
发布时间:2020-05-05 12:55:00   来源:文档文库   




1louder and lower . (大声小声游戏)

when the teacher say a word or a sentence loudly, the student must say of them lowly.therwise, when the teacher say lowly ,the pupil must say loudly. 教师大声地说句型或单词,学生就必须得小声地说。反过来,教师小声,学生就大声

2mouth words .(猜口型游戏)

the teacher will say words or sentences with the mouth move only and without voice. the students must look at the teacher’s mouth carefully and tell out what is the teacher saying about.


remember games .(记忆力游戏)

a group of students stand in line and try to remember things. the first student of the line will say a word or a sentence, the second one must repeat out what he/she says and then tell the word or sentences of his/her own. the third one must repeat out the first two student’s speaking and then tell his/her own. by this way runs the game. the last one must repeat out all the speaking above. 一组学生依次站好,玩记忆力游戏。第一个学生说一个单词或句型,第二个学生必须得先复述出第一个学生说出的内容,然后才能说自己的句子或单词,第三个也得先复述出前面两个所说的内容然后再说自己的。依次类推,最后一个学生必须得重复完前面所有学生所说的东西。(教师可以适当给予说错的学生一些趣味性的惩罚,如唱歌等。)

4judge sounds .(找声音游戏)

a student closes his/her eyes. one of the other students will say something in english. he/she open the eyes and looking for the student who makes the sound and then go to talk with him/her. (ask and answer or greeting).

一学生蒙住眼睛,其他学生用英语说一些句子,这个学生打开眼睛,找出声音是谁发出来的,就走到说话者的前面跟他谈话。(回答问题或相互问候) 5looking for things .(找东西游戏)

a student closes the eyes. the other student will hide something in the

classroom. then he/she will open eyes and go to look for the thing. during this time, the other student will clap their hands and say the sentence “where is/are your__?”. when he/she get nearer by the thing they will say the sentence louder, when he/she get further, they will say lower.

一个学生蒙上眼睛,其他人藏他的一样东西在教室里。然后这个人就去找他的东西。在此期间,其他同学拍手并问到“where is/are your__?”。当他越靠近藏的东西,其他人就喊得越大声,相反的,离得越远就越小声。

6simon says(西门说)

if the students hear the teacher says “simon says” before a command, they should do and say the command.but if they don’t hear “simon says” before a command, they mustn’t do or say the command. the one who makes mistake will sit down and be eliminated off the game.

如果学生听见老师在说一个指令之前加上“simon says”,他们就应该做或者说这个指令。假如他们在指令之前没有听见“simon says”的,就不能做或者说。谁犯了错误的就只能坐在位置上,被淘汰出游戏。

7 voice and objects 。(声音和物品)

a student closes the eyes. the other students will make some sounds behind him/her. then he/she will judge what’s the sounds represent of? such as judge the sound “roar” as a tiger. “bump, bump” as “playing basketball” an so on.

一个学生闭上眼睛,其他的学生将在后面发出各种各样的声音,然后这个学生将要判断出这些声音代表着什么物品。比如“roar”代表着老虎“bump, bump”代表着打篮球等等。

8listen and draw. (听音画画)

a. listen to the command and draw on the board or on exercise books.

b. we also can draw blind. that means the teacher will show a whole picture to all the students in class except those who will draw on the board. the

students describe the picture and then those on the platform will draw as they describe. at last , compare with these two picture .we will fine a lot of fun in the different of these two pictures.

a. 听指令,在黑板或在练习册上画画。


9 pointing competition. (指物大赛)

stick lots of pictures or words on the blackboard. then choose two or three students (they can represent of groups) to come to the front and have a

pointing competition. they must listen the command carefully and try to point to the corresponding picture or words as quickly as they can. the one who point to the correct picture first will win the points.


