
发布时间:2018-08-05 20:15:56   来源:文档文库   




1.(1分)﹣Have you seen ______ TV programme Running Man

Of courseIt's really ______ funny one.(  )

Aa the Bthe a Ca a Dthe the

2.(1分)﹣Do you like my mother's dishes

Delicious!Nobody can cook ______.(  )

Agood Bwell Cbetter Dbest

3.(1分)﹣Be confident in yourself______ you will make your dream come true

Thanks for encouraging me.(  )

Abut Band Cor Dso

4.(1分)﹣Look!Here comes Cindy!She is always full of

So she isBecause she takes a lot of exercise every day.(  )

Aknowledge Bcourage Cchange Denergy

5.(1分)﹣Where is Miss Wang

She together with her children _______ the Palace Museum..(  )

Ahas gone to Bhave gone to Chas been to Dhave been to

6.(1分)﹣Why do you admire Mr Hu so much

Because he is the person ______ helps us learn much knowledge.(  )

Awhich Bwho Cwhat D/

7.(1分)﹣Can you finish the task within two hoursSandy

I can if I ______ one more hour.(  )

Agive Bam given

Cwill give Dwill be given

8.(1分)﹣Listen!Kate is singing in the next room

It ______ be KateShe has been on business in Hong Kong.(  )

Acan Bmay Ccan't Dmustn't

9.(1分)﹣Which of these shirts do you like best

I'll take They are all expensive and out of fashion.(  )

Aneither Beither Cnone Dboth

10.(1分)﹣It's not the right time to argue about who should be blamed

So it isLet's ______ and find a way out.(  )

Astay up Bgive up Clook down Dcalm down

11.(1分)﹣I plan to go to Hainan for a holiday

But I doubt whether we could ______ it.(  )

Aallow Boffer Cafford Dcost

12.(1分)﹣Samwhat will the weather be like tomorrow

SorryMumI didn't watch the weather forecast just nowI ______ a football match.(  )


