牡丹亭介绍 中英文翻译

发布时间:2012-06-30 21:43:32   来源:文档文库   

昆曲 世界非物质文化遗产

  world heritage patrimonie mondial

  始建于明永乐七年 公元1409


  2.The Imperial Granary, an ancient storehouse 10 years older than the Imperial Palace, has witnessed 24 emperors in Qing Dynasty and seen the entire capital history from the time of the Republic of China and subsequent history to the present, and it is the imperial storehouse that has survived the ravages of time on the largest scale, and is the one with the most intact current condition. This vast and splendid ancient building, with walls 1.5 meters thick and 9.9 meters tall, is in possession of surprisingly good acoustic effects.


  4.Gazing at the amphibolous colors of the pavilion reflected on the surfaces of the water, looking up at the bleak and dismal ancient drama platform, you will find that melodious Kunqu Opera lies in all the beautiful feelings and scenes. However, it is an unexpected idea to redisplay the surprising romance of the Ming Dynasty in the Imperial Granary in the capital, an unconventional Drama House.


  6.Kunqu Opera was included in the top list of the first batch Human Beings’ Verbal and Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Work selected by UNESCO.As the current most ancient drama form, Kunqu Opera is one of the original three of the world’s largest ancient dramas. Starting from the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, Kunqu Opera is a performance and singing art with strict rules and forms, complete patterns, graceful and pleasant tunes, and gentle, lingering music.With an integration of literature, drama, performance, music, dance, and art, Kunqu Opera is the stage art with the most poetic and pictorial splendor. Having collected all advantages of China ancient aesthetics, Kunqu Opera has always been reputed as the founder of all dramas and considered a national treasure.Kunqu Opera The Peony Pavilion is the peak work in Chinese dramatic history and is the play that can bring the delicacy and romance of Kunqu Opera into full play.


  8.Tang Xianzu and Abstract of His New Abridged Version of The Peony PavilionTang Xianzu (1550-1616), was born in Linchuan, Jiangxi Province. He had many courtesy names, such as Yi Reng, Hai Ruo, and Qingyuan Taoist Priest. This great dramatist, who lived during the reign of the Wanli Emperor during the Ming Dynasty, is often mentioned together with the English dramatist Shakespeare not only because they coincidently died in the same year, but also because their intelligence and achievements are of the same caliber, just like two unprecedented brilliant stars adding to each other’s splendor in the eastern and western skies of drama.


  10.Abstract of the New Abridged Version of The Peony Pavilion In Lin’an city, Zhejiang Province, there lived a girl from a rich family named Du Du Liniang. One day, she goes to the garden to have some fun. She is mesmerized by the unsurpassed spring scenery and she is ravished by an intoxicating dream, in which a handsome scholar (Liu Mengmei) comes to her with a willow branch and they fall in love at first sight. Waking from the dream, she finds no way to part with his image in her heart and it seems impossible for her to lock up her heart that has just been freed from the bondage of feudal ethics. She is so enchanted by the feeling that she can find herself going nowhere else except in the dream where she stays with Liu Mengmei. As a result, she gets lost in the smothering atmosphere of her family where she can not follow her heart to choose her ideal spouse. She suffers so much in missing him that she is doomed to fall ill and then return to dust. As she lies dying, she instructs her maid Chunxiang to bury her beside the plum tree in the garden of her family and to bury her portrait under a stone from Taihu Lake. Liu Mengmei seems to be directed by this invisible power and he passes through Lin’an on his way to take an examination. He falls ill in Lin’an and stays in the Plum Blossom Temple that Du Liniang’s father has built beside her grave. Liu finds Du Liniang’s portrait there and he falls in love with her at first sight, even though what he is looking at is just a portrait. What’s more, he speaks to her portrait every day and Du Liniang is moved by him again. In his rendezvous with Du’s spirit, the fact that she has died is revealed by, and he follows what Du instructs him to do: to unearth her corpse. Upon doing so, Du Liniang is revived by the power of their deep love. Eventually, as we suspect and hope, they are united and get married.


  (第一部分-游园) 杜丽娘偕丫鬟春香入后花园游赏,春光满眼,心驰神逸。Walking Around in the Garden to Have Some Fun Du Liniang appreciates the spring scenery in the garden accompanied by her maid Chunxiang, becoming intoxicated by its beauty.

