广州版六年级英语下册教案Module 1

发布时间:2017-10-08 09:38:24   来源:文档文库   

小学课时教学设计 总第 1 课时

教学内容: Module One, Unit One Dialogue 1



教学目标:1. To introduce the simple past tense of verb “to be” (3rd person) in a fun way.

2. to revise comparative adjectives in a fun way.

3To read the dialogue.

教学重点:To understand the dialogue.

教学难点:The simple past tense of verb “to be”(3rd person)

教具、学具:Pictures, Tape, Recorder


一. Leading in

1. Free talk.

2. Look at the pictures and talk about them with the following instructions:

A. is/was –er than /is more than

B. has/ had more than

C. looks/ looked –er /more than


1. Look at two pictures and compare.

2. Answer the teacher’s questions: Which is bigger/ smaller/ brighter/ darker/ cleaner/ messier/ more comfortable ?

3.Learn new words: show, change, dark, far away from, close to, grandma, try, pillow, comfortable, kung fu

4.To understand and practice the new words.



5. Look at the pictures in the book, and guess what the dialogue is about.

6. Look at the pictures and listen to the tape.

7. Read after the tape.

. consolidation

1. Read dialogue in groups.

2. Read and find the sentences about comparative adjectives.

3. Check in then read together.

4. Read the dialogue in roles.


1. fill in the blanks according to the dialogue.

2. Check the answer.

3. Summary.


1. Copy the new words.

2. Read and recite/ retell the dialogue.

板书设计: Unit One Xiaoling’s New Apartment

Show Welcome to my new apartment.

Change It was smaller than your new room.

Dark Your bed here is prettier than the one

Far away from This bed is more comfortable than mine.

Close to Here I come!

Grandma You’re nearer to the school now aren’t you?

Try Let me try!

Pillow comfortable kung fu


小学课时教学设计 总第2课时

教学内容:Module One, Unit One, Dialogue 1,2



教学目标:1.To understand the dialogue and to read the dialogue fluently.

2.To know the instructions of :your bedroom is…,isn’t it?/You’re ,aren’t you?

3. Can talk about the changes.

4. To act out the dialogue.

教学重点:To understand the dialogue and to read fluently.

教学难点:The main instructions.

教具、学具:Tape, Recorder, Pictures


一. Leading in

1. Look at Xiaoling’s apartment and talk about it.

2. To sum up.

二. Pre-task

1. Look at the book and listen to the tape.

2. Read the dialogue in groups.

3. To understand the instructions: Your bedroom is ,isn’t it?/You’re , aren’t you?

4. To act out the dialogue in groups.(You can use your own words.)

. While-task

1. Ask some groups to act their dialogues in front of the class.

2. Look and read the dialogue again,then in groups, discuss what is going to happen next.


A. What are Mike, Yongxian and jiamin going to say?

B. What are Mike, Yongxian and jiamin going to do?

C. What is xiaoling going to say?

3. Ask pupils to shout out their group’s ideas.(Encourage them to say English/Chinese.)

4. To write the pupil’s ideas on the blackboard.

5. To sum up.

6. Discuss in groups, then to writing the ending in groups.


1. To check the writing.

2. To show the writing and praise some good ones.

3. Summary.


1. Read the dialogue.

2. Recite or retell the dialogue.

3.Menorize the words.

板书设计: Unit One Xiaoling’s New Apartment

You’re nearer to the school now, aren’t you?

Your bed here is prettier than the one in your old bedroom, isn’t it?

Mike, Yongxian and jiamin is going to say:

e.g. “ We’re sorry. We’re going to clean the room for you.”

Xiaoling is going to say:

e.g.My bedroom was messy but now it’s cleaner./I was sad but I am happier.



小学课时教学设计 总第 3 课时

教学内容:Module One ,Unit One

Sing Along & Work With Language



教学目标:1. To provide further practice of the simple past tense of verb “to be” in a fun way.

2. To provide further practice of comparative adjectives in a fun way.

教学重点:To practice the simple past tense and comparative adjectives.

教学难点:To use the simple past tense correctly.

教具、学具:Pictures, Tape, Recorder


一. Warming up

1 .Listen and sing. Decide which animal is doing the cleaning. Put the correct sticker next to each verse.

1) Listen and read the words.

2) Explain the meaning.

3) Listen and sing.

4) Discuss which animal is doing the cleaning.

5) Put the sticker next to each verse.

2. Read the dialogue in Unit One.

3. To perform the dialogue.


1. Fill in the blanks with the right form by the given word.

1) This sofa is _________ (comfortable) than that one.


2. Summary: 1)Simple past tense./2)comparative adjectives.


三. While-task

1. To learn “Work With Language”. Look at the pictures. Tell the differences after the model.

2. Look at the pictures given by teacher, then tell the differences.

3. Write three to five sentences about your new bedroom/ school/ living

四. Po-task

1. Check and show.

2. Read your sentences in your groups.

五. Homework

1. Finish <>NO.3&4.

2. To compare some pictures and try to tell the differences in English.

板书设计: Unit One Xiaoling’s New Apartment

It was

There was /There wasn’t

There were /There weren’t

e.g. There is a nice study in the new apartment.

