直接英语第二册 - 新概念英语作者亚历山大巅峰之作

发布时间:2012-07-25 11:15:36   来源:文档文库   


Unit 10 Lesson 1 Annes' s Passport 安的护照

1 ANNE:This won't take a minute.

JULIA:No problem.I need stamps anyway.

2 ANNE:Look.Here's the visa for my trip.

JULIA:Wow.Look at all the stamps.

ANNE:Yeah.I travelled so much in my previous job.

3 JULIA:You worked with the Continental Hotel,right?

ANNE:Uh huh.I worked there from 1986 to 1989.


ANNE:You should see my old passport. I was in graduate school in Europe from'80to'82. I went


4 JULIA:Terrible picture.

ANNE:I know.

JULIA:Your full name is Anne Bruce Holland?Bruce is a man's name.

ANNE:It's family name.

5 JULIA:Place of birth:Connecticut,U.S.A. Hey,you were born on February

14th,1952.Valentine's Day.

ANNE:Julia.You're holding up the line.

Unit 10 Lesson 2 Relatives 亲戚

1 NULA:Hi Nina.Do you need something?

]NINA:Oh.Hi Nu La.I left you a note.Are these your children,Nu La?

NULA:All of these?No,no.These are my children.

2 NULA:This is my older son.He's married.He has two little girls.Twins.

NINA:Oh my.He must be busy.Our hands are full with one little girl.

NULA:Oh,he's always on the go.

NINA:He's like youj,then.

NULA:Yes.He takes after me.

3 NINA:Who's this?

NULA:My daughter.

NINA:What's her name?

NULA:Sothea.But we call her Sally.

NINA:She looks like you.

NULA:Yes,but she takes after her father.She's very easy-going.

And my younger son is divorced,but he has a son.

4 NINA:These are your grandchildren?


NINA:They're adorable.

NULA:Thank you.

NINA:Is this a relative,NuLa?

NULA:No,no,no.That's Johnny Chen.He's a very famous actor.Very handsome.

Unit 10 Lesson 3 No turns 别转弯

1 WENDY:How does it feel,Kevin?Do you like driving on the right side?

KEVIN:It's little strange.

2 PAM:Here's the turn.

WENDY:OK.Get into the right-hand lane.


WENDY:Now!We have to make a right!

KEVIN:But I mustn't just cut in...

PAM AND WENDY:We missed it.

PAM:We have to go around.

3 PAM:Here's the turn.

WENDY:OK.Get into the left-hand lane.

KEVIN:Left?I thought it was right.

PAM:It is right.

WENDY:Yes.Yes.I mean a right turn.

PAM AND KEVIN:We missed it.

PAM:We have to go around.

4 WENDY:No left turn.


KEVIN:Let's try this one.

PAM AND WENDY:No Kevin.You can't go in here.

KEVIN:Do not enter.

PAM:We have to go around.

5 PAM:Finally.

KEVIN:Let's get out of this car.


KEVIN:What?No Parking

Unit 11 Lesson 1 Where is It? 在哪儿?

1 ANNE:Debbie!

DEBBIE:Right here.

ANNE:Oh!Where is my laptop? There was a laptop computer on my desk this morning and it isn't

here now.

2 ANNE:And the phone.I also had a mobile phone. Where is it?Things just walk out of this

office and it has got to stop.

3 ANNE:I know I put the Hong Kong files right here,on top of this cabinet. Where are they

now? Vanished.My new business cards. My new Cantonese phrasebook.Who on earth borrowed a

Cantonese phrasebook?

4 ANNE:This was not here a minute ago.

DEBBIE:I found the laptiop.

ANNE:Where was it?

DEBBIE:Next to the mobile phone,under the Hong Kong files.

With your business cards.

5 SIMON:Ane,I borrowed your Cantonese phrasebook.

Really interesting.Thank.

Unit 11 Lesson 2 Not Jet Lag 没有时差

1 MING YI:How are you feeling?

ANNE:Great.Never better.

WENJIAN:Aren't you suffering from jet lag?

ANNE:Oh no.Besides,the afternoon meeting only lasted...What?...four hours?

2 MING YI:Yes,but we have another one early tomorrow morning.

WEN JIAN:It will last all day.We won't finish till six o'clock.


