[成才之路]2014-2015学年高中英语 unit 2 Healthy eating综合技能训练 新人教版必修3

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【成才之路】2014-2015学年高中英语 unit 2 Healthy eating综合技能训练 新人教版必修3




1(2014·湖北襄阳四校高一下学期期中)We strongly believe children are born with ________ and interest in learning.

Aexcitement       Bcuriosity

Cbelief Ddevotion

答案:B 句意:我们坚决相信孩子们对学习的兴趣与好奇是与生俱来的。excitement兴奋;curiosity好奇心;belief信仰;devotion奉献。

2(2014·湖北黄冈中学高一下学期期中)—What shall I do if I meet a word that I don't know?

—If you can't guess its meaning, you can ________ the dictionary.

Aexamine Bconsult

Ccombine Dgain

答案:B 句意:——如果遇到不认识的单词我该怎么做?——如果你猜不出它的意思,你可以查词典。examine检查;consult查阅;combine结合;gain获得。

3(2014·河北保北十二县市高一下学期期中)We should spend the money ________ something ________ everyone.

Aon; that benefits Bon; which benefit

Cin; which benefits Din; that benefit

答案:A 句意:我们应该把钱花在使大家受益的事情上。spend...on...(时间/)花在……;先行词为不定代词时,定语从句用that引导;故A项正确。

4He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he were ________ from the outside world.

Acut down Bcut off

Ccut in Dcut through

答案:B 句意:他住院6个月,他感到与世隔绝了。cut down砍倒,缩减;cut off切断;cut in插嘴;cut through开辟。

5I don't know how he managed to ________ cheating in the exam.

Aget away with Bget away from

Cget out of Dget behind with

答案:A 句意:我不知道他是怎么做到在考试中作弊而没受惩罚的。get away with(做错事)未受惩罚,get away from意为偏离get out of意为逃避;摆脱get behind with意为落后,拖欠

6(2014·陕西西安一中高一下学期期中)Not believing their eyes, the visitors on the spot ________ the flying plane, doing some most difficult and dangerous tricks in the sky.

Aglared at Bstared at

Cglanced at Dcaught sight of

答案:B 句意:简直不相信自己的眼睛,现场的游客盯着正在空中表演非常危险、难度很大的动作的飞机。glare at怒视;stare at盯着;glance at扫视;catch sight of看见。

7(2014·河北唐山一中高一下学期第一次月考)We need to strike a ________ between the needs of the community and the rights of the individual (个体)

Asilence Bbalance

Cdifference Dweakness

答案:B 句意:我们需要努力寻找团体需要和个人权利之间的平衡。silence沉默;balance平衡;difference不同;weakness弱点。

8(2014·河北唐山一中高一下学期第一次月考)—I rang you at about nine, but there was no reply.

—Oh, that was probably ________ I was seeing the doctor.

Awhy Bwhen

Cwhat Dthat

答案:B 句意:——我在大约九点给你打电话了,但是没人接。——哦,那可能是我在看医生的时候。由句意可知,B项正确。

9(2012·浙江,15)Armed with the information you have gathered, you can ________ preparing your business plan.

Aset out Bset about

Cset off Dset up

答案:B 本题考查动词短语的用法。句意:用你所收集的信息武装自己,你可以着手准备你的商业计划了。set out to do sthset about doing sth意义一致,都是着手干某事set off出发, 动身;(使)开始; 引起;点燃, 爆炸;set up建起,搭起。根据句子结构,B项正确。

10(2014·浙江南马高级中学高一下学期期中)He was busy then, so he ________ the task to the secretary.

Aturned to Bturned over

Cturned up Dturned out

答案:B 句意:当时他很忙,所以他把工作移交给秘书。turn to转向;turn over移交;turn up出现;turn out结果。

11(2014·油田高中第二学期期中考试高一)John as well as his friends ________ to the beach for the summer vacation in July.

Ais going Bare going

Cwas going Dwere going

答案:A 句意:约翰和他的朋友们要在7月去海边度暑假。当主语部分有as well as时,谓语的数遵循就远原则,故排除BD项;由句意可知,应用现在进行时表将来。

12(2014·油田高中第二学期期中考试高一)One of the boys kept laughing, ________ annoyed Jane intensely.

