
发布时间:2020-05-11 01:04:23   来源:文档文库   


1. The first type of judgment, the type where judging you is the end goal, includes court cases, grades in classes, and most competitions.


2. It’s not aimed at producing a correct estimate of any given individual, but at selecting a reasonably optimal set.


3. Our early training and our self-centeredness combine to make us believe that every judgment of us is about us.


4. And curiously enough, taking rejection less personally may help you to get rejected less often.


5. If college applicants realized how quick and impersonal most selection processes are, they’d make more effort to sell themselves, and take the outcome less personally.


6.我们没有必要太在乎别人对我们的评价,因为他们的评价不一定是客观公正的。(in that; objective)

We do not need to care too much about what people say about us in that what they say is not necessarily objective.

7. 为了自身发展,他换了不少工作,并最终找到了适合自己的职位。但他的经历并不适用于每个人。(for the sake of; apply to)

He changed quite some jobs for the sake of his self-development before he finally found a position suitable for him. But his experience does not apply to everyone.

8. 在为自己设定目标之前,首先要弄清楚自己真正需要的是什么。对自己的需要越了解,越容易设定切实可行的人生目标。(figure out; the more … the more …)

We should first figure out what we really need before we set goals for ourselves. The more we know about what we need, the easier it is to set practical goals.

9. 大部分雇主关心的不是你自我能力的提升,而是你能为公司作多大贡献。(what …; not … but …)

What most employers care about is not your self-improvement, but what you contribute to the company.

10. 无论结果如何,都不要轻言放弃。不能因为一次求职失败就低估自己的能力。(whatever; outcome; underestimate)

Whatever the outcome will be, do not give up easily. We should not underestimate our ability / ourselves just because of one failure in seeking employment.


1. They couldn’t afford expensive presents, and they didn’t want us to think we weren’t as good as other kids who, on Christmas morning, found all sorts of fancy toys under the tree that were supposedly left by Santa Claus.


2. I had a blanket wrapped around me, and when it was my turn, I offered to share it with Dad, but he said no thanks. The cold never bothered him.


3. Those shining stars, he liked to point out, were one of the special treats for people like us who lived out in the wilderness.


4. The longer you looked and the more your eyes adjusted to the dark, the more stars you’d see, layer after layer of them gradually becoming visible.


5. Venus didn’t have any moons or satellites or even a magnetic field, but it did have an atmosphere sort of similar to earth’s, except it was super-hot — about five hundred degrees or more.


6.小时候,我住的村庄四周是一片田野,但现在已不见当年的影子,原来的村庄已变成一座现代城镇。(nothing but; what-clause)

When I was a child, the village I lived in was surrounded by nothing but open fields. But now nothing remains of the village. A modern city is built on what used to be there.

7.我的童年是在乡下度过的,那时的天很蓝,晚上仰望夜空,能看到无数的星星。(look up to)

My childhood was spent in the countryside. At that time the skies were clear. Looking up to the sky at night, I could see countless stars.

8.他上小学时,家境贫寒,总担心同学们会看不起他。事实上,他的担心是多余的,同学们对他都很友好。(look down on sb)

His family was poor when he was an elementary school student, and he often worried that his classmates would look down on him. In fact his worry was unnecessary, for all his classmates were friendly to him.

9.每个人在成长的过程中都要经历很多事,大部分被遗忘了,但有些永远印在我们的脑海里。 (while)

Everyone is bound to experience a lot of things when growing up, most of which will be forgotten while some will remain in our mind forever.

10.童年是一个五彩斑斓的盒子,里面装着许多美丽的梦想和有趣的回忆。(in which)

Childhood is a colourful box, in which are beautiful dreams and interesting memories.


1.The two most important but apparently independent features about van Gogh which most people know about are his spectacular, almost explosive, use of colour and the poor state of his mental health.


2.Van Gogh soon grew discouraged with his life in Paris, and moved to Arles in the south of France, where, drawn by the sunshine, he hoped to establish an artists’ community.


3.But these very productive periods were matched by moments when despair prevailed, during which he doubted his ability to create a work of value.


4.Van Gogh suffered from epilepsy, an illness which leads to fits, and which may have been caused by a defect in the brain at birth.


5.As art lovers, we acknowledge that van Gogh produced some of the greatest paintings the world has ever known, and gave inspiration to so many later artists.


6.虽然我相信这架钢琴值得购买,但我还要考虑一下价格,它超出了我的预期。(worth doing; yet; beyond expectation)

I believe the piano is worth buying, yet I need to consider a while about the price which is beyond my expectation.