3 MING YI:Are you worried about getting tired?

ANNE:No.I eanted to do some shopping tomorrow. How late is Sogo open?

MING YI:Quite late.But don't forget,there is a banquet for you tomorrow night.

4 ANNE:Ah.How long does that last?

MING YI:They can take hours. I'm afraid you won't be back at your hotel at least until


WEN JIAN:Maybe later.

5 ANNE:Oh well.Wait...Sogo's is open tonight,isn't it?


ANNE:Well,can we go now?

MING YI:Of course.The tram will take about thirty minutes.

WEN JIAN:A taxi will be faster.

ANNE:Let's walk.It's a beautiful evening.

WEN JIAN:I am amazed you're still going!

Unit 11 Lesson 3 Trip Report 出差报告

1 ANNE:So,the Cantonese phrasebook came in handy.

NINA:So what was the weather like this time of year?

GEORGE:Hong Kong was better than here,I hope.

ANNE:Why?Did it rain?

GEORGE:Wet and miserable.

2 ANNE:Too bad.Hong Kong was hot. I loved it.Some days it reached 85'.

GEORGE:Whew!Too hot for me.

NU LA:It's not the heat.It's the humidity.

NINA:Hot and humid?Yuck.

ANNE:Oh,everything's air-conditioned,anyway.

3 ANNE:One day,I went by boat to Macau,

and there was a fantastic thunderstorm on the water.

GEORGE:Where's Macau?

NINA:George,we have to get you a map.

ANNE:Ah,it's just east of Hong Kong.

NU LA:West.


NU LA:Macau is west of Hong Kong.

ANNE:That's right.My map was backwards.

GEORGE:Well,it is on the other side of the world

Unit 12 Lesson 1 On Foot 步行

1.KEVIN:Paulo!No walking tour today?

PAULO:Not for me.

KEVIN:Won't Didi miss you?

PAULO:Sh.Let them go.

2 KEVIN:What about all the sights?

PAULO:I've seen the sights.The gardens,the monuments,the famous halls. I mean,they're all

very interesting.But I'm very tired.

3 KEVIN:Didi does couver a lot of ground.

PAULO:The woman never stops moving. Today,museums.Tomorrow,famous libraries.The next day,I

don't know,statues maybe.

4 PAULO:I hate walking!Do you know what I like,Kevin?

Beaches.I like the beach.For my vacation,I like to lie on the beach and relax.

5 KEVIN:You'd like Cape Cod then.

The Cape's got beautiful beaches and dunes and islands.

PAULO:Is it far away?

KEVIN:By car?

PAULO:No,on foot.With Didi,we walk!

Unit 12 Lesson 2 William's Dream 威廉的梦

1 SHARON:Hey William.Guess who's coming tomorrow?



2 WILLIAM:Jim Bigelow,our Chief Executive Officer?

SHARON:That's right.Mr.Big.


SHARON:He's coming in for a meeting with Anne.Very high level.

3 MR.BIGELOW:What this organization needs is talent. We need someone who will get the job


4 MR.BIGELOW:But we'd prefer someone presentable,with a pleasant manner.Someone hard-

working.Serious,yet cheerful.

5 MR.BIGELOW:We want someone who can rollerblade,but also likes to walk. We want...someone

like that man!


Unit 12 Lesson 3 Business Report商务报告

1 ANNE:Thank you,Wendy.Yes,we've had a very good year. We've managed to control our costs,as

you can see.They're actually down 7%.

MR.BIGELOW:Not bad.But of course you're expected to do that.

2 ANNE:And we've changed our advertising. We think that's helped new business.New business

has grown 10% since last January.


3 ANNE:With the industry in its current state,I venture to say it's quite good.

WENDY:Here's your water,sir.

MR.BIGELOW:I'm not interestecd in the standard report,Anne.I can read.

ANNE:By all means.

4 ANNE:Is there anything else I can answer for you then?

MR.BIGELOW:I've heard about the programs,Anne. The marketing.And I want to know who's


ANNE:I see.

MR.BIGELOW:We have many other hotels,you know.And I want them all to do as well as this one

Unit 13 Lesson 1 Education教育

1. MR.BIGELOW:This is just what I needed.

SIMON:It is a lovely park,isn't it>

MR.BIGELOW:So tell me,Simon,how did you wind up here a restaurant manager in Boston?