  (第二部分-惊梦)杜丽娘于园中小寐,梦见俊朗书生柳梦梅,情投意合,两相温存,醒来怅然若失。Having a Lovely Dream Du Liniang falls asleep in the garden and in her dream she meets a handsome scholar named Liu Mengmei. They fall in love at first sight and being together with him and enjoying their mutual affection, she gets lost and finds no way to be herself again when she wakes up.

  12.回目二,《言怀》 柳梦梅自述家门,言自己亦曾梦见个美人,不忍忘怀。Imparting His Inner Feelings Liu Mengmei introduces him self and says that he has met a beauty in his dream and he cannot get her off his mind.

  13.回目三《写真》杜丽娘思念成疾日渐消瘦,自作画像一帧,并告春香梦中与持柳枝的书生相会之事。Portraying Herself Du Liniang falls ill because she misses her Prince Charming so much. She draws a portrait of herself and imparts to Chunxiang the contents of her rendezvous in the dream with the scholar holding willow branch in his hand.

  14.回目四《离魂》中秋之夜,杜丽娘伤情而亡,弥留时嘱春香将其葬于后花园梅树下,画像埋于太湖石下。Going to Paradise In the mid-autumn moonlight, Du Liniang instructs Chunxiang to bury her beside the plum tree in the garden and bury her portrait under the Taihu Lake stone, and then she returns to dust.

  15.回目五《叫画》 柳梦梅拾得丽娘画像,一见倾心,日夜把玩流连,情切之处声声唤取画中人儿。Speaking to the Picture Liu Mengmei finds the portrait of Du Liniang and he falls in love with her, even though what he is looking at is just her picture. He looks at the portrait day after day and he even cannot even keep himself from speaking to it.

  16.回目六《幽媾》 杜丽娘魂魄闻声,夤夜来探梦梅,两相情悦,丽娘自荐枕席遂成欢好。Rendezvous with Her Spirit After hearing his words, Du Liniang’s spirit visits Mengmei and they give their hearts to each other. With Du Liniang’s approval, Mengmei sleeps with her spirit and becomes her one and only lover.

  17.回目七《冥誓》 杜丽娘向柳梦梅坦陈实情,柳梦梅立誓救她还生。Making a Promise Du Liniang reveals the fact that she is dead and Mengmei promises to revive her.


  (第一部分-回生) 石道姑助柳梦梅挖坟开棺,杜丽娘回生还魂,姿容冶丽。Revived Liu Mengmei is aided to unearth her corpse and Du Liniang comes back to life, and her beautiful appearance and bearing have not changed a bit at all.

  (第二部分-婚走) 柳梦梅杜丽娘二人合卺成婚,相携远走。Getting Married Liu Mengmei and Du Liniang are united and they get married.


  19.[蝶恋花]忙处抛人闲出住,百计思量,没个为欢处。白日消磨肠断剧,世间只有情难诉。玉茗堂前朝复暮,红烛迎人,俊得江山助。但是相思莫相负,牡丹亭上三生路。 《标目》

  20.Cast aside by contentious officialdom, I live in leisure. Thinking of a hundred ways, to pass the time of day. Day light spent on heart-breaking verse; for love is the hardest to put to words. Before the White Camelia Hall, day after night, greeting friends by red candle light, while hills and rivers inspire my rhymes. Do not break vows with longing hearts, on the thrice-born path of destiny, toward the pavilion of peonies. Introductory Song

  21.[皂罗袍] 原来姹紫嫣红开遍。似这般都付与断井颓垣,良辰美景奈何天,赏心乐事谁家院!朝飞暮卷,云霞翠轩;雨丝风片,烟波画船,锦屏人忒看的这韶光贱! 《游园》

  22.Already, bright purple and passion pink bloom in profusion. Yet to crumbling well, faded walls, such splendor is abandoned. But in this glorious season, where are sounds of joy in this garden? Mornings take wing, evening unfold, beyond green arbor, rosy clouds soar. In windy strands of rain, gilded pleasure boats nod in misty waves. Maidens shielded by brocaded screens, are blinded to such glorious scenes.Garden sauntering

