
发布时间:2014-09-14 19:00:09   来源:文档文库   


Important Events in Chinese History Pertaining to Confucius

歷代年號 西元 大事紀

Year Important Events

魯襄公二十二年 551 孔子生。

551 BCE Confucius was born.

魯哀公十六年 479 孔子卒。

479 BCE Confucius passed away.

漢高祖十一年 196 帝經過魯國,以牛、羊、豬三牲祭祀孔子

196 BCE When Emperor Gaozu of the Han dynasty passed by the land of Lu, he made an offering of a pig, a sheep, and an ox to Confucius.

漢成帝綏和元年 8 封孔子後裔孔吉為殷紹嘉侯,後又進封為公爵。

8 BCE Kong Ji, a descendent of Confucius, was bestowed the title of Marquis Yinshaojia [The Marquis Continuing and Honoring the Yin dynasty] by Emperor Cheng of the Han dynasty and was later promoted to the rank of duke.

漢平帝元始元年 1 封孔子後裔孔均為褒成侯,追諡孔子為褒成宣尼公。

1 Emperor Ping of the Han dynasty bestowed the title of Marquis Baocheng [The Marquis Commended for His Accomplishment] on Kong Jun, a descendent of Confucius, and a posthumous title of Duke Baochengxuan Ni [The Lord Ni Commended for His Accomplishment and Thus Declared] on Confucius.

漢光武帝建武十四年 38 封孔子後裔孔志為褒城侯。

38 Emperor Guangwu of the Han dynasty bestowed the title of Marquis Baocheng on Kong Zhi, a descendent of Confucius.

漢明帝永平十五年 72 帝親臨孔子宅,祭祠孔子及七十二弟子。

72 Emperor Ming of the Han dynasty personally went to the house where Confucius had lived and held a memorial ceremony for Confucius and his seventy-two accomplished students.

漢章帝元和二年 85 帝親臨魯國,祭祀孔子及七十二弟子。

85 Emperor Zhang of the Han dynasty personally went to the land of Lu and held a memorial ceremony for Confucius and his seventy-two accomplished students.

漢安帝延光三年 124 帝親臨魯國,祭祀孔子及七十二弟子。

124 Emperor An of the Han dynasty personally went to the land of Lu and held a memorial ceremony for Confucius and his seventy-two accomplished students.

北齊文宣帝天保元年 550 郡學於坊內立孔顏廟,為郡學立孔廟的開始。

550 Kong Yan Temple was built in the academy in a commandery. This was the start of the system of building a Confucian temple in the highest academy in a commandery.

唐高祖武德二年 619 立周公、孔子廟於國子監,以周公為先聖,孔子為先師。

619 A temple honoring the Duke of Zhou and Confucius was built in the Imperial College. The Duke of Zhou was honored as First Sage, and Confucius was honored as First Teacher.

唐太宗貞觀三年 629 改以孔子為先聖。

Confucius’ title was changed to First Sage.

唐太宗貞觀四年 630 詔告全國州縣官學建置孔廟;廟學制遂確立。

630 It was decreed that a Confucian temple should be built at all national academies at the district and prefecture levels. The system of combining a Confucian temple with an academy was thus established.

唐玄宗開元二十七年 739 加諡孔子為文宣王。

739 Confucius was honored with the additional title of Lord Wenxuan [The Lord Propagating Culture].

宋真宗咸平三年 1000 追諡孔子為玄聖文宣王。

1000 Confucius was honored with the title of Lord Xuansheng Wenxuan [The Lord Propagating Culture, the Superior Sage].

宋真宗大中祥符五年 1012 改諡孔子為至聖文宣王。

Confucius’ title was changed to Lord Zhisheng Wenxuan [The Lord Propagating Culture, the Ultimate Sage].

宋仁宗至和二年 1055 封孔子四十七代孫孔宗願為「衍聖公」,並令孔門嫡長子世襲之。

Kong Zongyuan, a forty-seventh-generation descendent of Confucius, was conferred the title of Duke Yansheng [The Duke Continuing the Bloodline of the Sage], a title to be passed down to the oldest son born by the first wife in subsequent generations.

清德宗光緒三十二年 1906 學部頒布忠君、尊孔、尚公尚武尚實為全國教育宗旨。

The Ministry of Education proclaimed loyalty to the emperor, respect to Confucius, emphasis on public welfare, emphasis on military training, and pragmatism as the goals of education for the whole nation.