SIMON:Ah!Well,that's a bit of a puzzle to me,as well.

2 MR.BIGELOW:Was your training in restaurants?

SIMON:Oh no!After primary and secondary schools I went to university.

Manchester.Modern languages.

3 MR.BIGELOW:That's a lot of tests.

SIMON:Oh yes,I passed all kinds of exams.

MR.BIGELOW:I was never any good at taking tests. I barely got through elementary school.

4 MR.BIGELOW:High school was worse.And it was years before I went to college.

And I didn't do very well there either,I'm afraid.

SIMON:Oh,I did well,but there was something missing.

5 SIMON:At the end of the day,I wanted experience that was...



MR.BIGELOW:Find out the way it works in the real world.


6 MR.BIGELOW:So you got a job!

SIMON:NO.I went back to business school for management studies.

MR.BIGELOW:More tests!

Unit 13 Lesson 2 One Per Cent!百分之一

1 WENDY:He was talking to Anne.At first I thought he was so mean. A real snob,you know?

2 SIMON:He'os not,though.He said he barely got through school. He told me he did really

badly at university.

3 WENDY:Well,he learned to run a company somewhere. He makes a ton of money.

SIMON:That's the thing.He said he was bad at maths.

4 WENDY:At what?


WENDY:You mean math?

SIMON:We say maths.

WENDY:You must mean all the different maths. Because I mean the one basic math.


5 SIMON:But Wendy,listen to this.He told me making money is easy. He said,"If I buy someting

for one dollar,and sell it for two, I make money from that one per cent difference."

6 WENDY:One per cent?You mean a hundred per cent.

SIMON:Right.The man can't figure a percentage to save his life.

WENDY:Tell me about it.You should see the tip he left me!

Unit 13 Lesson 3 Not Your Job! 不是你的工作职责

1 SHARON:George,would you mind taking care of this for me? You did such a good job last


GEORGE:Sure.I'll do it as soon as I can.

SHARON:Thanks ever so much.See you later.


2 NINA:George?


NINA:What was that all about?

GEORGE:Oh!Sharon just wants me to arrange some fransportation for a guest.

3 NINA:Ah,that's not your job.

GEORGE:She just wants me to help her occasionally.

NINA:She wants you to help her occasionally?


NINA:George,I don't think so.I need you 100%in this office.


4 NINA:Next time,would you please tell her that you have your own work to do?

GEORGE:I'd better do that now. But it won't be easy coming up against her southern charm.

NINA:George,why don't you just use that no9rthern charm of yours?

Unit 14 Lesson 1 Doctor 看医生

WILLIAM:Can I help you?

GUEST I:Where can I get some medicine for an upset stomach?

WILLIAM:We have some over-the-counter remedies in the hotel shop. And there's a pharmacy

just down the street.

GUEST I:OK,Thank you.

WILLAM:No problem.

2 GUEST II:Excuse me.


GUEST II:Where can I find a doctor?

WILLIAM:Is thins an emergency?

GUEST II:No,no.Nothing to worry about.Much.

WILLAM:Here's our referral list.And that's central number.

GUEST II:Thanks.

3 GUEST III:Restrooms?

WILLIAM:Around the corner,by the phones.

4 WILLIA,:Sharon?Hi.It's Willian. Where did you send the Engineer Society for lunch?

Aha.Maybe we shouldn't recommend it any more.

Unit 14 Lesson 2 Business Travel 商务旅行

1 NINA:When are you going on your next trip?

ANNIE:Pretty soon.It'll be to the Czech Republic.

NINA:Oh,I'm dying to go to Central Europe.

2 ANNE:I'm looking forward to it,but it will be so much work.


ANNE:Jim Bigelow wants the company's hote in Prague just like ours.


ANNE:In three months.

NINA:That is a lot of work.

3 NINA:Anne,if I can do anything to help,please let me know.

ANNE:I will. NINA:And next time,take me with you.

I want to sit in a cafe in the Old Town Square.

ANNE:That is my favorite thing to do.

4 NINA:And I hear there's great jazz.

ANNE:Oh yes.

NINA:And serious shopping.Crystal...

ANNE:I'll pick some up for you,if you like.

NINA:Antique glass...Embroidery...I've seen lovely china from there.

ANNE:Nina,it'll be much easier if you just come along.

