学案导学设计2014-2015学年高中英语 Module 4 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修4

发布时间:2015-05-13 19:06:03   来源:文档文库   

Period Three Integrating Skills


1He is one of the ________ (受害者) in the accident and now is still in hospital.

2Your speech should be ________(简洁) and to the point.

3Several years laterhis ________(事业) took off.

4She is a young and ________(才华横溢的) writer.

5Tomorrow he will have a ________(身体的) examination.

6It was ________(部分地) because you didn’t master the skill.


1.用be known forbe known asbe known to的适当形式填空

(1)Hangzhou ________________ its West Lake.

(2)Jay ________________ the young generation.

(3)Liu Xiang ________________ a famous athlete.

(4)France ________________ its wine.


(1)He realized that his acting ________ just started.

(2)She decided to look for a new ________.

(3)My ________ as an English teacher will last long.


1He sells vegetables to ________________(谋生)

2Jinan ________________(……而出名) its springs.

3The universe exists ________________(在太空中)

4In 1921 Albert Einstein was awarded _______________________(诺贝尔物理奖)

5In the 1960s Stephen Hawking __________________(被诊断为) motor neurone disease.

6In 1914he ________________(掌权) again.


1Take warm clothes ________ the weather is cold.

Ain case that Bin case of

Cbecause of Dso that

2We will be shown around the cityschoolsmuseums and some other places, ________ other visitors seldom go.

Awhat Bwhich

Cwhere Dwhen

3Todaywe’ll discuss a number of cases________beginners of English learning fail to use the language properly.

Awhich Bas

Cwhy Dwhere

4The general election in that country has ended.The new president ________ this year.

Acomes in power

Bwill come to power

Cwill take in power

Dis taking power

5Though she began her ________ by singing in a local pop groupshe is a famous Hollywood movie star.

Aemployment Bcareer

Coccupation Dprofession

6—It’s cloudy outside.Please take an umbrella.


AYestake it easy

BWellit just depends

COKjust in case

DAll rightyou’re welcome

7He’ll have learned English for eight years by the time he ________ from the university next year.

Awill graduate Bwill have graduated

Cgraduates Dis to graduate

8Liaocheng is famous ________ its lakes and we’re all familiar ________ it.

Aasfor Bforto

Caswith Dforwith

9His parents died when he was a child______ him to make his own living.

Aleave Bleft

Cleaving Dto leave

10—I got full marks in the English exam.

—______ I am very proud of you.

AWell done! BWhy not?

CGood luck! DIt depends.


Harriet Tubman was born a slave.She didn’t get a__1__to go to school.As a childHarriet had to work hard in the fields__2__day.And her owner could make__3__money when he sold his crops.Harriet didn’t think that she was being treated__4__.

After Harriet__5__she ran away from the plantation to the North United States.__6__and in Canadablack people could be free.

Harriet liked to be free.She felt__7__for all of the black people who were__8__slaves.

Harriet returned to the South to help__9__slaves to run awayand she made__10__that they got to the north and became free.

Harriet was in great__11__because of a law that had just been__12__.The law said it was not permitted to help__13__slaves.She also found out the slave owners said they would__14__ 40,000 to anyone who could__15__Harriet Tubman.

There were many stories about Harriet helping slaves run away.In allshe made nineteen__16__back to the South and guided about 300 slaves to__17__.When the Civil War__18__the northern states fought with the southern states.Harriet__19__the northern states because they believed that slaves should be free.She worked as a nurse and__20__behind enemy lines until the northern states won the war.

