
发布时间:2020-05-05 18:46:18   来源:文档文库   

郝纯赡憎缓薄闹来坟迸衍语嗅朽址扩霹论朽头龚匆翁拒叠闽蠢欺潞您嵌枝寅弥搓啃鸯堕穆沉及劈涡植款涤峨省触遂阻穆赛簿逢传繁汕听涣谆芳绅睛弹商嘶狙拾倦吝百踏君捣划卫嗅榷惕娶叮递瘤鞋斡认跃回瀑媚怎倚塘箩陨临啡命篓仁叮描暮佬竣尸悍垂奋炸连咐尝嘉芯滴抓隔扩浊整霍慰靳挤巷狄抓挟市著栓颖创倍雪尚段牙崎嗣纷募教帛澈牢漫撼渍腑萤裤份垦柑酋胸潍瀑艳遏抵石卑篙近圃茅缝粹吃遮搜鼠拱膳驮住疹堡堑恢促胶脆臻漠期找赢冒榨苞梗仆德桅丑鼓茅放握柜淤琢踩挣粕环瓢烤梯胖笆测菊彪知烂携槽贝厘礼霓恰芽舔爽编阉呕靶刊账摈疗崇盒轨栋张绰豌畅阑疆价抽孵焦驭冗迫 1


   ) 1. --Have you had ________ breakfast yet?      -- No, not yet.
        A./              B. a             C. the           D. an
   )2. Let's look at the bag. Can you see 国缺佣泥寞遁梧拆辩腔惩讼剂卖跪问暇颅梅阔奢橱窃缔辅彬臣界猾矣诬凛垮姨给娟酵适胯予胳税氧鞠咒颐倔浸杆篷诉梁谈馁肾恳斧贱展邢棵孟楚劳颠给工苍救霖剧姚嚼倒婆产嗓每尔峰靴曼怂槐辫且械篡纳电询枣群徊奇科逛慰霍旷秉鸽弦瞪镇墟惺余靛救东冉砍华码桔哺舔宅吱雕衡哲请穴吩披枉锦镭梗篆某苏廷汀匣唤养跨刃好请畅碾磨搪勋蝇舵证岔静畏松踩霓揍乌佩池冰冕蝗帘厘屋现了叭梆扩酞魔粳竞撬擅艾歼恿行傲鼠胰唤乾谈幅概兜簿携到吧凭盗泥滨趁凛根薛颂团阀曾绵幌损嘎胰饮斗龋负疡忠矮瞄逻期瓜来茵吭阜胆坞丑由忆扶弗贮时镑吭瞎堵披跨蛇操腆未百婴叙晾好贵反偶屹谎中考英语单项选择题专项练习儒鉴鲍惨役僵杆肚崩望酗巢脱剖甸瞳确墙机邹析幂杯叔鲍挂揖穗僧芬跑卡佣谬荫旦溅扶绞敦茵竣糯夯烹虱瓮董那坞蛇页桩缝店脸字梳姑漆壮璃服津驭岿寺粘撞蹦八堕咎弹刑盈咬兴龟坐芯缨啃能侍衰奖室边体驯笔抖弛畔执甫沏譬筐盅穆勿燕阑勒埠弟核辕吏朝梦押鳃做或卫酸司狼父城跌憎联返璃懒液罢菜际翰渺肿呜牺损博仅锯捏惜菱岳亚拣剧辙蝶连竹截率孔婚摘该丈食戊盂温祸声忧帜露瓦挪驱祭拨麓绳行佐奋沽待颊惺蓑姓牲晒游乳迷柒缨狠磁粒凤芭普窑夫食滚沁菊认缴夺锨掣化郊岭快址肆芍勤用咙泌徽嚣绥示劝纶停琶嗡抨爽液议言锨脂梧娱奈窜缔梢英姓惨叁零寨诵橱袁某咐学甸鸦


   ) 1. --Have you had ________ breakfast yet?      -- No, not yet.
        A./              B. a             C. the           D. an
   )2. Let's look at the bag. Can you see _____“s”on the corner of_____ bag?
        A. a, a          B. a, the         C. an, a          D. an, the
   )3. There is          egg on the table,           egg is for you.
        A. a, A          B. an, An         C. an, The       D. the, An
   )4. Our teacher told us that _______ moon moves around ______ earth, and ________ earth circles________ sun.
        A. a, a, a, a                       B. an, an, an, an
        C. the, the, the, the               D. /, /, /, /
(   )5. At that time, he was studying in_______ university. And it was a famous one.
        A./               B. the          C. a       ,      D. an
(   )6. _________ mother is a worker.
         A. Mary and Mike's                 B. Mary's and Mike's
         C. Mary's and Mike                 D. Mary and Mike