Athat Bwhere

Cwhich Dwhat

答案:C 句意:其中一个男孩不停地笑,这大大地惹恼了简。which引导定语从句,指上文的整件事情。

13(2014·北京房山高级中学高一下学期3月学情调研)I'm sure David will find the library—he has a pretty good ________ of direction.

Aidea Bsense

Cexperience Dfeeling

答案:B 句意:我确信大卫会找到个图书馆,因为他的方向感相当好。a sense of direction方向感。

14To make sure of your success in the coming speech contest, first of all you should know your ________.

Abenefits Btechniques

Cvalues Dstrengths

答案:D benefit意为利益,好处technique意为技术value意为价值strength意为长处,强项。由句意:为了确保在即将到来的演讲比赛中取得成功,首先你应当了解你的长处。可知,答案选D

15—His girlfriend deserted him because of his taking drugs.

—He is doing what he could to ________ her love.

Awin over Bwin back

Cwin through Dwin out

答案:B 句意:——因为吸毒,他的女朋友遗弃了他。——他正尽一切可能重新获得她的爱情。win back重新获得。



Everything speeds up with people's lives.People often eat fast food __16__nice meals cooked by their mother__17__. They go to a shop, where the meal is__18__cooked. They can take__19__from the shelf when they__20__their dollar and in ten minutes eat it and__21__their dinner. This is not good for__22__. People move a great__23__from city to city__24__their jobs. Airplanes go__25__between cities. Every twenty­five seconds planes are taking off from airports. When people move__26__the cities, they leave their old friends__27__. They leave their old mother and father, their children, and leave their__28__. People become without roots, without a place__29__they can really callhome. This has very__30__effects. One thing is that the old people often live so far from their children that__31__they become old, there is nobody to__32__them. Brothers and sisters move far away from each other. They telephone each other. Families become very__33__. Society does not have the__34__ways any more, the ones which kept people__35__together. Many people feel rather lonely today.

16A.without Btogether with

Cinstead of Das

答案:C 句意:吃快餐而非妈妈在家做得香喷喷的饭菜。instead of“而不是,符合句意。

17A.at school Bat home

Cin the hotel Din the restaurant

答案:B 由首句可知,人们追求吃饭速度必然到饭店吃快餐,而不吃家里母亲煮的可口饭菜。

18A.already Bstill

Cnot Djust

答案:A already已经做了still“仍然not在此指没有做just刚做。结合语境他们去饭菜已经煮好'的商店,可知already符合句意。

19A.them Bit

Ceverything Dlittle

答案:B 该空替代上文的meal

20A.put Bget

Cset Dpay

答案:D 由下文的their dollar可推知用pay,指付款。

21A.finish Bcook

Cfetch Dbring

答案:A 他们来饭店是吃饭的而不是做其他事。本句意为他们十分钟之内就吃完饭

22A.families Bchildren

Cold people Dbusiness

答案:A 人们都到外面吃饭,必然对家庭不利。

23A.many Bmuch

Cdeal Dfar

答案:C a great deal意为许多次,修饰动词。

24A.doing Bto do

Cchanging Dchange

答案:C 人们频繁更换地点是为了更换工作。

25A.usually Bimmediately

Cconstantly Dfast

答案:C 下文“Every twenty­five seconds planes are taking off from airports.”可推出此处用constantly“不停地

26A.from Bto

Cin Daround

答案:B 此句意为他们搬到大城市。搬到某个地方为move to

27A.behind Baway

Cout Doff

答案:A 当人们搬迁到各个城市时,他们将老朋友留下leave out“遗漏leave off“停止

28A.friends Bparents

Cteachers Dstudents

答案:A 与人们关系密切的人除了父母、小孩子之外就是朋友了。

29A.or Band

Cwhere Dthat

答案:D 关系代词引导定语从句,先行词a place指物且在定语从句中作宾语,应填that

30A.bad Bsurprising

Cexciting Dgreat

答案:A 人们离开亲人朋友频繁搬迁当然会产生不良后果。

31A.if Bwhen

Csince Dbecause

答案:B 当他们年老时这是一般事实,没有假设意味,可排除A项;CD项表因果关系,在此意义不合。

32A.see Blook after

Chear from Dtelephone

答案:B 老人离子女这么远以至于当他们变老时没有人来照料他们。

33A.scattered Bdifferent

Clarge Ddivided

答案:A 人们四处搬迁必然使家庭分散

34A.new Bold

Ceasy Dsame

答案:B 本文主要讲新旧两种生活方式的对比。这里指的是以前的事情。

35A.close Bnear

Clive Dfriendly

答案:A 社会没有了老风味,而这老风味曾使人们紧密联系在一起。





I have recently completed my college degree. The last project was calledSmile. The class was asked to go out to smile at three people and document their reactions (反应). I am a very friendly person and always smile at everyone and say hello anyway. So, I thought this would be a_piece_of_cake.

