清风扑鼻而来

Both newspapers were critical of these measures.


你得喝几口水把药丸吞下去。You have to wash the pill down with sips of water.他一般坐地铁上下班。He usually rides subway to and from work.

他拿着枪绕着屋子走了一圈He walked around the house with a gun.

创一流服务,迎四海佳宾。First class service to all guests

我怕我唱不好I’m afraid I’m not a good singer.

他这个人吃得少,却很能睡。He’s a light eater but a heavy sleeper

We have winked at these irregularities too long长期以来我们对这些违规行为熟视无睹。

The crime sent him into notoriety.这一罪行使他落入声名狼籍的境地。

There were forty-five thousand paid admission有四万五千人买了入场门票。

The black people were fighting against the segregation of the government.


The socialists have decided to go into the opposition社会党决定充当反对派角色。

There was a wide emptiness over road and pavement.公路上和人行道上一派空旷景象

I am a mere nobody.我只是一无名小卒。

He was open to charges of willful blindness.人们指责他独断专横,盲目从事

那位小伙子真是喝了大胆汤。That young man has great courage, indeed.

她毛邃自荐来到这所学校做老师。She volunteered to be a teacher in the primary school.

半夜听到狼嚎,她感到毛骨悚然。She was horror-stricken when she

heard the cries of the wolves at midnight.

他万万没有想到在他前进的道路上会有这么多拦路虎。He had never expected that so many obstacles would stand in his way.

促进和平统一事业。Promote peaceful reunification.

近年来青少年犯罪现象越来越多。In recent years juvenile delinquency has

been steadily on the rise.

我们要重视沿海与内地贫富差距问题。We must pay close attention to the gap

of living standards between coastal and inland areas.

He waited for her arrival with a frenzied agitation他等着她来,躁动不安。

But there had been too much publicity about my case.但我的事现在已经搞得人人皆知了。

他来,我走。When he comes, I’ll leave

她不老实,我不能信任她。 As she is not honest, I can’t trust her.

他没按时来,我们出发了。We set out though he didn’t show up as it was scheduled.

你不惹我,我不惹你。I’m not to offend you unless I’m offended.

抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就可以迎刃而解。Once the principal contradiction is grasped, all problems can be readily solved

说是说了,没有结果。I’ve made proposals, but they proved futile.

种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。As you sow, so will you reap.

不知苦中苦,哪知甜中甜?If you have never tasted the bitterness of gall, how can you know the sweetness of honey?

狐狸再狡猾也斗不过好猎手。However sly a fox may be, it is no match for a good hunter.

吃饭吃面他都无所谓。There is no difference to him whether he should eat noodles or rice.


As we were poor ourselves, we couldn’t help others.

他在新社会就会成为一个大艺术家. If he had lived in the new society, he would have developed into a great artist.

再这样做就不理你。If you do that again, I shall keep you away.

远交近攻Befriend those far away while attacking those nearby.

不进则退Move forward, or you’ll fall behind.

酒醉智昏When wine is in, wit is out.

物极必反Once a certain limit is reached, a change in the opposite direction is inevitable.

发现了错误一定要改正。Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered.

弄得不好就会前功尽弃。If things are not properly handled, our labor will be totally lost.

努力了,做不出来没关系。If you’ve tried your best, it doesn’t make any difference whether you can do it or not.

出门要带伞,怕下雨Take an umbrella with you when you leave your house in case it might rain.

老是跟着别人转就不能独立行事。If you follow somebody all the time, you can’t be able to be your own.

他脱了鞋走进屋里。Taking off his shoes, he went in the room.

他晃晃酒杯一饮而尽Shaking the glass he drained the wine.

她扑在枕头上哭了起来。Burying her head on the pillow, she cried.

没有调查研究就没有发言权He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak.

这位科学家致力于寻求癌症的治疗方法。he scientist devoted herself to finding a cure for cancer.

男孩用书蒙住了脸,好像是保护自己不被人看到。The boy covered his face with the book, as if to protect himself from being seen by others.

最好把雨伞带着,外面要下雨了。You’d better take an umbrella with you, for it is going to rain outside.

我不觉得用英语写信有什么困难.I don’t think it difficult to write a letter in English.


It is necessary for a child to learn how to treat other people well.


Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.

If one does not enter the tiger’s den, how can he get a tiger’s cub?


I do it because I like it.

留得青山在, 不怕没柴烧。

So long as green hills remain, there will

never be a shortage of firewood.

只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。The magistrates are free to burn down houses, while the common people are forbidden even to light lamps.

How he hates his enemies!他是多么憎恨敌人啊!

他开车前从不喝酒。He never drinks before driving.

我女儿睡前总是让我读点书给她听。My daughter always asks me to read to her before sleep.

我明天会为他做饭以庆祝他的生日。I am going to cook for him tomorrow to celebrate his birthday.

我们就要这个雄心壮志 We must have this ambition.

我们为此进行了长期不懈的努力。We have made unremitting efforts for it.

火在一个小时之内被扑灭。The fire was put out an hour later.

旧规章被废除The old regulations have been done away with

庄稼让大水冲跑了。The crops were washed away by the flood

这股敌人给游击队消灭了。The whole horde of enemy soldiers was wiped out by the guerillas.

这家工厂在地震中遭受严重的破坏。This factory was seriously damaged during the earthquake.

这件事将由他们处理。This matter will be dealt with by them.

茅屋为秋风所破。The thatched hut was destroyed by the autumn storm.

她被花言巧语所陶醉。She was intoxicated with sweet words.



1)He disappointed his family. He was disappointing to his family.

2)Dancing delights her. Dancing is her delight.

3) He works in that factory. He is a worker in that factory.

4)He is employed in a foreign-funded enterprise.

He is a employee of a foreign-funded enterprise.

5)Research into Qigong began in China during the 1950’s, and by the next decade it had become an important field.

6) He is always taking a one-sided approach to problems, which has landed him in many scrapes.




1)Both newspapers criticized these measures. Both newspapers were critical of these measures.

2)The child’s foul language shocked everyone.

The child’s foul language was shocking to everyone.

3)His work satisfies all of us. His work is satisfactory to all of us.

4) His refusal to help disappointed us. His refusal to help was disappointing to us. 5) He can be relied. He is reliable.

6) All the children respected their teacher. The teacher is respectable

那天晚上猛然刮起一阵狂风。There sprang up a wild gale that night.

汽车来了There comes the bus 铃响了There goes the bell.


The door opened and there entered a middle-aged man in a blue coat.


One night there flew over the city a little swallow.

接着是一阵令人难以忍受的沉默。There followed an uncomfortable silence .

该地区曾经发生过一次地震。There once occurred an earthquake in the area

观众中爆发出一阵愤怒的吼声。There sprang from the audience a cry of indignation.









1)There remains a difficult task for us

2)Once upon a time there lived a king in China.

3)On the second floor there lived a young man.

4)There lies a road through the forest.

5)There entered two men in uniform.

6)There will come a day when the people over the world will live a happy life.

7) In the turbulent times of the late Yuan dynasty there lived a poor monk called Zhu Yuanzhang, who joined in the revolt against the ruler.

8)There remained just twenty-eight pounds.



1)There came a burst of gunfire outside of the village.

2) Immediately to the scene of the accident rushed a crowd of people.


