学雷锋活动演讲稿:发扬雷锋精神 践行学生守则

发布时间:2019-02-01 20:30:31   来源:文档文库   

学雷锋活动演讲稿:发扬雷锋精神 践行学生守则

学雷锋活动演讲稿:发扬雷锋精神 践行学生守则

arr frard the spirit f Lei Feng and pratie the regulatins fr priar and sendar shl students


Spring is in the air, there is a vigr f the etin in the spreading, a deep sense f er in the rising and a nble spirit in greeting In arh, there is a representative figure — Lei Feng

雷锋说过:一个人做一好事并不难,难的是一辈子只做好事而不做坏事。” “勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。做好事并不难,弯弯身子捡起地上的纸屑,护送盲人过马路,都是做好事。赠人玫瑰手有余香。多做一些我们力所能及的事,不只是我们善良的体现,更是我们的责任与义务。

Lei Feng ne said: “Its nt diffiult fr a persn t d a gd thing hile it is diffiult nt t d a bad thing in his r her life ” “ Never d evil things thugh the a be insignifiant Never give up gd things thugh the a be inr atters” Ding gd things is nt diffiult, Fr exaplee an pi up litter n the grund r help the blind rss the street; As an ld saing ges: “Helping thers is t en urself ” dear friends, lets d hatever e an d t help thers, its nt ust ut f ur indness, but it is ur respnsibilit and bligatin


The spirit f Lei Feng is great The spirit is: lve ur Part; lve ur therland and lve ur peple; hard stud; dediatin; hnest and thrift This is the sae as the regulatins fr us iddle shl students As a student, hat e an d is t liited Fr us, earnest stud, filial respet, ding gd deeds and fulfilling the “Regulatins fr priar and sendar shl students” are ust t sh ur highest respet fr Lei Feng spirit


The spirit f Lei Feng shuld be ur rret values, and bee hat e are pursuing As 龚自珍’s pe: “The fallen flers, in return, ill transfr int sil t nurish the fler in spring&qut; Lei Feng died at the age f 22, but his nae and his spirit ill last frever

我希望每一位同学都能铭记雷锋与他的精神,践行《中小学生守则》。从小事、从自身做起,多一份善良与责任,多一些爱心与奉献。我们的未将会更加美好。I hpe ever ne f us an reeber Lei Feng and his spirit, pratie the &qut;regulatins fr priar and sendar shl students&qut; Lets d gd deeds fr the little things and d gd deeds n ur n ; Lets have re indness and sial respnsibilit and sh re lve and dediatin t the peple arund us I sure ur future ill bee re and re beautiful Thats all , Than u !


《学雷锋活动演讲稿:发扬雷锋精神 践行学生守则.doc》
