
发布时间:2019-02-26 02:18:51   来源:文档文库   





(a computer is a fast and accurate system that is organized to accept ,store and process data ,and produce results under the direction of a stored program.)

2 像输入设备和输出设备是负责人机交流解释的一种设备。

(like input devices are instruments of interpretation and communication between humans and computer systems.)

3 这意味着当它充当网络服务器时,计算机管理保存的文件和进程保证办公室的每个人都


(this means that ,in its network sever role, the computer is responsible for holding the files and managing the process that enable everyone in the office to access and use the network)

1 macintosh 作业环境,windows 提供了一个图形用户界面(gui),虚拟内存管理,


(like macintosh operating environment ,windows provides a graphical user interface (gui),virtual memory management,multitasking,and support for many peripheral devices)

2 一个家庭的个人电脑操作系统,起初有人估计90%的个人电脑都是windows,它主宰着


(a family of operating systems for personal computers,windows ,dominates the personal computer world,running,by some estimates,on 90% of all personal computers)

3 其最明显的特征,虽然是活动桌面,它集成在操作系统中ie浏览器。

(its most visible feature,though,is the active desktop ,which integrates internet explorer with the operating system.) 42

1 linux 操作系统是由一个年轻学生linus torvalds在芬兰赫尔辛大学生作为一种业余爱


(linux is an operating system that was initially created as a hobby by a young student,linus torvalds ,at the university of helsinki in finland)

2 除了它的免费分发事实上,linux的功能性,适应性和鲁棒性,都使得它成为专有unix 和微软操作系统的主要选择。

(apart from the fact that it’s freely distributed,linux’s functionality,adaptability and robustness,have made it the main for proprietary unix and microsoft operating system )

3 现在有一个应用程序在linux上运行范围广,它可以被任何人使用,而不管他、她的电


(there are now a wide range of applications that run on linux and it can be used by anyone regardless of his/her knowledge of computers)

1…linux的完整分布以及技术支持和培训可用于从诸如红帽和novell厂商费。 2、这个服务器预计将非常受欢迎,它是中小企业中应用程序部署网络服务器,,工作组,网络办公的理想选择。

(...full distributions of linux along with technical support and training are available for a fee from vendors such as red hat and novell.)


(existing windows nt4.0 enterprise edition servers with up to eight-way smp can install this product ,which will be priced below today’s windows nt sever enterprise edition) 69

1 在文档间跳转是通过超链接来实现的。

(the ability to jump from one document to the nest is made possible through the use of hyperlinks)

2 万维网在同一界面下提供到网上不同资源的访问权,除网站之外还包括ftpgopher

usenet 新闻组。

3 网络上使用做多的工具是电子邮件,常用于地理上相隔很远的个人或者群体之间交换书


(the most widely used tool on the web is electronic mail,or e-mile,which is used to send written messages between individuals or groups of individuals,often geographically separated by large distances) 85

1 多媒体一词描述了许多不同的技术,它们能以崭新的方式将视频和音频结合起来,达到


the term “multimedia” describes a number of diverse technologies that allow visual and audio media to be combined in new ways for the purpose of communicating

2 商业中多媒体的应用以另一个重要实现,就是视频会议,它使得在不通地点的若干个与


(another important practice of multimedia in business is videoconferencing ,which conducts a conference between two or more participants at different sites by using computer networks to transmit audio and video data.)

3 有了多媒体具有强烈感官体验的创新性互动游戏成为可能,它们因迷人的音效和画面而


(multimedia males possible innovative and interactive games with greatly enhanced feeling and experience,which just come alive with immersive sounds and dazzling graphics) 99

1 嵌入式系统,是一个由其所挖制的设备完全封穿起来的计算机系统。

(an embedded system is a special-purpose system in which the computer is completely encapsulated by the device it controls.)

2 基于安全性和可用性这类原因,一些嵌入式系统必须满足其实时性限制,而对于另外可


(some of the embedded system have real-time performance constraints that must be met,for reason such as safety and usability; others may have low or no performance requirements,allowing the system hardware to be simplified to reduce costs.)

