
发布时间:2019-11-13 20:30:44   来源:文档文库   

  Cancer is feared by everyone. And this fear is reaching epidemic(流行性) proportions. Not the disease itself — there is no such thing as a cancer epidemic. Except for lung cancer, mostly caused by cigarette smoking ,the incidence rates are leveling off, and in the case of some kinds of cancer are decreasing. But the fear of cancer is catching, and the country stands at risk of an anxiety, The earth itself is coming to seem like a huge carcinogen(致癌物). The ordinary, more or less scientific statement that something between 80 and 90 percent of all cancers are dun to things in the environment is taken to mean that none of us will be safe until the whole environment is cleaned up. This is not at all the meaning.  

  The 80-percent calculation is based on the unthinkable differences in the incidence of cancer in various societies around the world — for example, the high proportion of liver cancer in Africa and the Far East, stomach cancer in Japan, breast cancer in Western Europe and North America, and the relatively low figures for breast cancer in Japan and parts of Africa and for liver cancer in America. These data indicate there may be special and specific environmental influences, largely based on personal life-style, that determine the incidence of various forms of cancer in different communities — but that is all the data suggest. The overall incidence of cancer, counting up all the cases, is probable roughly the same everywhere.  

  1Which of the following is closest to meaning to the phrase leveling off?

  A)Became very popular

  B)Reached its lowest level in popularity

  C)Stopped being popular

  D)Stopped increasing its popularity

  2According to the passage, the incidence of cancer is generally believed _____.

  A)to be based on inactive life style

  B)to be due to anxiety

  C)to result from environmental influences

  D)to be caused by heavy smoking

  3It can be inferred from the passage that the writers opinion about the relationship between cancer and environment is_____.





  4According to the passage, the writer seems to feel that_____.

  A)cancer risk is on the rise

  B)the whole earth resembles a huge carcinogen

  C)the risk of catching cancer is not so great as most people conceive

  D)cancer can be cured sooner or later

  5Which of the following would be the best TITLE for the passage?

  A)Cancer and Environment

  B)The Fear Caused by Cancers

  C)Data on Cancer Incidence

  D)Cancer and its Investigation





There has been a lot of unfair and biased criticism of families who welcome foreign students into their homes. I should like to tell you of my own personal experiences, which are not so different from my neighbors' experience, I might add.

A host family is sent students by school or college and their homes are regularly inspected by the accommodation staff. If a home is below the required standard, the family is removed from the school's accommodation list. Apart from this, the host family is obliged to follow certain rules, as laid down by the school.

The problem is that the host family cannot inspect students or refuse to accept the ones who look dirty, unreliable or noisy. And they don't seem to follow any rules at all in their behavior to the host family. We are often treated like servants or hotel staff, which is rude and bad manners.

The fee paid to a host family only just covers the actual cost of providing meals etc. A hostess is lucky to make more than a pound or two "profit" on each student. One has to remember that she has to wash their clothes, allow them to have hot baths, pay for their lighting and the heating in their bedrooms, and cope with damage to furniture, bedding and carpets.

Another thing is that most of them do not want to be part of the family. They prefer to be out with other students causing annoyance to local residents in the town center. They remain in their bedrooms all morning and afternoon if they can, resting before the evening so that they can go out until the early hours of the morning.

Bedrooms like pigsties(猪圈). Food, empty bottles and waste paper all go under the bed. When taken to task the reply is invariably that they don't understand or that the school has told them they may do as they wish.

Not only that, but we have to put up with their complaints about the food, the weather and even our TV programs. It's time foreign students were taught to be polite and to behave properly, as well as how to speak English!

1. The author's attitude towards foreign students as mentioned in the passage is ____.

A) critical

B) questioning

C) approving

D) objective

2. By "biased" (Line1, Para.1) the author means ____.

A) supreme

B) partial

C) preferable

D) prejudiced

3. Which of the following is mentioned in the second paragraph?

A) The accommodation standard is set up by the staff of a hotel

B) A host family usually has no alternative but to accept the student assigned

C) A student is sometimes treated rudely, like a servant

D) A host family may reject any student candidate who looks undesirable

4. The passage tell us ____.

A) foreign students keep good terms with their hostesses

B) foreign students come to stay with their host families to learn English

C) a hostess does not make much profit because she has to buy new furniture

D) the local TV programs are very popular among foreign students

5. The main purpose of the author in writing this passage is ____.

A) to criticize foreign students for not sharing housework with their hostesses

B) to suggest that a new accommodation standard be laid down

C) to complain about the irresponsibility of foreign students

D) to give an account of his personal experiences with foreign students

































1.A) critical, 批判的、批评的. D不能搭配题干中的attitude towards foreign students, 又因本文立场明确, B也不对. A是完全不对.

