
发布时间:2020-04-22 11:28:05   来源:文档文库   


1. Light up点火(不及物动词) You cant light up here , smoking isnt allowed put out熄灭

2. It is no use + doing 是没有用的 Its no use talking to her pay a heavy price付出惨痛/很大的代价

3. Stop + doing 停止正在做的事情 John stopped talking to me when his father walked in

Stop + to do停下去做另一件事 John stopped to talk to me when he saw me约翰看到我时便停下来与我说话

4. Try + doing尝试/试试 Dont try swimming alone in the river

Try + to do设法要 Ill try to call you later today

5. 关系代词一共有whowhomwhichthatwhose五个,均视为连词,引导定语从句。该从句视为形容词,修饰之前的名词,下面分别说明各关系代词的用法(关系代词均应紧邻被代替的名词之后)

1) Whowhom:这两个关系代词专门修饰人,换言之,whowhom之前一定有一个表示人的名词。Who在从句中作主语,whom则作宾语。

John is my good friend who never lies John is my good friend whom I trusted

2) Whichwhich是用以代替除人以外一切事物(如动物、植物、静物、地方、概念等)的关系代词,在所引导的定语从句中,可作主语或宾语。使用时之前一定要有可被代替(除人以外)的名词。

He doesnt study , which makes his father angry He lives in Shanghai , which I want to visit soon

3) Whosewhose是所有格关系代词,代替hishertheirits等人或物的所有格代词。Whose之后应置名词,即“whose + 名词”。“whose + 名词”在所引导的定语从句中可作主语或宾语。

He is John , whose father is my teacher He is John , whose son I used to teach

4) Thatthat亦可作关系代词,可等于whowhomwhich。但that之前不可置逗号。Whowhomwhich之前则视需要置逗号或不置逗号。

He is the man whom you can trust = He is the man that you can trust

6. 关系代词的限制性修饰及非限制性修饰用法:

1) 限制性修饰:关系代词引导的定语从句旨在修饰名词,使该名词有其特殊性,此时关系代词之前不置逗号,译成中文时,先译定语从句(译成“的”),再译被修饰的名词。这种之前无逗号的定语从句就是限制性修饰

He is a person who never lies 他是个从不说谎的人(对的) 他是个人,他从不说谎(错的)

2) 非限制性修饰:有些名词本身就具有特殊性,如gentlemansaint。或该名词之前已有形容词修饰,增加其特殊性,如a good persona great man。此时这些名词之后若有定语从句修饰时,该从句并非必要,只是附加说明主语而已,故关系代词之前可置逗号,以减低该从句的重要性。这种之前有逗号的定语从句就是非限制性修饰。译成中文时,先译被修饰的名词,再译之后的定语从句。

He is a gentleman, who never lies 他是君子,从不说谎


He is a gentleman who never lies 他是个从不说谎的君子

3) 专有名词(JohnPeterShanghai)或少数的名词(my fatherhis mother)本身就有普遍强烈的特殊性(即一提到这些名词,大家都知道指的是谁),故之后的定语从句一定采用非限制性修饰,即关系代词之前一定要有逗号

Here comes Mary, who is my girlfriend 玛丽来了,她是我的女友

7. When it comes to + doing 一说到 When it comes to spelling , Sam is the best in our class

8. 名词性从句的种类及其功能:


1) That引导的名词性从句:这种从句乃由陈述句变化而成。我们在陈述句之前冠以that,即成名词性从句。

陈述句:He works hard 名词性从句:that he works hard

2) Whether引导的名词性从句:这种从句乃由一般疑问句(即可用yesno回答的问句)变化而成。在一般疑问句前冠以whether,原倒装的句子结构还原成不倒装的型态即成名词性从句

be动词:一般疑问句Is he happy? 名词性从句Whether he is happy?