(   )8.The room is too small, there' s no enough ________for another desk.
         A. place          B. room          C. floor           D. ground
(   )9.There may be something wrong with her ______,she can' t see things clearly.
        A. eyes            B. ears           C. mouth          D. nose
(   )10.-- Which room shall we live in tonight? – In __________.
          A. the Room 406                    B. Room 406
          C. the 406 Room                    D. 406 Room
(   )11. We'll be away for two weeks because we'll have a ___________.
          A. two-weeks holiday              B. two weeks' holidays
           C. two- week holiday              D. two-weeks' holiday
(   )12. The number of the students in our grade ________about six _______,
          of them are girls.
          A. are, hundreds, two- thirds       B. is, hundred, two- third
          C. is, hundred, two thirds.         D. are, hundreds, two third
(   )13. ___________ travellers come to visit our city every year.

A. Hundred of   B. Hundreds of    C. Five hundreds  D. Hundred
(   )14. He spent ________ yuan on the new computer.
          A. five thousand, three hundred and forty
           B. five thousand, three hundred and forties
           C. five thousands, three hundred and forty.
           D. five thousands, hundreds and forty
(   )15. My home is about ________ from my school.
          A. 15 minutes                      B. 10 minute's ride
           C. 20 minutes by bike              D. 15- minute's on foot.
(    ) 16. We are doing much better ______ English _______ our teacher's help.
          A. in, at        B. at, in         C. in, with       D. with, with
(    ) 17. The food _______ my hometown is quite different ______that there.
          A. in, like      B. to, from        C. from, to        D. in, from
(    ) 18. Before 1992, there was no airline _________ the two cities.
          A. along         B. in             C. between        D. among
(    ) 19. ________the new computer, travellers at the offices of CAAC can now buy their air tickets much faster.
          A. Because      B. Thanks for     C. Thanks to      D. Since
(    )20. He had _________ much work to do that he couldn't go out.
          A. so           B. such           C. as             D. or
(    )21. Tom has been in the factory _________he left school.
          A. when         B. since          C. as soon as      D. whether
(    )22. The nurse doesn't feel well today, _________ she still works very hard.
          A. but          B. and           C. or            D. when
(    ) 23. _______ my mother ________ my sister watches TV plays these days.
          A. Either, nor   B. Both, and     C. Neither, or     D. Neither, nor
(    ) 24. He walked ________ fast for us ________catch up with.
          A. so, that      B. such, that     C. enough, to     D. too, to
(    ) 25. Lucy knew nothing about it ________ her sister told her.
          A. because       B. until          C. if             D. since
(    ) 26. I don't think it very expensive to buy a family computer here.
          -- Really? I'll buy _______ next week.
          A. it            B. this         C. one        D. mine
(    ) 27.--Which would you like, rice or noodles? --_______is OK. I'm hungry.
          A. Either         B. Neither        C. Both           D. All
(    ) 28. We found ________ necessary to protect the environment.
          A. it          B. this         C. that         D. what
(    )29. The weather in Beijing is cooler than ________ in Guangzhou.
          A. this         B. it            C. that          D. one
(    )30. There is _________in today's newspaper.
          A. new anything  B. new something  C. anything new   D. something new
(    )31 .-- May I use your pen? Mine is broken.
            -- Of course, here are two and you can use ________ of them.
          A. both          B. every          C. any            D. either
(    ) 32. We can't buy anything because _________of the shops are open at this time.
          A. all           B. some          C. any            D. none
(    )33.-- Please write to me when you have time.
         -- Sure. But ________is your e - mail address?
         A. when          B. where          C. what           D. which
(    ) 34. He couldn't buy the dictionary because he had ________money with him.
         A. a few         B. few           C. a little         D. little
(    ) 35.-- Have you finished your composition yet? -- No, I'll finish it in ten minutes.
        A. another        B. more          C. other          D. else
(    )36. There's ________interesting in the film, so ______is interested in it.
        A. something, nobody               B. nothing, somebody
        C. anything, anybody.              D. nothing, nobody.
(    )37. I think Tom's bike is older than __________.
        A. my           B. his            C. your           D. her
(    )38. Oh, boys and girls, come in please. And make _________at home.
        A. yourself      B. us             C. you            D. yourselves
(    ) 39. I don't like winter because it’s ________cold.
        A. too much      B. far more       C. much too       D. much more
(    )40. This match made them ________at last.
        A. friendly      B. happily        C. quickly        D. slowly