2.D) prejudiced, 有成见的. 出现地点:There has been a lot of unfair and biased criticism of families who welcome foreign students into their homes. 通过unfair and可推断出biased也为反面意思, 只有D是反面意思. 这几个词可以记一记.

3.B) A host family usually has no alternative but to accept the student assigned对应原文第三段第一句The problem is that the host family cannot inspect students or refuse to accept the ones who look dirty, unreliable or noisy. 第二段和第三段亦刚好可以用来解释ACD为什么是错的。

4.标准答案为B) foreign students come to stay with their host families to learn English, 怕是又错了。偶觉得该选C)a hostess does not make much profit because she has to buy new furniture. 首先AD都是明显错的, B中的learn English只是最后一句有所提及, It's time foreign students were taught to be polite and to behave properly, as well as how to speak English, 但这个learn Englishstay with their host families的关系并非B所讲的那样. C对应原文第四段, 最多是because后面的内容不全面, 但比ABD看起来要好。个人意见, 欢迎讨论。

5.C)to complain about the irresponsibility of foreign students,

The medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospital may play an important role in helping patients to get better.

As part of a nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the museums and into public places, some of the country’s best artists have been called in to change older hospitals and to soften the hard edges of modern buildings. Of the 2500 national health service hospitals in Britain, almost 100 now have very valuable collections of present art in passages, waiting areas and treatment rooms.

These recent movements first started by one artist, Peter Senior, who set up his studio at a Manchester hospital on northeastern England during the early 1970s.

He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society, and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience.

A common hospital waiting room might have as many as 5,000 visitors each week. What a better place to hold regular exhibitions of art! Senior held the first exhibition of his own paintings in the outpatients waiting area of the Manchester Royal Hospital in 1975. Believed to be Britain’s first hospital artist, Senior was so much in demand that he was soon joined by a team of six young art school graduates.

The effect is striking. Now in the passages and waiting rooms the visitor experiences a full view of fresh colors, playful images(形象) and restful courtyards.

The quality of the environment may reduce the need for expensive drugs when a patient is recovering from an illness. A study has shown that patients who had a view onto garden needed half the number of strong pain killers compared with patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at.








 1. The phrase “these recent initiatives” (Line 1, Para .3) in this context refers to ____.

  A) regular art exhibitions in hospitals

  B) transformations of older hospitals

  C) exhibitions of paintings in galleries

  D) establishment of studios in northeast England

  2. The writer mentions the six young art school graduates in order to show ______.

  A) visitors to hospitals are warmly received

  B) the role of the hospital environment is being recognized

  C) the contribution of Peter Senior is highly appreciated

  D) the hard edges of hospitals are being restored

  3. The aim of art exhibitions British hospitals encouraged was _____.

  A) to alter the appearance of older buildings

  B) to reduce the need for expensive drugs

  C) to appeal to a larger audience

  D) to improve the quality of the hospital environment

  4. The improvement of the hospital environment seems to be effective in ______.

  A) making it unnecessary to give drugs to patients

  B) helping the modern artists regain their status in society

  C) helping patients recovering from illnesses

  D) calling in more talented artists to hospitals

  5. The writer’s attitude towards the effect of art exhibitions in hospitals is ______.

  A) suspicious

  B) positive

  C) neutral

  D) unfavorable


  Passage 1

  In Japan many workers for large corporations have a guarantee of lifetime employment. They will not be laid off during recession or when the tasks they perform are taken over by robots (机器人). To some observers, this is capitalism at its best, because workers are treated as people not things. Others see it as necessarily inefficient and believe it cannot continue if Japan is to remain competitive with foreign corporations more concerned about profits and less concerned about people.

  Defenders of the system argue that those who call it inefficient do not understand how it really works. In the first place not every Japanese worker has the guarantee of a lifetime job. The lifetime employment system includes only " regular employees." Many employees do not fall into this category, including all women. All businesses have many part time and temporary employees. These workers are hired and laid off during the course of the business cycle just as employees in the United States are. These " irregular workers" make up about 10 percent of the nonagricultural work force. Additionally, Japanese firms maintain some flexibility (灵活性) through the extensive use of subcontractors (分包单位). This practice is much more common in Japan than in the United States.