助动词(canwillhave):一般疑问句Will he come? 名词性从句Whether he will come


一般疑问句Do they like it? 名词性从句Whether they like it

3) 疑问词(whatwherewhenhowwhywhowhomwhichwhose)引导的名词性从句,这种从句乃由特殊疑问句(即不能用yesno回答的问句)变化而成。我们保留原疑问词,原来倒装的句子结构还原成不倒装的型态而成名词性从句

be动词:特殊疑问句who is he? 名词性从句Who he is

助动词:特殊疑问句When will he come? 名词性从句When he will come


特殊疑问句How did he do it 名词性从句How he did it


特殊疑问句Who will come/what happened 名词性从句Who will come/what happened


1) 从句之前一定要 thatwhether或疑问词

2) 从句不能做句子使用,换言之,从句不能独立存在

3) 名词性从句与名词一样,在句中可用作主语、及物动词的宾语、或置于be动词之后作主语补足语

作主语:That he is a good student is true Whether hell come is not known yet


It is true that he is a good student It is not known yet whether hell come

作宾语:I believe that he can do it I dont know whether hell come

注意:that引导的名词性从句作及物动词的宾语时,that可省略I believe (that) he can do it


I dont know whether hell come = I dont know if hell come

作主语补足语:The truth is that he has no money The question is that whether hell come

9. They say that = it is said that据说 有人说 get along well with 相处的很好

10. Society使用此单词时通常不与冠词连用 Kill Carl is a danger to society

11. Suffer from遭受 be stressed out饱受压力 Jack is stressed out because he has too much work

12. Do exercise做运动(美式用法) take exercise做运动(英式用法)

13. More and more可作形容词或副词,多用于进行时的句子中,用法如下:

1) 作形容词:more and more译成“越来越多的”,之后接复数名词或不可数名词

More and more students are learning English He is making more and more money

2) 作副词:more and more译成“越来越多的”,之后接副词或形容词

He is doing things more and more carefully She is getting more and more beautiful


比较级+and+比较级 His English is getting better and better He is walking faster and faster

14. People must , therefore , learn to deal with his new kind of problem

The best way , however , is to keep a good sense of humor


Therefore , people must learn to deal with his new kind of problem

However , the best way is to keep a good sense of humor


1) 主语与动词之间:He is nice. I , therefore , like him

2) 助动词与动词之间/主语与助动词之间:

Father gave me money. I can , therefore , buy a pen = Father gave me money. I therefore , can buy a pen

15. Whats the matter with you? = whats wrong with you? = what happened to you?你怎么了

16. Be under a lot of pressure受到很大的压力

17. be about the size of一样大 Bills living room is about the size of my house

18. 必须使用that取代关系代词whowhomwhich

1) 在有最高级形容词修饰的名词之后

He is the best student whom Ive ever taught(错的) He is the best student (that) Ive ever taught(对的)

2) 在有the only修饰的名词之后

He is the only boy who knows the answer(错的) He is the only boy that knows the answer(对的)

3) 在有序数词(the firstthe secondthe last)修饰的名次之后

The last question which he asked was interesting(错的) The last question that he asked was interesting(对的)

19. Everyday每天的,日常的。使用该单词时其后需接名词 This textbook was written for everyday use

Every day分开写时作副词,表“每天”,通常置于句首或句尾使用 I read the newspaper every day

20. Replace A with BB取代A In modern cities , buses are being replaced with subways

21. Be no exception不例外 make a long-distance call打长途电话 a collect call向受话人收费的电话

22. On the pay phone在投币电话上 名词如phoneradioTV,多与介词on并用

23. Instead相反地,代替 使用该单词时,通常将其置于句首,其后置逗号,再接主语和动词

I didnt go to the library , Instead , I stayed home and studied

Insteadof并用时,形成“instead of +名词/动名词”的介词短语,表“非但不反而”之意

Instead of driving to work , I take the bus

24. 分词短语的形成:whenwhileifunlessoncethough等均为连词,其所引导的状语从句中,主语若与主句的主语相同时,该状语从句即可简化为分词短语,简化原则如下:




When I am rich , I will buy a watch ——>when being rich , I will buy a watch——>when rich , I will buy a watch


When you do the work , you must be careful——>when doing the work , you must be careful

25. Take pride in = be proud of为荣 Pride comes from a fall骄兵必败

26. No matter how的用法:由于how是副词,表示“多么地、如何地”,之后应接副词或形容词以供修饰。How亦可修饰动词,此时how之后接主语再接动词即可

1) 修饰副词时,副词应紧接于how之后

No matter how hard he tried,he couldnt solve the problem=However hard he tried,he couldnt solve the problem

2) 修饰形容词时,形容词紧接于how之后

No matter how nice he is , I dont like him = However nice he is , I dont like him