3 万维网的出现为嵌入式系统的设计者们提供了一个全新的选择,通过网络连接提供网页


(the rise of the world wide web has given embedded designers another quite different option,by providing a web page interface over a network connection.)




随后的几年里, 本着公司的核心价值观——创新,联想实现了很多重要的技术突破:例如发明了能将操作系统由英文翻译成中文的联想汉卡,创造了轻敲一个按键就能上网的一键式上网以及发展了联合应用技术。所有这些创新奠定了联想十多年来在中国电脑市场上的领先地位。

2003年,联想更名为lenovo,准备进军海外市场。两年后,联想收购了ibm 个人电脑部。如今,联想全球雇员超过2.5万人,总部位于北卡罗莱纳州的罗利,研发中心设在中国、日本和美国。除了中国的电脑生产和装配厂外,联想在美国、墨西哥、巴西和其他国家也建有生产和分销中心。





















1. 对自己负责




2. 说我会的,而不是我试试。


3. 采取行动


4. 现在就行动


5. 自我审视






? 删除你忘记的或不再使用的程序


? 清除你的硬盘上不需要的文件


? 删除无效的注册表条目


? 删除不需要的启动项


? 整理磁盘碎片


? 扫描/删除恶意软件




1. the main difference between bpo and more traditional it outsourcing is that bpo offers companies a way of achieving transformational outcomes much more quickly.


2. bpo is emerging as a powerful and flexible approach that business leaders can use to achieve a wide range of tactical and strategic aims.


3. outsourcing has moved from a niche technology management tool to a main stream strategic weapon. (外包已经从一个立即技术的管理工具转变成主流战略武器)

4. non-core business processes, such as human resources, finance and accounting, are critical, but also resource-intensive, time-consuming, and costly.


5. the sword of globalization will be fought bitterly by the it community in the us.


unit 3 computer science major continues to be cool

1. the study found that the number of undergraduates sighed up as computer science majors rose 8.1% in 2008. (该调查发现,2008年注册为计算机科学专业的大学生人数增加了8.1%)

2. cra said the popularity of computer science majors among college freshmen and sophomores is because it has better job prospects than other specialties. (计算机研究协会声称,计算机科学专业在大一,大二学生中流行是因


3. ceding that leadership in it innovation is absolutely what the us cannot afford to do if we want to stay globally competitive.


4. the number of computer science majors at us universities began a precipitous decline after the dot-com bubble burst. (在互联网泡沫破裂后,美国大学计算机科学专业的学生人数开始急剧下降)

5. if you take into account the number of baby boomers nearing retirement, the number of available it jobs will far exceed the pipeline of students that are going to be available. (如果你把接近退休年龄的婴儿潮一代的人数考虑在内,可提供的信息技术工作的数量将远远超过现有的学生人数)

unit 4 top 10 technology skills

1. they cannot lay off the people who keep their data center operation humming, and they are loath to let go of the developers who are working on next-generation internet applications. (他们无法解雇那些使其数据中心操作保持运作的人,同时他们也不愿意放走正致力于下一代互联网应用的开发人员)

2. experiences with databases was one of only four technical skills listed by cios, who favored soft skills such as collaboration, problem solving and communication in hiring recent college graduates.


3. a slew of security certifications have increased in value in the past three months, according to the foote report. (根据福特报告,许多安全认证已经在过去的三个月里提升了价值)

4. demand for security specialties is likely to remain strong because few teens are entering the field. (对于安全专家的需求很可能保持强劲,因为很少青少年在踏入这一领域)

5. demand for employees with web development certifications has plummeted in the past year, with the value for certifications in this area dropping 21.8% according to the foote report.


unit 6 using twitter and facebook to find a job

1. the difference today is that a lot more of those recommendations start with connections made through online

networks. (而今天的不同之处在于推荐中的大多数都开始于网络上的联系)

2. gone are the days of simply posting your resume on career builder, e-mailing former colleagues and trolling

company websites for open slots. (简单的把简历投到职场网站,给以前的同事发邮件或者到各个公司的网站上寻找公开的职位招聘的时代已经一去不复返了)

3. that landed him a note from a vice president at cisco system ---a man on the other side of the country who

hadn’t even gone to the same school. (沃德的做法使得他收到了远在这个国家的另一边的思科系统公司副总裁的一个便条。这位副总裁甚至和沃德不是一个学校的校友)

4. he didn’t hire for technology jobs but would pass on ward’s resume to the folks at his firm. (这位人士并不


5. “it was the equivalent of sending a thank-you letter after an interview,” says ward.


unit 7 it certification: 4 most frequently asked questions

1. you also shouldn’t equate certification with your career. multiple certifications don’t add up to a career.