10 ask and answer one by one.(连锁问答)

appointing some sentences as the passing questions and answers. after a student answer a question he must point to one of the other students and ask him/her questions. each of the students who is pointed to must answer the front student’s question and then ask a question to the next one. one by one by this way to ask answer questions.

指定一些句型作为要传下去的问句和答句。一个学生在回答了一个问题之后,必须得点出下一个同学并向他提问题。每一个被点到的同学都得回答前面一个学生的问题然后再问下一个人问题。同样方法,一个接一个连锁问和答。 11 letters makes word. (猜字母成单词)

make some blanks on the blackboard, each blank will be filled in a letter to make a word. you can appoint the word which will be made beforehand. such as appoint the word “eye”. make the blanks as “_ y__”. students will guess the first letter “e” and the last letter “e” then makes the word “eye”.

在黑板上画一些空格,每个空格填上一个字母可以组成一个单词。你可以事先指定一些需要猜的词。比如要猜“eye”这个单词,就在黑板上画 “_ y__”。然后学生就可以猜出第一个字母和最后一个字母都是“e”,填上去,这样就组成了单词“eye”

12number games . (数字游戏)

a. the tiger jump.b. how many?c. finding friends.d. clap seven.e. circle out. (游戏规则略)

13 act and guess. (演一演,猜一猜)

a. the whole class.

one student come to the platform, look at a picture(or a word) and then act it out. the other students will guess what does he/she do and say it out loudly. b. competition.

the class will be divided into four groups. each group will have two minutes to play. in this two minutes, the group members will run to the platform one by one, choose a piece of paper and act it out. the other group members will

guess the meaning and say it out at once. the group get the highest point will win the game.

a. 全班参与。

一个学生到讲台前面,看了老师手中的一幅图或一个单词/句子然后用动作表演出来,其他学生猜出他表演的内容是什么,并用英语大声地说出来。 b.分组比赛。


14.three seconds. (三秒钟快速抢答)

the teacher will show the students some pictures for three seconds. in this three seconds, the students must look at these pictures and try to remember all of them as possible as they can , then say out the pictures in the right order.

the student who say out the pictures in the right order first will win the point. 老师出示一些图片或单词,只给学生看三秒钟。三秒钟之内学生必须记住这些图片,然后按正确的顺序说出来。第一个抢说出答案而且顺序正确的学生将获得分数。

15.ten questions. (十个问题)

the manager will hide something or a picture in a big box. the other student will ask some questions to guess what is it. such as “is it red?”

“is it an animal?” “is it big or small?” and so on. but they must guess out the thing in ten questions. if the students can not say out the answer in ten questions, they will lose the game.

组织者在盒子里藏着东西或图片,其他学生向他提问提以猜出盒子里是什么东西。比如提问“is it red?”



11. role play 可以是分角色的表演。 还可以用于字母的音和名形的练习, 一个小朋友做字母a的动作,另个 小朋友做字母a的发音的动作。

1.i say you do 我说单词,小朋友做动作。

2. can you hear me 我小声说,小朋友听到我说的,大声说出来,可以变换位置。

3. golden touch v1 卡片放地上,我指着读哪一个,小朋友跟着读。

4. high and low voice 卡片从下到上,声音由小到大,小朋友跟着一起读,最上面声音最大。可以蹲着再慢慢站起来。

5. tap the card and say 小朋友用手拍卡片并且说出那个单词,老师可以提前示范。

6. tap the rhythm 教单词和句型时可以用使用打节拍的方式帮助记忆,老师自己把握节奏。

7. flash card bomb 很多卡片,一张一张的给小朋友看,小朋友要读出来,卡片中间夹一张炸弹的卡片,当碰到炸弹的卡片,小朋友要一起说bomb或者不出声。是集体操练游戏。

8. in the same voice 老师用什么声音说单词,小朋友也要用什么样的声音。也适用于句型。

9. whisper the word 一个单词或者句型,老师悄悄的告诉第一个小朋友,第一个小朋友再往下传,到最后一个小朋友,要大声说出他听到的。

10. complete the sentence 例如句型this is a dog. 老师说this is a ,小朋友说dog,老师说this is ,小朋友要说 a dog.以此类推,同时也适用于多音节的单词。