  The use of both subcontractors and temporary workers has increased markedly in Japan since the 1974—1975 recession. All this leads some to argue that the Japanese system really is not all that different from the American system. During recessions Japanese corporations lay off temporary workers and give less business to subcontractors. In the United States, corporations lay off those workers with the least seniority (资力). The difference then is probably less than the term "lifetime employment" suggests, but there still is a difference. And this difference cannot be understood without looking at the values of Japanese society. The relationship between employer and employee cannot be explained in purely contractual terms. Firms hold on to the employees and that employees stay with one firm. There are also practical reasons for not jumping from job to job. Most retirement benefits come from the employer. Changing jobs means losing these benefits. Also, teamwork is an essential part of Japanese production. Moving to a new firm means adapting to a different team and at least temporarily, lower productivity and lower pay.

  1. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

  A. Employment in Japan

  B. Employment both in Japan and in America

  C. Lifetime Employment in Japan

  D. Lifetime Employment in the United States

  2. According to the passage, a woman in Japan _______.

  A. cannot get a lifetime job

  B. cannot get a part time job

  C. will be employed for life

  D. is among the regular workers

  3. The use of subcontractors _______.

  A. is much more common in Japan than in the United States

  B. began in 1974

  C. makes Japanese firms less flexible

  D. is out of date now in Japan

  4. Those, who are first laid off by American corporations, are_______.

  A. temporary workers    B. regular workers

  C. senior workers    D. junior workers

  5.The following statements are reasons for Japanese workers to stay with one firm except ______.

  A. they don't want to lose their retirement benefits

  B. they get used to the teamwork

  C. any change of jobs will make them less paid

  D. they are not adaptable people

































We might marve at the progress made in every field of study,but the methods of testing a person's knowledge and ability remain as primitive as ever they were.It really is extraordinary that after all these years,educationists have still failed to devise anything more efficient and reliable than examinations.For all the pious claim that examinations test what you know,it is common knowledge that they more do the exact opposite.They may be a good means of testing memory,or the knack of working rapidly under extreme pressure,but they can tell you nothing about a person's true ability and aptitude.

  As anxiety-makers,examinations are second to none.That is because so much depends on them.They are the mark of success or failure in our society .Your whole future may be decided in one fateful day.It doesn't matter that you weren't feeling very well,or that your mother died.Little things like that don't count:the exam goes on.No one can give of his best when he is in modern terror ,or after a sleepless night,yet this is precisely what the examination system expects him to do.The moment a child begins school,he enters a world of vicous competition wher success and failure are clearly defined and measured.Can we wonder at the increasing number of 'drop-outs':young people who are written off as utter failures before they have even embarked on a career? Can we be surprised at the suicide rate among students?

  A good education should,among other things,train you to think for yourself.The examinations system does anything but that.What has to be learnt is rigidly laid down by a syllabus,so the student is encouraged to memorise.Examinations do not motivate a student to read widely,but to restrict his reading;they do not enable him to seek more and more knowledge,but induce cramming.They lower the standards of teaching,for they deprive the teacher of all freedom.Teachers themselves are often judged by examination results and instead of teaching their subjects,they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques which they despise.The most successful candidates are not always the best educated;they are the best trained in the techique of working under duress.

  The results on which so much depends are often nothing more than a subjective assessment by some anonymous examiner.Examiners are only human.They get tired and hungry;they make mistakes.Yet they have to mark stacks of hastily scrawled scripts in a limited amount of time.They work under the same sort of pressure as the candidates.And their word carries weight.After a judge's decision you have the right of appeal,but not after an examiner's.There must surely be many simple and more effective ways of assessing a person's true abilities.Is it cynical to suggest that examinations are merely a profitable business for the institutions that run them?This is what it boils down to in the last analysis.The best comment on the system is this illiterate message recently scrawled on a wall:'I were a teenage drop-out and now I are a teenage millionaire.

