1A.permission Bchance

Cpossibility Dday

2A.all Bwhole

Csome Dby

3A.a lot of Buse of

Ca little Dsome

4A.normally Bbadly

Cequal Dfairly

5A.finished school Bgraduated

Cgrew up Dfell ill

6A.There BBecause

CSoon DThen

7A.sure Bhappy

Csorry Dwrong

8A.yet Bstill

Cremained Donly

9A.other Banother

Cwith Dall

10A.certain Bsure

Cway Dpossible

11A.anxious Bneed

Cdanger Dhurry

12A.passed Bmade

Cdeclared Ddiscussed

13A.men Bwomen

Cbrave Drunaway

14A.spend Bpay

Craise Dgather

15A.hurt Bbeat

Chelp Dcatch

16A.trips Bjourneys

Cpeople Dslaves

17A.fights Bthe South

Cfreedom Dthe army

18A.broke out Bended

Cfinished Dbroke up

19A.looked for Bstood by

Ctook on Dwent on

20A.hided Bstayed

Cformed Dspy

spend ... 花费时间/金钱做某事

1Every day he spends two hours on his homework.


2Don’t spend too much time (in) playing computer games.


Period Three Integrating Skills

Ⅰ.1.victims 2.brief 3.career 4.brilliant

5physical 6.partly

.1.(1)is known for (2)is known to (3)is known as (4)is known for

[(1)be known for ……而出名,介词for后接表示出名的原因的词。

(2)be known as作为……而出名,介词as后接表示身份、职业的词。

(3)be known to(某人)所熟悉或知晓,介词to后接表示人的词。]

2(1)career (2)job (3)career



Ⅲ.1.earn his living 2.is known for 3.in space

4Nobel Prize for physics 5.was diagnosed with 6.came to power

.1.A [in case that...以防……,符合句意。]

2C [where引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作地点状语。]

3D [考查定语从句。定语从句中有些特例,如casepointsituation等词作定语从句的先行词时,若定语从句中缺状语,则用where引导。此处先行词为cases,后面定语从句缺少状语,故选where]

4B [句意为:那个国家的大选已经结束,新一届总统将于今年上台执政。come to power上台执政,符合句意;take power争夺权利;come in powertake in power搭配错误。]

5B [career事业,符合句意。employment雇佣;occupation职业,职位;profession(经过专业训练的)职业。]

6C [just in case以防万一;take it easy别着急;it just depends视情况而定;you’re welcome不用谢。根据上文“It’s cloudy outside.暗示,C项符合句意。]

7C [在时间状语从句中主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,故C项正确。]

8D [be famous for...……而出名;sb. be familiar with sth.某人对某事物熟悉。]

9C [考查现在分词短语作结果状语。句意为:他童年时父母就去世了,结果他只好自谋生路。leave和句子主语his parents之间有逻辑上的主动关系。]

10A [考查交际用语。well done做得好;why not为什么不;good luck祝您好运;it depends这要看情况而定。根据句意可知此处应选表示赞扬和祝贺的词。故A项正确。]

Ⅴ.1.B [奴隶连正常人生活的权利都没有,更谈不上有上学的机会。]

2A [all daythe whole day整天;by day在白天。]

3A [奴隶主奴役奴隶的目的就是要赚大钱。]

4D [Harriet认为不公平,fairly为副词修饰动词treat]

5C [她没有上过学,如果生病,她也无力逃跑。所以排除ABD三项。]

6A [there用作地点状语代指上句中的北方各州。]

7C [Harriet十分同情黑人奴隶。be sorry for...……难过。]

8B [remain仍然;为不及物动词,不能用被动式。]

9A [帮助别的奴隶逃跑。]

10B [make sure that确保……make certain弄准确。]

11C [由下文通过的法律不允许帮助奴隶逃跑说明Harriet处境很危险。]

12A [已通过了一项法律。]

13D [帮助奴隶逃跑。]

14B [40 000美元给捉住Harriet的人。]

15D [Harriet帮助许多奴隶逃跑,奴隶主想要抓住她。]

16A [trip指往返旅行。]

17C [Harriet帮黑人奴隶获得自由是她的目的。]

18A [战争爆发用break out]

19B [stand by支持。]

20D [Harriet用行动反抗奴隶制,她勇敢斗争。nursespy是两个并列名词。]


《学案导学设计2014-2015学年高中英语 Module 4 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修4.doc》