1. i say you do我说单词,小朋友做动作。

10. wooden man 老师背对着小朋友,老师背对着时,小朋友可以往前走,当老 师说wooden man,小朋友不能动了, 最后老师抓小朋友,抓到的读单词。同


2. i do you say 我做动作,小朋友说单词。

11. jump and tap the card 小朋友一个 一个跳起来用头顶卡片,并且说出单词。

3. golden touch v2卡片放地上,我指着读哪一个,小朋友跟着读,老师故意读错,小朋友可以不发出声音或者说出正确的单词。

12. piano play 每个小朋友一张不同的卡 片,老师说到哪个单词,拿着那个卡片 的小朋友就要跳起来并且说出单词。

4. blow the balloon 用气球,打气筒,小朋友说单词越大声,气球也越大。

5. magic finger v1 老师出多少根手指,小朋友读单词或者句型多少遍,可以让小朋友看清楚是多少根手指。

13. say it with rhythm 用节奏说出单词,句型。

14. train game 老师假装是火车,小朋 友说出单词就可以上火车,拉着老师的 衣服一起边走边说单词。

6. magic finger v2老师出多少根手指,小朋友读单词或者句型多少遍,15. teacher says 当老师说cindy says 不让让小朋友看清楚是多少根手指,老师迅速的出手指,加大难度。 touch your nose,小朋友就照做,当

老师只是说touch your nose,小朋友 则不能动。 7. tpr 单词或者字母,句型的动作。

16. puppet tricking v1 可以是任何能戴在手上的玩偶,当玩偶张开嘴巴,小朋友 要说单词,闭上嘴巴,小朋友则不能说。

8. wolf game 老师假装是大灰狼,小朋友说单词的声音越大,大灰狼跑得越远,反之则会吃掉小朋友。 9. group argument 小组讨论。

17. puppet tricking v2 v1是相反的, 闭上嘴巴说,张开嘴巴则不说。 18. music chair 拿与班上小朋友少一个 数量的椅子围成圈,小朋友围成圈走, 并且说单词或者句型,老师放音乐, 音乐停下来,没有抢到椅子的小朋友 则淘汰。 19. 千手观音

20. 抱大树 请几个小朋友一人拿一张 卡片站在教室不同的地方,其他小朋友 则准备,老师说到哪个单词,其他小 朋友就去抱住拿那个单词的小朋友 并且说出那个单词。


11. fly squatter 用苍蝇拍来拍放在地上 的单词,老师说哪一个,那个小朋友就 拍那个单词并且说出单词。

1. golden touch v3卡片放地上,老师不读,指到哪个单词,小朋友就要一起读出来。

2. lip reading 老师用嘴型说单词,小朋友猜到说出单词。

12. hide and seek 藏卡片,可以藏在教 室,先让那个找卡片的小朋友出去,老 师藏好卡片再进来,其他小朋友在该小 朋友找卡片时读出卡片的单词,找的小 朋友离卡片越近,声音越大,反之越小。

3. what’s missing? 首先卡片放地上,老师读到哪个单词,小朋友跟读,13. dice play 老师扔骰子,扔到几,小 然后小朋友闭上眼睛,老师拿掉一个单词,小朋友要猜出被拿走的朋友就读几遍单词。 单词。 4. dancing mat

14. partner’s choice 先把卡片放在地上,老师说到哪个单词,他们就要圈出那个 单词并且说出单词。

5. 五体投地 卡片放在不同的地方,一个学生来参加,老师说到哪个15. classify game 动物,颜色,水果, 单词,该学生就要用他的身体部位放到单词上,手,脚,膝盖,头,等等单词,可以让小朋友分组找出, 等。 看哪组最快就获胜。适用于复习课,很