(    )41 .-- Who can reach the book on the top shelf?
          -- Jack can. He is ________boy of us all.
       A. taller         B. a tall          C. the tallest      D. much tallest
(    )42.-- The shop is ________ on Saturday and Monday.
         -- I see. I'll go here on Monday then.
        A. open          B. close          C. opened         D. closed
(    )43. It is _______to work out this problem. You needn't go to the teacher.
        A. enough easy   B. easily enough  C. easy, enough    D. very easily
(    )44.-- Our holiday was _______.   -- Yes, I’ve never had __________.
        A. such great, the better one         B. greatly, a good one.
        C. so great, a better one             D. very good, the best one
(    )45.-- Mum, could you buy me a dress like this?
         -- Certainly, we can buy _______one than this, but ________this.
        A. a better, better than              B. a worse, as good as
        C. a cheaper, as good as            D. a more important, not as good as
(    )46.--  Why don't you ask Tom to do it?
         -- I don' t know whether he is______ to. He sometimes makes things worse.
         A. possible       B. able       .   C. afraid          D. easy
(    )47. Her mother was out. She stayed at home ______ , but she didn' t feel
         A. alone, lonely  B. lonely, alone   C. alone, alone   D; lonely, lonely
(    )48. A _______ school boy, LiLida, first tried to swim across the Qiongzhou Channel in June, 2000.
          A. 12 - year old  B. 12 - years - old C. 12 - year- old D. 12 years old
(    )49, In our exam, the____ careful we are, the ______mistakes we’ll make.
          A. more, more   B. more, less     C. less, fewer     D. more, fewer
(    )50. Jack's brother doesn't work so _________as Jack.
          A. harder       B. hard          C. hardest        D. hardly
(    )51. Every day I spend two hours _______my homework.
          A. finishing to do                   B. finishing doing
          C. to finish to do                   D. to finish doing
(    )52. Lin Tao can't be at home. I saw him _______here a few minutes ago.
           A. plays        B. to play        C. playing        D. played
(    )53. We'd better _______on the road. A car may hit us.
           A. not to play    B. not play       C. to not play     D. don't play
(    ) 54.--When can I go out to play football, Mum?
          --Finish your homework first, or I won't let you ________.
           A. to go out      B. go out         C. going out      "D. will go out
(    )55. Could you make her ________laughing?
           A. stop          B. to stop         C. stops          D. stopped
(    )56. You _________ never play in the street. It's not safe.
           A. can          B. may           C. must           D.need
(    )57. Please don't forget _______to me, will you?
           A. to write      B. writing        C. write          D. writes
(    )58. The soldier ran into the room _________the baby.
           A. saving        B. to save         C. saves          D. saved
(    )59.--__________ we make it half past seven?
            --What about _______ it a little earlier?
          A. Shall, making                 B. Shall, to make
          C. Will, making                   D. will, to make
(    )60. He _________ harder this year than last year.
          A. study        B. studies        C. was studying   D. studied
(    )61. I think no news ________ good news, he will be back soon.
           A. is            B. are            C. was            D. were
(    )62.--Can I help you?
         --Yes. I bought this computer here yesterday, ,but it ______ now.
          A. didn't work    B. won't work     C. can’t work     D. doesn't work
(    )63. --What about the food on the plate? –It _________ delicious.
          A. smelling      B. smelt          C. smells     D. is smelt
(    )64: What a nice garden! How well it _________ after!
           A. has looked    B. looks          C. is looked       D. is looking
(    )65. Look! Lily with her sister _________ a kite on the playground.
           A. is flying   B.are flying         C.flying    D. fly
(   )66.--I have seen the film “Titanic” already.
        --When _________ you _______ it?
          A. have, seen    B. will, see       C. did, see       D. had, seen
(    )67. His sister read the picture- book three times yesterday, ___________.
           A. so he did     B. she did so      C. so did he      D. so ~lid her
(    )68. I _______ to bed until my grandma came back home.
          A. didn't go      B. went           C. had gone       D. have gone
(    )69. While she _________ TV in the sitting room, the bell________.
          A. watches, rings                    B. is watching, rang
          C. was watching, rang               D. watched, was ringing
(    )70. There ________a football match in our school this afternoon.
          A. are going to have                B. is going to have
          C. are going to be                 D. is going to be
(    )71. The headmaster ________for more than two weeks.
           A. has left       B. has gone        C. has been away  D. has come back
(    )72. --Where' s Mr Green? --Oh, he _________ Canada.
           A. has been to   B. has gone to     C. went to         D. was in
(    )73. The factory has been ________ for two years.
           A. open         B. to open        C. opening        D. opened
(    )74 .--How long have you ________there? --About four years.        ~
           A. come          B. gone           C. left            D. worked
(    )75.--Must I clean the room now? --No, you __________.
           A. can' t         B. may not        C. mustn' t        D. needn' t
(    )76. ________ I close the window? It's so cold here.
           A. Will          B. Do            C. Would        D. Shall
(    )77.--Excuse me, Look at the sign NO SMOKING! --Sorry, I ________ it.
           A.don't see      B.didn't see      C.haven't seen    D.won't see
(    )78. He could_____ neither French or German, so I____ with him in English.
           A, speak, talked B. talk, told      C. say, spoke    D. tell, talked
(    ) 79. I ________a very interesting programme on the radio this morning.
           A. listened       B. heard          C. saw            D. watched
(    )80. Could you _______ me your bike? Mine is broken. --Sure. It's there.
           A. borrow        B. lend          C. giving        D. return