3) 修饰动词时,how之后接主语,再接动词

No matter how you try , you wont succeed = However you try , you wont succeed


1) 作副词,表示“然而、不过”,此时however之后要置逗号 He is nice , however , I dont like him

2) 作连词,表示“不论多么”,此时however之后不得置逗号 However nice he is , I dont like him

No matter what的造句法:no matter what亦为连词,表示“不论什么”,等于whatever,亦引导状语从句,修饰之后的主句。What是代词,在该从句中要作主语、宾语或be动词之后的主语补足语。

1) 作主语:No matter what happens, Ill support you

2) 作宾语:No matter what he says, I dont believe him

3) be动词之后的主语补足语:No matter what he is , he must obey the law

27. Congratulations on +事物 表示恭喜 Congratulations on getting an A on your biology test

28. Go on a diet节食,照规定饮食 be on a diet在节食中

29. Simply简单地,就是。

表“就是”时,为强调用法;在肯定句中,需置于被修饰的动词前,Paul simply said that you need to work harder

否定句中,则置于助动词之前,I simply dont want to go to your party

30. 不定式短语作状语时,可置于句首或句尾,用以表示目的,相当于中文的“为了要”该短语可置于句首,此时短语之后应置逗号,但该断句亦可置于句尾,之前则不可置逗号。

置于句首:To catch the train , John got up early

置于句尾:John got up early to catch the train


To + do = in order to + do = so as to + do = with a view to +doing = with an eye to + doing

He got up early to catch the train = He got up early in order to catch the train = He got up early so as to catch the train = He got up early with a view to catching the train = He got up early with an eye to catching the train

In order to引导的短语亦可置于句首,之后置逗号。但so as to引导的短语则通常只置于句尾,而不至于句首。

31. Live alife = lead a life过着的生活

live可作不及物动词,作“居住”解,之后接表示场所的介词短语或副词 They live in the city They live there

live也可作及物动词,表示“过(某种)生活”,此时只能用life作其宾语 They lived a happy life

32. Get around + 地方名词 How do you get around town if you dont have a car

33. Know + 事物/ + like the back of ones hand了解某事物或人有如某人的手背一样,比喻“对某事物了如指掌”

34. By taxi 乘坐出租车 介词by之后可置表示交通工具的名词如taxitrainbuscarplaneship等表示“乘坐某种交通工具”的意思。这些名词之前不可再置冠词the或不定冠词a/an

35. Cheat on+ 欺骗某人的感情,对某人不忠实 tell on +人泄漏某人的底细或打小报告,对某人产生不良影响

36. Toss and turn翻来覆去睡不着,辗转反侧

37. Give directions指路,告诉如何走法 Can you give me directions to the train station , please?

38. Be like looking for a needle in a haystack 如大海捞针

39. 现在分词与过去分词均可作形容词用,这些分词分别有下列的意思:

现在分词:令人.,., 正在(即将) 过去分词:感到 已经


1) 令人 It is a tiring trip这是令人很累的一段形成 The news is encouraging这消息令人振奋

2) 感到 He was tired after the long walk走完这段好长的路之后,他感到累了

3) 正在 The retiring teacher made a farewell speech 这位即将退休的老师作了一次告别演说

4) 已经 The retired teacher was invited to give a speech yesterday这位退休老师昨天应邀发表演说

40. Be named after命名 Barry was named after his uncle

41. It is said that之后由that引导的名词性从句志宏的动词为现在式或现在进行式时,可将that引导的名词性从句中之主语移至句首,次接is saidare said,再接虚词to,并将that引导的名词性从句中的动词改成动词原形

It is said that he works hard——>He is said to work hard 据说他工作很努力

It is said that they are learning English——>They are said to be learning English 据说他们正在学英语

It is said之后由that引导的名词性从句中的动词为过去式或现在完成时,可将that引导的名词性从句中的主语移至句首,次将is saidare said,再接虚词to,并将that引导的名词性从句中动词的过去式或现在完成时一律改成“have+过去分词”

It is said that he left an hour ago——>He is said to have left an hour ago 据说他一个小时前离开了

It is said that they have come back——>They are said to have come back 据说他们已经回来了

It is believed thatIt seems thatIt is said that有类似的用法

Seems之后有to be时,to be可省略:He seems to be a good boy = He seems a good boy

42. How come+主语+动词?

How come he hates her so much? = Why does he hate her so much?

How come you are interested in learning English? = Why are you interested in learning English?

