
发布时间:2019-02-22 14:46:15   来源:文档文库   

Treasure time!Treasure today!Treasure tonight!Treasure now!If you do,you will succeed!Believe you can fly away!No people can catch you!Bells of freedom echoed in your ears!爸爸平静地说:“钓鱼这事要讲究耐心,如果钓鱼是件简单的事,那很多人都可以钓得到的,还等我们来。”我不耐烦地盯着湖面入了神。过了一会儿,我的钓鱼竿还没有一点反应,而爸爸的钓鱼竿却剧烈地斗动着,我更着急了,心想:为什么鱼都在爸爸那边。我差不多哭出声来,我立即起来收好工具,准备要走的时候,爸爸严肃的说:“你连钓鱼都没有耐心,那你别指望做大事,以后只会被人取笑。”我心想:对呀!我不能这样就放弃,爸爸说的很对。接着,我又开始钓鱼,我耐心地等啊等,闭上眼睛慢慢等,终于,我的钓竿摇动了,我记住爸爸告诉我的钓鱼要点,我操纵着,钓到了一条小鱼。我兴奋极了!Good good study,day day up!Never give up!Once by one if you wanted the sky.All danger will bee kids.It is my life,it is now or never!Treasure tim

Unit 6 TV programmes

Period 3 Reading

. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子

1. The film is ________ (导演) by Zhang Yimou.

2. China is an ________ (亚洲的) country.

3. The film Murder in a Country House is full of ________ (恐怖).

4. The young girl was ________ (谋杀) by the riverside.

5. The ________ (喜欢动物的人) are trying their best to help the endangered wild animals.

. 根据句意及所给词或首字母提示完成句子

1. Citizens can enjoy ________ (read) thousands of volumes of electronic books online with the first WeChat library in Jianye Library, Nanjing.

2. Don't be nervous. Try your best and you'll pass the exam ________ (easy).

3. (2017·来宾)Jack really likes watching movies, ________ (especial) action movies made in America.

4. People can enjoy young ________ (direct) films from different countries.

5. Would you like to watch horror films full of ________ (mystery)?

6. Lucy had a traffic accident on her way home. Luckily, she was not hurt, and just got s________.

7. Kim Soo Hyun has millions of f________ in China. Most of them are teenagers.

8. We r________ yesterday's party on video. You can watch it if you like.