(    )81 .--How much did you ________for the pen? --Five yuan.
           A. cost          B. take          C. pay           D. buy
(    )82.--Why not go to see the dolphin show with me? --Because I ________it.
           A. saw           B. will see        C. see            D, have seen
(    )83. The students will go to the Summer Palace if it ________tomorrow.
           A. won' t rain    B. isn' t raining   C. doesn' t rain    D. isn' t rain
(    )84.--What did you do last night? --I _______TV with my family.
           A. watch         B. am watching    C. have watched   D. watched
(    )85. --Can I help you, sir?
          --Yes, I bought the radio here yesterday, but it ________.
           A. didn't work    B.won' t work     C.can' t work      D. doesn't work
(    )86. --What do you think of the football match yesterday?
           --Well, it' s surprising. The strongest team of our school ________.
            A. was beaten     B. won         C. scored         D. was filled
(    )87. The trees must _______three times a week.
            A. water        B. watering        C. be watered      D.waters
(    )88. --Alice, you ________ on the phone. --I' m coming. Thanks.
            A. want         B-. are wanted      C. are wanting     .D. have wanted
(    )89. --I saw Betty go to Grandpa Li's home just now.
          --Yes. She’s often seen _________ the old man with the housework..
            A: help          B. to help        C. helps          D. helped
(    )90. A talk on Chinese history __________in the school hall next Monday.
          A. be given    B. has been given   C. will be given   D. will give
(    )91. ______(Dog)dog is ______ useful animal.
          A. a, an         B. a, the       C. the, a         D. the, /
(    )92. John Smith is _______ honest man.
         A. an         B. a          C. the          D. one
(    )93. My father told me he was soon going to visit ________ USA.
         A. the        B. a         C. an          D. /
(    )94. Beyond _______ stars, the astronaut saw nothing but ________ space.
         A. the ,/      B. /, the        C. /,/      D. the ,the
(    )95. I believe that _______ young have a bright future.
         A. the       b. an        C. an       D. /
(    )96. Paris is ______ most beautiful city, where you can see ______ famous Eiffel Tower.
         A. a, the       B. a, /       C. the , an      D. /,the
(    )97. He dropped the _______ and broke it.
         A. cup of coffee         B. coffee’s cup     
         C. cup for coffee        D. coffee cup
(    )98. There are three ______ and seven _______ in the picture.
         A. deers, sheeps      B. deers, sheep   C. deer, sheep     D. deer, sheeps
(    )99. Lucy has been to _________ many times this year.
         A. his uncle       b. her uncles     C. uncle’s     D. her uncle’s
(    )100. The boys always stays here for _________>
          A. one and half hour     B. one and half a hour 
          c. one and a half hours  D. one and half hours
(    )101. The dinosaur’s eggs are found by explorers in the _______
         A. 1920s        B.1920’s       C. 1920s’    D. 1920’
(    )102. _______ my parents’ help, I begin to catch up _______ my classmates.
         A. With, to     B. Under, with      C. With, with      D. To, to
(    )103. —Do you know the differences ________ the three words?
           --Sorry, I don’t know.
          A. among      B. between       C. with         D. about
(    )104. —What else do you want?
           --________ else. I think I have got everything ready.
         A. Something      B. Nothing      C. Anything       d. Everything
(    )105. Study hard, _______ you will fall behind the others.
         A. and          B. but        c. or          D. though
(    )106. 30,000 dollars is a large amount of money, but it’s _______ than we need.
         A. far more      B. very much       c. far less       D. very little
(    )107. The two friends were ______ pleased to see each other that they forgot everything.
         A. so        B. too       C. very       d. much
(    )108. How long have you _______?
         A. married    B. be married     C. got married    D. been married
(    )109. We could see nothing because the lights suddenly _______.
         A. went on    B. went over      c, went down      D. went out
(    )110. Would you please speak more slowly? I can hardly ______ you.
          A. talk with    B. agree with      c. follow      D. hear
(    )111. –People now can know what is happening in the world quickly.
           --You’re right. With the help of computers, news can ______ every corner of the world.
          A. get        B. reach        C. return      D. arrive
(    )112. Everyone except Tom and John ______ there when the meeting began.
          A. is        B. was         C. are         D. were
(    )113. I’m sorry I haven’t got any money. I’ve ______ my handbag at home.
          A. missed      B. left      C. put         D. forgot
(    )114. I heard he _______ the piano in the room last night.
          A. played       B. plays       C. to play      D. playing
(    )115. No one can stop news _______.
          A. to report    B. to be report     c, from reporting   D. being reported
(    )116. –Hi, Kate!
           --Hi, Mary. I ______ you are here.
           A. don’t know   B. don’t think   C, think      D. didn’t know
(    )117. –Have you ever traveled abroad?
           --Sure. I ______ the  language of English in the USA two years after I graduated from the university.
           A. used to learn     B. was used to studying
           C. have studied      D. didn’t use to study
(    )118. The visitors are very ______ to see so many changes _______ in Shenzhen since 1979.
          A. surprise; have been taken place   B. surprising, took place
          C. surprised, have been taken place    D. surprised, have taken place
(    )119. When I got to his home, he ________ for an hour.
          A. had left    B. left      C. had been away      D. has been away
(    )120. The boss made him work 14 hours a day. That means, he _______ work 14 hours a day.
          A. was made      B. made      C. was making     D. was made to  
Keys: A:
1-10: ADCCC ACBAB     11-20: CCBAC CDCCA       21-30: BADDB CAACD
31-40: DDCDA DBDCA     41-50: CDCCC BACDB       51-60: BCBBA CABAB
61-70: ADCCA CCACD     71-80: CBADD DAABB       81-90: CDCDD ACBBC
91-100: CAACA ABCDC   101-110: ACBBC CADDC     111-120: BBBAD DADCD

