2017-2018学年高中英语必修一课时作业:Unit1 Friendship 含答案 精品

发布时间:2019-04-21 20:15:46   来源:文档文库   

Unit 1 Friendship

Anne Frank's friend

Six people risked their lives to help Anne Frank and her family hide from the Nazis during World War .The last survivor among those helpersMiep Gies passed away in January 2010 at the age of 100.

Gies was the best known of the six.She collected and hid the teenager's diary after the Nazi secret police discovered their hiding place in an Amsterdam office building.

Anne Frank died, but her father Otto returned from Auschwitz and Gies gave him his daughter's diary.The teenager's diary, first published as Anne FrankThe Diary of a Young Girl in 1947became one of the most famous accounts of Jews hiding from Nazi persecution(迫害) and has been translated into 70 languages.

Born in Vienna in 1909Miep Gies moved to the Netherlands at age 11.In 1933she began working for Otto Frank at his trading company.At great risk to her own safetyshe helped bring food to the Franks and the four others with whom they were hiding from 1942 until their discovery and arrest in 1944.

I'm not a hero,”Gies said in a statement upon her 100th birthday.It wasn't something I planned in advance.I simply did what I could to help,”said the statement published by the Anne Frank Museum.Gies received many honours for her roleincluding from the NetherlandsGermany and Israel.


1survivor n.幸存者

2account n.叙述

3arrest n.逮捕

4in advance提前



1Anne Frank made her diary in 1947 and described the hardship of Jews hiding from Nazi persecution.


2At the age of 24Miep Gies began working for Otto Frank at his trading company.


3Gies lost her life because she offered help to Anne.( F)


1upset       A(使)平静;平静的

2ignore B(使)担忧;担心;关注

3calm C.完全地;全然地;整个地

4concern D.不理睬;忽视

5series E.雷;雷声;打雷;雷鸣

6dusk F.能力;力量;权力

7thunder G.连续;系列

8entirely H.心烦意乱的;使不安;使心烦

9power I.积满灰尘的

10dusty J.黄昏;傍晚

答案:1.H 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.G 6.J 7.E 8.C 9.F 10.I






3________vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的

4________vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n.担心;关注;(利害)关系






8________vi.打雷;雷鸣 n.雷;雷声





答案:1.upset 2.ignore ignorance 3.calm 4.concern

5loose tight 6.outdoors indoors 7.dusk

8thunder 9.entire entirely 10.power powerful


1________to become quiet after nervous activity

2________not inside a building


4________piece of material hung to cover a window

5________full of dust

6________feeling that you want to thank someone because of something kind they have done

7________a small piece of advice about sth practical

8________to get well again after being ill

9________to decide or arrange sth finally

10________to be badly affected by a diseasepainsadnessa lack of sth etc

答案:1.calm 2.outdoors 3.entirely 4.curtain

5dusty 6.grateful 7.tip 8.recover 9.settle 10.suffer


have some trouble withfall in love withagree withjoin inget along with

1Do you ________ what he said at the meeting?

答案:agree with

2When he saw the beautiful girl at the first sighthe______her.

答案:fell in love with

3I wish he would __________with the other children.

答案:join in

4How are you ________your classmates in the new school?

答案:getting along with

5The boy ______________his classmatesbut he has no difficulty in doing his lessons.

答案:has some trouble with


1While walking the dogyou were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.



2I wonder if it's because I haven't been able to be outdoors for so long that I've grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.



3...it was the first time in a year and a half that I'd seen the night face to face...





1Anne kept a diary because(C)

2She felt very lonely because(A)

3They had to hide because(B)

4They were finally caught because(D)

Ashe couldn't meet her friends.

BJews were caught by Nazis and put away.

Cshe could tell everything to it.

Dthey were discovered.


1Who/What is Anne's best friend?


答案:Her diary.

2Why did Anne name her diary Kitty?


答案:Because she wanted her diary itself to be her friend.

3Why did Anne not any longer just like looking at nature out of the window?


答案:Because she cannot experience nature and nature is one thing that really must be experienced.


答案:1.World War Ⅱ 2.Netherlands 3.Anne 4.Her diary 5.Nearly twentyfive months 6.Thursday 15th June1944



1Para 1  AAnne's family was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis.

2Para 2 BAnne made her diary her best friend.

答案:1.B 2.A


1Para 1 AOne eveningAnne stayed awake until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon.

2Para 2 BAnne was only able to look at nature through dusty windows.

3Para 3 CAnne hadn't been outdoors for so long that she had grown crazy about everything to do with nature.

答案:1.C 2.A 3.B


1How long did Anne Frank and her family hide away?

AOver a year.   BOver two years.

CThree years. DOne year and a half.

2According to Annea true friend is a person________.

