(复习必做)新中考英语 题型专项复习 题型七 选词填空题型专练

发布时间:2019-04-18 04:06:06   来源:文档文库   




Confucius is the 1. teacher in Chinese history. He was born on

September 28, 551BC in the Kingdom of Lu, in today's Shandong Province. When he

was young, he and his mother had a hard life. At the age of fifteen, he began to

learn music, and he did 2. in it. Then he went on 3. other

subjects. When he was thirty, he became a teacher. He started his own school. He

believed everyone should have a chance to get 4. whether they were rich or

poor. He had about 3000 students and many of them became 5. .



Grandma 6. a quilt with old clothes. Grandma, that's the ugliest quilt

I've ever seen” said Carrie.

Grandma stopped her needle() work and smiled, Oh, sweetie, it is sure to be

warm and beautiful. Grandma pointed to a rainbow pile of old clothes. I will never

wear these old clothes again. I want 7. them into something useful.

Carrie still thought the rainbow quilt was ugly. But it 8. you warm on a

cold night like tonight” Grandma said slowly.

The next day, Grandma put the finished quilt into a shopping bag and said, Let'sget a second opinion about how ugly my quilt is. Carrie 9. to a

street where some beggars lived. They saw a woman shivering(发抖) in the cold air.

“I have a nice, warm quilt, if you want it” said Grandma.

“That's pretty” said the woman. It looks warm, too. But are you sure you can

10. it up

“I made it for you” said Grandma.

As they went home, Carrie thought of all the clothes she didn't wear anymore

and she knew what she could do to help others.


1greatest 2.well 3.learning 4.education 5.famous

6was making 7.to turn 8.will keep 9.was taken


  任何职业都是间接或直接地为人类或别人服务,只是服务对象、服务层面不同,而服务质量的本质要求是相同的。目前一般认为服务质量就是服务对象的满意度和同行认可度,而要服务对象满意、同行认可,绝不是简简单单的微笑、文明用语及事后处理,更重要的是事前工作的质量和输出的产品的质量。 我所从事的安检工作,工作的核心内容是保障安全,我们输出的产品是安全,安检服务质量最重要的衡量标准同样是安全。那么怎样才能提高服务质量,体现安检工作最大价值呢?
  我认为: 首先,要认识到服务质量的重要性和关键性。服务质量优,则被服务对象满意度高,其心情则舒畅,才会和谐、愉快地配合安检;反之,则服务对象满意度低,其心情郁闷,内心则会产生厌恶、对抗甚至敌对意识,干扰安检工作。我们服务质量的好坏,表面上讲,会影响到安检的形象,深层次讲,会动摇安全的根基,其后果将是不可挽回的。因此,我们必须不断提高服务质量,以优质的服务保障安全,赢得声誉。


《(复习必做)新中考英语 题型专项复习 题型七 选词填空题型专练.doc》
