2019[高考]英语一轮选练习题 模块3 Unit 1 The world of our senses(含解析)牛津译林版

发布时间:2019-03-13 13:11:24   来源:文档文库   

The world of our senses



Amazing Facts About Elf Owls

    Brief Introduction

    The elf owl (a kind of owl) is mostly found in the southwestern parts of the United States and Mexico.During the spring and summer seasons,it moves to Arizona and New Mexico.It returns to Mexico for the winter.The elf owl doesn’t build its nest.It lives in tree holes.


    The elf owl is a yellow bird.Its wings are dark and about 48-61 centimeters long.Its eyes are bright yellow.Its feet are large.It is the smallest owl of the species.It is about 12.5-14.5 centimeters long.It is also the world’s lightest owl,weighing not more than 40 grams.In general,female elf owls weigh more than male ones.

    The female usually lays three eggs at a time.After the young elf owls are born,their mother will feed them with worms(蠕虫) for up to 3-4 weeks.After 10 weeks,the young ones are fully grown and ready to take flight.

    Living Habits

    The elf owls are not aggressive birds.When danger comes,they will fly away in the other direction,rather than staying and facing the danger or the enemies.Besides flying,the elf owl can also walk and climb like a parrot.The elf owl is most active after dusk,during the night,and just before dawn.It can produce many different kinds of sounds.It can live for 3-6 years in the wild.If they are kept in cages,they can live for 10-14 years.The elf owls are now in danger because of the loss of habitat.Cutting down trees will result in lack of places for them to live in.

1.According to the first and second paragraphs,an elf owl may__________.
A.build its nest in trees
B.have yellow wings
C.have big and dark eyes
D.live in Mexico in winter
2.What can we learn from the text?
A.The female elf owl takes care of her children for about four weeks.
B.The elf owl sleeps at night and looks for food during the daytime.
C.The female elf owl lays one egg at one time.
D.The elf owl can live no longer than six years.
3.What is the character of the elf owl?

参考答案: 1.D; 2.A; 3.B

解析: 本文对濒临灭绝的姬鹄的外貌及生活习性进行了详细的介绍。

1.D 细节理解题。根据It returns to Mexico for the winter.”可知,姬鹄在冬天的时候可能会居住在墨西哥。

2.A 细节理解题。根据After the young elf owls are born,their mother will feed them with worms(蠕虫) for up to 3-4 weeks.”可知,雌姬鹄会照顾它们的幼鸟大约四个星期。

3.B 推理判断题。根据The elf owls are not aggressive birds.”可知,姬鹄是一种爱好和平的鸟。


1.The US should _______ the three Sino-Us joint Communiques and the basic norms of international relations.

A. approve B. observe C. accomplish D. accelerate



2.The mother was filled with _______ that her daughter might be disabled by the accident.

A. demand B. curiosity C. anxiety D. arrangement



3.Successful people make a plan to deal with each new problem rather than denying or _______ that it exists.

A. realizing B. praying C. judging D. ignoring



4.Do keep _______ in an emergency, or things will get even worse.

A. calm B. still C. quiet D. silent


【解析】句意:在遇到紧急情况时一定要保持镇定,否则情况会更糟。keep calm保持镇定。

15In the Middle Ages, merchants _______ town criers to read public messages aloud to promote their goods.

A. carried B. exposed C. employed D. handled



6.Taking a walk after meals, _______ common wisdom, doesn’t necessarily do good to our health.

A. according to B. as to C. due to D. contrary to


【解析】contrary to与……相反。句意:和大家认为的相反,饭后立即散步对健康未必有好处。according to根据;as to至于,关于;due to由于,因为。

7.—Is there any news for the missing boy?

—Yes, he was observed _______ computer games at eight o’clock yesterday in a net bar.

A. play B. played C. to play D. playing



8.The parents will be _______ unless they know that their children are safe and sound.

A. eager B. nervous C. anxious D. conscious



9.People don't like to ask questions for fear of appearing _______.

A. anxious B. curious C. gentle D. ignorant



10.After hearing what the teacher said, the class was completely _______. The students all picked up their books and left the room silently.

A. still B. silent C. quiet D. calm



11.—What do you think of cloning? Is it harmful to human beings?

—Well, _______ in a proper way, this technology can contribute to the development of mankind.

A. made B. employed C. volunteered D. tested


12._______ what many people think, HIV cannot be spread through mosquitoes, a cough or sneeze, or by merely touching someone with Aids.

A. Except for B. Contrary to C. Apart from D. Regardless of


【解析】contrary to和……相反。句意:与许多人所想象的不同,艾滋病毒不会通过蚊子叮咬、咳嗽、打喷嚏或只是触碰艾滋病人而传播。

13.Talking about the future, I prefer _______ a businessman _______ be an official.

A. beingto B. to beto C. to berather than D. beingmore than


【解析】句意:谈到将来,我更想成为一个商人而不愿当一名政府官员。prefer to do sth宁愿做某事,排除ADprefer to do sth. rather than do sth. else宁愿做某事而不愿做另一件事。

14.What makes online shopping so popular is _______ it shortens the distance between manufacturers and consumers.

A. how B. that C. whether D. why


【解析】句意:使在线购物如此受欢迎的是它缩短了制造商和消费者之间的距离。is 后是表语从句,在表语从句中,that不做任何成分但又不可缺少。how表方式;whether是否;why为什么。

15.At first he hated the new job but decided to give himself a few months to see _______ it got any better. 5u

A. when B. how C. why D. if


【解析】根据句意“起先他讨厌这个新工作, 但决定给自己几个月时间看看是否能感觉好点。”用if引导宾语从句。


Life is full of miracles. They surroundus every day. One of these miracles _1__ me recently. I was filling my car at a gas station. Not sleeping well the night before, I felt __2__. After paying for the gas I turned my car towards the main road. I looked right and left then my brain sent the __3__ for my foot to push on the gas pedal but nothing happened. __4__, I shook my head to __5__ it and gazed down at my foot.

Just as I did, __6__, a semitruck roared past my car doing 60 mph. When I had looked just two seconds __7__, my weary eyes hadn't seen it. If I had been driving onto the road when I should have been my car would have been __8__ and I would have most likely been killed. I sat there for a long time quietly thanking God for __9__ my life before __10__ on the road and heading home. This time both my brain and foot worked __11__.

As I looked back on that moment later I still couldn't understand it. Did God __12__ my brain's signal from __13__ my foot? Did an angel grab my toes to keep them from __14__ on the gas? One question kept coming back into my mind as well: why did I get this miracle? Finally, I felt the answer __15__ deep within my heart and mind. I heard the __16__coming from my soul saying: You still have more to do. Your work is not done yet


《2019[高考]英语一轮选练习题 模块3 Unit 1 The world of our senses(含解析)牛津译林版.doc》
