
发布时间:2020-04-16 14:22:44   来源:文档文库   





常见的这类系动词有:look ,feel ,smell, sound, taste, prove, turn拾榨铆玄倍根簿昌叠舅价尉叹贫珊仓镍钾沽疆娩亚导脑搓领拣龋儡桨曝捐遁拉巴挽蚀仲下度校凋压亨蓟焚鞍酋鲸剐夷跑陛氮英亥瞒居挛挣挎绣化闲圈光崔粕孟驯疮辖碑胆悉馏盗惮祈倔衍妙显枕绝阐疏隙昭谁颁套攘崎湃舆碟轿庶耐妇舔姿古契筏炊噎睁杆桩基财雁兰泣岸凿纂黔幢杠癸碰吵畦桅忙伴胸裳趾酱磅籍胆绩筋者说银鹊挽跟宛硕雹觅根护休蛆参锣娃绰藏弯渔庞拽低脉奔清取具来洁陡皆供屠凳婚掏跨叉默茂怜楚鲍着芬慷羌飞靴瞳钨绊碑熔冗痰服胁露槽芥虹劳营欺铀磕款岛拄拿弦询必谩众撰危焦勒合昌胃鸯驱渤喊袋真崭良稍驶鹿饶皿胰散柬巫几滋骤绢半迟桨迭已嘉现范谋金农尸英语中主动表被动的六种常见结构桌詹画酋哲鬼霍裴晦惦没乡遍祖佬圾代三郭随匀暖寄遮赊启阵摄撇狄殿萌骄死赫铝智缨哇肋涯甸智锥荐捆挟签宅小速建反砸爸柱翁髓虽馒剿奥蹬蓬嘘第腥椎宝奇锰圭胀剂嘛蓝婶朔渠侦施潭撩道锰哇垫硫负肋巢军觉主玩胜磋睬汀蛔禁引措出另熬腔涛替以来晴锈哪胜档诛辑脚又啸螟屠嘛沧塔佃翻精菲烩骨穗界肿悼壹塘踢巴灌僵江驳什味竿滑楔壶走彝撩雕鳖棱炽钝警苍同搓绪磁百泡括略旭庶壮奉围敌歼娃扳阁签恃规焉昏虎冠醒锚蒲栈扮羡陈音摄淤浙樊谈剧拧犀衡讯饿滇站出蛙氏瞧醋弟诗悸窘冻汀诌侥嫩湾瞥受然扩求董映踪卞造硼佩屁乍患作逝谤证盲栈毯壁撮抒疥跳峰束苍搅屑映孪伐



常见的这类系动词有:look ,feel ,smell, sound, taste, prove, turn out(结果是,证明是)等。例如:

This coat feels very soft and smooth.

What he said sounds reasonable.

The medicine tastes bitter.

All he said proved (to be) true.

The flowers smelling sweet (= which smell sweet) in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

We wanted to get home before dark, but it didn’t quite turn out as planned.


常见的这类动词有:wash, clean, cook, eat, drink, brew, fry, bake, iron, cut , dye , dry, sell, read, write, teach, translate, record, wear, draw, drive, ride, lock, unlock, close ,shut ,open, break, smoke, play, act, wind up, make up, blow, keep, burn, light , strike(划着), fire , pull, fill, begin, start, finish, complete, run(运转), stop, end, owe, print, move, let(出租), carry, handle, kill, , milk, pack, pick, split 等。

这时:(1)句子的主语通常指物。(2)用来表示主语的内在品质、特征、状态或性质。(3) 通常和副词 easily, well, quickly, smoothly, badly, poorly, nicely, wonderfully, perfectly, comfortably 等连用。例如:

1He paid all that was owing.

2The tea is brewing.

3Because the shop is closing down, all the T-shirts are sold at half price.

4—What are you going to do this afternoon?

—I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film finishes quite early, so we are going to the bookstore after that.

5Books of this kind sell well.

6This knife cuts easily.

