The independence

发布时间:2014-12-30 14:28:01   来源:文档文库   

The independence-versus-interdependence issue has been written about regularly and is often introduced as the major issue separating the two worlds of scientific employment: academic and industrial. For decades, academia has paid lip service to the idea of collaboration, but the incentive-and-reward system has been slow to adjust. Despite the widespread interest in collaboration and its obvious value in an academic setting, collaboration remains informal and is actually discouraged by the tenure process, in which scholars are penalized for sharing credit for their work with others.

Large-scale academic collaboration has taken place successfully in the past; the Manhattan Project and contemporaneous radar research, and numerous experimental particle physics projects, to cite just a few examples, are not perhaps academic in the purest sense, but they demonstrate that academic scientists can play well with others. More recently, new systems biology studies are bringing a sense of teamwork into academic life science labs, but there have been some growing pains. Still, in most of academic science—including the life science—the lone wolf still rules.

Cuisine in China is a harmonious integration of color, taste, shape and fragrance. For the cooking process, chefs pick choice and varied ingredients and seasonings and employ the unparalleled and complicated skills handed down from their fathers, always aspiring to their ideal of perfection for all the senses. Among the many cooking methods they use are boiling, stewing, braising, frying, steaming, crisping, baking, simmering.

When they finish their masterpieces they are arranged on a variety of plates and dishes so that they are a real pleasure to view, to smell and ultimately to savor. The facility to partake of these delights is also distinctive—chopsticks! To see even the smallest child eat with such dexterity is quite amazing for many foreigners. The use of two simple sticks in this way is an art in itself and chopsticks have determined the way in which Chinese food is presented at the table.

If we look at love in other countries and cultures, we find many variations. In societies like India, love is not necessarily a prerequisite for marriage. Even highly educated Indian men and women who date non-Indians while living in Western countries often consent to arranged marriages. Respect for parent’s wishes, family traditions, and duty to the kin group are more important than love. Most middle-and upper-middle class women in India can marry whomever they want, Many, however prefer arranged marriages and have veto power over undesirable candidates .Arranged marriages are attractive because they offer more stability than love. According to one highly educated woman in Calcutta who has been happily married for three years to a man she had met just three times before their engagement, love isn’t essential for marital happiness: I met a lot of people I like, but no one was suitable for marriage, because I was looking for practicality also .Love is important, but it’s not sufficient.

Yoga is an ancient system of relaxation, exercise, and healing with origins in Indian philosophy. Early descriptions of yoga are written in Sanskrit, the classical literary language of India. The first known work is The Yoga Sutras, written more than 2,000 years age, although yoga may have been practiced to 5,000 years ago. The initial concepts have been adapted over time through translation and scholarly interpretation, but the fundamental principles describing the practice of yoga in the quest of the soul remain largely intake .Yoga has been described as “the union of mind, boby, and spirit”, which addresses physical, mental, intellectual, emotional and spiritual dimensions toward an overall harmonious state of being. The philosophy of yoga is sometimes pictured as a tree with eight branches .These eight limbs are : pranayama (breathing exercises), prathyahara (physical postures), yama (moral behavior), niyama (healthy habit), dharana (concentration), prathyahara (sense withdrawal), dhyana (contemplation) ,and Samadhi (hogher consciousness). There are several schools ofyoga practice, such as hatha yoga, karma yoga, Bhakti yoga,and raja yoga. These schools vary in the proportions of the exercises of eight limbs. However, they are all similar in working towards the goal of self-realization and control of mental, physiological, and psychological parameters through yogic experiences. In the United States and Euoope,hatha yoga is commonly practiced, including pranayama and asanas. Yoga is often practiced by healthy individuals with the aim to achieve relaxation, fitness, and a healthy lifestyle .Yoga has also been recommended and used for a variety of medical conditions. Yoga techniques can be learned in classes or through videotape instruction. Classes last from 30 to 90 minutes and are offered at various skill levels.

The Moral imperative by considering the value of education which is much deeper than earning potential or building human capital .Education is what it takes to lead fuller lives and to contribute To Our Nation And the word.

Higher education in particular Affords students the opportunities to explore history ,debate  important issues ,and productive society .A nation of education individuals is more likely to strengthen the institutions :in  government, in business and in the Schools they rely upon.

Consider graduation rates.fifteen percent of our high schools produce half  of our dropouts ,and these schools are disproportionately in low-income areas with mostly minority students.nationally,one of every two african american and hispanic  students drops out of high school.

