研究生英语课文翻译Unit 4

发布时间:2013-11-17 22:00:57   来源:文档文库   
Explicit and Implicit Moral EducationImagine a guardsman,from the moment he falls in on parade in the morning until the moment the parade is dismissed,every conscious action he makes is predetermined and controlled.If inadvertently he does something that is not in the schedule,such as drop his rifle,he has to cover up that accident by pretending to faint.to do anything other than conform might show originality and inventiveness,but from the point of view of military ethos would be immoral.想象一下有一个卫兵,在早上从他进入一个阅兵队列开始直到这个队伍解散,他作出的每一个有意识的动作都是事先规定好并且被控制的。如果他无意识地做了计划外的一个动作,比如弄掉了他的步枪,他只能通过装作晕倒来掩盖这个错误。不遵守命令可能会显示你的独创性和别出心裁,但是从军队气质的角度来讲,这些行为都是不道德的。That is an example of thorough-going explicit moral system.In it actions are rigidly divided into right ones and wrong ones,permitted ones and non-permitted ones,and everyone involved accepts this without question;and to train a participant in such a system is an explicit matter,and the simplest form of behaviour training,provided the learners acknowledge the teacher as an unquestionable authority who knows exactly what moral behaviour is.这就是一个彻底实行显性道德教育体系的例子。在这个体系中,行动被严格地分为正确的和错误的,允许的和不允许的,而且每个人都要无条件接受,在这样一个体系中,如果学习者知道老师是一个毋庸置疑的权威,很确切的知道什么行为是道德的,那么训练一个参与者将是一件明确显性的事情,并且这是最为简单的行为训练方式。Consider the same guardsman in the evening,in a tavern with a girl.his behaviour is not so rigorously controlled,and he has many choices of action,many decisions to make .in that case,all sorts of pressures are influencing his choice of actions.What his peer group does,what is the custom at the moment in that area,what he thinks the girlfriend will accept or expect,maybe the sort of lifestyle he has seen displayed in television plays,the things he has read about in the papers,these are all contributing to his decisions.He has not been instructed explicitly,as in the morning ,but he has had a much more diffuse implicit training in behaviour,derived from many sources.同样考虑这个卫兵,当他晚上和一个女孩在酒馆里,他的行为就不再收到那么严格的控制,他的行为可以有很多选择,有很多不同的决定可以做。在这种情况下,有各种各样的压力会影响他对活动的选择。他的同辈群体会怎么做,此时此地的风俗习惯是怎样的,他认为他的女朋友会接受和期待什么,也许是他在电视剧中看到过的生活方式,他在报纸上读到过的内容,这些都会对他的决定产生影响。他并没有像早上那样被具体地指导过,但是他的行为却受到了不同来源的分散的隐形的训练。These,then ,are two forms of education available to those who wish to influence others’ morals-the explicit instruction and the implicit influence of surrounding behaviour.Which do we use with school pupils,or do we perhaps need to make use of each at different times?Above,in describing the morning parade morals of the guardsman,it was pointed out that explicit instruction depended on the learner’s acceptance of the authority of the instructor.Without that acceptance the system breaks down.While to the same guards man in the evening,in a tavern with a girl,such explicit moral exhortation would probably have little effect,because the speaker is not regarded as an authority,but rather as a crank.This illustrates the impossibility of having explicit moral education unless all concerned have agreed on the fundamental principles,and on who has the right to expound them and say how they apply in practice.Where you have a society or an organization in which such accord is possible ,then behaviour is determined and can be the subject of explicit


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