多单词。 6. bomb flash card很多卡片,一张一张的给小朋友看,小朋友要读出来,卡片中间夹一张炸弹的卡片,当碰到炸弹的卡片,小朋友要一起说bomb或者不出声。是集体操练游戏。

16. passing down 传球,老师背对着放 音乐,音乐停止,老师可以随机停止, 球在哪个小朋友手上,小朋友就要受 惩罚,可以读单词。

7. role play 可以是分角色的表演。还可以用于字母的音和名形的练习,一个小朋友做字母a的动作,另个小朋友做字母a的发音的动作。

8. lucky draw 老师选一张卡片作为幸运卡片,小朋友不知道,然后老师让小朋友一个一个抽卡片,也要读出卡片,抽中幸运卡片的可以获得更多小星星。

17. 盲人摸象(闭眼找卡片让小朋友说)

18.冰山一角 学过的单词,可以用书 或者另外的东西挡住只露出一角,然 小朋友猜是什么单词。

19.萝卜蹲 小朋友围成圈,每个人拿 一个单词,可以从一个小朋友先开始 说他的单词,比如,老虎蹲,老虎 蹲,老虎蹲完兔子蹲,拿着兔子卡片的 小朋友就要说了,然后再说其他小朋友 的卡片单词,看谁反应最快了,小朋友 在游戏过程中要做蹲的动作。




1、开火车:小朋友每人戴一个动物头饰,教师充当火车头,开到一名小朋友面前,提问:“what are you?”,小朋友用句型“i’m a ?”回答。然后老师说“hello, ?”,请该小朋友上火车,两人开火车。又开到一名小朋友面前,提问:“what are you?” 小朋友用句型“i’m a ?”回答,火车上的老师和小朋友一起说:“hello, ?”请该小朋友上火车,三人继续开火车。游戏反复进行,直至全体小朋


2、猎人与动物:老师扮演猎人,小朋友们扮演各种小动物。播放一段轻快的音乐,小动物们随音乐模仿自己所扮演的动物做动作。当音乐停止时,小动物们要保持音乐停止前的最后一个动作不能动。猎人走到各个小动物面前,提问:“what are you?”,小朋友用句型“i’m a ?”回答,回答正确可以坐下,若回答错误则被猎人







6teddy says:先由老师带小朋友们进行此游戏。老师手持teddy的手偶,向小朋友介绍游戏规则:当听到teddy的声音请小朋友们做一个动作时,小朋友们请按照teddy的话做出动作;但是当听到老师的声音请小朋友们做一个动作时,就不要做出动作。然后老师同时扮演老师和teddy两个角色发指令,小朋友迅速做出反应。当小朋友熟悉此游戏后,可以请不同的小朋友到集体前扮演自己和teddy来发指令,发指令的速度可以越来越快,逐步提高游戏的难度。


8、协作游戏:小朋友自由组合,两人一组,老师发出类似于“two shoulders.”“four knees”的指令,请小朋友们开动脑筋,自己按照英文数量做出相应的动作,如:两人分别出一只肩膀顶在一起;四个膝盖顶在一起等。看谁能用最快的速度做出动作。

9、老狼老狼几点了:一名小朋友或老师扮演老狼,其他小朋友跟在他的身后边走边问“wolf, what time is it?”,老狼任意回答一个时间,当12点时,老狼就要去抓其他小朋友,而其他时间则没有任何事情发生,小朋友可以继续跟在老狼身后提问时间。




13、报时比赛:在地上贴出一个钟表的样子,并贴好1——12的时间(也可以用小椅子代替)。将小朋友分为两队,每队小朋友报数,获得一个号码。大家一起用句型“what time is it?”提问,老师用句型“it’s ? o’clock.”回答,并叫一个号码,则两队该号码的小朋友就要马上跑到地上的该数字处,并大声用句型“it’s ? o’clock.”报出时间,迅速且正确的小朋友得分,最后分数高的队伍获胜。


