
发布时间:2019-02-28 02:37:39   来源:文档文库   




1. it’s our markup for our services.


2. does that ring a bell?


3. i was selling garbage to garbage men and making cash hand over fist.


4. i don’t want to get personal, but theyre okay?


5. you cold-called me.


6. this is the mary lou, which is really the shoe that put me on the map.


7. he wants me to rat on myself?


8. were you trying to take a stab at wall street?


9. in the ballpark?


10. in that particular trade, and it was one trade, north of half a million dollars.


11. the same gentleman that told me you tried to get your broker’s license also told me that you are a straight arrow.


12. sometimes i wonder if you let money get the best of you.


13. sometimes i feel like i’ve bitten off more than i can chew.


14. she was three months behind on her rent.



1. so i was selling them shit. but the way i looked at it, their money was better off in my pocket. i knew how to spend it better.


2. -wouldn’t you feel better if you sold that stuff to rich people who can, like, afford to lose all that money?

-of course. but rich people dont buy penny stocks. they just dont.

-why not?

-because they’re too smart, that’s why not.





3. there is no nobility in poverty.


4. money talks and bullshit takes the bus.


5. risk is what keeps us young, isn’t it, darling?






the world of investing can be a junglebulls, bears ,danger at every turn

投资理财世界可能处处陷阱 .牛市,熊市,转角就遇风险

that ‘s why we are proud ourselves on being the best 很自豪自己是最优秀的经纪人

i am former member of the middle class raised by two accountants in a tiny apartment in bayside ,queen 以前我是中产阶级的一份子在皇后区还望边碧沙区的小公寓长大,父母都是会计。

which really pissed me off because it was three shy of a million a week

i also gamble like a degenerate退化,恶化,堕落的人 .


aanax to take the edge off ,pot to mellow 柔和 me out


i go to the one place on earth that befit my high-minded ambitions 崇高的报复


time to paint the tape 该哄抬股价了(paint the tape 用不正当的方式哄抬股价)

we ‘re taking home cold hard cash现金 via commission 我们拿到佣金

i can ‘t tell you how excited i am 我真无法形容自己此刻多么激动

do you jeck off i打飞机吗

second key to success in this racket 成功 第二个秘诀

i got to know the ins and outs of wall street 我已经了解华尔街所有的秘诀

earning money as i geared up to take my series7 挣着大笔的钱,同事准备着我整卷执照考试

gear up to do something 准备做某事

wall street had swallowed me up and shit me right back out again 华尔街把我吞没又迅速把我赶出来

you mailed in my company a postcard a few weeks back requesting information about on penny stocks that had huge upside potential with very little downside risk


does that ring a bell ? yeah , i may have send something

想起我们了吗, 有点映像

the reason for the call today , john ,is something just came across my desk ,john 我手头刚好有

it is perhaps the best thing i ;ve see in the last six month

you show me a pay stub 工资条 for $72000 on it i quit my job right now and i work for you

你给我看看你的72的工资条,我立马辞职跟你干 stub 存根,烟头

i did not even want to bring it up .我都不想提出来

i don’t want to get personal (进行人身攻击),but they ‘re kay ?


no , they are not retarded or anything like that


my partner and i are interested in renting out租下 your garage


they all want something for nothing 他们都想不捞而获

in no time , i ‘ll make them rich 用不了多久, 我会a让他们发财

i decided to reinvent the company 于是,我决定彻底改造公司

a firm whose roots are so deeply embedded(插入,栽种在) into wall street that our very founders sailed over on the mayflower 华尔街一家历史悠久的公司,公司的创立者乘着五月花而来

but what if they didn’t sounds like a bunch of jerk-offs 蠢货,乡巴老 。但是假如他们听上去不像草包呢

turn your fucking brain on 用点脑子

once we’ve suckered them in , we unload倾销 the dog shit 狗屎 the punk sheets, the penny stocks


now the key to making money in a situation like this is to position yourself now before the settlement


sorry , i appreciate the call , but i really have to give this some thought 我谢谢你的电话,我需要再考虑考虑

the only real objection that they have is that they do not trust you guys


sound fair enough ? 听上去不错吧

you give me one shot here , 你给我一个机会

excellent choice , 明智的选择

how much do you want to go for this time ? 这次要买多少?