 The great advance in rocket theory 40 years ago showed that liquid fuel rockets were far superior in every respect to the skyrocket with its weak solid fuel, the only kind of rocket then known. However, during the last decade, large solid fuel rockets with solid fuels about as powerful as liquid fuels have made their appearance, and it is a favorite layman’s(外行) question to inquire which one is “better.” The question is meaningless; one might as well ask whether a gasoline or a diesel engine is “better.” It all depends on the purpose. A liquid fuel rocket is complicated, but has the advantage that it can be controlled beautifully. The burning of the rocket engine can be stopped completely; it can be reignited(重新点火) when desired. In addition, the thrust can be made to vary by adjusting the speed of the fuel pumps. A solid fuel rocket, on the other hand, is rather simple in construction, though hard to build when a really large size is desired. But once you have a solid fuel rocket, it is ready for action at very short notice. A liquid fuel rocket has to be fueled first and cannot be held in readiness for very long after it has been fueled. However, once a solid fuel rocket has been ignited, it will keep buming. It cannot be stopped and reignited whenever desired (it could conceivably be stopped and reignited after a pre calculated time of burning has elapsed) and its thrust cannot be varied. Because a solid fuel rocket can be kept ready for a long time, most military missiles employ solid fuels, but manned spaceflight needs the fine adjustments that can only be provided by liquid fuels. It may be added that a liquid fuel rocket is an expensive device; a large solid fuel rocket is, by comparison, cheap. But the solid fuel, pound per pound, costs about 10 times as much as the liquid fuel. So you have, on the one hand, an expensive rocket with a cheap fuel and on the other hand a comparatively cheap rocket with an expensive fuel.

  31. The author feels that a comparison of liquid and solid fuel rockets shows that ________.

  A. neither type is very economical

  B. the liquid fuel rocket is best

  C. each type has certain advantages

  D. the solid fuel rocket is best

  32. The most important consideration for manned space flight is that the rocket be ________.

  A. inexpensive to construct

  B. capable of lifting heavy spacecraft into orbit

  C. easily controlled

  D. inexpensive to operate

  33. Solid fuel rockets are expensive to operate because of their ________.

  A. size B. burning time

  C. fuel D. complicated engines

  34. Which of the following statements is not characteristic of liquid fuel rockets?

  A. The fuel is cheap.

  B. They are cheap to build.

  C. They can be stopped and reignited.

  D. They must be used soon after fueling.

  35. Which of the following statements is a possible disadvantage of solid fuel rockets?

  A. They are complicated.

  B. They are uneasily adjusted.

  C. They are expensive to construct.

  D. They cannot be ready for action with little time for preparation

大力推进火箭理论40多年前发现,液体燃料火箭 远远要比在各方面的猛增,其脆弱的固体燃料火箭,唯一一个知道。然而,在过去十年中,大量的固体燃料火箭 固体燃料作为强大的液体燃料使它们的外观,和它是一个最喜欢的外行的(外行)问题询问哪个是“更好。”问题是毫无意义的;我们也可以问汽油或柴油发动机“更好”。这都取决于目的。液体燃料火箭发动机是复杂的,但它的优点是可以控制的美丽。燃烧的火箭发动机可以完全停止;它可以点燃(重新点火)时所需的。此外,推力可在不同的速度调节燃油泵。固体燃料火箭发动机 ,另一方面,是相当简单的建筑,虽然辛苦建立的时候大尺寸是理想。但是一旦你有一个坚实的 燃料火箭,这是准备行动在很短的通知。液体燃料火箭燃料 有第一和不准备在它已经很很久以后。然而,一旦一个固体燃料火箭发动机 已被点燃,它将继续燃烧。它不能停止和重新点燃时所需的(它可能会停止并重新点燃后,预先计算燃烧时间已经过去了),其推力无法改变。因为一个固体燃料火箭 可以保持一段时间准备,大部分军事导弹采用固体燃料,但载人航天需要微调,只能由液体燃料。可以补充的是液体燃料火箭 昂贵的装置;一个大型固体燃料火箭 ,相比之下,便宜。但固体燃料,磅每磅,成本约10倍的液体燃料。所以你有,一方面,一个昂贵的火箭与廉价的燃料,另一方面相对便宜的火箭与昂贵的燃料。

31。作者认为,一个比较液体和固体燃料火箭 表明________


液体燃料火箭发动机 B是最好的

C .每个类型都有一定的优势

固体燃料火箭的 最好


A .廉价的建设

B .可解除沉重的飞船进入轨道

C .容易控制

D .廉价的经营

33。固体燃料火箭 昂贵,因为他们________经营。

B.大小 燃烧时间

C . D 复杂的发动机燃料




他们可以停止和 点燃。

他们必须使用不久 加油。

35。下列哪个陈述是一个可能的缺点 固体燃料火箭?