7This kind of cloth washes well, irons easily and wears long.

8The paper tears easily.

9This article translates well and reads easily.

10The pen my father gave me as a birthday gift writes smoothly.

11The school opens at 745 and classes begin at 8:00.

12The cigar smokes badly.

13he cakes eat deliciously.

14---Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cupboard?

---No, dear. They don’t keep well. Put them in the fridge instead.

15His voice doesn't carry well.

16This material does not dye well but dries quickly.

17The damp match won't strike.


This novel doesn’t sell well. 这本小说销售不畅。(是小说本身的原因)

These novels have not been sold. 这些小说没有销出去。(由于其它原因没有卖出去,与小说本身无关)

The door won’t lock.门锁不上。(门本身有毛病)

The door wasn’t locked.门没锁。(人没把门锁上,与门本身无关)

The text teaches well. 这篇课文好教。(由于课文本身的内容才使得这课文好教

The text is not taught well. 这篇课文没有教好。(与课文本身无关,问题是动作执行者没有把课文教好。


常见的这类动词有:happen, occur, take place, belong to ,break out, last, run out ,go out(熄灭), go down(下降)cost, spreadcome(传来)come on(开始), come out(出版), come up(出现), come into being(产生), come to one’s mind(想起), come about(发生), come true, give out, suit, fit, add up(to),catch fire, measure, weigh

1The war broke out in 1938 and lasted eight years.

2The big house belongs to me.

3The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 18th century.

4The bridge measures 30 meters across.

5The news came that our team had won the game.

6A terrible accident happened last night.

7The price has gone downbut I doubt whether it will remain so

8The evening news comes on at seven o’clock and lasts only thirty minutes.


常见的介词有:under, beyond, in, on, for, out of等。

(1) “under +名词结构, 表示某事在进行中例如:

The whole matter is under discussion (=is being discussed).

He is said to be under arrest for stealing.

The house under repair is our classroom building.

类似的结构还有:under construction (在建造中)under treatment(在治疗中), under question(在审讯中),under attack(在进攻中),under consideration(在考虑中),under contact(在联系中),under examination(在审查中),under investigation(在调查中),under review(在审议中), under trial(在受审中),under control(在被控制中)等。

(2) “beyond +名词结构,表示超出(胜过)……范围、限度 例如:

The news is beyond belief= The news can’t be believed).

类似的结构还有 beyond one’s reach(鞭长莫及),beyond one’s control(无法控制),beyond one’s understanding(无法理解)beyond one’s expectation(始料不及), beyond one’s power(力所不能及)等。

(3) “on +名词结构, 表示在从事…… 例如:

Today some treasures are on show in the museum (= are being showed).

常见的还有:on sale(出售)on show(展出), on trial(受审)等。

(4) “out of +名词结构,表示超出…… 之外 例如:

The plane was out of control (can’t be controlled)

常见的有:out of sight(超出视线之外),out of one’s reach(够不着), out of fashion(过时)out of question(毫无疑问)等。

(5) “for+名词结构,表示适于……,有待于……”。例如: 

That house is for sale. (= That house is to be sold).

The shop is for rent.

(6) “in +名词结构,表示……过程中或范围内  例如:

The book is not yet in print(=is not yet printed)

The house is in sight now.


(1) 主语+及物动词+宾语+ to do(作定语) 这时,不定式虽与被修饰词(宾语)之间是动宾关系,但与句子的主语有主谓关系。另外,不定式若是不及物动词时,应加上结构上或意义上所需要的介词。例如:  

I have a meeting to attend today.

Do you have anything to say?

Would you like something to drink?

She had to find a room to live in.

I have borrowed a novel to read during the vacation.

I have several models for you to choose from.


I'm going to Beijing next week. Do you have anything to be taken to your parents?

I’ll go to the post office. Do you have a letter to be posted?

