人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 8 专项练习 阅读理解(附答案)

发布时间:2020-04-12 10:41:23   来源:文档文库   

Unit 8专项训练—阅读理解


Cindy is a Grade 7 student. She lives with her parents and grandma in Beijing. Cindy doesn't have any brothers or sisters. She has a pet dog. It's from her friend. It's black and it's only one month old. It likes sleeping on the sofa.

There are five rooms in Cindy's house: a kitchen, a living room, two bedrooms and a bathroom (浴室). There is a computer in her parents' bedroom. Cindy often uses it to write e­mails to her cousins. Cindy's favorite room is the living room because it's big and painted blue. Blue is her favorite color.

Cindy's birthday is in January. Her parents usually have a birthday party for her. But this year, they will take Cindy to Hainan to celebrate (庆祝) her birthday. Cindy is very happy about it. Now she is reading a book about Hainan and she thinks she will enjoy her trip.

(  )1. Cindy's ____ lives with her.

A. sister B. brother

C. grandma D. grandpa

(  )2. What can we know about Cindy's pet from the passage?

A. It's a black cat.

B. It likes sleeping on the bed.

C. It's just one month old.

D. It's from one of Cindy's cousins.

(  )3. Which is Cindy's favorite room?

A. The kitchen.

B. The bathroom.

C. Her bedroom.

D. The living room.

(  )4. How will Cindy's parents celebrate her birthday this year?

A. They'll take her for a trip.

B. They'll have a party for her.

C. They'll buy her some books.

D. They'll buy her a new computer.

(  )5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Cindy lives in Hainan.

B. Cindy likes the color blue.

C. Cindy's birthday is in December.

D. There are four rooms in Cindy's house.


Little Henry is a cute boy. He is four years old. His father is always at work. His mother often feeds food to him and often carries him on her back. Henry is too spoiled(娇惯坏的).

His father is at home on furlough(休假) during this weekend and his mother has to go out of the town on a business trip.

Henry's father decides to take him to the park. Little Henry asks his father to carry him. His father says, “Henry, you have feet. You can walk by yourself. ”“But Mom always carries me, ” Henry answers unhappily. His father asks, “Why do you have feet? ” “When I am not happy, I kick my mom with them, ” Henry says happily.

1. From Paragraph 1, Henry is a(n) ________ boy.

A. cool B. cute

C. ugly D. sweet

2. Who spoil(s) Henry?

A. His father. B. His mother.

C. His parents. D. His grandparents.

3. Where does Henry's father decide to take him?

A. To a park.

B. To a school.

C. To a factory.

D. To a supermarket.

4. Henry kicks his mother when he is ________.

A. busy B. happy

C. walking D. unhappy

5. From Paragraph 3, which of the following about Henry is TRUE?

A. He can't walk.

B. He doesn't have feet.

C. He doesn't want to walk.

D. His mother treats him badly.


Welcome to Xiangshan City!

Xiangshan City is an interesting place to visit. (1)It is a beautiful city with many old buildings.

Take a walk through the center of the city on Main Street. Look first at the Xiangshan City Hotel. It is on the corner of Main Street and Park Avenue. It is about 150 years old and people like to stay there. There is an interesting old building across from the hotel. This is the old post office. Now it is a store for books and videos. There are many places to eat on Main Street. You can have lunch or dinner in one of these places. There is a park between Main Street and Bridge Street. You can sit on a bench(长凳)in the park. (2)It's nice and quiet, and you can enjoy the clean air and sunshine.

You can also take a walk down Park Avenue. Look at the old buildings and interesting stores on this street.

根据短文内容, 完成下列任务。

1.将(1)处画线句子改为“There be…”句型。





(1). How old is Xiangshan City Hotel?


(2). What's between Main Street and Bridge Street?


(3). Can you buy books and videos in the old post office?



Look! There are cute goggles (护目镜) on your umbrella. They're from China. They're made of plastic (塑料). They help you see the road clearly(清楚地) on a rainy day.

Can you play ping­pong? This is a ping­pong robot teacher from Japan. Its name is Forpheus. It can teach you to play ping­pong. It can play with you, too.

Do you like candy? A 3­D printer can do this. It's from the UK. You upload (上传) your photos or other pictures to the machine. And then you can make eight kinds of candies. In just five minutes, it can finish them! But one kind of candy is about 86 yuan.

BeachBot is a robot. It is from America. It is a good painter on the beach. It can paint a dog, a duck or a turtle(乌龟). It can paint lines.