But there wasn’t a study in the old apartment.



六年级英语教学设计 4 课时

教学内容: Module 1,Unit 2, A Lovely Baby

(Dialogue page7 paragraph1-2)




1. To further expose the pupils to the simple past tense in a meaningful context.

2. To reinforce comparatives of adjectives in a meaningful context.

3. To provide input if talking about changes in people.

教学重点:To know the dialogue well.

教学难点:To remember the knowledge of the dialogue.

教具、学具: 照片、教学图片、录音机、小黑板


一、 热身和准备

1、 自由交谈,用How many, how old, were you, was he\she….等句型来询问学生。

2、 拿出相册,出示自己的小时候及现在的照片介绍自己,尽量利用学过的形容词。如:This is my photo album. There are many photos in it. Look, this is a photo of me. I was thin\lovely\short…when I was young, but now I am tall\beautiful\kind….

二、 呈现课文

1.拿出姚明小时候和现在的图片,描述姚明的变化: short\tall, thin\strong, healthy, lovely, naughty in trouble\friendly, 呈现新句型和单词:He was naughty to look at. naughty healthy in trouble

2.出示与新单词相关的图片,听、说、读、拼综合操练单词和句型。如:He was a lovely baby. She was a beautiful, healthy girl and with blonde hair and blue eyes.


1) What are Janet and Ben doing with their parents?

2 How old was Janet in the photo?

3) Was Ben a lovely baby when he was small?

4.结合实际,理解 in trouble

三、 巩固操练

1、 让学生听录音、跟读课文,自己朗读课文。

2、 让学生根据课文内容填空。

1) Janet was ________ and _______ when she was just two years old.

2) Janet had blonde ________ and ________ eyes at that time.

3) Ben was _______ when he was a baby. He was _______ naughty and he was always in _________.

四、 课文的拓展


五、 总结

1、 归纳本节课的形容词。

2、 用学过的词语描述课文内容。

六、 布置作业

1、 朗读学过的课文内容。

2、 描述自己小时候的模样。

板书设计: Unit 2 A Lovely Baby

You were lovely to look at. tall\short

naughty healthy in trouble thin\strong


小学课时教学设计 总第 5 课时

教学内容: Module 1,Unit 2, A Lovely Baby

(Dialogue paragraph 3-5)




4. To further expose the pupils to the simple past tense in a meaningful context.

5. To reinforce comparatives of adjectives in a meaningful context.

3. To provide input if talking about changes in people.



教具、学具: 照片、课文图片、录音机、小黑板


一、 热身和准备

1、 Sing a song < Building Up My House>.

2、 出示JanetBen的照片,提示学生回答,用学过的句型和单词描述他们的小时候的模样。

二、 呈现课文

1、 出示姚明打篮球的照片,描述姚明。

 Yao Ming is a famous basketball player.He is tall and strong. He’s very healthy.

2、 出示足球明星贝克汉姆踢足球的图片,引出新句型和新单词。

 Beckham is a famous footballer. He’strong.

3、 通过问答引出Uncle Philip这个人物。

4、 让学生看课文回答老师的问题,从而操练新句型及单词。

1) Who’s Philip?

2) Is Philip a footballer now? Why?

3) What’s his job?

4) Is he fit and strong?

5、 板书句型:Now he isn’t fit or strong.

When did he become a manager?

6、 听课文录音两次,回答老师的问题,让学生在回答的过程中理解课文内容。

7、 让学生提问,在课文中还有哪些问题弄不明白。

8、 让学生根据课文填写下面的表格,找出下面人物的变化。






Mr Webb

Mrs Webb

Uncle Philip

Aunt Pat

三、 巩固操练

1、 学生跟录音机朗读课文内容,再全班朗读。

2、 跟老师朗读单词。

3、 让学生根据课文内容填空。

1) Uncle Philip is kind and _____. He was a famous ______when he was young.But now he is ____ fit or strong. He become a ________ in 1990.

2) Aunt Pat was slim and ______, but now she is_____.Janet think she is still _________.

四、 教学拓展


五、 总结

1、 概括的内容,指出形容词的用法及比较的用法。

2、 归纳学过的描述人物的形容词。

六、 布置作业

 1.抄写单词及朗读课文,预习下节课内容。2. 完成Page8,2.

板书设计: Unit 2 A Lovely Baby

Now he isn’t fit or strong. footballer

When did he become a manager? go on a diet



小学课时教学设计 总第 6 课时

教学内容: Unit 2 Sound families,

Work with language & Fun with language




1. To sum up how simple past is used in comparison with simple present.

2. To give further practice of simple past tense and comparative adjectives in a fun way.

3. To reinforce the use of structure through guesswork and riddles.

教学重点:Provide practice of comparatives.

