高三英语一轮复习 unit 2 the united kingdom精品同步练习 新人教版必修5

发布时间:2019-04-17 05:48:40   来源:文档文库   

Unit 2 The United Kingdom


1I’m trying to break the __________ of getting up too late.

Atradition         Bconvenience

Chabit Dleisure

解析:选C。考查名词。句意:我正试图改掉起床太晚的习惯。habita thing that you do often and almost without thinkingespecially sth.that is hard to stop doing.习惯符合句意。

2The teacher stressed again that the students should not __________ any important details while retelling the story.

Abring out Blet out

Cleave out Dmake out

解析:选Cleave out“漏掉bring out“使显示;出版;生产;说出let out“放掉,泄露;放大;出租make out“书写,拼凑;说明;设法应付;理解;辨认出

3Peter __________ under the pressure of his position and was unable to work for a year.

Asettled down Bbroke down

Cpassed away Dbroke out

解析:选B。句意:Peter不堪工作之负病倒了,一年不能上班。break down在此意为身体出毛病settle down定居,平静下来;pass away去世;break out突发,爆发。

4—I hear that you will be on travel again.

—Yeah.My boss __________ for me to discuss business details with someone from another company.

Aasked Barranged

Csent Dcalled

解析:选Barrange for sb. to do是固定用法,表示安排某人做某事。其他三项均无此用法。

5If what you say is not__________with what you doit will have a bad effect on your children.

Acontroversial Bconsistent

Cconfident Dconsiderate

解析:选B。考查形容词辨析。be consistent with……一致。句意:如果你言行不一的话,这将对你的孩子产生不好的影响。controversial争论的,争议的;confident自信的,确信的;considerate考虑周到的。

6—Sorrybut I can’t visit you tomorrow.

—Come whenever it is to your __________.

Apreference Bpleasure

Cconvenience Dconnection


7Mrs.White said that she would treasure the most __________ time she had ever had.

Apositive Benjoyable

Cmiserable Dunbelievable

解析:选B。由宾语从句中的she would treasure可知,是一段令人愉快的(enjoyable)”时光。

8—How many people attended the exhibit?

—__________ speakingabout 200.I didn’t count.

AStrictly BRoughly

CGenerally DHonestly

解析:选Broughly speaking粗略地说。strictly speaking严格地说;generally speaking通常,一般说来;honestly speaking老实说。由I didn’t count可知应选B项。

9The traveler __________ us with his storiesmost of which happened in the war and were full of great adventures.

Athrilled Binfluenced

Cchallenged Dencouraged

解析:选A。根据happened in the war and were full of great adventures可知旅行者的经历使我们惊骇(thrilled)不已,故选A项。

10Nobody wanted to __________ matters for him though everyone knew that he was blameless.

Asolve Bclarify

Chandle Dset about

解析:选B。本题考查词义辨析。solvehandleset about都是解决之意,而clarify意思是澄清;阐明。句意:没有人想为他澄清事情的真相,虽然每个人都知道他是清白的。


1The girl glanced over her shoulder and found ________________(自己被跟踪了)by a young man in black.(follow)


答案:herself followed

2Every year one million tourists visit Stonehengewhich is believed ________________(修建) before the Pyramidsabout 4,000 years ago. (construct )

解析:考查不定式的时态和语态。sth. is believed to do为固定结构,由about 4,000 years ago可知动作已完成。

答案:to have been constructed

3________________(让他激动的)was that he reunited with his lost brother.(thrill)

解析:考查主语从句。引导主语从句且在从句中作主语要使用what让他激动可表达为thrill him/ make him thrilled,据此可知答案。

答案:What thrilled him/What made him thrilled

4He finally got into a situation __________(他得不到帮助) and had to struggle to climb out of the deep hole all by himself.(available)

解析:考查定语从句。Situation后的定语从句通常用where来引导;某人得到...”可表达为be available to sb.,据此可知答案。

答案:where help wasn’t available to him

5When he enteredhe found the small room __________(配有现代化的设备)(furnish)

解析:考查find复合宾语结构。the small roomfurnish之间成被动关系,故用过去分词做宾补。

答案:furnished with modern equipment

6The other day he __________(把自己锁起来) in his studypreparing for the coming exam. (keep)