他们是 复杂。




     The intelligent person young or old, meeting a new situation or problem, opens himself up to it.He trise to  take in  with mind and senses everything he can about it. He thinks about it,intstead of about himself or what it might cause to happen to him. He grapples with it boldly,imaginatively,resourcefully, and if not confidently, at least hopefully; if he fails to master it, he looks without fear or shame at his mistakes and learns what he can from them. This is intelligence. Just as clearly, roots lie in a certain feeling about life, and one's self with respect to life. Just as clearly, unintelligence is not what most psychologists seem to suppose, the same thing as intelligence, only less of it. It is  an entirely different style of behavior, arising out of entirely different set of attitudes.


Massive changes in all of the world's deeply cherished sporting habits are underway.

Whether it's one of London's parks full of people playing softball, and Russians taking up

rugby, or the Superbowl rivaling the British Football Cup Final as a televised: spectator event

in Britain, ;he patterns of players and spectators are changing beyond recognition, We are

witnessing a globalization of our sporting culture ........

That annual bicycle race, the Tour de France, much loved by the French is a good case

in point. Just a few years back it was a strictly continental affair with France, Belgium and

Holland, Spain and Italy taking part. But in recent years it has been dominated by Colombian mountain climbers, and American and Irish riders.

The people who really matter welcome the shift toward globalization. Peugeot. Michelin

and Panasonic are multi-national corporations that want worldwide returns for the millions

they invest in teams. So it does them literally a world of good to see this unofficial world

championship become just that.

This is undoubtedly an economic-based revolution we are witnessing here,, one made

possible by. communications technology, but made to happen because of marketing considera-

tions. Sell the game and you can sell Coca Cola or Budweiser as well.

The skilful way in which American football has been sold to Europe is a good example of

how all sports will develop. The aim of course is not really to Spread the sport for its own

sake, but to increase the number of people interested in the major money-making events.

The economics of the Superbowl are already astronomical. With seats at US$125, gate

receipts alone were a staggering $10,000,000. The most important statistic of the day, however, was the $100,000,000 in TV advertising fees. Imagine how much that becomes when the

eyes of the world are watching.

So it came as a terrible shock, but not really as a surprise, to learn that some people are

now suggesting that soccer change from being a game of two 45-minute halves, to one of four

25-minute quarters. The idea is unashamedly to capture more advertising revenue, without

giving any thought for the integrity of a sport which relies for its essence on the flowing

nature of the action.

Moreover, as sports expand into world markets, and as our choice of sports as consumers

also grows, so we will demand to see them played at a higher and higher level. In boxing

we have already seen numerous, dubious world title categories because people will not pay to

see anything less than a " World Title " fight, and this means that the title fights have to be

held in different countries around the world!


. Globalization of sporting culture means that ______-

A. more people are taking up sports.

B. traditional sports are getting popular.

C. many local sports are becoming international.

D. foreigners are more interested in local sports.


 Which of the following is NOT related to the massive changes?

A. Good economic returns.

B. Revival

C. Communications technology

D. Marketing strategies


. What is the authors attitude towards the suggestion to change soccer into one of four 25-

minute quarters?

A. Favorable.

B. Unclear

B. Unclear

D. Critical


People want to see higher-level sports competitions mainly because______

A. they become more professional than ever.

B. they regard sports as consumer goods.

C. there exist few world-class championships

D. sports events are exciting and stimulating.


Section B Skimming and Scanning [5 min]

In this Section there are seven passages with a total of ten multiple-choice questions.

Skim or scan them as required and then mark your answers on your answer sheet.



First read the following question.


. The main purpose of the passage is to ________-

A. warn people of pickpockets

B. tell people what to wear.

C. describe how to catch thieves.

D. explain how to contact




































D .外国人更感兴趣的是当地的体育。


A .经济效益好。

B .复兴

C .通信技术

D .营销策略



A .有利。

B .不清楚

B .不清楚

D .关键




C .存在一些世界级锦标赛

D .体育赛事的精彩和刺激。











 On the night of September 2, 1666, a fire broke out in a baker's shop near Fish Street Hill in London. Before the flames were finally put out, 47 the entire city had been reduced to ashes.