7.为了抢救濒临消失的民间艺术,人们举行了宣传活动,呼吁大家制止任何可能危害这些艺术的行为。(publicity campaign; call on; discourage)

To save the disappearing folk art, a publicity campaign was launched to call on people to discourage any behaviour that is harmful to the art.


Despite all the efforts we made, some great works of art got lost overseas.

9.她有唱歌的天赋,如果有机会的话,她可能已成为一名著名歌唱家了。(genius; may have done)

She is a genius in singing. If she had been given the opportunity, she may have been a famous singer.

10.京剧形成于北京,盛行于20世纪三四十年代,它是具有全国影响的大剧种之一,具有鲜明的艺术特色。(Peking Opera; prevail; distinct)

Peking Opera, formed in Beijing and prevailing in the 1930s and 1940s, is one of the most influential types of operas in China with distinct artistic characteristics.


1. The night of the accident, after we’d safely accounted for all 155 people on the airplane, left the hospital, finally reached the hotel – the pilots’ union and the NYPD whisking us away – I remember thinking that my needs were very simple.


2. As time went by, though, I was better able to put everything in perspective and realize how this event had touched people’s lives, how ready they were for good news, how much they wanted to feel hopeful again.


3 .We valued every life on that airplane and knew it was our responsibility to try to save each one, in spite of the sudden and complete failure of our aircraft.


4. The second-guessing was much more frequent, and intense, in the first few days at night, when I couldn’t sleep.


5 .My family and I are trying hard to remain true to ourselves and not let this change us, but there’s a steep learning curve.


6.在过去的几十年里,这位老人一直守护着这片森林,不管有多大困难,从来没有想过放弃。(no matter what; give up)

Over the past decades the old man has been protecting the forest and has never thought of giving up no matter what difficulties he meets.

7.真正的英雄决不会接受命运的安排,而是把命运掌握在自己的手里。 (come to terms with)

A true / real hero will never come to terms with fate. Instead, they keep their fate in their own hands

8.在接受采访时,他说他从来没有认为自己是英雄,只是做了自己该做的而已,不值得这么受到关注。(think of … as; be entitled to)

At the interview / When interviewed, he said he never thought of himself as a hero; he only did what he ought to do and was not entitled to such attention.

9.地震已过去近两年了,但我们还清楚地记得当时救灾的情景。(it has been … since …)

It has been two years since the earthquake struck, but we still remember the disaster relief scene clearly / but the disaster relief scene is still vivid in my mind.


What impressed us most is the way he dealt with / handled the danger and the calmness he manifested


1. Once again, it’s that time of year, when all good men and women settle their differences, get back in touch with old friends and loved ones, and do their utmost to enjoy some centuries-old traditions of Christmas shopping.


2. Then Father (for it’s always him) rushes into town in a panic to buy something like socks or a tea towel, nothing too heavy because of the postage costs, and definitely not the same present as he bought last year.


3.Another tradition is Hunt the Parking Space. This involves the annual triumph of hope against experience – taking the car into town to go Christmas shopping.


4.Perhaps the best-loved Christmas custom is Buying the Christmas Tree. This is traditionally left until the very last moment, long after all the good trees have disappeared.


5.As day turns slowly to night, the shop lights come on, the Christmas music plays at top volume, and the family makes its way to the butcher’s shop.


6.虽然人们庆祝新年的方式不同,但有一个共同之处:都表达了对新年的美好祝愿,希望新年带来好运。(despite; in which)

Despite the different ways in which people celebrate the New Year, they have one thing in common: All of them express best wishes and good luck for the coming New Year.

7.每逢假期,天安门广场就十分拥挤。在所有景点前,游客都需要排队,轮流拍照。(take it in turns to)

The Tian’anmen Square is very crowded at holiday times. At all scenic spots tourists have to line up and take it in turns to take pictures.

8.现在,节假日出游需提前联系旅行社,以确定最好的旅游路线。(best possible)

Today it is necessary to contact travel agencies in advance so as to decide on the best tour route possible.


No matter what happens, we should not allow any foreign cultures whatsoever to affect Chinese culture’s position in our mind.

10.平时因忙碌而疏于联络的朋友会在春节期间相互联系,互致问候。(get in touch)

The Spring Festival is a time when people get back in touch and exchange greetings with friends, who they are too busy to contact the rest of the year.