解析:考查keep的复合结构。由语境提示可知,本题要选用“keep 宾语+ 宾补结构。himself lock成被动关系,故用locked

答案:kept himself locked

7________________(我成长的地方)is very hot and damp in summer.(grow)

解析:考查定语从句。the place后的定语从句引导词作状语可用in which也可用where

答案:The place in which/ where I grew up

8The electric product was a great success when first __________(引进市场)(introduce)

解析:考查状语从句的省略。在状语从句中,当主、从句主语一致且从句中有be动词时,从句可以使用连词+分词这样的省略结构。本题中introduce 与主句的主语成被动关系,故用过去分词。

答案:introduced to/into the market

9“Our son says that he needs some money to pay for the rent” he said to his wife________________(把信折起来)(fold)


答案:folding the letter

10Most of the group agree with the suggestion that the visit to the zoo tomorrow ________________(取消了)(cancel)

解析:考查虚拟语气。the suggestion后面的同位语从句要使用虚拟语气,即“should+动词原形should可以省略。

答案:(should )be cancelled


Words361 难度系数:☆☆ 建议用时:12

(2010届英语周报第9)One daya ragged(衣衫褴褛的)man with an old wallet in his hand was asking at every door along the street for a few cents to buy something to eat.As he was complaining about his bad fortunehe kept __1__ why those folks who had so much money were never __2__ and were always wanting more.

As for meif I had only enough to __3__ and to wearI wouldn’t want anything more”said the beggar.

Just at that moment Fortune(命运女神)came down the __4__.She saw the beggar and said to him“ListenI’ve long wished to __5__ you.Nowhold your __6__ and I’ll pour this gold into it.But I’ll pour only on this __7__All that falls into the wallet will be pure goldbut every piece falling upon the __8__ shall become dust.Do you understand

“YesI understand”said the beggar.Then have a __9__.Your wallet is __10__so don’t load it too heavily.said Fortune.The beggar was so glad that he could hardly __11__.He quickly opened his walletand a __12__ of yellow coins was poured into it.The wallet soon began to grow heavy.

Is that enough”asked Fortune.Not yet.”“Isn’t it cracking”“Never __13__.The wallet was filled with so many coins that the beggar’s hands began to __14__.Ahif only the golden stream would __15__ foreverI’m the richest man in the world nowJust a little more.said the beggar.__16__ just a handful or two.”“ThereIt’s full.The wallet will __17__.”“But it will __18__ a little morejust a little more

Another piece was added and the wallet split(裂开)The __19__ fell upon the ground and was turned to dust.The beggar had now __20__ but his broken wallet.

【解题导语】 珍惜你目前所拥有的一切,永远不要贪得无厌。

1A.wondering       Bexplaining

Cproving Dshowing


2A.relaxed Bworried

Csatisfied Ddepressed


3A.play Bwatch

Clearn Deat


4A.yard Bbridge

Cstreet Dforest


5A.praise Bhelp

Cforgive Dappreciate


6A.wallet Bpocket

Cbox Dcoat

解析:选A。文章首句中的an old wallet是提示。

7A.day Bcondition

Cevening Disland


8A.hands Bfeet

Ctable Dground


9A.drink Bcare

Clook Drest

解析:选B。命运女神要开始往里倒金币了,提醒乞丐小心(have a care)”。

10A.small Bempty

Cold Dfull


11A.stand Bsleep

Cbreathe Dwait

解析:选D。根据下句的He quickly opened his wallet可推断,乞丐等不及了(could hardly wait)”。

12A.pair Bstream

Cpiece Dvariety

解析:选B。由很快钱包就变得沉甸甸可知,一串串的(a stream of)”金币被倒进了钱包里。15空前的the golden stream是提示。

13A.stop Bfear

Cspeak Dgo


14A.lift Bclose

Ctremble Dopen


15A.pour Bend

Cdry Dmelt

解析:选A。要是金币能不停地流入(pour)”钱包该多好啊!上文6空后pour this gold是提示。

16A.Add BTake

CLend DSend


17A.fly Bdisappear

Cburst Dchange


18A.attract Bneed

Cinclude Dhold


19A.treasure Bfood

Cgift Dmetal


20A.something Banything

Ceverything Dnothing



Words602 难度系数:☆☆☆ 建议用时:8

What exactly are white lions“They are a color variation of regular lions”says William Swansondirector of animal research at the Cincinnati Zooin Ohio.