2. assessing the quality of a certification is best done in relation to your needs. how dose the certification match

your interests, your background and your career goals? (一种认证质量的评价最好与你的个人需求联系在一起。该认证符合你的兴趣爱好,个人背景以及职业目标吗)

3. newcomers and career changers who want to get a head start in the it industry often use certification.


4. can you say the ccna is better than the mcse? or vice versa?


5. however, the requirement and value of a degree goes up for high level positions, easing the way into the top

positions of computer professionals.


unit 8 hire right the first time

1. finding good people is one of the toughest challenges facing all businesses. this is because turnover has an

immediate and often devastating impact on the bottom line. (由于人员流动率会对企业盈亏造成直接的和往往毁灭性的影响,寻找优秀人才便成为所有公司面临的最艰巨的挑战之一)

2. research tells us that most of us make up our minds during a first impression and then use the rest of the

interview to back up our initial judgment. (研究证明,我们大多数人的决定是在第一印象形成时作出的,然后利用剩余的面试时间来证实我们最初的判断)

3. the candidate is comfortable and in control, while we, the interviewers, are not.


4. nowhere is this skill more important than in sales, but this is a critical skill in almost every role.


5. every business is different--- and the ability to learn is the most critical success skill.


unit 10 blackberry is still the leader of the pack

1. rim’s design is much more bandwidth-efficient than its competitors, so carriers make the most money off the

blackberry platform.


2. service, reliability and functionality all play a part in the total valuation, and blackberry continues to

distinguish itself in those terms.


3. rim has solidified its standing at the business smart phone of choice, due to its focus on security and ease of



4. the launch of the blackberry app store has helped draw consumers, experts say.


5. rim will need to launch a competitor that looks and functions more like the pre to continue to drive consumer

demand. (rim需要推出一款有竞争力的产品,而这一产品的外观和性能要很像palm公司的pre手机才能持续推动消费需求)

unit 13 sap: from start-up software vendor to global market leader

1. the company now employs more than 64,500 people, whose commitment and innovative spirit pace our

future success. (公司目前员工人数超过64500人,他们的奉献和创新精神成就了企业未来的成功)

2. germany’s renowned business journal, “manager”, named sap its company of the year-a distinction it

would receive twice more in the next few years.


3. it continued to strengthen its industry focus and build more and more industry-specific solutions.


4. with the internet, the user became the focus of software applications.


5. currently, more than 12 million users work each day with sap solutions.


unit 14 competing with google, microsoft tries again on search

1. in april 2009, microsoft accounted for 8.2 percent of searches in the us, a small function of google’s 64.2

percent, according to comscore. (comscore公司数据显示,在20094月,微软占整个美国网上搜索的8.2%,与谷歌的64.2%相比,可以说是微不足道)

2. despite investing heavily in search engine technology over the years, microsoft has watched google steadily

erode at its market share. (尽管这些年来微软在搜索引擎技术上投下了巨额资金,微软还是眼睁睁的看着谷歌一步步的将它的市场份额侵蚀)

3. and it has come up with a new name, bing that will replace the confusing live search.

(并给这项技术起了一个新名字必应,来代替让人有所困惑的live search)

4. bing offers an array of new features that are aimed at simplifying those tasks and it is meant to eventually

expand to cover more of them.


5. whatever that translates into success depends on many unknowns, including whether microsoft’s search

results are generally as helpful as google’s. (而微软是否会因此而取得成功也取决于很多未知的因素,这其中包括微软的搜索结果是否谷歌的搜索结果那样具有普遍意义上的帮助)