  23.[好姐姐]遍青山,啼红了杜鹃,荼縻外烟丝醉软。牡丹虽好,他春归怎占的先!闲凝眄,生生燕语明如翦,呖呖莺歌溜的圆。 《游园》

  24.All over the verdant hillcuckoo birds waken red azaleas. Beyond trellis vines, silky mist softly lingers. The peony is gorgeous, but blooms late at spring’s end. Softly my eyes rest, the swallow’s chirping cleaves the air, and orioles trill so clear. Garden sauntering

  25.[山桃红] 则为你如花美眷,似水流年,是答儿闲寻遍。在幽闺自怜。转过这芍药栏前,紧靠着湖山石边。和你把领扣松,衣带宽,袖梢儿揾着牙儿苫也,则待你忍耐温存一晌眠。是那处曾相见,相看俨然,早难道这好处相逢无一言? 《惊梦》

  26.Because of your beauty that flowers with the flowing river of time, I sought you everywhere. But you languish in your chamber. around this peony lattice, tight by the pond side hillundo our collar buttons and loosen our sashes. Bite the ends of your sleeve, and bear with this tender sleep. Have we met somewhere before? Gazing at each other, as we come together, wordless, in this wonderful place. The Interrupted Dream

  27.[江儿水]偶然间心似缱,在梅树边。这般花花草草由人恋,生生死死随人愿,便酸酸楚楚无人怨。待打并香魂一片,阴雨梅天,啊呀人儿呀!守的个梅根相见。 《寻梦》

  28.Strangely my heart is drawn to the side of this plum tree. If I can love flowers and grasses as I choose, live or die as I will. Sad or troubled, I shall not reproach. Oh, but to mingle with another soul in plum blossom rainy day. To meet that dream one, I wait by the base of this tree. Search for the Dream

  29.[懒画眉] 最撩人春色是今年。少什么低就高来粉画垣,原来春心无处不飞悬。睡荼縻抓住裙衩线,恰便是花似人心好处牵。 《寻梦》

  30.Never before has springtime so disturbed the heart. Over painted garden walls, some low, some high, springtime longings swirl and fly. Reclining vines catch my skirt hem, as if flowers too, have heart and long for that wonderful place. Search for the Dream

  31.[雁过声]轻绡,把镜儿擘掠。笔花尖淡扫轻描。影儿呵,和你细评度,你腮斗儿恁喜谑,则待注樱桃,染柳条,渲云鬟烟霭飘萧。 《写真》

  32.Dust off the mirror with silken gauze. Outline lightly with brush tip. O silhouette mine, let me contemplate you. Your cheeks, a winsome smile. Cherry lips, to be colored in. Willow brows, to be blended in Billowing tresses, filled in like misty clouds. The Self Portrait

  33.[啼莺序]他青梅在手诗细哦,逗春心一点蹉跎。小生待画饼充饥,小姐似望梅止渴。未曾开半点么荷,他含笑处朱唇淡抹,韵情多。 《叫画》


  35.Green plum in hand she whispers a poem. She lures my heart to ponder. I paint cakes to still my hunger; She gazes at plums to slake her thirst.Yearning for Lady in dream

  36.[宜春令]斜阳外,芳草涯。奴年二八,为春归惹动嗟呀,瞥见你风神俊雅。无他,待和你翦烛临风,西窗闲话。 《幽媾》

  37.Beyond the setting sun, amoung fragrant grasses. My age twice eight years, sorrowed by spring’s departure, seeing your handsome demeanor. I would none other than, trim the candle flickering in the breeze, and chat by the west window. Midnight Rendezvous

  38.[滴滴金]俺惊魂化,睡醒时凉月些些。陡地荣华,敢则是梦中巫峡?亏煞你走花阴不害些儿怕,点苍苔不溜些儿滑,背萱亲不受些儿吓,认书生不着些儿差。你看斗儿斜,花儿桠,如此夜深花睡罢。笑咖咖,吟哈哈,风月无加。把他艳软香娇做意儿耍,下的亏他?便亏他则半霎。 《幽媾》

  39.My soul taken by surprise, waking to cool moon night. In such sudden splendor, as in a dream of the Witch’s Gorge. I thank you for walking the garden path unafraid; Stepping on green moss without slipping; Defying your parents without fear; Accepting this scholar without hesitation. Look at the Seven Stars tilting flowers drooping. In deep night even flowers slumber. I smile in joy, hum in bliss, no fairer romantic night than this. Her luscious softness, delicate fragrance, turn to my desire. Dare I cause her distress? Then distress her but for a moment. Midnight Rendezvous


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