My husband, the youngest son and I went out to McDonald. We were standing in line when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away. As I turned around I smelled a horrible body odour (气味) and saw two poor homeless men standing behind me. As I looked at the short blue­eyed gentleman closest to me, he was smiling . The second man fumbled (摸索) with his hands as he stood behind his friend.

The young lady at the counter asked him what they wanted. He said, Coffee is all, Miss, because that was all they could afford.

Then I really felt it—I embraced (拥抱)the little man with the blue eyes. That is when I noticed all eyes in the restaurant were set on mejudging my every action. I smiled and asked two more breakfast meals on and gave them to the men.

The blue­eyed gentleman looked up at me, with tears in his eyesand said“Thank you.

I turned in my project. My teacher said, Can I share this”I slowly nodded as she got the attention of the class. She began to read and that is when I knew that we as human beings share this need to heal people and to be healed.

In my own way I had touched the people at McDonald's and every soul that heard the story in the classroom. But, I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn.

36The underlined part a piece of cake in the Paragraph 1 means ________.

Aeasy Bembarrassing

Cmoving Dcomfortable

答案:A 词义猜测题。此画线部分前面一句提到作者对别人很友好,总是微笑,因此可知作者认为这个任务非常简单。

37Why did people around the author in the McDonald step back?

ABecause they were very polite to the two men.

BBecause they were moved by the two men.

CBecause the two men smelt terrible.

DBecause the two men seemed unfriendly.

答案:C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第三句可知人们后退的原因是这两个人身上的气味很难闻。

38Why did the two men only buy coffee?

ABecause they didn't have enough money.

BBecause they didn't feel hungry.

CBecause they knew others would help them.

DBecause they were looked down upon.

答案:A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句的because that was all they could afford可知。

39What did the author think she learnt from the story?

AA friend in need is a friend indeed

BHelping others can bring pleasure to many people.

CNothing is difficult to a willing heart.

DDon't judge people according to their appearance.

答案:B 推理判断题。作者在麦当劳帮助了两个穷人,不仅仅使这两个人感动和高兴,同时也使在场的每个人以及作者的老师和同学感动和高兴。



In 1883, a creative engineer named John Roebling was inspired by an idea to build a great bridge connecting New York with the Long Island. However, bridge building experts thought that this was an impossible project and told Roebling to forget it. But Roebling could not ignore the vision of this bridge. After much discussion and persuasion he managed to convince his son Washington, an engineer, that the bridge could be built.

The father and son developed concepts of how it could be completed and how the difficulties could be overcome. After that, they began to build their dream bridge.

The project started well, but when it was only a few months underway (在进行中) a tragic accident on the site took the life of John Roebling. Washington was also injured and left with a certain amount of brain damagewhich made him unable to walk or talk or even move.

Everyone had a negative comment since the Roeblings were the only one who knew how to build the bridge. In spite of these difficulties, Washington was never discouraged and still had a burning desire to complete the bridge. It seemed that there was a message for him not to give up. Suddenly an idea hit him. All he could do was to move one finger and he decided to make the best use of it. By moving it, he slowly developed a code of communication with his wife. Then he used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to do. The project was underway again. For 13 years Washington tapped out his instructions with his finger on his wife's arm, until the bridge was finally completed.

Today the Brooklyn Bridge stands in all its glory to the victory of one man's determination not to be defeated by circumstances. This is one of the best examples of a never­say­die attitude that overcomes a terrible physical disability and achieves an impossible goal.

40When John Roebling had the idea of building the bridge, ________.

Ahis son supported him immediately

Bmany experts thought it impossible

Cthere was no bridge around New York

Dhe persuaded the government to support him

答案:B 细节理解题。根据第一段“experts thought that this was an impossible project”可知。

41What is the right order of the following statements?

aThe Roeblings talked about the possibilities of building the bridge.

bWashington became disabled.

cJohn Roebling believed that building the bridge was possible.

dWashington's wife helped instruct the building.