43. First name = given name last name = surname = family name be named after命名

中国人是姓在前,名在后(Zhang Shan Zhanglast nameShanfirst name)

美国人是姓在后,名在前(Robert Smith Smithlast name , Robertfirst name)


44. What about+人?=How about+?某人又如何呢? What about me ? = How about me ?

What about+动名词?=How about+动名词?咱们你看如何? How/What about going to the movies tonight?

45. The bread is two days old , it is not fresh这面包放了两天了,所以它并不新鲜

46. For+所有格+sake=For the sake of+名词 为了的缘故 For your own sake , you should go on a diet

47. Do ones part to+动词原形 尽某人一己之力做 We should all do our part to help clean up the park

48. 一般而言,形容词多置于be动词或becomeseem等系动词之后,作主语补足语

The child is clever He became strong from exercising He seems angry


1) 与“生气”有关的形容词:angrymadcrazy He got mad when he heard the news

2) 与“健康”有关的形容词:illsickwell He got ill last week = He fell ill last week

3) Get之后亦可接过去分词,形成被动语态,等于“be动词+过去分词” He got injured in the traffic accident

4) Get若使用于现在进行时中,之后可接一般形容词,这些形容词多用于比较级,即:be getting +比较级形容词 and 比较级形容词 / be getting more and more+形容词

She is getting more and more beautiful His English is getting better and better

49. 两个形容词共同修饰一个名词时,本应该使用and连接,但亦可使用都哈取代and,使该两个形容词的关系更加密切。 Nobody gets along with that selfish and mean guy = Nobody gets along with that selfish , mean guy

有些形容词与名词并用,形成一个固定的用语(an old mana young boya red car),此时之前另置形容词时,该形容词之后不得再置逗号或and That kind old man is his father who is that beautiful young girl?

50. Air-con=air conditioner空调 dispose of加以处理 garbage disposal垃圾处理

51. It is in ones own best interest to+动词原形 对某人是最有利的 interest此处翻译成“利益”

It is in our own best interest to avoid arguing with others避免和别人争论对你是最有利的

52. 主句+so that+主语+may/can/will+动词原形

1) So that亦可被in order that取代 He studied hard in order that(so that) he can pass the exam

2) So thatin order that所引导的状语从句中的主语若与主句中的主语相同时,该从句可改为“so as to+动词原形”或“in order to+动词原形”。主语不同时则不能采用此句法。

He studied hard in order to pass the exam = He studied hard so as to pass the exam

3) So as toin order tonot并用时,应为so as not toIn order not to

I left early so as not to miss the train = I left early in order not to miss the train

53. Be full of=be filled with充满

54. Be known之后,常用的介词有下列三个:

1) Be known as+身份 以某身份被人所知;众所周知的 He is known as a great scientist

2) Be known for+事物 因某事物为人所知 He is known for his musical talent

3) Be known to+ 被某人所知 He is known to all of us

55. 形容词famousrenownednoted,均表示“出名的”,之后可使用介词asfor

Be noted/renowned/famous as+身份 以某身份被人所知 Be noted/renowned/famous for+事物 因某事为人所知

56. She is easy to get along with others(错的) She is willing to get along with others(对的) 两句的区别如下: 1. +be动词+形容词+to+动词原形:在上列的句型中,形容词必须有“出自某人心中的意愿”的涵义。常用的这些形容词有willinggladeagerlonginganxious。这些形容词之后要接虚词to引导的不定式短语。短语中若动词原形是不及物动词,之后不得置宾语;若动词原形是及物动词,之后应置宾语;若短语语尾有介词,亦应置宾语。

He is willing to go(go不及物动词) He is eager to do it(do及物动词)

2. Easydifficulthard等形容词,是修饰事情的形容词,不可用来修饰人。

He is easy(用法错误) The job is easy Singing is hard for me To do the work is easy

以上例句中,我们可用名词(the job),动名词(singing)、或不定式短语(to do the work)作主语,be动词之后可接easyhard等形容词作主语补足语

3. 不定式短语作主语时,若该短语最后一个字是宾语,可将该宾语变作主语,短语的其余部分则移至句尾。该主语仍同时作句尾及物动词或介词的宾语。

To do the work is hard(the work是不定式短语中do的宾语,故可变作主语,to do移至句尾)The work is hard to do

在上句中the work仍可作句尾do的宾语,故不用写成The work is hard to do it(错的,it是多余的)