White lions are the result of a rare color gene mutation(变异)When both a male and a female lion carry the same white genesthere is a good chance that one or more of their cubs(幼兽)will be born with white fur.

Not many lions carry the white mutation.In natureit’s rare.A mutation can make an animal’s survival more difficult.For examplebeing white makes it harder for the animal to mix with its surroundings.Mutations also can cause physical problemsso those animals generally do not survive long enough to reproduce.

But sometimes white lion cubs are born among wild lionsespecially in two areas of South Africa.

In 1975 two white cubs were spotted in the wild in South African reserve.They were seized and sent to a zoo.Today about 500 cubs of those two white lions and a few others known to have the white color gene live around the world in zooscircusesfarms and private preserves.

White lions may be extremely rare in the wildbut breeders(饲养动物的人)know how to create more of them.This has created serious concern and debate.

White lions continue to exist only because they are inbred by people—fathers and daughterssisters and brothers.Scientists worry that it also will cause health issues for white lions.

Inbreeding to create white lions as moneymaking attractions is only one concern.Another concern is that some people want to release captivebred(人工繁殖的)white lions into the wild in South Africa to restore balance to the ecosystem.Howevernot everyone agrees that releasing these white lions into the wild is a good idea.Dan York of Hillsdale College has been studying white lion genetics and is worried.He says that because so many of today’s white lions are inbredit could spread health problems.If they breed with wild lionsthey’ll pass on the genetic problems to the wild population.

Instead of releasing captivebred white lionsYork suggests that South Africa concentrate on protecting all of its wild lions.That would ensure the safety of the wild population of lionswhich may produce healthy white cubs in the future.

【解题导语】 本文主要介绍由于基因变异而产生的白狮。

1It’s difficult for a white lion to survive because __________.

aits fur contrasts sharply with the surroundings

bthe mutation may cause physical problems

cit is likely to be attacked by wild lions

dit is hunted by human beings

Aab        Bad

Cac Dbd

解析:选A。细节理解题。由第三段中的“being white makes it harder for the animal to mix with its surrounding”及Mutations also can cause physical problems...可知A项正确。

2What does the underlined word inbred in Paragraph 7 probably mean?

Akept in enclosed space and unable to run away

Bbred in humancontrolled environments with restricted settings

Cproduced by breeding among closely related members

Dborn among wild lions and kept in the zoo

解析:选C。词义理解题。通过第七段——fathers and daughterssisters and brothers可推断此处的inbred近亲繁殖的意思。故答案为C

3One of the reasons for inbreeding white lions is that __________.

Athey can bring people a profit

Btheir fur can be of great use

Cpeople want to keep white lions as pets

Dpeople want to study the genes of white lions

解析:选A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的Inbreeding to create white lions as moneymaking attractions is only one concern.可知,人工繁殖白狮是为了利用它们赚钱。

4Which of the following agrees with Dan York’s opinion?

AIt’s useless studying white lion genetics.

BWhite lion cubs born among wild lions are more healthy than captivebred ones.

CWhite lions shouldn’t be kept in zoos or circuses.

DThe ecosystem in South Africa is being seriously damaged.

解析:选B。推理判断题。由最后一段中的York suggests that South Africa concentrate on protecting all of its wild lions.That would ensure the safety of the wild population of lionswhich may produce healthy white cubs in the future.可知。

5It can be inferred from the passage that __________.

Awhite lions are seldom seen in the wild

Bcolor gene mutation is common among lions

CSouth Africa is taking strict measures to protect its wild lions

Dwhite lions will disappear from the earth soon

解析:选A。推理判断题。由第六段中的White lions may be extremely rare in the wild...可知。


《高三英语一轮复习 unit 2 the united kingdom精品同步练习 新人教版必修5.doc》