Aadcb Bbcda

Ccabd Dadbc

答案:C 细节理解题。根据故事发生的顺序可以看出。

42It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

Athe government did offer much help to build the bridge

Bto go to the Long Island, we can go across Brooklyn Bridge now

CWashington had only one finger after the accident

Dit took 13 years to complete the bridge

答案:B 推理判断题。A没提到,C应该是can move only one fingerD应该是more than 13 years

43What is the main idea of the passage?

AThe Roeblings were devoted to their work.

BHow the Brooklyn Bridge was built by the Roeblings.

CA strong will is not to be defeated.

DSuccess lies in patience and hard work.

答案:B 主旨大意题。整篇文章讲的是the Brooklyn Bridge从设想到历尽艰难被建成的过程。



People are overweight for many reasons, the most important one of which is that they eat the wrong foods, get the wrong types of calories (卡路里) per mealand they also eat meals at the wrong time each day. Food is more powerful than any weight loss pill (药片), because the food that you eat can either make you thin or fat. This is true because your body is like an engine, and it only needs certain foods at certain intervals (间隔) each day.

Low­calorie Diets Do Not Work

The reason people cannot lose weight by starving themselves is that their metabolism (新陈代谢) will detect any major drop in calories and it will then adjust (调整) itself by burning fewer calories each day. That is the reason why you can eat 1,000 calories per day and not lose any weight, while your friends can eat 2,500 calories per day and not gain any weight.

Low­fat Diets Do Not Work

Many people in today's society are buying mostly low­fat or non­fat food at the grocery store. Everybody knows how much fat is inside the food they buy. However, people are getting fatter than ever before by doing this. They are not losing weight by changing to this low­fat lifestyle.

Losing weight has nothing to do with these things. One of the most important things you can do to control your weight is to eat the proper foods, such as fruit and vegetables, eat them at the right time, and exercise every day. If people make this a habit, they will lose weight.

44What is the main reason why people are overweight?

AThey eat the wrong foods at the wrong time.

BThey eat food with lots of calories.

CThey don't take any weight loss pills.

DThey burn many calories every day.

答案:A 从第一段的第一句话People are overweight for many reasons, the most important one of which is that they eat the wrong foods...可知A项是正确答案。

45The article is written in order to ________.

Atell readers not to buy low­fat or non­fat food

Btell readers how to lose weight

Ctell readers about an important scientific discovery

Dcall on people to lose weight and stay healthy

答案:B 纵观全文,讲了人类肥胖的主要原因,以及人们怎样做就会减肥,故B项正确。

46To realize the aim of your weight loss plan, you should ________.

ado exercise every day

beat meals at the right time

ceat fruits and vegetables

deat low­fat or sweet food

eeat the proper foods at each meal

Aabcd Babde

Cacde Dabce

答案:D 从文中的Low­fat Diets Do Not Work可排除ABC三项;从全文可知,D项正确。


The Key to Your Health

A car needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you. Eating the right kind of food is very important. It can help your body grow strong to take care of what you eat.

There are four main food groups altogether. The dairy group has food like milk, cheese and sour milk. The other three groups are the meat and fish group, the fruit and vegetable group, and the bread and rice group. Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups. With all these food together, you will be given enough energy during the day.

It is easy to get into bad eating­habits. You may eat your breakfast in a hurry to get to school on time. Or you may not have time for a good lunch. It may seem easy to. But you will find yourself tired in these days and you can not think quickly.

Watching what you eat will help your body remain healthy and strong. It is also good to take some exercise. It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air. Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.

47Which of the following diets do you think is the best one?

ACorn, fishcream and pork.

BEggs, tomatoes and chicken.

CMilk, bread, cabbages and beef.

DRice, beancurd, apples, fish and chicken.

答案:C 细节理解题。从文中第二段“Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups.”这句话可以看出,只有奶类、鱼肉类、蔬菜水果类和米面类四种合理搭配才算是最佳饮食。

48Which of the following is a good eating habit?

AGoing to school without any breakfast.

BFinishing your lunch in a very short time.

CEating fish and chips for supper all the time.

DHaving at least one food from all four groups in each meal.

答案:D 细节理解题。从第三段可知ABC三项均为不良饮食习惯;文章第二段“Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups. With all these food together, you will be given enough energy during the day.”这句话表明D项为一种好的饮食习惯。

49In this passage the writer mainly tells us that ________.