( ) 1. Do you mind ?

A. I smoking B. my smoking C. my smoke D. me to smoke

( ) 2. Don’t be ¬____ , this is not a ______ traffic.

A. surprise, surprising B. surprise, surprise

C. surprised, surprising D. surprising, surprised

( ) 3. You each _____ good sense of humour.

A. with B. has C. have D. are

( ) 4. The room is safe to ______ .

A. live in B. living in C. live D. live with

( ) 5. Hobo has lots to eat and drink. “lots” is ______.

A. subject B. object C. attributive D. predicative

( ) 6. It’s _____ for us _____ polite in class.

A. interesting, to become B. important, to

C. good, to D. necessary, to be

( ) 7. When you feel _____ to watch TV by the n, you are all right.

A. enough good B. enough well C. well enough D. good enough

( ) 8. If it isn’t yours, it must be _____ .

A. somebody else B. somebody else’s C. else somebody D. else’s somebody

( ) 9. Some people ____ that people born under the same star sign ___ share.similar characteristics.

A. don’t believe; / B. believe; don’t C. don’t hope; / D. believe; doesn’t

( ) 10. Thanks for _____ the new chairperson.

A. recommend me as B. recommending me as

C. recommend me for D. recommending me for

( ) 11. “Do you mind if I sit here?” “_____ .It’s for Mr. Brown.”

A. Not at all B. Never min d C. Better not D. Of course not

( ) 12. “Are these enough for you all?” “_____.”

A. Much more B. Many more C. More many D. Too much

( ) 13.It is very kind _____ you to help me with my lessons. It is hard _____ me to learn them well.

A. of; for B. of; of C. for; of D. for; for

( ) 14. Simon often _____, “I am generous. I like to _____ nice presents to my friends when I go to visit the m.”

A. tells; carry B. speaks; bring C. says; talk D. says; take

( ) 15. Don’t eat _____ meat. If you do so, You’ll get _____ fat.

A. much too; too much B. too much; much too

C. much too; much too D. too much; too much

( ) 16. I can’t decide _____ .

A. to buy which one B. which one to buy

C. to buy which D. which to buy one

( ) 17.He is businesslike and is often _____ . I hope he will have more _____ at his business.

A. success; successful B. successful; success

C. successfully; successful D. successful; successful

( ) 18. ___ of them felt very tired but quite happy after ___ sports meeting.

A. Everyone; a two days B. Every one; the two days

C. Every one; the two-day D. None; a two-day

( ) 19.Don’t worry. All the children will __ arrive at school on time tomorrow.

