大学英语(三)口语考试 - 词组造句

发布时间:2014-03-03 15:39:38   来源:文档文库   

1.a matter of ...的问题

It is a matter of time.

2.engage in 从事

He has the will to engage in management.

3.let on 泄露秘密

I am sure he knows more than he is letting on.

4.now that 既然

Now that dinner is ready, wash your hands.

5.on leave 休假

He is home on leave from the Navy.

6.see to it that... 主意

See to it that you are not late again.

7.set the pace 定速度

She laughed out loud, since it was she who had set the pace.

8.subject...to... 使承受

He subjected us to a very difficult test.

9.as though/if 好像

He treats me as though I were a stranger.

10.on/off duty 上下班

I'm off duty on Fridays.

11.clear one's throat 清嗓子

He coughed and cleared his throat again and looked up at he clerk.

12.come to life 苏醒

Tommy's face seemed to come to life.

13.deprive...of... 剥夺

You can't function properly when you are deprived of sleep.

14.open the floodgates 打开心扉;放開限制

His display of kindness to her opened the floodgates again, and she began to sob loudly.

15.tuck...in 塞好;帮某人盖好被子

Jack tucked his shirt in.

She tucked the children in every night.

16.turn up 朝上;調高

Her hair was turned up at the end.

Someone turned up the music and people started dancing.

17.be capable of 有能力

He is capable of speaking English.

18.identify with 与(某人)有同感

She has been successful because people identify with her and trust her.

19.in return 作为回报

She gave us food and clothing and asked for nothing in return.

20.feel like 感觉好像;想要

Oh, I feel like I’m sixteen again.

He didn’t feel like going to work.

21.for effect 为了加深印象

He must simply have said it for effect.

22.lead to 导致产生

This will lead to endless trouble.

23.on the average of 接近于

She tried to hide her grief, but she was on the verge of tears.

24.pull out 拿出;拔出;开出

Putting her hand in her pocket, she pulled out a purse.

The car pulled out of the station.

25.take… lightly 不重视

He must have plenty of money if he can take losing $500 so lightly.

26.burst into tears 突然大哭起来

When he refused her request, she burst into tears.

27.hold back 控制,抑制;阻挡;退缩;隐瞒

Mary held back her tears with difficulty.

Jack wanted to wake up, but sleep held him back.

The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters.

Tell me all about it-----don’t hold anything back.

28.in a different light 从不同的角度

He has put the matter in a different light.

29.in the end 最后

In the end, I decided that I wouldn’t go after all.

30.in the world 到底

What in the world are you doing here at seven in the morning.

31.pull over 把(车)驶到(或驶向)路边

The police officer ordered the young driver to pull over.

32.turn out 结果是

My trip to London didn’t turn out quiet as planned.

33.call for 要求,需求;去取

This kind of work calls for a lot of patience.

34.channel…into… 把(精力等)贯注于

She channeled all her energies into her career.

35.contribute to 促成

Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.

36.enter into 参与;成为的一个因素

I dare not enter into conversion with him.

37.in one’s own right 凭本身的权利

Elizabeth II is queen in her own right.

38.in the face of 面对

He was brave in the face of danger.

39.Live up to符合

Did the film live up to your expectations?

40.refer to…as… 称作

Don’t refer to your sister as a silly cow!

41.see…as … 看作

She didn’t see herself as brave.

42.carry on 经营,参与;继续

It was so noisy that it was hard to carry on a conversation.

I could never have carried on without their support.

43.drop out (of) 退出

He dropped out of college after only two weeks.

44.give away 捐赠;泄露

She gave away all her money to the poor.

If captured, they might give away vital military secrets.

45.hit the road 动身,出发

We hit the road early in the morning.

46.run out 用完;到期

Our food soon ran out.

My contract runs out next July.

47.give up 放弃

They gave out with out a flight.

48.(at) home and abroad 国内外

We hope to improve sales both at home and abroad.

49.as a result 作为结果

There is a dramatic drop in sales. As a result, profits have greatly declined

50.fool somebody into doing something 愚弄别人去做某事

Tim was fooled into believing that he’d win a lot of money.

51.in a way 在某种程度上

In a way, it’s nice to be working alone.