Athat would laugh at you

Bwho makes you happy

Cwhom you could tell everything to

Dwho could save your life

3Anne said that she had grown crazy about nature because________

Ashe had always been so

Bher interest in nature had grown

Cshe had been outdoors too long

Dshe had been indoors too long

4What kind of life did Anne live in Amsterdam during World War Ⅱ?

AExciting and interesting.

BFrightening but safe.

CFrightening and unsafe.

DHard but happy.

5The story mainly tells us that________

A. Anne's best friend was a girl called Kitty

BAnne set down what had happened in her diary

CAnne kept diaries in her hiding place and she treated her diary as her best friend

DAnne admired nature very much and often stayed up late to watch the moon through the windows

答案:1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.C




1开头(beginning)——开门见山,向对方陈述自己的观点(state your idea)

2.主体(body)——对所提出的问题进行分析并说明理由,接着提出自己的建议(reasons and evidence)

3.结尾(ending)——呼应开头,重申观点(restate your opinion)



I am writing in reply to...I would like to suggest that...I am writing with my suggestion/proposal for...I am writing to express my views concerning...You have asked me for my advice on...and I will try to make some persuasive suggestions.


I feel that it would be beneficial if...I would like to suggest that...I would recommend that...If I were youI would...You may consider doing...It would seem to me that you could...As you may agree that...


I hope you will find these suggestions/proposals/ recommendations helpful/practical/useful.

I trust you will take my suggestion into account.

I would be more than happy to see improvement in this field.

I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details.

假如你是你校英语报社的编辑Miss Wang,现在小冬因不善于交流在交友过程中遇到了困难,请你用英语给他写一封100词左右的回信,给他提出一些建议和意见。


第一步 明确要求


第二步 确定段落


Para 1 首先要陈述自己的担忧。

Para 2 指出问题产生的原因,并提出建议。

Para 3 表达自己的希望与祝福。

第三步 提炼要点

1have trouble in making friends 交友有困难

2likes and dislikes 好恶

3get along well with ……相处得好

4in trouble 处于困境中

5take an active part in 积极参加

第四步 句式升级


(一般表达)I'm sorry to hear that you can't make friends.

(高级表达)I'm sorry you are having trouble in making friends.


(一般表达)Firstget to know what your classmates like and what they don't like.

(高级表达)Firstwhy not learn about your classmates' likes and dislikes?


(一般表达)Secondtaking an active part in the discussions in your class helps to show you are friendly.

(高级表达)Secondit will help you to show you are friendly if you take an active part in the discussions in your class.


Dear Xiao dong

I'm sorry you are having trouble in making friends.Howeverthe situation is easy to change if you take my advice.Here are some tips to help you.

Firstwhy not learn about your classmates' likes and dislikesThen you can have much in common with them.It can help you get along well with them.Secondit will help you to show you are friendly if you take an active part in the discussions in your class.Meanwhileyou can get to know more different people around.Thirdit would be a good idea to help others when they are in trouble and show them you are just kindhearted and helpful to people all around.

With time going onpeople will know you better and will like to make friends with you if you follow the tips above.


Miss Wang


该范文结构完整,作者首先陈述自己的担忧,然后指出问题整改的措施,提出具体可行的建议。要点齐全,语言规范地道,环环相扣。文中第二段开头运用了“why not...这一反问,使人耳目一新;firstthenthird等过渡词衔接,使表达自然紧凑;在句式上,作者巧妙地使用了大量的宾语从句、状语从句等句式,亮点频出,表达形式多样。总之,该范文是一篇朗朗上口的优秀范文,值得学习。



















Dear Li Lei

I am writing to you because I think I have something really serious to communicate with you.I noticed that recently you often went to the Internet Bar and the Game Centre together with several friends.Sometimesyou even didn't have classes in order to play with your friends.Being one of your best friendsI'm very worried about you.Friends play an important part in one's life.We have to choose our friends carefully.Real friends will never ask us to do something wrong.I don't think the friends around you are your real friends.

It's time for you to think about the problem I mentioned above.And I do hope you will make a wise decision soon.



A级 基础过关



1They are discussing how to build up a __________(power) government.


2Please clean the ________(dust) windows after class.


3The poor woman is so ________(concern) about her son's safety that she couldn't sleep well all night.


4To be honestI don't think you'll get the work ________(finish) on time.


5Hearing what father had saidthe crying child soon calmed________


6I once studied some Japanese at collegebut I'm afraid that I've ________(entire)forgotten it now.


7If you add __________ all the numbersyou'll find you have made more progress.


8Little Jim________(ignore)his teacher's suggestionso he made the same mistake again.


9While________(walk)his dog in the park yesterday afternoonBob heard someone shouting for help in the distance.


10—Do you know our town?

—No.This is the first time that I ________(come)here.