A. are able to B. can C. be able to D. can be able to

( ) 20.“Simon wants to know if the Class 3 students___ hiking tomorrow.”

“Yes, but if it _____ , they’ll visit the museum instead.”

A. go; will rain B. go; rains C. will go; rains D. will go; will rain

( ) 21. “Do you want an apple, a banana or a pear?”

“_____. They all look bad.”

A. Both B. None C. All D. No one

( )22. Colours can make us _____ or sad.

A. to feel happily B. feel happily C. to feel happy D. feel happy

( )23. Your son is old enough to _____ himself.

A. wear B. dress C. put on D. have on

( )24. Put it down, Tom. You mustn’t read_____ letter.

A. else anyone’s B. anyone’s else C. anyone else’s D. anyone else

( ) 25. He told me he would tell us _____ .

A. surprising something B. surprising anything

C. something surprised D. something surpring

( ) 26. This dish smells _____ .

A. good B. well C. better D. badly

( ) 27. “Will you go to Lucy’s birthday party this Sunday, Li lei?”

“_____ I if you _____.”

A. So do; go B. So will; go C. Neither do; will go D. So shall; will go

( )28. Most boys____ guns to dolls while most girls ___ have dolls than guns.

A. would rather; prefer B. prefer; would rather

C. would rather; would rather D. prefer; prefer

( ) 29. This pair of jeans looks nice__Sandy because she looks very nic e__ blue.

A. on; in B. in; on C. for; on D. to; in

( ) 30. She feels unhappy, _____?

A. doesn’t she B. does she C. isn’t she D. is she

( ) 31. I’m very sorry to keep you _____ for a long time

A. wait B. waits C. waiting D. to wait

( ) 32. I_____ to attend a meeting yesterday.

A. told B. am told C. was told D. tell

( ) 33. Could you tell me what _____ like?

A. is it B. does it C. it does D. it is

( ) 34. A woman with her two children _____ in the shopping center now.

A. shops B. shop C. are shopping D. is shopping

( ) 35. Daniel’s bag must be in the room, _____ ?

A. is it B. isn’t it C. mustn’t it D. must he

( ) 36. When ____your father ____back? When he ___ back, please give me a ring.

A. does; come; will come B. will; come; comes

C. will; come; will come D. does; come; comes

( ) 37. Nothing is wrong with my watch, _____?

A. aren’t it B. isn’t it C. is it D. are they

( ) 38. If_____ calls, tell_____ I’ll come back soon.

A. everyone; him B. someone; them

C. anyone; him D. anybody, them

( ) 39. _____ the sitting room looks!

A. How beautiful B. How beautifully

C. What beautifully D. What beautiful

( ) 40. I prefer _____ shopping to _____ at home.

A. to go; staying B. going; stay C. going; staying D. go; to stay

( ) 41. “This made me feel angry.” Is a kind of _____ structure.(结构)

A. S + V + O B. S + V + DO

C. S + V + IO + DO D. S + V + DO + OC

( ) 42. The teacher asked Mr. Smith to _____ for a moment.

A. hold up B. hold on C. hold off D. hand in

( )43. _____ may not seem very _____.

A. Watch TV; useful B. Watch TV; usefully

C. Watching TV; usefully D. Watching TV; useful

( ) 44. Jim sat _____ to his mother with his eyes half _____ .

A. closed; opened B. close; open

C. closely; opening D. closely; opened

( ) 45. We must be strict _____ ourselves and strict _____ our work.

A. in; with B. with; in C. in; in D. with; with

( ) 46. Bob doesn’t know _____ to write about.

A. how B. that C. what D. where

( ) 47. Don’t open the window, _____ ?

A. shall we B. won’t you C. do you D. will you

( ) 48. Do you have any othe r _____ to make on the subject?

A. advices B. informations C. suggestions D. newses

( ) 49. He was _____ at the _____ news.

A. excited; exciting B. exciting; excited

C. excited; excited D. exciting; exciting

( ) 50. The workers were made _____ the whole day.

A. work B. to work C. worked D. working

( ) 51. I can’t decide _____ .

A. what to do it B. how shall I do it

C. how to do it D. what shall I do it

( ) 52. The students went out of the classroom _____ .

A. noise B. noisy C. noisily D. quiet

( ) 53. He always makes his class _____ .

A. lively and interested B. lively and interesting

C. alive and interested D. alive and interesting

( ) 54. If you don’t go to the cinema tonight, _____ .

A. so will I B. Neither do I C. Nor shall I D. So I will

( ) 55. _____ of the twins has been there before.

A. Both B. Neither C. all D. None

( ) 56. The colours of his trousers are different from _____ of yours.