Unit 14 Lesson 3 Blind Date相亲

1 ELENA:So,Keving,what do you think?

KEVIN:Elena,I haven't met her yet,have I?

ELENA:I know.But does she sound interesting?

KEVIN:Yes.From what you've told me,she sounds lovely.

2 ELENA:She said the same thing about you.


ELENA:When I described you...

KEVIN:What did you say?

ELENA:Well,you know...

KEVIN:Come on,Elena.

3 ELENA:I said,"He's tall.He's very good-looking.He's nice.And he's very funny."

DEAN:If you can understand his accent.

4 KEVIN:Did you tell her I used to work as a physicist? Good on you,mate.

ELENA:Kevin,you used to be a physicist?

KEVIN:No,but it sounds so impressive,doesn't it?




5 HEATHER:Elena!




KEVIN:And you must be Heather.

ELENA:Heather,this is Kevin.

HEATHER:Right,the physicist.Nice to meet you

Unit 15 Lesson 1 An Interesting Combination 有趣的组合

HEATHER:I used to rollerskte all the time. I loved it when I was little.Did you ?

KEVIN:No.I went straight from my pram to a surfboard. I used to live in the ocean.No wheels


2 HEATHER:Well,you're the first surfing physicist I've ever met.

KEVIN:Oh,right.Dean told you I used to be a physicist,didn't he?


3 HEATHER:It's an interesting combination.I like interesting combinations. A

surfing,bartending physicist is very interesting.

KEVIN:Elena told you.

HEATHER:Elena told you.

4 KEVIN:I'm sorry.I didn't mean any harm,Heather.

HEATHER:That's OK.I like a man with a vivid imagination.

KEVIN:That's good.I like someone with a sense of humor.

5 HEATHER:But why would you tell someone you were a physicist?

KEVIN:Well,I used to say I was a doctor.

HEATHER:You didn't.

KEVIN:But people asked me for medical advice.

Unit 15 Lesson 2 Business with Nu-la 与努拉谈生意

1 NULA:You see?These are too small.

VENDOR:How big do you want them?

NULA:Twelve inches by eighteen inches.

VENDOR:Twelve by eighteen.Fine.

2 NULA:And not this thin material.It doesn't last.I want thicker cloth.

VENDOR:What about...

NULA:And just plain white.No fancy designs.


NULA:And finished edges.

3 VENDOR:Would you like anything else?

NULA:Yes.I want a shipment of guest towels. 200 towels. Sixteen inches by thirty inches.

100%cotton. In"Warm Cream".With the hotel monogram.

VENDOR:If you wish.

NULA:I do wish.

4 VENDOR:We have a new line of terrycloth robes. They're lighter.Very nice for the hot


NULA:Can you send me a sample?

VENDOR:Of course.

NULA:I'll decide then.

5 VENDOR:Always a pleasure doing business with you,NuLa.


VENDOR:I'll call again in two weeks.

NULA:See you then. VENDOR:So long!

NUIA:Good bye!

VENDOR:You always get the last word.

NULA:Yes,I do.

Unit 15 Lesson 3 Menu Planning 制定菜单

1 PAM:Hey there.How are you doing?

WENDY:Hi Pam.You know George,don't you?


2 GEORGE:Where are you going?

PAM:Jarmusch gave me the afternoon off.We were working until 2a.m.last night.

WENDY:You weren't cooking,were you?

PAM:No.We were finishing the new menu.

3 PAM:Jarmusch has changed everything.Now it's Class . We've been planning it for weeks.

GEORGE:It sounds like a lot of work.

PAM:It's been endless.And Jarmusch has been driving me crazy.

4 WENDY:Jarmusch is crazy.

GEORGE:Do you have to show the new menu to anyone?

PAM:Oh yeah.Jarmusch was showing it to Simon asked for it,too. Everyone has their two cents

to put in.

5 GEORGE:So,who was cooking while you were planning?

PAM:Another cook!

6 WENDY:We were just going to lunch.Would you like to join us?

PAM:Thanks,but the last thing I want to do is look at a menu

Unit 16 Lesson 1 New Menu 新菜单

SHARON:Jarmusch.have you any idea how hard I work to stay in shape?

JARMUSCH:No,Sharon.Have you any idea how much work I have to do today?