52.open up 展示

This research opens up the possibility of being able to find a cure for the disease.

53.rest with 取决于

The final decision rests with the President.

54.for instance 例如

There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving, for instance, training lions.

55.hold on to something 抓住..不放

I think I’ll hold on to the records , but you can have the tapes.

56.in addition 此外

She can sing, and in addition, she can dance.

57.on credit 以赊账的方式

They decided to buy the car on credit.

58.stem from 起源于

Their disagreement stems from a misunderstanding.

59.back up 支持

Her views are backed up by the new scientific discovery.

60.be related to 有关

His heart attack could be related to the car crash last year.

61.fed up (对)感到厌倦

I’m really fed up with this constant rain.

62.have to do with 有关系

The book has to do with airplanes.

63.on average 平均地

On average we would be spending 200 dollars per day.

64.take a short cut 走捷径

Carol decided to take a short cut home.

65.tear one’s hair out 对(某事)极其担忧(或愤怒)

Sitting in a traffic jam on the way to the airport I’m tearing my hair out.

66.be tied up with ..有密切关系

His failure is tied up with his poor work habits.

67.date back to 可追溯到..

Carl has a gun that dates back to the Civil war.

68.call off 取消

The trip to Italy might be called off.

69.come to a halt 停下来

The car slowed, and came to a halt opposite her.

70.on (the) top of 上边

He stopped the car on the top of a small hill.

71.run into 遭遇;偶然碰到某人

After a promising start, the company ran into trouble.

Guess who I ran into in town today.

72.dream up 设想出来

She can always dream up some new reasons for doing anything unpleasant.

73.now and then 有时

I hear form him every now and then.

74.right away 马上

I’ll find the address for you right away.

75.work through 设法克服

They worked through a series of problem.

76.pick up 拿起;学会;用车/船接载人

He picked up the case and moved away from the door.

I picked up a few words of Greek when I was there last year.

I might get my brother to come and pick me up.

77.regard…as… ……看作……

My mother still regards me as a child.

78.above all 最重要的

It’s too far, too late, and, above all, too dangerous.

79.eat out 出去吃饭

Shall we eat out tonight?

80.give…credit for… ……赞扬/赞许

I gave him credit for his judgment.

81.take up 占用(时间、空间)

Too much of this report is taken up with out-of-date figures.

82.and so forth 等等

She started telling me about her bad back, her headache, and so forth.

83.go against 违背

Don’t go against your parents’ wishes.

84.go through 经历,经受;演练

Kevin’s going through a painful divorce.

85.hold true 适用,有效

The advice will hold true throughout your life.

86.insist on 坚持做

Why do you insist on leaving your books all over the floor?

87.many a 许多

Many a strong man has weakened before such a challenge.

88.put someone to trouble 给某人添麻烦

We do not think that they should have been put to this trouble.

89.see someone off 为某人送行

I think they have gone to the airport to see their daughter off.

90.send someone off给某人送行

We will send off our son to the university.

91.slip into 渐渐进入

It amazed him how easily one could slip into a routine.

92.Smooth over 缓和,减轻

She managed to smooth over the bad feelings between them.

93.start out 开始

When did you start out as a lawyer?

94.take pride in ……为荣

We take pride in offering you the highest standards.

95.with regard to 关于,至于

With regard to future oil supplies, the situation is uncertain.

96.apt to do something 易于做某事

When a moving object catches their attention, babies are apt to focus on it.

97.at one’s best 处于最佳状态

The singer was at her best during the performance.

98.break up 解散

The meeting broke up in great confusion.

99.follow someone’s lead/example 效仿某人

I don’t want you to follow my lead and rush into marriage.

100.leave something to someone else 把某事留给别人

You can leave the cooking to me.

101.on the contrary 正相反

You weren’t boring me. On the contrary, you were interesting me.

102.under way 已经开始或正在进行着

A full-scale security operation is now under way.

103.in accordance with 仿照,按照

He was buried in his hometown, in accordance with his wishes.

104.other than 除了

The truth was known to no one other than herself.

105.tone down 缓和,减轻

His advisers told him to tone down his speech.

You’d better tone down the more offensive remarks in your article.


《大学英语(三)口语考试 - 词组造句.doc》