答案:has come


according toon purposeget along well withjoin indislikecalm downfall in loveadd upsettlein order to

1They moved the local people and ________ them in another place.


2I think you shouldn't live ________ her means.

答案:according to

3________catch the top studentsshe studied like crazy.

答案:In order to

4The general manager came here ________ to see the expert.

答案:on purpose

5I do hope I can __________all of you.

答案:get along well with

6Why not ________the gamewhich is very interesting?

答案:join in

7She strongly________being spoken to like that.


8You'd better ________ and try to find a good way to solve the problem.

答案:calm down

9At the first sight of the beautiful girlhe________ with her.

答案:fell in love

10He wrote down the weight of each stone and then ________ all the weights.

答案:added up


1__________(合计一下所有的钱)that I owe you.

答案:Add up all the money

2She __________(感到不安)that Tom left without saying a goodbye.

答案:was upset

3Now we __________(感到担心)about his safety.

答案:are concerned

4It is ____________(第三次他来)to my hometown.

答案:the third time that he has come

5You __________________________(应该花费更多时间跟……交流)your friends.

答案:should spend more time communicating with

B级 能力提升



Dear Mr Black

I used to have a really good group of friends.Now they're all getting into smoking and drinking.I want to find a new group of friendsbut I'm shy.How can I know who are the types of people I should make friends withand who will accept me?



Dear Mike

You've already made a very important step because you've realized that it's time to find new friends.Making and keeping good friends is a challenge for all of uswhether you are shy or not.Since you've done this successfully beforeone thing is to think back on how you developed friendships in the past.

Probably the best way to make and keep friends is to find others who share your interests.Lasting friendships often develop between people who enjoy the same activities.You also want to be with friends who share your values and goals for life.It just depends on what your own interests are.

That old saying is also true—the best way to have a friend is to be a friend.Reach out to the others who share your interestssit with them at lunchinvite them to join you in the activities you all likelisten to their thoughts and tell them yours.Being a real friend takes time and effort.With time and effortI'm sure you will find some very good friends during your school years and you'll always be in touch after leaving school.


Tom Black

【语篇解读】 迈克想结交一些新朋友故写信向布莱克先生寻求建议。布莱克先生给了他一些如何交朋友的建议。

1Mike wrote the letter to ________

Aask Mr Black why people don't like him

Bask Mr Black why his old friends left him

Cask Mr Black to introduce some friends to him

Dask Mr Black for some advice on making friends

解析:作者意图题。根据迈克信中的“How can I know who are the types of people I should make friends withand who will accept me可知他在向布莱克先生寻求建议。


2Why does Mike want to leave his old friends?

ABecause they try to make him smoke and drink.

BBecause they have formed some bad habits.

CBecause they no longer want to spend time with him.

DBecause they have never treated him as a good friend.

解析:推理判断题。根据迈克信中的“Now they're all getting into smoking and drinking.I want to find a new group of friends...”可推断迈克之所以想离开他原来的那些朋友,是因为他们养成了吸烟、喝酒等坏习惯。


3In Mr Black's opinionmaking and keeping friends is ______

Anot so easy

Bjust hard for shy people

Can easy task for some people

Despecially difficult for students

解析:细节理解题。根据布莱克先生信里第一段的“Making and keeping good friends is a challenge for all of uswhether you are shy or not.”可知他认为交朋友不是件容易的事。


4In Paragraph 2 of his letterMr Black mainly suggests that Mike should make friends with those who________

Ahave good goals for life

Bcan set good examples to him

Chave a lot of money

Dhave the same interests as him

解析:细节理解题。根据信里第二段的“the best way to make and keep friends is to find others who share your interests”以及后面的内容,可知布莱克先生在这一段主要建议迈克要跟与他志趣相投的人交朋友。




Be Your Own Best Friend

Why would you want to become your own best friendThere are a number of benefits of creating your own support system from within rather than relying on your partnerfriends or family to be there for you when you're suffering.We all have it in us to give ourselves what we needwithout seeking it from outside.__1__Here's how to become your own best friend.

·Be nice to yourself

The first step in becoming a friend to yourself is to treat yourself like you would treat a friend.__2__Start by accepting your good qualitiestalents and abilities and begin to appreciate yourself.

·Imagine how you would support a friend in the same situation

Think about a loved onea frienda family memberor someone dear to you and imagine that they are in the same situation you are facing.__3__Then consider how to best offer help and advice to them.Allow yourself to feel supportedand give yourself what you need.

Write down the words that you would say to your greatest friend and then say them gently to yourself.


Following the theme of considering how you would help a dear friendyou need to start taking your own advice and putting your own needs first.Do you need a day off from work__5__

Whatever it is that you needallow yourself to put it at the top of the list rather than the bottom.Use these methods to become your own best friend and start being there for yourself!