教学难点:Compare the simple past tense.



一、 复习与准备

1、 全班朗读课文一次。

2、 根据课文内容,提问学生:

1) Was Janet beautiful and healthy when she was a baby?

2) Was Ben lovely when he was a baby?

3) When did Uncle Philip become a manager?

4) What was Mr Webb’s job?

5) Was Aunt Pat ugly when she was young?

6) Should Aunt Pat and Mrs Webb be on a diet?

二、 呈现新课

(一) 学习Sound Families.

1、 先让学生自由朗读,再找出每组单词的特点。

2、 听录音一次,老师分析不同的发音。

(二) 学习Work With Language.

1、 学习No1.

1) 先讲解一般现在时的动词和构成的条件。

They are in the classroom now .

I often play football .

2) 出示一般过去时的句子与一般现在时进行比较。

I played football this morning.

I often play football .


2、 学习No2。

1) 出示两张图片,让学生同桌进行讨论,说出不同之处。

2) 四人小组完成填空,并检查结果。

3、 学习No3。

1) 老师描述两幅画,说说不同之处。

2) 让学生寻找增城的变化图或照片,并用几句话描述。

(三) 自学Fun with Language.


三、 布置作业


板书设计: Sound Families& Wok with Language lovely

They are in the classroom now . tall

I often play football . small


I played football this morning. heavy

I often play football . healthy

kind nice


小学课时教学设计 总第 7 课时

教学内容:Module One ,Unit One,

Fun With Language & Exercises



教学目标:1.To provide further practice of the simple past tense of the verb “to be” in a fun way.

2. To provide further practice of comparative adjectives in a fun way.

3. To provide opportunities for the pupils to think in English.

教学重点:To do the exercises in Activity Book.

教学难点:To achieve real communication with each other.



一. Warming up

1. Free talk.

2. Sing Along.

. Revision

1. Look and read the dialogue.

2. Recite or retell the dialogue.

3. Act out the dialogue.

4. Review the words.

5Draw pictures of your new and old house, apartment or classrooms, and talk about them with your partner.


1. Look at Mr Chen’s photos of his old apartment and new apartment and answer the questions.


2. Listen to the passage and choose the right answers.

3. Check the answers.

4. Check the homework did last period.

1)Look at the pictures and answer the


2) make sentences with the words.


1. Choose the right words to fill in the blanks of the letter.

2. Read the short passage and answer the questions.

3. Check.


What we learned in Unit One.


1. Review Unit One.

2. Find a picture and try to write some words about it.(You can try)

板书设计: Unit One Xiaoling’s New Apartment

(the answers of the exercises)




小学课时教学设计 总第 8 课时

教学内容: Module 1 Revision




1、 能正确使用形容词。

2、 能利用已学的知识去拓展新知识。

3、 掌握一般过去时的有关句型。

4、 培养学生归纳知识的能力,培养学生热爱家庭的情感。



教具、学具: 图片、录音机、小黑板


一、 热身和准备

1、 Sing a song.

2、 出示一些房屋、建筑物、人物的图片,让学生来形容,来表达。

二、 讲述复习内容

1、 归纳形容词:

描述事物:big heavy tall small beautiful old new

comfortable large bright messy

描述人物:kind nice pretty cute lovely healthy

naughty beautiful funny

2、 讲形容词的比较级和最高级, 三种情况,列举例子。

1) 直接加er est .: taller older smaller brightrer

tallest oldest smallest brightest

2) 特殊变化,: heavier larger better bigger

heaviest largest best biggest

3) 多音节,比较级加more, 最高级加most, :

more beautiful more difficult more interesting

most beautiful most difficult most interesting

3、 呈现一般过去时的句子,指出需要注意的地方。



4、 讲解动词过去式的规则和不规则变化。 举例说明(略)


1、 听老师读,填写句子。

1) My old house was far away from our school.

2) My bedroom was nice and clean before, but now it’s messy.

3) You were lovely to look at, but you were very naughty and you were in trouble.

4) He’s kind and funny.

2、 选词填空。

1) My new house is ________(brighter\bright) than the old one.

2) Uncle Wang is ________( heavy \ heavier) than before.

3) They often __________( play \ played ) basketball after school.

4) They _________( play \ played ) basketball this morning.

5) I __________( call \ called ) you yesterday.

6) You _______( were \ are ) lovely ten years ago.


三、 阅读训练

1、 自由阅读老师准备好的阅读材料,自由归纳文章大意。

2、 让学生提出疑问。

3、 完成练习。

4、 老师检查提问。

四、 布置作业

my house my classroom,或者my friend写几句话。

板书设计:   Module 1  Revision

描述事物:big heavy tall small beautiful old new

comfortable large bright messy

描述人物:kind nice pretty cute lovely healthy

naughty beautiful funny



《广州版六年级英语下册教案Module 1.doc》