If we are a nation dedicated to equality ,we cannot be satisfied with the status quo.helping more students make it to college and succeed there is a morally urgent challenge

Risk compensation is the idea that individuals tend to adjust their behavior in response to what they perceive as changes in the level of risk. Imagine ,what would happen if safety regulations were to require all cars to be made of cardboard ,fitted with inefficient brakes and whit a sharp spike in the center of the steering column ;if all roads were paved with a substance having the same friction coefficient as ice, and if all drivers were obliged to change every other month or, better yet, if there were no rules about which side of the road to drive on. The evidence suggests that there would be no increase, and possibly a decrease ,in road accident fatalities , but there would be a substantial decrease in the efficiency of the road transport system . It seems that the potential safety benefit of most improvements to roads or vehicles is consumed as a performance benefit .As a result of safety improvements it is now possible to travel farther and faster with approximately the same risk of being killed.


mitigate=alleviate  prospectve=expected   outshone=polished  initiates=originates   Transitioned=transferred  mobilized=organize  convictions=beliefs   ambiguity=vagueness   assets=advantages perception=impression   foster=encourage   collaborated=cooperated  fare=food   moderate=mild   far-reaching=widespread  authentic=genuine   diverse=varied   streaky=fatty  commemorate=honor   lingering=continuing   humility=modesty wronged=treated unjustly insightful=perceptive  demanding of=exacting o obsessive=compulsive   commitment=fidelity   yearning=desire  possessive=jealous   disillusionment=disenchantment   myriad=numerous shape=form   establishment=setup   facet=aspect  prevalent=common   estimated=judged   claimed=stated  flourish=grow well   occasionally=sometimes   commissioned=contracted  prestigious=admired   reimburse=pay   component=part   consensus=agreement  staggeringly=amazingly  collegial=cooperative  contemplation=thinking   supersede=replace   composing=creating  laureate=honored   scholarship=learning   disseminated=spread  rigor=strictness

altruistic  无私的

academia 学术届

acumen  敏锐,聪明

ambiguous  不明确的

ambiguity 不明确

apportion  分摊,分配

accommodate  迎合,迁就

alteration  变动,改变

adept  熟练的

adherent  追随者

align  使,,,拍成一线

antiquity  古代

brink  始发点,边缘

bolster  改进

benchmark  基准

benign  无害的,良性的

catholic 广泛的,普遍的

collective  集体的,共同的

commemorate  纪念,庆祝

collaborative  合作,协作的

conviction  坚定信仰或主张

call on 呼吁,号召

collegial 大学的,学院的

consensus 意见一致的

covet 觊觎,贪求

contemplation 沉思

daring  鲁莽的

diffusion 传播,散播

deviate  背离,偏离

disposition  性情,性格

disciplined  受过训练,遵守纪律

discernment 洞察力,敏锐

disseminate 传播,散播

eloquent 雄辩的,有口才的

elusive  难以表述,难懂的

expertise  专门知识

endeavor  尝试,努力

exquisite  精致的

eccentric  怪异的,古怪的

engross  感兴趣,全神贯注

embryo  胚胎

foremost 首要的,第一的

foster 培养,促进

fare  食物

facet  一个方面

germinal   初级阶段的

mitigate  缓和减轻

mobilize 争取支持,动用资源

malign 有害的

mandate  命令,指令

myriad  无数的

negotiate  顺利通过的

harmonious 和睦的,融洽的

humility  谦逊,谦恭

illumination  阐明

impair  削弱,损伤

immunize 使免疫

impart  传授,告知

imperative 需要

inaugural 就职的,开始的

lingering  经久不消,

laureate  获奖者

lavish   过分多的

long standing 长期存在的

obsessive  着迷的

predecessor  前辈,前任

perception  看法认识

prioritize  使,,,优先

prospective  预期的,可能的

prerequisite  先决条件,前提

perverse  任性的,一意孤行

precept   戒律,准则

prop  支柱,支撑物

proverbial   众所周知的

reckless  轻率的,鲁莽的

reiterate  反复的说,重申

renownwd  著名的

rigor  严密严谨

reimburse  偿还

robustness  健全稳固

retard  阻碍,减缓

sober 清醒的

scholarly  学术性的

scary  可怕的

studied  深思熟虑的

staggering   令人吃惊的

solitary  单独独自

suffuse   弥漫充满

supersede  代替,取代

strenuous  艰苦的,花功夫的

stamina  持久力,耐力

teamwork  合作,配合

transition  过度,转变

temperament  气质,性格

tout  赞扬,吹捧

underlie  成为,,,的基础

utilitarian  功利的,实用的

unsavory  令人厌恶的

unfold 展现,逐渐呈现

vulnerable 脆弱的,易受伤的


《The independence.doc》