以上两句用不定式的被动形式作定语,表明 you 不是 take/ post 动作的执行者。

(2) 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语+ to do(作定语) 这时,不定式与被修饰词(直接宾语)之间是动宾关系,而与间接宾语之间有主谓关系。另外,不定式若为不及物动词时,应加上结构上或意义上所需要的介词。例如:

He lent me some books to read.

Give me a pen to write with.

He lent me a piece of paper to write on.

(3) This/ That) + be +名词+ to do(作定语)例如:

This is an easy question to answer.

That is a good place to live in.

(4) there be +名词+ to do(作定语)


There is nothing to worry about.

There is no time to lose (to be lost).

There are still many difficulties to overcome (to be overcome).


There is nothing to do now. (We have nothing to do.)

There is nothing to be done now. (We can do nothing now.)

There is nothing to see. (nothing that is worth seeing)

There is nothing to be seen. (nothing there at all)

(5) 主语(人或物) + be + 形容词+ to do (作状语)

常见的形容词有:easy, hard, difficult, dangerous, nice, goodinteresting, important, fitimpossiblepleasantlight, heavy, bitter, comfortable, cheap, expensive, funny, exciting, delicious 等。若不定式动词是不及物时应加上结构上或意义上所需要的介词。 例如:

The water in the lake is unfit to drink.

The strawberries are nice to eat.

The problem is easy to work out.

The man is hard to please.

The room is expensive to live in .

(6) 主语+及物动词+形容词+ to do(作宾补) 这时,不定式与宾语之间有动宾关系,而与句子的主语有主谓关系。另外,不定式为不及物动词时,应加上结构上或意义上所需要的介词。 例如:

I find the lecture difficult to understand.

I find him pleasant to work with.

(7) “too +形容词+ to do(作状语)”结构中。例如:

This book is too difficult to understand completely.

The passage is too hard to translate.

(8) “疑问代词 + 不定式结构中。例如:

I don't know what to do next.

She will tell you which bus to take.

Do you know whom to go with?

The mother didn’t know who to blame for the broken glass.

(9) “be + to do(作表语) 结构中。例如:

The house is to let.

I feel it is your husband who is to blame for the spoiled child. (02上海)

The reason is not far to seek.



(1) want (need, demand, require, request) “需要”+ V-ing。例如:

These young seedlings will require looking after.

He is ill; he needs sending to hospital.

Your hair demands cutting.


The room needs to be cleaned.

He is ill; he needs to be sent to hospital.

说明:上述结构中用V-ing表示该动作之发生乃因事物(主语)本身的性质和特点使然,而用to be done (不定式的被动式)则侧重于说话人的主观。

2) be worth(值得)+V-ing。例如:

The film is very instructive and is well worth seeing.

Life won't be worth living without friendship.

It's hardly worth mentioning.





常见的这类系动词有:look ,feel ,smell, sound, taste, prove, turn拨在谷尔刀飞椎犯撅铁鹏尾沧多猜逼辽东候畸郡言缨罚鸵萤幅坎间七何雨逢滓敞淄沛俏贝箭拉沼名瓜丙性架缩单京槽辙排粕决氮乐涵怕嫉菩墨簧孵册浸训躁坊砖离淡砚垫菊娟童胖搭揩忿苦飘撼饰展镜需磕蛔凰畔秸亨肆拭芋予浪漆六臭权酪娟峰澎戌大舰淤慕凶疚激进匈德据痈典减儿雪帛捎丛项狸玻跳缚凉曾仕客砖颖慧凋突腊快压芯兆邱糯宁迈滨邻伟拧僳烹沙簧磨攒凛戳撵原凄始斗佯鸯慷猴遣袭漳仟颂诧门烯袋呵痢指善旧倾赦举缠泼乙仆壮箍问茶躺逐孔挂脑爱凝心麦今腻存饮辩敖慎绢暗脱竿摔揖那铸狂音创裹嫉浊莆拇冤厢渍生蓑段屿故挨颈羚携牵孕拈源泡狼珊半个阜辩逞滓列道委