1. The goggles can help us________.

A. learn to play ping­pong well

B. learn to paint the lines well

C. make eight kinds of candies

D. see the road clearly on a rainy day

2. What can Forpheus do?

A. It can make candy.

B. It can teach us to play ping­pong.

C. It can play the piano.

D. It can paint on the beach.

3. The 3­D printer can make ________ kinds of candies.

A. 12 B. 9 C. 8 D. 10

4. BeachBot is from ________.

A. China   B. Japan

C. the UK   D. America

5. The four passages are about________.

A. sports B. robots

C. technology(科技) D. school



Mr. Clark calls me. I run to the high school. He is watching the school.

“What are you doing? ”I ask him.

“I am looking at that window. ”says Mr. Clark. “ _____1 ”

“Maybe the janitor(看门人)is inside,” I say.

“No,”says Mr. Clark. “The janitor doesn't work on Saturdays. And yesterday, the windows were closed. ”

“ _____2”I ask.

“That is the principal's(校长的)office window,”says Mr. Clark. “The principal has test papers in his office. Someone may be stealing()them. And look! _______3”

Mr. Clark and I watch the man. He climbs out of the window. Then he stands on the ground and closes the window.

“He's not a student,” I say. “He looks too old. Is he the principal?”

“No, he is not the principal,” says Mr. Clark. “The principal doesn't have a beard(胡子). That man does. ”

“I see something in his hand. _____4 Let's stop him,” I say.

We run quickly all the way to catch the man.

“Stop right there,” I say. “Who are you? Why are you here?”

The man turns around.

“Principal Hansen!” says Mr. Clark. “You have a beard now!”

“ Yes, it's new,” says the man. “I needed something from my office. ______5”


Do you like walking? A thirteen­year­old girl named Jenny likes walking very much. She likes walking because she thinks walking is good for her health. “My home is 6 kilometers from school. I get up at 6: 00 every morning. Then I have a good breakfast. I think breakfast is very important to us. If we don't eat breakfast in the morning, we can't do well in our studies. After breakfast, I walk to school. I can see many interesting things and people on my way to school. I can also think about what to do or how to do things at school, ” says Jenny. My father buys a new car and he wants to take me to school every morning. But I think I need to exercise and I ask my father to exercise, too.

Now he walks to work. After dinner, my father, my mother and I usually take a walk in the park near our house. I have a happy family. And we have a healthy life.

How do you go to school every day? Walk to school now. It's good exercise. It's also good for the environment(环境). Do you think so?

1. 判断正误(“T”表示正确, “F”表示错误)

Jenny's father drives his new car to work now.

2. 简略回答问题

How far is it from Jenny's home to school?


3. 简略回答问题

What do Jenny and her parents usually do after dinner?


4. 在文中找出并写下与下句意义相似的句子

I go to school on foot after breakfast.


5. 将文中画线句子译成汉语。___________________________________________________________


B1. B 根据第一段第一句Little Henry is a cute boy. 可知小亨利是个可爱的男孩, 故选B。

2. B 根据第一段中His mother often feeds food to him and often carries him on her back. 可知亨利被妈妈宠坏了, 故选B。

3. A 根据第三段第一句Henry's father decides to take him to the park. 可知亨利的爸爸决定带他去公园, 故选A。

4. D 根据第三段最后一句“When I am not happy, I kick my mom with them, ” Henry says happily. 可知当亨利不高兴的时候, 他用脚踢他的妈妈, 故选D。

5. C 根据第三段可知亨利有脚, 可以走路, 但不想走路, 故选C。

C: 1. There are many old buildings in the beautiful city.

2. /那儿又美丽又安静,你可以享受清新的空气和阳光。

3.(1) It's about 150 years old. /About 150 years old.

(2). It/There is a park. /A park.   (3). Yes, I/we can.

D: 1. D 根据题干关键词goggles和文中They help you see the road clearly(清楚地) on a rainy day. 可知, 护目镜帮助你在雨天能清楚地看到路。

2. B 根据第二篇中It can teach you to play ping­pong. 可知, Forpheus会打乒乓球。

3. C 。根据第三篇中And then you can make eight kinds of candies. 可知, 这个3­D打印机能生产出八种糖果。

4. D 根据第四篇中BeachBot is a robot. It is from America. 可知, BeachBot来自美国。

5. C 根据四篇短文的内容可推知是关于科技的文章。

E: 1-5:EABDC

F: 1. F  2. It's 6 kilometers.

3. They usually take a walk in the park.

4. After breakfast, I walk to school.

5. 我爸爸买了一辆新车, 他想每天早上送我去上学。


《人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 8 专项练习 阅读理解(附答案).doc》