2 SHARON:See,on Mondays I go swimming. On Tuesdays,I lift weights at the gym.On


JARMUSCH:Let me guess.You enter triathlons.

3 SHARON:I run on Wednesdays.Thursday mornings,I go back to the gym. And Fridays,I take a

tennis lesson.


SHARON:All to maintain my youthful figure.

4 SHARON:Now,let's look at your new menu.


SHARON:Jarmusch,there's cream and butter all over this thing.

JARMUSCH:It's classic French cuisine.I like preparing it. Most people like eating it.Man

cannot live on lowfat milk alone.

5 SHARON:Pasta with triple cream sauce?Steak smothered in butter? Potatoes with cheese?

Butter-cream chocolate?

SIMON:Excuse me.Jarmusch,a word when you get a moment,please.

Unit 16 Lesson 2 Rock Star 摇滚明星

1 WILLAM:Two suites for those dates are available. Yes,I'll hold.Carl.Do rock stars every

stay here?

CARL:Every so often.The Crayfish did.

2 WILLAM:I have Slide on the phone.Do you think it could be the Slide?

CARL:Is he the one who eats snakes?


3 WILLIAM:Sorry.Yes,gladly.Uh huh.The restaurant closes at 2:00a.m. but of course there is

room service available at all times.Yes,I'll hold.

4 CARL:What was his name?Slide?

WENDY:Slide what?Slide where?

WILLAM:Slide. WENDY:Slide?Coming here?

5 CARL:Is he the one who eats snakes?

WENDY:No.He's the one who throws his guitar into the audience.

CARL:So,I don't know anything about him.Where's he from?

WENDY:He was born in the Yukno.Isn't that what they say?

6 CARL:Is that why his name is so weird?

WENDY:Carl,I don't think it's real name.

WILLIAM:James Slipper.His real name is James Slipp...Yes.Yes.Confirm for those dates. Yes.We

look forward to seeing you then.

CARL:So,he throws his guitar into the audience.Very musical.

Unit 16 Lesson 3 On camera

1 NINA:Let's this show on the road.

VOICE OFF:Camera,and action.

NINA:Hello.I'm Nina Barrett,Director of Functions here at the Sheraton Boston. To plan the

perfect event,there are a couple of things you should keep in mind.

2 VOICE OFF:Let's go again.Camera,action.

NINA:A good hotel should be able to plan around your needs and should stay within your

budget. To make the best use of time and money, you should have a clear idea of what you


3 NINA:Most important of all, you can expect the best from us and you shouldn't worry.

VOICE OFF:Cut.Nice job,Nina.

NINA:I should never go in front of a camera

Unit 17 Lesson 1 Phone Call 打电话

1. ANNE:Good afternoon.Do you speak English? Wonderful.I'm calling from the United States.

I'd like to speak with Milos Hermann,please.Yes.Thank you.

2 ANNE:Hello Milos!This is Anne Holland,from the Sheraton Boston. Yes,me too.How are you?I'm

very well,thank you.Excuse me? No,I'm calling from Boston.We'll have our arrival dates very


3 ANNE:Milos,I wonder if there's an interesting theatre or club we can go to while we're in

Prague.We can?Excellent.

4 ANNE:Good idea.We can lunch at the hotel restaurant by all means, but then let's get into

town for drinks and dinner.

5 ANNE:Milos,tell me,is there a hair salon at the hotel? I see Hm.My hair doesn't travel

very well.

6 ANNE:A hat shop is a solution...No,I don't think a wig is necessary. OK then.Yes.I look

forward to it.Good bye. Maybe I do need a wig.

Unit 17 Lesson 2 A beauty 车中女王

1 SALESMAN:Well,gentlemen,how can I help you today?

DEAN:We're just looking,thanks.

SALEAMAN:Very good,very good.

2 SALESMAN:Let me ask you a question. Are you interested in glamour?Or reliability?

KEVIN:I'm interested in a car.

SALESMAN:Very good.

3 DEAN:What can you tell us about this one?

SALESMAN:She's a beauty,isn't she?An'82.

KEVIN:Was it always this color?

DEAN:How many miles on it?

SALESMAN:162,000 happy miles.And many more to go,I'm sure.

4 KEVIN:Was there only one owner?

SALESMAN:Ah,no.Several owners.Several very happy owners.