let me lock in 锁定 ,把什么关在里面 that trade right now 现在我先帮你确定交易

im gonna transfer you to my sales associate 我会转接我么的销售助理

let the scalping begin 剃头现在开始

blow the roof off this motherfucker 咱们把屋顶掀了

every day , dozens f money –crazed kids beat a path开辟一条路 to my door


if i hired them , they dropped straight out of college overnight 过一夜


you know ,every time someone rises up n this world ,there’s always gonna be some asshole trying to drag him down 每当世上有人取得成,,总会有混账想拉他下水。

anyway i hired my dad ,max , to maintain order as the enforcer 总之,我雇了自己的老爸麦克斯来负责保安

there’s bull’s-eye and the bull’s-eyes; dollar sign 中间是个版心,把心上有个有钱的标志

you can’t look him right in the eyes. 你不能直视他的眼睛,

they get confused and their wires get crossed 。那样他们会很困惑,脑子不好使。

i feel like you are addressing me right now , but you’re not , are you ?


tell him about the sides , i ordered sides 跟他说说小菜, 我点了小菜

i am getting this close 我差点脾气要发作了

i wan t you to open up more .你把情绪释放出来 why do you hold it in ?你憋着干什么?

one of these days , the chickens are gonna come home to roost安歇。


crazy ? this is obscene .发疯,这简直是猥琐淫荡

and was prescribed to stressed-out housewives with sleep disorders


but pretty soon someone figured out that if you resisted the urge to sleep for just 15 minutes you got a pretty kick-ass high from it .如果你能撑住15分钟不睡觉,会得到相当的快感。

didn’t take long for people to start abusing ludes ,of cause 当然没过多久,人们就开始滥用此药了。

i am a mutt 我是混血人

you wanna come up for some tea or something


don’t get involved . go home to your wife


yes, sir , i tried to stump you this evening 我今晚还想难道你的

all cash , none of it’s on the book 都是现金,全都不记在账上。

a big no-no , of course , in the eyes of the law 当然在法律上来说,是不行的

it’s the first time a stock is offered for sale to the general population /main street


but the wedding was something out of a fairy tale 。这结婚就好像是童话一样

baby , you know , you got real anger issues 你真的有控制情绪问题。

actually do some work besides swiping my fucking credit card all day 你每天还干了实事.除了刷爆我的信用卡。

because i cant keep track of 跟踪 your professions ,honey .因为我都是搞不清你到底是做什么的。

water at me , 泼我水

next was a steam ,so i could sweat out the drugs still in my system 然后蒸一次桑拿浴,把我身体的毒品蒸掉。

we are here to make money , everybody on point 我们是来赚钱的,各就各位。

you get them fired up so they push the shit out of this stock . okay ?


this is the mary lou ,which is really the shoe that put me on the map


give him a round of applause


you guys got that out of your systems 你们都舒展开了吗?

we should be on hands and knees right now


there is no nobility in poverty 这世上做穷人不光彩

if anyone here thinks i am superficial or materialistic go get a job at fucking mcdonald ‘s , cause that ;s where you belong 如果有人觉的我肤浅 或者崇尚物质,你就去麦当劳找份工作,那才是你该去的地方

but before you depart/leave this room full of winner ,在你离开这个充满赢家的房子

because sometime in the not-so-distant future 在不久的将来

are you behind on your credit card bills ?


is your landlord ready to evict you ?你房东要把你扫地出门吗

i wan t you deal with the problems by becoming rich

格韦国际英语cici 老师编写

如有共同爱好英语电影的朋友,可跟本人多多交流my qq is nine three six five one seven six seven eight


