(押题密卷)新九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours Period 5 Integrated skills

发布时间:2019-04-13 10:26:26   来源:文档文库   


Period 5 Integrated skills & Study skills

. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子

1. (2017·乌鲁木齐)China ________ (许诺) to stick to Paris Agreement on climate change.

2. She ________ (从事) as a teacher for many years.

3. I ________ (建议) that we go to the library tomorrow.

4. The medicine doesn't ________ (奏效). My mother feels even worse.

5. Be quick, o________ you'll be late for work.

6. They d________ a new plant in the forest last year.

. 根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空

1. Why don't you join an English club to practise ________ (speak) English?

2. Our school held the football match ________ (success) in July.

3. As a volunteer, the girl wants to visit sick kids in the hospital ________ (cheer) them up.

4. (2016·烟台)Please promise ________ (not tell) lies any more, will you?

5. Many teenagers would rather _________ (stay) at home alone than go out with their parents at weekends.

. 用方框中所给的词或短语填空,有一词或短语多余

1. Doing more exercise will ________________ our health.

2. The girl felt very tired because of ________________ homework.

3. If you feel sad, ________________ a warm and sunny day.

4. It's said that colour ________________ comes from ancient India.

5. Many Grade 9 students feel ________________ from time to time because of too many exams.

. 根据汉语意思完成句子

1. 假如它不起作用,我就取回我的钱。

If it ________________________, I will ________________________________.

2. 琳达打算大学毕业后从事法律方面的工作。

Linda plans ________________________ law after she ________________________.

3. 他宁愿把时间花在功课上,也不愿玩电脑游戏。

He ______________________ his time on his lessons than __________________________.

4. 她向不同的人推荐不同的颜色。

She ________________ different colours ________________ different people.

5. 女婴用粉色装扮,因为女孩子出生在粉色的玫瑰里。

Baby girls ________________________ pink because girls ________________________ pink roses.

6. 你觉得像我这个年龄的人穿什么颜色(的衣服)好看?

________________________ do you think people of my age ________________________

. 单项填空

( )1. (2016·上海)I can't tell you what she said. I've promised ________ it a secret.

A. keep     B. to keep      C. keeping        D. kept

( )2. (2016·宿迁)Wearing white can help people ________ when they feel stressed.

A. calm down B. write down C. break down D. turn down

( )3. It's a fact that those islands in the South China Sea were first ________ by Chinese.

A. found B. found out C. invented D. discovered

( )4. Tony, come on ________ we'll miss the World Cup.

A. so B. and C. or D. because

( )5. (2016· 武汉)—Come home before dinner time, Peter!

—I ________, Mum.

A. promise B. guess C. wish D. admire

( )6. —My uncle is against wasting anything.

—No wonder he would rather ________ the old bike than ________ a new one.

A. repair; to buy B. to repair; buy C. repair; buy D. to repair; to buy

( )7. (2016·沈阳)We talked about the problem and Tim ________ doing some research first.

A. finished B. enjoyed C. suggested D. practised

( )8. His little brother is ________ and we are always made ________ by him.

A. enough funny; laugh B. funny enough; laugh

C. enough funny; to laugh D. funny enough; to laugh

. (2017·无锡)任务型阅读

Did you know that years have their own colours? Pantone Colour Institute is an organization that gives companies advice about colour. And every year, it picks one that represents trends (趋势) in international culture.

This year, Pantone's colour is a bright shade of green that it calls greenery. Greenery makes people think of nature and growth. The colour represents hope of hanging one's life for the better or care for the environment.

Red, orange and yellow are considered warm colours while blue, green and purple are cool. But greenery has elements(元素) of both; it's green, but it also includes a lot of yellow. This makes it able to go well with many other colours.

Pantone's researchers start choosing the colour of the year about nine months before the year begins. They look for a colour that is already being used more and more often. To decide the colour of the year, they look beyond fashion and home decorating. They study art, movies and lots of other things. They pick one colour they expect to stay popular and announce their choice in December for the following year.

You're likely to see greenery a lot in 2017. When you do, let it encourage you to enjoy nature and start something new.



. 1. promised/promises 2. has practiced 3. suggest 4. work 5. or 6. discovered

. 1. speaking/spoken 2. successfully 3. to cheer 4. not to tell 5. stay

. 1. improve 2. too much 3. think of 4. therapy 5. stressed

. 1. doesn't work; get my money back

2. to practise; leaves college

3. would rather spend; play computer games

4. suggests; to

5. were dressed in; were born inside

6. What colour; look good in

. 1. B 句意:我不能告诉你她说的话,我已经承诺保守这个秘密了。promise to do sth意为承诺做某事,由上句不能告诉你……”可知选B

2. A 句意:当人们感到焦虑不安时,穿白色衣服能够帮助他们________calm down意为冷静下来write down意为写下break down意为出故障,坏掉turn down意为……调小。由句意可知,穿白色衣服能帮助他们平静下来。故选A

3. D 考查动词辨析。句意:事实上,中国南海的那些岛屿是中国人首先发现的。 find意为找到 find out意为弄清楚,查明白 invent意为发明 discover指发现某种本来存在,而以前未被发现的事物或未为人知的东西。故选D

4. C 考查连词辨析。句意:托尼,快点儿,________我们将错过世界杯。根据语境, 前后两个分句是转折关系,故选C

5. A 句意:晚餐之前回到家,彼得!”“我保证,妈妈。”promise意为答应,许诺guess意为wish意为希望admire意为钦佩,羡慕。由上句表嘱托的“Come home before dinner time, Peter可知,妈妈让彼得晚饭前回到家。故选A

6. C

7. C 句意:我们讨论了这个问题,蒂姆建议先做些调查。由前句中的“talked about the problem”及语境可推知,“doing some research first”应是提出的建议。故选C

8. D

. 1. Year 2. called 3. matches 4. How 5. decision/choice

  任何职业都是间接或直接地为人类或别人服务,只是服务对象、服务层面不同,而服务质量的本质要求是相同的。目前一般认为服务质量就是服务对象的满意度和同行认可度,而要服务对象满意、同行认可,绝不是简简单单的微笑、文明用语及事后处理,更重要的是事前工作的质量和输出的产品的质量。 我所从事的安检工作,工作的核心内容是保障安全,我们输出的产品是安全,安检服务质量最重要的衡量标准同样是安全。那么怎样才能提高服务质量,体现安检工作最大价值呢?
  我认为: 首先,要认识到服务质量的重要性和关键性。服务质量优,则被服务对象满意度高,其心情则舒畅,才会和谐、愉快地配合安检;反之,则服务对象满意度低,其心情郁闷,内心则会产生厌恶、对抗甚至敌对意识,干扰安检工作。我们服务质量的好坏,表面上讲,会影响到安检的形象,深层次讲,会动摇安全的根基,其后果将是不可挽回的。因此,我们必须不断提高服务质量,以优质的服务保障安全,赢得声誉。


《(押题密卷)新九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours Period 5 Integrated skills.doc》