5 DEAN:How often has it been serviced?

SALESMAN:You know,the funny thing is, this car ran so well,it hardly ever got serviced.

Except after one or two collisions.Isn't that remarkable?

6 KEVIN:I don't understand.How could the owners ever give it up?

SALESMAN:Trade-in.They were moving up.

DEAN:Just like you Kevin.Moving up.

Unit 17 Lesson 3 On the road 在路上

1 DEAN:I drove cross-country in a car like this.

KEVIN:Did it make it?


2 DEAN:We started in Boston.Then we went to Ohio to visit some relatives.Then out west.

3 KEVIN:What was that like?

DEAN:Fantastic.Everything's bigger.The mountains are higher.The canyons are deeper.The land

goes on and on.

4 KEVIN:Where did you stay?

DEAN:We camped.Except for one week we stayed with a family in Butte,Montana.

KEVIN:More relatives?

DEAN:No,the car broke down in front of their house.

5 DEAN:You know what else was great about camping?


DEAN:It was very quiet.

KEVIN:Yeah,well...Shall we put on some music?

DEAN:Yes! KEVIN:Much better!

Unit 18 Lesson 1 A long way from home 远离家乡

SHARON:Smon,how long have you lived in Boston?

SIMON:Two and a half years.

SHARON:Are you enjoying it?

SIMON:Absolutely.Boston's so small and charming and manageable after London.

2 SHARON:It's a big city to me,after growing up in Bunkie,Louisiana.

I love the museums here,and art galleries.And the beautiful stores.

3 SIMON:And restaurants.

SHARON:Well,you can't get my momma's hot cakes in Boston.

SIMON:Ah,but Boston baked beans and lobster... SHARON:Right.

4 SIMON:Isn't it a bit strange for you,living in Yankee country?

SHARON:Maybe a little.No stranger than your situation.

You didn't win either,remember?


5 SIMON:Have you noticed that Boston drivers are quite mad?

SHARON:Oh I have.But I can live with that.

6 SHARON:Do you know what I really don't like?

SIMON:What? SHARON:The freezing winters. SIMON:Ah.

SHARON:And they're forever going outside in the cold.

SIMON:Hardy New Englanders,Sharon.You'll have to get used to it.

Unit 18 Lesson 2 Group Booking 团体预订

1 WILLIAM:Can I help you?

COACH:Yes,please.We reserved some rooms.

WILLIAM:What's the name?

COACH:We're with the International Summer Basketball League.


2 COACH:We prefer rooms high up.

WILLIAM:Of course.

COACH:Away from traffic,and with nice views.

[WILLAM:I think you'll be pleased with these.

3 WILLAM:You've reserved six double rooms.

WILLIAM:With bath. COACH:Yes.

WILLIAM:And one single room. COACH:Yes.

WILLIAM:With bath. COACH:Yes.And a king-size bed.

WILLIAM:That's right.


4 COACH:Is breakfast included?

WILLIAM:I'm afraid not.

COACH:Ah well.Here is a list of our breakfast requirements.

Please warn the kitchen.Thank you.Good day.

5 WILLIAM:Jarmusch?We have to talk.

Unit 18 Lesson 3 Travel Plans旅行计划

1 DEBBIE:Hi George. GEORGE:Hi Deb.

DEBBIE:Is Nina around?

GEORGE:She'll be right back.She's talking to Simon.

2 DEBBIE:Hm.Do you know her schedule by any chance?

GEORGE:Sure.What do you need to know?

DEBBIE:I need to check something on her schedule.

3 DEBBIE:Will she be away at all in the next three weeks?

GEORGE:No,she'll be here.She'll have a few meeting in town,but...

4 DEBBIE:Nina will travel for business,right?

I mean,even though she has Sherise?

GEORGE:Sure.She just arranges child care with her family.

But she won't go away for long!A few days,max.

5 GEORGE:Why?What's going on?

DEBBIE:Anne wants her to go on this next trip.


DEBBIE:Czech Republic.

GEORGE:Oh man.I'll go.Send me.

6 GEORGE:C'mon Debbie.Just switch the names on the tickets.No one will ever know.


GEORGE:OK,OK.Don't switch the names.I'll wear a wig.

I'll wear a dress.I'll...Nina!

DEBBIE:Don't ask!


《直接英语第二册 - 新概念英语作者亚历山大巅峰之作.doc》