57. Most of all重要的是,尤其是 I love seafood , most of all , I love to eat tuna fish

58. 名词同位语:所谓名词同位语,就是在名词之后另置一个名词,而两个名词地位相等。此时我们称第二个名词为第一个名词的同位语。

This is John , a friend of mine John , an English professor , teaches very well


This is John , who is a friend of mine=This is John , a friend of mine

John , who is an English professor, teaches well=John, an English prodessor , teaches well


59. Easier said than done = It is easier to be said than to be done说起来容易做起来难

60. Be a slave to 的奴隶 Oliver is a slave to his job , he is always at the office cant help doing 忍不住

61. Be respected as被尊为 of all time自古以来 be loyal to忠诚 follow in ones footsteps效法某人

62. Something well begun is half done=well begun is half done 好的成功是开始的一半 golden rule金科玉律

63. 关系代词所引导的定语从句若属于限制性修饰(即关系代词之前无逗号),且该关系代词在该从句中作及物动词或介词的宾语时,该关系代词可予以省略

1) 关系代词作及物动词的宾语 He is a man whom we can trust = He is a man we can trust

2) 关系代词作介词宾语 John is the man whom you can depend on= John is the man you can depend on


64. 定语从句可简化为分词短语:Something well begun is half done=Something that is well begun is half done


1) 删除关系代词

2) 将关系代词之后的动词变成现在分词

3) 若动词是be动词,变成现在分词being之后再予以省略

The girl who lives next to my house is my classmate = The girl living next to my house is my classmate

John is a young boy who is full of energy = John is a young boy full of energy(who is 变成being,再删掉being)

65. Living谋生 make a living by+动名词 谋生 He makes a living by teaching

动词+for a living从事以谋生 He teaches for a living

66. 现在完成时:

现在完成时的句型:主语+have/has+过去分词 He has finished the work They havent received his letter yet


1) 现在完成时可用以表示从过去某时一直持续到现在的动作 I have lived here for ten years

2) 现在完成时亦可用以表示过去某时已完成的动作 John has finished the work


He has finished the work five minutes(错的)

明确的过去时间状语在句中出现时,时态应采用过去式。He finished the work five minutes ago(对的)

3) 现在完成时亦可表示未来将完成的动作。此时表示条件的状语从句(多由ifwhenafteras soon as等连词引导)采用现在完成时,而主句则采用将来时。 If I have finished all the chores , Ill go fishing with you

As soon as I have finished all the chores , Ill go fishing with you


1) 现在完成时与“for+一段时间”所形成的状语并用时,句中的动词必须有持续发生的特性

He has lived here for ten years He has learned English for five months

以上这些具有“持续发生”特性的动词所造成的现在完成时亦可被现在完成时(主语+have/has been+现在分词)取代,意思不变,但现在完成进行时更强调动作的持续性。

He has been living here for ten years He has been learning English for five months

2) 动词若无“持续发生”的特性,仍能使用于现在完成时,但不可与“for+一段时间”所形成的状语并用。

He has finished the work(对的) He has finished the work for five minutes(错的,finished不具有持续性)


It is+一段时间+since引导的过去时状语从句 自从.以来已有时间了

It is ten days since he finished the work=It has been ten days since he finished the work=Ten days has passed since he finished the work

注意:这些不具“持续发生”特性的动词在现在完成时的句子结构中,虽无法与“for+一段时间”并用,但我们仍可使用与这些动词意思相同的形容词,置于be动词的现在完成时(have beenhas been)之后,表示持续发生的状态,句型如下:主语+have/has been+形容词+for+一段时间

He has died for ten years(错的) He has been dead for ten year(对的)

He has married Jane for five years(错的) He and Jane have been married for five years(对的)=It is five years since he married Jane(对的)

67. Since的用法:


Since Im quite busy now , I dont think I can go to the movies with you


1) 作连词:since引导状语从句,修饰主要子句。从句的时态为过去时,主句 则为现在完成时或现在完成进行时。

Since he attended high school , he has worked very hard(从句过去时,主句现在完成时)

He has been learning English since he moved here(从句过去时,主句现在完成进行时)

2) 作介词:since之后接名词或动名词作其宾语,形成状语,修饰主句。主句仍使用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。

Since attending high school , he has worked very hard

He has been learning English since moving here

He has been waiting for her since ten oclock

3) 作副词:since译成“之后”,置于完成时助动词have/has之后或置于句尾,乃下列句子变化而成:

Since I met her two days ago , I have been in love with her = I met her two days ago and have since been in love with her = I met her two days ago and have been in love with her since

68. Propose to+ 向某人求婚 get married to+ 与某人结婚 be engaged to+ 与某人订婚

69. +have/has been to+地方名词 某人曾去过某地 He has been to Japan many times

He has gone to Japan many timesHe has been to Japan many times的区别:“have gone to+地方名词”

“已到了某地而现在仍在该地”的意思。“have been to+地方名词”则表示“曾去过某地,而现在已不在该地”

在“have been to+地方名词”的句子结构中,句尾多置频率副词(oncetwicemany times)或副词before

He has been to Shanghai twice I have been to Shanghai before

Have/has++ever been to+地方名词 Have you ever been to Guilin? Has he ever been to Beijing?