A. Honour your needs

BBelieve in yourself

CA long hot bath?

DHelp them first and then they will help you.

EThat means that you need to stop being doubtful of yourself.

FThink about how they're strugglingsuffering with this problem.

GIsn't it far better to know how to support yourself in times of need?

答案:1.G 2.E 3.F 4.A 5.C



My day started just like all the other days for the past 15 years when I got upgot dressed and left for the train station at 735 am.While on the__1__I would always choose a seat away from the__2__so I could read the newspaper in peace and quiet.

I didn't know why it was__3__full when I got on the train that day.With__4__I sat down in the only seat available__5__a middle­aged man.He had his head down and seemed to be lost in__6__When I sat next to himhe just continued to__7__at the floor.

Shortly after the train left for the 30­minute ride downtownI found myself__8__what that man was thinking about.I tried to__9__about it and started to read my paper.Howeverfor some strange reason that inner__10__ kept prompting me to talk to that man.

We talked for about 20 minutes and in the end he__11__to be better.As we were leaving the trainhe thanked me for being a(n)__12__by taking the time to talk.I never did__13__what was making his heart so heavy with painbut I was glad that I listened to the voice that day.

Several weeks had passed__14__I noticed an envelope on my desk after returning from lunch.It was not__15__to anyone and only had the word angel written on it.My receptionist(接收员)__16__a note saying a gentleman__17__ it to hersaying he did not know my name but had__18__ me well enough that the__19__knew it was for me.When I read the note inside the envelopeI was so filled with__20__It was a letter from the man I met on the train thanking me again for talking to him and saving his life that day.

【语篇解读】 一次乘车时作者与一位心情不好的中年男子交谈。此后作者收到了他的感谢信这件事令作者很感动。

1A.bus      Bplane

Ccar Dtrain

解析:联系上文的“left for the train station at 735 am”可知每天乘735的火车由此可知在火车上读报。


2A.station Bcrowd

Cdriver Dwindow

解析:由“so I could read the newspaper in peace and quiet”可知选择的是远离人群的座位。


3A.unusually Bhardly

Ccommonly Dfrequently

解析:从上文“I would always choose a seat away from the ________(crowd)我们知道平时车上是不拥挤的因此现在是出乎寻常地拥挤因此选A


4A.surprise Banger

Chesitation Dpermission



5A.behind Bbefore

Cbeneath Dbeside

解析:根据下文的“When I sat next to him...”可知作者坐在了一位中年男子的旁边。


6. Athought Bsorrow

Chappiness Dadmiration

解析:根据下文的“what that man was thinking about可知那位中年男子坐在那里沉思。


7. Aturn down Blook down

Cfall down Dput down

解析:根据上一句中的“He had his head down”和该句中的“continued可知他继续低头看着地板因此选B


8. Awishing Bwandering

Cwondering Dwhispering

解析:根据下文“...kept prompting me to talk to that man”的暗示可知作者想和他谈一谈因此推断作者应该是想知道那位中年男子在想什么。


9. Athink Btalk

Cremember Dforget



10. Asound Bidea

Cvoice Dnoise

解析:来自内心的声音促使作者与那个人交谈。inner voice意为来自内心的声音内心的想法或感觉


11. Ahoped Bseemed

Cwanted Drefused



12. Aadviser Bdoctor

Cangel Dfriend

解析:由下文可知那位中年人很感激作者因此他称作者是天使。下文中的“the word angel written on it”也暗示着这里的答案。


13. Ahelp out Bturn out

Cfind out Dtake out

解析:根据本句中的“but”可知作者不知道什么事情使得他如此痛苦。find out意为弄清楚


14. Awhen Bafter

Cfor Dthough

解析:根据空前“Several weeks had passed”可知当我发现书桌上的信封的时候,几周已经过去了”。


15. Awritten Baddressed

Copened Dmarked

解析:根据“to anyone”可知信封上没有标明寄给谁。address意为……上写收件人的姓名和地址A有一定干扰性write to sb意思是写信给某人联系收到了信可以排除A


16. Aadopted Bapplied

Cadapted Dattached

解析:根据空后的“a note”可知,“的接收员在信封上附上(attached)了一张便条。


17. Aposted Bpassed

Cgave Dread

解析:由空后的“it to her”可知是一位先生把这封信给了(gave)她。


18. Aknown Brecognized

Cimpressed Ddescribed



19A.receptionist Bgentleman

Ccoworker Dguard

解析:根据上文中的“My receptionist________(attached) a note saying...可知这里指接待员。


20A.tears Bwords

Csenses Demotions

解析:联系下文的“It was a letter from the man I met on the train thanking me again...我们知道这么多天过去了他仍然对感激这让很感动。


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《2017-2018学年高中英语必修一课时作业:Unit1 Friendship 含答案 精品.doc》