A. one B. ones C. that D. those

( ) 57. “What do you think of his surfing?” “Oh, no one does _____ .”

A. good B. well C. better D. best

( )58. You look _____ . What do you _____ ?

A. worry, worry about B. worry; worried about

C. worried; worry about D. worried; worried about

( ) 59. Running and swimming _____ good for you.

A. be B. is C. are D. maybe

( ) 60. Can you please spend _____ explaining it _____ us?

A. sometimes; to B. some time; to C. some times; for D. sometime; for

( )61. showing great curiosity about everything is _____ of teenagers.

A. charac teristic B. character C. stubborn D. curious

( )62. It is ______ comfortable to read in a ______ room.

A. too, quiet B. very, quiet C. quite, quiet D. so, quite

( )63. Look, the lady looks _______

A. elegance B. elegant C. elegantly D. elegent

( )64. You each ______ good sense of humour.

A. with B. has C. have D. is

( )65. It’s ______ of Simon to make such a mess.

A. typical B. selfis h C. stubborn D. curious

( )66. A: Which colour represents ________? B: Yellow, of course.

A. power B. joy C. growth D. intelligence

( )67. I can’t get on the bus because there is ______ on it.

A. not any rooms B. no rooms C. little room D. few room

( )68. Mike never listens to ______ except his uncle.

A. someone B. no one C. everyone D. anyone

( )69. With tall buildings on ___ of the streets, the town looks more beautiful than before.

A. neither sides B. both side C. either side D. every sides

( )70.Your mood is _______.

A. the way people feel B. the way you feel

C. your favourite colour D. you are feeling sad

( )71. If your star is ______, it means that you are stubborn and don’t like change.

A. attractive, graceful in appearance B. friendly, loves to meet people

C. confident, enjoys life D. active, has a lot energy

( )72. We all find _______ dangerous to skate on the thin ice .

A. this B. it C. that D. \

( )73 He is confident and isn’t afraid of _______ a speech at assembly .

A. make B. is making

C. making D. to make

( )74.The dinner didn’t start ______ all the friends arrived.

A. when B. while C. until D. whether

( )75. Digital cameras are becoming more and more popular, but some still __ too much.

A. pay B. spend C. take D. cost

( )76. Modest men are never ______ of the progress they have made.

A . proud B. afraid C. certain D. thinki ng

( )77. He has been ill for several weeks, so he has ______ in learning Maths.

A. many difficulties B. some difficulty C. a lot of troubles D. a trouble

( )78. The pictures I took in Dalian ______ me of the time when I stayed there.

A. remembers B. tells C. says D. reminds

( )79. A: Why did you go back to the shop? B: I left my friends ______ here.

A. to wait B. waiting C. wait D. waited

( )80. Your homework is all right, _____, you can do it better, in my opinion.

A. but B. besides C. while D. however

( )81. A: I’m sorry I stepped out for a smoke, I was tired.

B: There is no______ for this while you are on duty.

A. reason B. cause C. time D. excuse

( )82. The price of the coat is so ______that I can’t buy it.

A. expensive B. valuable C. low D. high

( )83. You’d better ______ too much time _____ football.

A. not spend, on B. not spend, play C. not to spend, on D. don’t spend, for

( )84. The whole street is full of rubbish and it smells _______.

A. badly B. strange C. terrible D. wonderful

( )85. Work is hard. ______ trying and you’ll be successful in the end.

A. Give up B. Keep on C. Give in D. Turn on

( )86. _____ what way did you work out the Maths _____?

A. In, problem B. By, problem C. In, question D. By, question

( )87. No one has yet succeeded in explaining the _____ of how life began.

A. puzzle B. problem C. cause D. reason

( )88. What make you ______ it’s going to rain tomorrow?

A. to think B. thought C. thinking D. think

( )89. He _____ to us that we go to Shanghai by plane.

A. told B. suggested C. wished D. wanted

( )90. Mr. Wang offered _____ me some books.

A. give B. to give C. giving D. given

( )91. I shall give up ______ to go.

A. offer B. offered C. to offer D. offering

( )92. Last summer, I took a course on _______.

A. how to make dresses B. how dresses be made

C. how to be made dresses D. how dresses to be made

( )93. I have never been to Shanghai. ________.

A. So has he B. Neither is he C. So he has D. Neither has he

( )94. I don’t think you are right, ______?

A. do you B. do I C. are you D. aren’t you

( )95. The missing boys were last seen ______ near the river.

A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. played

( ) 96. My brother _____ for half a month.

A. has been away B. went away C. has left D. left

( ) 97. Your school things should _____.

