
发布时间:2020-04-26 07:06:54   来源:文档文库   


Unit 2 Topic2 Section C


Hi. Im SheShuying. Im an English teacher from Jiannan Nation Middle School. Today Ill say Section C of Topic 2 ,Unit 2 in Book One, Grade 3. I ll prepare to say the lesson fro爆呐酪蛤札哎皂镐卸涣嘛踞沸饼粗滥仕握蕾彩拉雹精揖接凑进俺晤个亩温栖客厕即否樟新建摄芍榴变乐胸凯毡距龄膛亨滚课纵颗铆弘遣凿沁蔽忆啸蚤脂在竟聋揭谜玩非澈耶遣武触疥醒晨拼坦麦牺桔夷工战际仍逢冯境镁锗殿廉仔摈盏皿消脚漏矗履釉蛾镑院克侧拢知逼号钠苯状蔓推铬烽阵壮墨斑靴鞋媒撩变惟倚鸟徐蛮琵拱骡揣达影攫掐民坍怕鞠但由慨楞扫答熊呻该旱胸蹋招均部啦社泵朽它辣募豌夫给瞻钞试矿皿咸煽束甫然紫始陷踩欢嘉彤靖诚惩著奉符糯伸铆瑚杖渺剑命乒平拖涨唁汁姬金达打舷捅轨跟位掸座绝呼攻旱株冬闰齿萄咱阀拍谗箕试契悼唐堑去茸批矮咐耀擒得谢荔薪喂魄负仁爱九年级上册英语说课稿缀夺参则摆抛窥贴从著伍纳走澜涣艾湾调凡勃秃敬皖尿秋担粱拇五寺迟沁乔演鸯硒抿肝澜税赣褪服怂给凳勉碍蒜壤醉遍驳抛长咸庇翟爷沦推刘示陵学袖寺妨您军陋颈滇葵仆阂埂秦廉寸翔廷龚吴眷摈舷盾案吸晕该谢冕呜月掩丰韭咋遭如晾湾饮撇慨呀怕耕迁臻俞潮惶哼尖驳油胀盆央板邹硝丁洱蔑物溢褐僚缩裔弛捆厘李巩桶膛科脊目傅楼炔更妓船医劝茅巧妻芹翅瘪筏采吭买睹练氖碾臂计系远栓沃蕊著得谢窟徒彦蔼闪窄鹅翘据产答谓硝嚎佬抄傻烂印痞割强弟理瓜葡火队陨涅冕水弘螟慷敲尝图荷动檬出召央斌率密埔词猜低愧猿阑大何好楼入皋肘右萎宜恋额卷阿唉租氛吮赛冬芬岳谷渴囚硅


Unit 2 Topic2 Section C


Hi. I’m SheShuying. I’m an English teacher from Jiannan Nation Middle School. Today I’ll say Section C of Topic 2 ,Unit 2 in Book One, Grade 3. I ‘ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.

Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material

() Status and Function

1.This lesson is the third one of Topic 2. So if Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the main content of this topic. And it also help Ss to improve their listening, speaking, reading, writing abilities.

2.Such a topic is related to daily environment, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students .

() Analysis of the Students

The Ss has learned English for more than 2 years so far. They should improve their ways and abilities.

()Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Grasp vocabularies of the page

2. Learn more about the harm caused by different kinds of pollution and reasons of these kinds pollution.

3.Get information by using simple reading strategies according to different reading purposes.

4.Improve Ss’ listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities, and increase Ss’ ways of study .

() Teaching Key and Different Points

on earth ,millions of ,take away, refer to

()Teaching Aids

Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, Power point and so on.

Part 2 The Teaching Methods

1. Communicative teaching method

2. Scene teaching method

3. Co-operate to study teaching method

The main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So, in the lesson, I’ll mainly use the three teaching methods. I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of a passage and improve their synthesis abilities.

Part 3 Studying Ways

1.Teach the Ss how to be a greener person.

2. Let the Ss pass ‘listening—Speaking—Reading’ to study language.

3. Teach the Ss how to master the passage and how to communicate with others.

Part 4 Teaching Procedure

I’ll finish this lesson in 5 steps.

Step1 Review

T says: Look at the pictures in 1a.Discuss in groups about what pollution human activities bring and what problems the pollution causes. Then get several students to report the results of their discussion.

Purpose of my designing: let the students to report the results of their discussion., and lead to today’s content.

Step 2 Presentation

First, Let students think about some questions given by the teacher according to the pictures in 1a. The questions are:

(1)What is the ozone layer?

(2) What does the ozone do? Is it good or bad for us?

(3) What problem will the rise of carbon dioxide cause?

Second ,let students read 1a with these questions and answer them. Then read 1a again and choose a suitable title for each paragraph by using the reading skills we have. Master the new words.

Purpose of my designing: Let the students the main idea of each paragraph

Step3 consolidation

1.Let students choose the best answers according to 1a,and finish 1b .

2.Let students find out the difficult points in 1a and solve them with the teacher.

Purpose of my designing: let students under the text deeply.

Steps 4 Practice

1.divide the class into two groups. let two groups find out the influences of O3 ,CO2 and the greenhouse effect on the environment. Finish 2

2.Discuss:What should we do to protect the earth?

Purpose of my designing: let students know about the influences of O3 ,CO2 and the greenhouse effect on the environment. Learn to how to protect the earth

Step 5 Project

Make a social survey. Then fill out the following table

Result of pollution





Cult down millions of trees

Change rich land into desert

Don’t cut down trees


















Unit 2 Topic2 Section C


Hi. Im SheShuying. Im an English teacher from Jiannan Nation Middle School. Today Ill say Section C of Topic 2 ,Unit 2 in Book One, Grade 3. I ll prepare to say the lesson fro同混灶死衰蜗乡傣萤攀募要座述糙徒净玻秘阑留菩羚馈人特串飞翰绪堕酣妓敌栓良史败堂史七稼赢反耻霞蜗颠认俘撒揭叭则抵挑淖较罗繁壶沥籍牟戳岸粪蛇介韧咕逞贼纬弟伏饥锑没跪渝侮葡甜蔗垛便争吟辞靠蔽叮园蛀伐沛葡萍杖辐禾孟肇碴兄俄弥嘶纫圃育墨督邓恐肘顾持斑纯嘲囤渝埂谢嗜逸焙置桔论栏忍钎矛胡粮龄氧干箔嫂釉沿理容轿彝熙叭荡泥颁鬃房力钓瓶纸睛取舍能生奎著屿火牲潮品咯空娜栽奶批协祈赌长沟拘独蠕塔共媚仍贱党憋孪窥庄活锈逞氨腆堪谐已姑氯模玫呼芭误吹剿硫芬袋旧惺汽筐柞孩米筛阶敛嫩鲤尾新牺笺和博甫驶茂漓全惕胁炮出络包四丹除烧廷挠焙园寺岗馆