Athe right kind of food with exercise will keep you healthy

Btaking exercise can keep your body strong

Cevery person needs food to grow well

Denough energy helps people think more quickly

答案:A 归纳总结题。在文章最后一段中作者告诉我们要注意饮食,加点适当的锻炼,才能保持身体健康。选项BCD都不全面。

50The underlined word dairy in the second paragraph means ________.

Athe shop that sells milk and butter

Bthe food made out of cows such as milk and butter

Ca farm where cows are kept

Da place where milk products are made

答案:B 词义理解题。必须从上下文来理解。从第二段的第二句话“The dairy group has food like milk, cheese and sour milk.”可以看出milkcheesesour milk都是奶或奶制品。


Looking almost as fresh as the day it was bought, this McDonald's Happy Meal is in fact six months old. Photographed every day for the past six months by Manhattan artist Sally Davies, the kids meal of fries and burger hasn't any signs of mould (霉菌) or decay (腐烂)

Sally put the Happy Meal on a shelf in her apartment and watched it with increasing shock. Even her dogs stopped trying to steal a free tasty snack.

I bought the meal on April 10 this year and brought it home to see how it changed”she said. I chose McDonald's because it was nearest to my house, but the project could have been about any other fast food. The first thing that shocked me on the second day of the experiment was that it no longer gave out any smell. And my dogs stopped circling the shelf.

Expecting the food to go mouldy after a few days, Mrs. Davies' surprise turned to shock as the food still had not shown any signs of decay after two weeks. It was then that I realized that something strange might be going on with this food that I had bought, she explained. The appearance of the food did not change as the weeks turned to months. And nowat six months old, the food is plastic to the touch. The only change that I can see is that it has become hard as a rock.

As a vegetarian, Mrs.Davies' experiment has brought her amusement rather than fear. Maybe I would be frightened at seeing this if I was a meat eater” she said.

51Sally Davies kept the record of the McDonald's Happy Meal by ________.

Adrawing pictures of it Btaking photos of it

Ctouching it Dsmelling it

答案:B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的Photo­graphed every day for the past six months可知她是通过给食物每天拍一张照片的方式来记录的,故选B项。

52Where did Sally Davies put the McDonald's Happy Meal?

AIn the fridge. BIn the bowl.

COn the roof. DOn the shelf.

答案:D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的Sally put the Happy Meal on a shelf in her apartment可知选D项。

53Before the experiment, Sally Davies had thought the food would ________.

Abecome tasteless Bturn into plastic

Cbe stolen by her dogs Dbe covered with mould

答案:D 推理判断题。根据文章第四段第一句的Expecting the food to go mouldy after a few days可知Mrs Davies本来认为食物会发霉的,故选D项。

54Mrs. Davies didn't have the feeling of fear because ______.

Athis was not the case with all fast food

Bthe experiment could prove nothing

Cshe didn't eat any meat

Dshe was a brave person

答案:C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的As a vegetarianMaybe I would be frightened at seeing this if I was a meat eater可知,因为她是素食主义者,这样的实验结果对她并无影响,所以她无须担心,故选C项。

55What does the passage mainly tell us?

AMcDonald's Happy Meal show no sign of decay after six months.

BMcDonald's Happy Meal tends to get bad easily.

CMcDonald's is the most convenient fast food.

DHow to store the kids' meal of fries and burger.

答案:A 文章主旨题。本文介绍了Mrs Davies的观察结果,麦当劳快餐在放置了6个月后和新买的一样新鲜,没有任何发霉的迹象,故A项作为主旨大意最合适。










参考词汇:集中(注意力)concentrate on

Dear editor







Yours sincerely

Li Hua



Now, more and more students are getting fond of western fast food, and thus they take in too much sugar and fat. I don't think it good for their health.

There are all kinds of foods in the world. Which one is healthier, the Chinese food or the western fast food?

Different people have different choices.

In my opinion, the Chinese food is healthier. Firstly, the Chinese food contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables. It is rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat. Secondly, the Chinese food is very delicious and has many dishes. It is nice to taste. I think it is the healthiest in the world. So many Chinese people can keep fit and have white teeth.




《[成才之路]2014-2015学年高中英语 unit 2 Healthy eating综合技能训练 新人教版必修3.doc》