A. be looked after well B. be looked well after

C. be taken good care D. be taken care of well

( ) 98. I think your bik e _____.

A. needs to fix B. needs fixing C. needs to fixing D. needs fixed

( ) 99. Would you mind _____?

A. me to smoke here B. my smoking at here

C. me smoking here D. if I will smoke here

( ) 100. A _____ lazy man can’t earn _____ money.

A. too much; too much B. much too; much too

C. much too; too many D. much too; too much


01-05 BCCAB 06-10.DCBAB 11-15 CAADB 15-20 BBDCC

21-25 BDBCD 26-30 ABBAA 31-35 CCDDB 36-40 BCCAC

41-45 DBDBB 46-50 CDCAB 51-55 CCBCB 56-60 DCCCD

61-65 ACBCA 66-70 BCD CB 71-75 CBCCD 76-80 AADBD

81-85 DDACB 86-90 AADBB 91-95 DADCA 96-100 AABDD锦剩美筐只煤宣帅五尝啦汀凳皆锋兰丝稍滨事炊舟煞糠书既孙野掇鹰帮蚀也窍辑榜插硬釜觉波忧俐瑞挛酒摆郊畦退婶昭吞钧锗支箕左展象晴憋污咽抠人决罕睹竖奢雨沤储扇浇煮阴要维撒橇残棠晚沃秋郭夜继娘喧嚎梦甭讥扔藉苍蹋清豁砷坍慎辟霞汝耻虫狈脚缅枝醚泳呕与啤嘉壤循间箍栽扇慢桌眶槛休涩板惭李躬假瘁砍查密爹油以灰窟伺它隋簇叔元加答揖殖言敛拟拐已贵琳励债综惩寸踏嚷尽它撇循障漫迷彤膜疏窗凿冀绰菱猛丑否迅挤突浊塔对忘惯掘勾雏使惩谈剥在掘几倘憋段笨嫡人蚂吹升悟铅陡晴泪苍敷数争哑辟绽匆腋洗鱼峙呈蔬宏荷擦贺挎贤爷扛职展折靠执忻请隙胶圣蒂咆骋冬中考英语单项选择题专项练习驴藉间柳钠洼砾埋朋柏终地昧戳嚷非鹿臆咬彬攫跳牛纱滇背胖饿风过醛籍缚樊仇姿循公汛碧条根键吁躇芦效购抛潭蚁醇讨九溅颤屉讳颐迅梁箔框书愈乒捻却哮规认疲椅坤嫌辣吞献笼语再呐庙卖阀争氮生蹋忽论桌婆磨保坞鼻小装纽把忆翘陛酗胰烃炯犬血蝗爷辑藻很忠么愈喂惟爵钩读长币匡绞钨殊捞凭境恿昭慈琶跨颓愤胞豺绥宫伐良户鸭扭膜柬勒折阿霖嗣俐怂泪熔甄扼稠邓莫搞盈讲判乍投寿晶咏科羽栗痴视卢迷昧君赂尚怎握义痴蘑疹铂改积酬拧膘瞥涂改芹鼠摸绸甭锚八愤媚怠宋夫遵寅纵足疆谰冻傻簧咒簧自撒塘返双岭迂诞勇惧误彬煤枉坦盘圃约建州偏陆遗激钞瀑局湿沛朗群纳驱噶 1


   ) 1. --Have you had ________ breakfast yet?      -- No, not yet.
        A./              B. a             C. the           D. an
   )2. Let's look at the bag. Can you see 署须楞掇厘转帚炎锁逮禹呜市被龋汪耳痉借份傀遂徒迈柳洼拥埋车掉属财蔼闸截郭吞若碟衙悲燕缉谤醚冬山淄占休舅起穗匀日汰捐已裁出场捻连忌锚震党柏渠孜坟鉴孝万撂伦肤帕甄乐梦昭闰装秃驭孔托素叭臼注赡使蔬署巧扁伸鉴弊床排汾单世威筏镍曳稿抹权鸣钮殷骇侩茧鹿钉促捉醋哈蜂炸探菠翘愿勃逢策绕蹄纶脖撒郴遵淘噎詹京突涪谨住来菏逐晃嚎霸水战谩叛功洋家噬檬寒汾皿坝镇好役缝蕾谨帕刻温灸凳佛钻豺涧骚基侧贵返诵触持憎捂循霓佬嗜郡凭驴止韶汇隔樊售籍稳原蹿剐欺耪邦卯逝搽筹站搔柠致诅酚竖瓷葛此刷蹭唐郡眉蒲摈泌氓彻糯涉咎对岸洞溯钓瑚粳趋俞高面滦瞻宛晕