70. Ever的用法:上例中的ever是副词,本身不具特别意义,只用来加强语气,通常适用于下列情况中:

1) 疑问句:Have you ever met him before(与完成时并用) Will he ever come?(与将来时并用) Did he ever come yesterday?(与过去时并用)

2) If引导的状语从句:if you ever do it again , Ill punish you

3) 最高级形容词修饰的名词,之后有关系代词引导的定语从句亦可使用ever来加强语气:He is the best student that Ive ever taught

4) 不可随意在肯定句中使用ever作“曾经”解:I have ever met him(错的) I have met him before(对的)

71. Go to a movie(特指)看场电影 go to the movies(泛指)看电影

72. Treat + + to + dinner / a movie 请某人吃饭/看电影 Jim said he would treat us all to dinner tonight

73. Yet的用法:

1) 使用于现在完成时的否定句中,与not并用,形成下列的用法:have notyet 尚未,还没

He has not come back yet I havent heard from him yet

2) 用于现在完成时的疑问句中,yet译成“已经”。通常置于疑问句之句尾,作强调语气,也可予以省略。

Has he come back yet? Have you done it yet?


He has come back already = He has already come back

74. I havent , either 此处either是副词,专用于否定的简应句中。简应句有肯定简应句及否定简应句之分:

1) 肯定简应句与sotoo连用。与so连用时,简应句须采用倒装句子结构;与too连用时,简应句不须倒装。

Be动词:He is nice , and so is she = He is nice , and she is too

助动词:he will come , and so will she = he will come , and she will too

一般动词:he came , and so did she = he came , and she did too


AHe is stupid BSo he is 甲:他很蠢 乙:是啊。

AYou cant do it BSo I cant 甲:你不会做这事 乙:是啊。

2) 否定简应句用neithernoreitherNeithereither皆为副词,故and不可省略;nor则为连词,前面不必置and。使用neithernor时须使用倒装句子结构,而使用either时则与not并用,不须倒装。

Be动词:He isnt nice , and neither is she = He isnt nice, nor is she = He isn’t nice , and she isnt , either

助动词:He wont come , and neither will she = He wont come , nor will she = He wont come , and she wont either

一般动词:He never tells a lie , and neither does she = He never tells a lie , nor does she = He never tells a lie , and she doesnt either

75. Hundreds of thousands of+复数可数名词 数十万的 dozens of 数十的 hundreds of数百的 thousands of数千的 in public places在公共场合 in public公开地 be in habit of=have the habit of的习惯

76. Help with+名词 帮忙 get into 遭遇

77. Claim that+引导的名词性从句 宣称 注意:claim表示“夺去人命”时,其后宾语需用life来表示,而不可用personpeople

78. Be ones fault是某人的过错 be at fault有过错 whos at fault for starting the fight? Its my fault

79. Blame++on+/ 将某事归咎于某人/某事 The police blamed the traffic accident on bad weather conditions

Blame++for+ 为某事责备某人 Dont blame me for your failures

80. Honk the horn按汽车喇叭 If I want the person in front of me to drive faster , I honk my horn

81. 现在完成进行时:have/has been+现在分词 He has been working on the math problem for two hours

1) 在许多情况下,现在完成时可取代现在完成进行时,意思大致相近。

He has lived here for ten year = He has been living here for ten years

2) 但严谨的语法规定,某动作到说话的时刻已经完成,而不再持续时,应使用现在完成时;若某动作到说话的时刻仍在进行时,应使用现在完成进行时。

He has worked out the math problem He has been working on the math problem for two hours

82. She blamed the fault on the tree , saying that she honked the horn , but the tree didnt get out of the way

1) 一个句子若出现有两个动词,这两个动词应有连词and连接。故上列例句本可写成如下句子:

She blamed the fault on the tree , and said that she honked the horn , but the tree didnt get out of the way

2) 但有时作者故意不使用and连接两个动词,以表示两个动作同时发生。此时应将第二个动词变成现在分词,形成分词短语,称作主语补足语。故上句可将and省略,并将第二个动词said改成现在分词saying。故改成:

She blamed the fault on the tree , saying that she honked the horn , but the tree didnt get out of the way

He sat there read a newspaper(错的,出现两个动词) He sat there reading a newspaper(对的)

注意:这种分词短语形成的主语补足语之前通常无逗号,如上例,He sat there reading a newspaper,但有些分词短语却需置逗号,以免造成句意错误,如本文最后一句saying之前非要有逗号不可,若无逗号,会造成saying修饰之前名词the tree的错误联想。

3) 两个动词无连词连接,而第二个动词为be动词时,亦应变成现在分词being之后,再将being予以省略

He died and was young = He died being young = He died young

83. Have a good time + (in) + doing I had a good time (in) chatting with her last night

84. Every now and then偶尔

85. He plays much better than John:此处much为副词,修饰副词well的比较级better。副词或形容词变成比较级时,通常可被muchfara lota great dealstilleven等六个副词修饰。其中又以muchfara loteven最为常用。

1) Muchfara lot亦可修饰副词too Its much/far/a lot too cold today

2) By far则可用来修饰最高级,表示“程度很大”或“差距很大”,作强调用法。

He is by far the best student Ive ever taught

86. Play的用法:

1) 表示演奏某种乐器时,应说:play the+表示乐器的名词 He is good at playing the piano/guitar

2) 表示玩某种球类运动时,应说:play+表示球类运动的名词 He plays basketball very well

87. If形成的虚拟语气及其用法:连词if引导一个状语从句,修饰主句。整个句意相当中文的“假如的话”的意思。这是一种假设的状况,我们称为虚拟语气。

1) 一般而言,if形成的虚拟语气有下列四种句型:

a. 表示纯粹的条件:if+主语+动词现在时,主语+will/may/can/should+动词原形

If John has money , he will build a library in his neighborhood


b. 表示与现在的事实相反:if+主语+动词过去式,主语+would/might/could/should+动词原形

If John had money , he would build a library in his neighborhood



If he were here , he might enjoy a happy life If you were in my shoes , what would you do ?

c. 表示与过去的事实相反:if+主语+had+过去分词,主语+would/might/could/should + have+过去分词

If I had met Jane ten years ago , I might have married her.

d. 表示与未来的状况相反:if+主语+should+动词原形,主语+would/might/could/should + 动词原形

If it should rain , I would stay at home If he should be late again , I might punish him



2) If引导的从句中若有wereshould或“had+过去分词”时,可将if省略,并将wereshouldhad置于主语前:If he were ill , I would take care of him = Were he ill , I would take care of him

88. At the invitation of + = at ones invitation在某人的邀请下,应某人之邀

89. 表示时间的名词,如同表示人的名词一样,可用作所有格:

He thinks that if he breaks a mirror , he will have seven years bad luck

除时间名词外,表示地方的名词或专有名词亦可使用所有格:Beijings scenery The citys traffic

90. Set aside=put aside留作之用

91. 常用的序数词及其他表示“起承转合”的用语:

1) 首先:firstfirstlyto begin within the first place

2) 其次:secondsecondlyfurthermoremoreoverbesidesin addition

3) 最后:lastlastlyfinally

4) 毕竟:after all

5) 总之:in conclusionto sum upin short

6) 最后也是相当重要地:last but not least


92. Flying with colors大为成功 I got through an exam with flying colors我考试高分过关

93. Put off 拖延,将延期 I cant put off doing this report any longer, its due tomorrow

94. it never gets done = it is never done = it has never been done 事情总是没做完

95. Leave作不完全及物动词时,多以分词或一般形容词作补足语,句型如下:leave+宾语+一般形容词/分词 任由/

Leave the window open The mother left her baby crying Leave the door closed



When will you leave for Shanghai? He left Beijing for Shanghai the day before yesterday

96. Are you free now? = Are you available now? = Do you have time now?

97. Pick++up接某人 James picks his wife up from work every day]

Pick up另可表示“拾起” Tracy picked up a piece of paper on the floor

Pick up另可表示“非正式的学习某种语言”Rita picked up some Chinese on her last trip to Beijing

98. Deny为及物动词,有下列重要用法:

1) It cannot be denied + that引导的名词性从句 不可否认

It cannot be denied / no one can deny / There is no denying that hard work leads to success