  The great fire was not seen as a total tragedy, however. The terrible conditions of the city had been attacked for years before the fire. Thus, with the 48 to create a shining new city, many people hurried to submit their designs of the rebuilding of London But the task of 49 the city was given to Sir Christopher Wren. Wren realized that the Great Fire would not have been so 50 if the city had been better laid out. Broader streets were needed to replace the crooked, narrow alleys overhung with poor wooden houses and shops. He also felt that 51 the main thorough fares of London would result in increased and more 52 transportation within city When the plans were unveiled to the citizens of London, however, they were overwhelmingly rejected. Many people feared that such widening of the streets would 53 the amount of land available for development.

  Winter was approaching; consequently, it was necessary for the rebuilding to 54 at once Permission was, therefore, granted for the town's people to begin reconstruction of their houses and shops at the sites where they had been before the fire. Had the need for immediate action not been so pressing, some kind of 55 could likely have been reached. This was not to be, however, and the idea that could have made


 there is one difference between the sexes on which virtually every expert and study agree: men are more aggressive than women. it shows up in 2-year-olds. it continues through school days and persists into adulthood. it is even constant across cultures. and there is little doubt that it is rooted in biology in the male sex hormone testosterone.

  if there's a feminine trait that's the counterpart of male aggressiveness, it's what social scien-tists awkwardly refer to as "nurturance". feminists have argued that the nurturing nature of women is not biological in origin, but rather has been drummed into women by a society that wanted to keep them in the home. but the signs that it is at least partly inborn are too numerous to ignore. just as tiny infant girls respond more readily to human faces, female toddlers learn much faster than males how to pick up nonverbal cues from others. and grown women are far more adept than men at interpreting facial expressions: a recent study by university of pennsylvania brain researcher ru-ben gur showed that they easily read emotions such as anger, sadness and fear. the only such e-motion men could pick up was disgust.

  what difference do such differences make in the real world? among other things, women appear to be somewhat less competitive--or at least competitive in different ways--than men. at the harvard law school, for instance, female students enter with credentials just as outstanding as those of their male peers. but they don' t qualify for the prestigious law review in proportionate numbers, a fact some school officials attribute to women' s discomfort in the incredibly competitive atmosphere.

  students of management styles have found fewer differences than they expected between men and women who reach leadership positions, perhaps because many successful women deliberately imitate masculine ways. but an analysis by purdue social psychologist alice eagly of 166 studies of leadership style diid find one consistent difference: men tend to be more “autocratic”-making decisions on their own--while women tend to consult colleagues and subordinates more often. studies of behavior in small groups turn up even more differences. men will typically domi-nate the discussion, says university of toronto psychologist kenneth dion, spending more time talking and less time listening.

  56. the passage mainly discusses__________.

  [ a ] how sex differences are demonstrated in social relations

  [ b ] how hormone determines sex differences

  [ c ] why there are differences between males and females

  [ d ] why men and women have different social roles

  57. which of the following is true of women's nurturing nature according to the passage?

  [ a ] it is not inborn in any sense.

  [ b ] it is inspired by women' s families.

  [ c ] it is caused by social prejudice.

  [ d ] it is partly biological in origin.

  58. the harvard law school example in paragraph 3 suggests that_________.

  [ a ] women are not as competitive as men

  [ b ] law is not the fight profession for women

  [ c ] women are as excellent as men when they are young

  [ d ] academic credentials are disproportionate to performance

  59. which of the following statement is tree according to paragraph 4?

  [ a ] men leaders should consult colleagues and subordinates more often.

  [ b ] female leaders' success is due to their imitating male leaders.

  [ c ] men and women are different in their leadership style.

  [ d ] decisiveness is an important quality for a successful politician.

  60. it can be inferred from the passage that the writer_________.

  [ a ] denies the difference sexes make in real life

  [ b ] is prejudiced against men

  [ c ] discourages women to be competitive

  [ d ] treats sex difference objectively









[ J ]为什么男人和女人不同的社会角色




[ J ]这是造成社会偏见。

[ J ]这部分是生物的起源。




[ J ]妇女的男子时,年轻的

[ J ]学历是不相称的表现


[ 1 ]男性领导人应征询同事和下属更经常。


[ J ]男女不同的领导风格。

[ J ]果断性是一个重要的质量的一个成功的政治家。




[ J ]不鼓励妇女成为竞争

[ J ]对待性别差异客观


