
发布时间:2016-06-02   来源:文档文库   
Are you interested in? 你對……感興趣嗎? Sarah: Are you interested in playing football? 你對美式足球有興趣嗎? Clive: Yes. It’s one of my favorite sports. 有啊,它是我最喜歡的運動之一。 Sarah: Do you find football games interesting? 你喜歡看美式足球賽嗎?
Clive: Yes, I would never miss the chance to watch a football game. 喜歡啊,我從來不會錯過看美式足球賽的機會。 ■…isnt all that interesting as far as Im concerned. 對我來說,……並不那麼有趣。

Joe: Look, these young people are fascinated by rock’n’roll. 你看,這些年輕人對搖滾樂多狂熱。 Ann: Rock ’n’ roll isn’t all that interesting as far as I’m concerned. 對我來說,搖滾樂沒什麼意思。 Joe: Yes, I don’t find it very interesting, either. 對啊,我對搖滾樂也沒什麼興趣。 Ann: So, what kind of music are you interested in? 那麼你喜歡哪種類型的音樂呢?
Joe: I prefer classical music. Beethoven is one of my favorite composers. 我比較喜歡聽古典樂,像貝多芬就是我最喜歡的作曲家之一。 Ann: Oh, yes! I love his music. Maybe we can go to a Beethoven concert someday. 沒錯。我喜歡他的音樂。我們哪天一起去聽貝多芬的音樂會吧。 Joe: For sure. I’d love to do that! 好啊。
What are you interested in? 你對什麼感興趣? Monica: What are you interested in? 你的興趣是什麼?
Daniel: Well, I’m interested in scuba diving, hiking, and collecting stamps. 呃,我喜歡水肺潛水、健行和收集郵票。 Monica: What are you particularly interested in? 你特別喜歡什麼? Daniel: I’m quite fascinated by scuba diving. 我很迷水肺潛水。 Monica: Is it expensive? 那要花很多錢嗎?

Daniel: Yes, but it’s very interesting. 嗯,不過很有趣。