注意:there is no + 动名词 = It is impossible to + 动词原形 = No one can + 动词原形

2) Deny+动名词 = deny + that引导的名词性从句 否认

99. Consider的用法:

1) Consider作完全及物动词时,作“考虑”解,可用名词、动名词或that引导的名词性从句作宾语。

Ill probably consider studying abroad

2) Consider作不完全及物动词时,表示“认为”之意,接宾语之后,领须接名词或形容词作宾语补足语。

We all consider him a hero She considers John competent

注意:上列两句亦可采用被动语态,句型如下:be considered+名词或形容词(作主语补足语)

He is considered a hero(by all of us) John is considered competent(by her)

100. 介词for可表示“当作”之意,之后接表示金钱或三餐之类的名词 bend down弯腰

101. Say prayers祷告 I say my prayers every night before going to bed

102. Allow for 体谅考虑 Before you ask him to do it , you should allow for his situation

Allow of 容有的余地(通常用于否定句中) The article is perfect , It allows of no criticism

103. Pay raise加薪 Its raining cats and dogs = Its raining heavily = Its pouring 下倾盆大雨

104. Borneborn均为bear的过去分词,但是用法有区别:


1) Have + borne +宾语 已生了 The woman has borne five children in all

2) Be borne + by + 被某人所生 They say the boy was borne by Mary, not Jane

Born则用于be born的形态中,之后除不得与介词by并用外,可与任何介词并用。

He was born in Beijing He was born into a poor family He was born of a poor couple

105. The twelve Chinese horoscope animals中国的十二生肖 be obedient to 服从/顺从

106. Way之前若有指示形容词如thisthat,或所有格代词如myyourhisher等,之前的介词in可予以省略。但way之前若有不定冠词a/an时,之前的In则不可省略

You should do it in my way = You should do it my way

He did it in an easy way(对的) He did it an easy way(错的)

注意:in ones way(以某人的方法)习惯上置于句尾,修饰句中动词,in可省略,但置于句首时,则不可省略inin this/that way可置于句首或句尾,均可省略in

the way之后可用in+关系代词which引导定语从句,修饰way

I dont like the way in which he looks at me

注意:way之后的in which可用that取代。I dont like the way that he looks at me

然而that也可以省略:I dont like the way he looks at me


on ones way to+地点名词 on ones way+地方副词(hometherehere) 在某人往的途中


Im on my way home on my way to school , I ran into a friend of mine

107. John didnt pass the test 约翰考试没及格 Thats too bad真遗憾

108. My goal is to be rich:名词如goalplanpurposedreamintentionwish等,均表示一种未完成或想要完成的愿望、企图。故此类名词作主语,之后有be动词时,不可解动名词作补足语,而 应接to引导的不定式短语,以表示此类未完成的愿望或企图。

My dream is to be a doctor(对的) My dream is to being a doctor(错的)

My purpose is simply to say goodbye to you(对的) My purpose is simply to saying goodbye to you(错的)

109. provide++with+=provide++for+ 提供某人某物

I will provide you everything that you need(错的) I will provide you with everything that you need(对的)

110. Its a pity + that引导的名词性从句=Its too bad + that引导的名词性从句 遗憾的是

111. whats on your mind = whats bothering you? 你心里有什么烦心事?

112. commit a crime 犯罪 Your reputation will be ruined if you commit a crime

113. lead++astray 使某人误入歧途 be addicted to+名词/动名词 沉溺于

114. keep an eye on 注意/留意 a wide range of广泛的 hurry back赶快回来

115. have a (good/bad/deep) (influence/effect/impact) on + 人或事物 对某人或某事物有好的/坏的/深的影响

116. 在英语中,有the引导的所有格,若很清楚地表示出某人的职业时,其后表示上班场所的名词可省略:

the doctors office=the doctors 医生诊疗室 the dentists clinic=the dentists 牙医诊所

the barbers shop=the barbers理发店 the butchers shop=the butchers 肉店

117. be in need of 需要 in need 在患难中,在危急中 wait and see 等着瞧,静候观望

The poor man is in need of help A friend in need is a friend in indeed

118. be proud of=take pride in=pride oneself on 为荣,对感到骄傲

119. we will make them turn their heads every place we go=wherever we go, we will make people notice us


