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岩土 探地雷达在晋城某变电站采空区探测中的应用探地雷达在晋城某变电站采空区探测中的应用赵瑾瑛于爱文张尧声(中国能源建设集团山西省电力勘测设计院有限公司,山西 太原 030001不明采空区对变电站的安全运营构成潜在威胁对于采空区地球物理勘察常用的方法有探地雷达摘要层地震高密度电法以及瞬变电磁法浅层地震对于埋深较浅的采空区存在盲区而瞬变电磁法适用于深部采空区勘察精度较低本文所研究变电站采空埋深小于50选用意大利IDS公司生产的RIS K2型探地雷达与钻探相结合方法对变电站址采空区域进行精细勘察给变电站基础型式选择提供可靠详细的数据支持探地雷达采空区探测关键词P631 文献标志码 B 文章编号1671-9913(2018S1-0114-05中图分类号Application of Ground Penetrating Radar in Detection of Mined-out Ares in a Converting Station in JinchengZHAO Jin-ying, YU Ai-wen, ZHANG Yao-sheng (Shanxi Electric Power Exploration & Design Institute of China Energy Construction Group, Taiyuan 030001, ChinaAbstract: It is very important on the quantity of rebound and recompression for the settlement sensitive building to be used for the foundation pit excavation. In this paper, through a comprehensive utility tunnel projects GIL power module for differential settlement sensitivity requirements, according to the source of critical recompression proportion and the critical reload ratio, the sampling adopted different methods of consolidation of foundation soil rebound and compression test, the test results show different characteristics. Based on the analysis of the test results, a new test method and its applicability are put forward, and the prediction formula for the recompression deformation of the cohesive soil ground based on this kind of characteristic is proposed.Key words: ground penetrating radar; mined-out ares; prospecting.1 概述在煤矿资源整合前,小煤窑式的开采广泛分布于各煤矿资源丰富的地区,通常小煤窑开采无规划,可以说是私采滥挖,开采后往往会遗留下不明采空区。不明采空区对拟建变电站等电力设施的安全运营构成严重威胁,因此查清采空的具体位置和埋深对变电站设计施工以及后期运行具有重要的现实意义。对于采空区勘察,钻探和物探相结合是非常必要的,钻探方法直接简单,但是成本高昂,且无法密集布孔,物探手段高效,且能连续测量。综合分析钻探和物探成果,最终达到探明厂区内采空区的目标。常用的采空区勘探物探方法有瞬变电磁法、浅层地震、高密度电法以及探地雷达。对于方法选取主要决定于采空区的埋深,对于埋深小50 m的采空区宜采用探地雷达法和高密度电* 收稿日期2018-04-11 作者简介:赵瑾瑛(1982- ,男,山西大同人,高级工程师,硕士,从事岩土检测、物探工作。1142018年07月 增刊1 


