新人教版七年级英语上册Unit 5 单元测试题(附答案解析)

发布时间:2016-10-26 14:02:38   来源:文档文库   

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 单元测试题

(时间:60分钟 满分:100)


1—Does Jack______ a TV?

—Yes.He often ______sports programs on______ TV.

Ahaswatches/    Bhavewatches/

Chavewatchesthe Dhaswatchesthe

2—______you have soccer balls?

—YesI do.And I have two baseballs.

ADoes BAre

CDo DCan

3—Let's watch TV.


ASorryI don't BThat's a good idea

CYesI do DNoI don't

4—What are the girls doing?

—They are playing______ basketball now.

Aa Ban

Cthe D/

5______Bill ______two ping­pong balls?

ADohave BDoeshave

CDohas DDoeshas

6—Where's Mary?


Anot know Bam not know

Cdon't know Dknow not

7Peter's father often watches basketball games ______TV.

Ain Bon Cat Dof

8—Do you have a TV?


AYesit is. BYeswe are.

CYeswe have. DYeswe do.

9—Your English is very good.


AYou're righ t BThank you

CYou are OK DDon't say so

10—Let's play computer games.

—That ______ good.

Alooks Bwatches

Csounds Dlistens to

11The music(音乐)is______.I like it.

Awell Brelaxing

Cboring Dbad

12There are five people in a ______team.

Abasketball Bbaseball

Cvolleyball Dsoccer ball

13We need one ping­pong ball and two ______.

Aping­pongs bats Bping­pongs bat

Cping­pong bats Dping­pong bat

14The question is not easy.It's very ______.

Adifficult Bdifficulty

Crelaxing Dnot difficult

15Mr.Black doesn't like the lecture(演讲)It is ______.

Ainteresting Bboring

Cfun Drelaxing


HelloI'm __1__.I'm an English boy.I__2__two sisters.__3__are Sonia and Linda.Sonia has a great sports collection.She has a soccer ballthree volleyballs __4__four basketballs.But she__5__ play sports—she only__6__ them on TV.Linda has a sports collection__7__.She has two tennis balls and__8__ baseball.And she has many ping­pong balls__9__her schoolbag(抽屉)She__10__ ping­pong every day.

1A.Lucy BAlan

CSonia DLily

2A.have Bdo

Chas Ddoes

3A .He BShe

CThey DIt

4A.and Bbut

Cto Dof

5A.isn't Baren't

Cdon't Ddoesn't

6A.look Bwatch

Clooks Dwatches

7A.please Btoo

Cthere Dhere

8A.three Btwo

Ca Dan

9A.with Bof

Con Din

10A.plays Bplay

Csound Dneeds



My friend Jane is a sports fan(爱好者)She has a great sports collection.She has three soccer ballsfive baseballssix volleyballs and two basketball s.They are all under her bed.Jane plays basketball very well.She likes Kobe.She thinks he is the best(最好的)basketball player in America.Jane plays baseball very welltoo.Now she is in her school baseball club.

1Jane has ______ volleyballs.

Asix Bfive

Cthree Dten

2Kobe is a ______.

Astudent Bbasketball player

Cteacher Dbaseball pl ayer


《新人教版七年级英语上册Unit 5 单元测试题(附答案解析).doc》
